
CHAPTER 8: I Go Adventuring With The Hero's Party...Yay?

After meeting up with Don's friends and Joining the party, we made our way into the village looking for quests, as Don would call it. But I had no idea that the word quest would entail running errands and doing a few chores for some of the villagers.

Turns out these guys are really good kids, they go around helping out people with a few errands and chore. And it turns out they're well-known as well.

We're just returning from helping out in the field. Since we were out in the field, I got to see magic in action. And no matter how many times I see magic in action, it is all so incredible. I wish I could try it out, but unfortunately, I can't, or more like I shouldn't be able too.

It has already been established that kids my age should be unable to use magic, until the age of ten and above. I'm still not sure why, yet though. But for some reason, I can, and I found out at the age of three.

Since that is something that is extremely irregular, I've sworn not to use magic till I'm of suitable age. Honestly, it's really frustrating.

As we got back, we ran into this little girl on our way. She had short hair and her eyes red from crying. She looked really exhausted ad held tightly a ragdoll against her chest.

She sniffled and wailed. Upon seeing the poor girl, Don and the others all hurry to her. It looks like she's someone they're familiar with.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Don asked the wailing girl. "Is it Rob again?"

"N-no, it's not…" the little girl lets out a sniffle before replying.

"Then what is it?" Trise asks the little girl wiping her tears.

"I-it's Muffin! He's gone~" the little girl said while letting out a big wail.

Muffin? Who the hell is that, or is it what? After getting the girl to calm down a little, we inquired more out of her and got a better idea on what's going on.

Muffin, apparently was her pet dog, and had gone missing since yesterday. According to the girl, this wouldn't be the first time her dog has gone out on its own.

The other times, he would normally return that same day before dinner, but it's been a day since he went missing, and is yet to come back.

The dog had gone missing around this time, which on earth would be about two o'clock, so it's been a full day. Muffin has never been out for a full day, which means he's missing. That's why the little girl is upset.

"Ho, that's it?" Don said, "If that's all, then no need to worry. We'll find your dog and bring him back. Leave it to us." Don assured the little girl and took on the job of searching for the missing dog, but the others don't seem to object.

"R-really?" the girl's face brightened up a little hearing this. "Yeah, we'll find your dog in no time at all." Kyle added.

Well, I guess we're going dog hunting now.


We went around the village, searching for muffin the lost dog. We asked around for any sighting of the lost dog. Fortunately, Don and the others were quite familiar with the outward appearance of the dog, so they could easily describe it to the villagers and identify it when found.

The good news is, we managed to confirm a few sightings of Muffin from the villagers. The bad news is, they were all from yesterday, and is no longer in any of those places.

Judging from what I've heard from the little girl and the villagers, the dog is quite adventurous one.

Nevertheless, we made our way to the spots Muffin was sighted in-search of any clue, but found nothing. But at least, we are now sure he really was at some of those places. He did leave us a smelly present after all.

But aside from finding poo, we have absolutely no clues or hints on his whereabouts. We've searched the entire village, but found nothing.

"We've been searching and searching, but have found no clues. How are we even sure Muffin is still within the village?" Kyle says.

"Stop whining, Kyle. And keep searching." Don rebukes Kyle.

Though, there might be meaning in Kyle's whining. Muffin really might no longer still be in the village, there is that possibility as well. Wait, didn't we confirm a sighing of muffin along the walls of the village from one of the villagers?

"No, Kyle might be right." Leon says, "Muffin might no longer be In the village, so how about we go check the walls. We might find something there." Leon voices out exactly what I was thinking.

"Okay then, let's check it out." With that, we make our way to the village's wall.

We got to the wall separating most of the forest from the village. It was a tall wall made of stones and mud for reinforcement. It was tall, but not huge, just tall enough, I guess.

However, I'm not going to let any wall get in my way now. Heh-heh! I've already conquered the notorious door knob back home, so there's no way I'm backing down. No wall scares me!

Guugh! What is that smell? A gruesome smell whiffed pass my nose.

"Jeez! What is that smell?!" it seems like I'm not the only one who noticed the terrible smell, without hiding her disgust, Trise said.

"Hey, guys. Come check this out!" Leon who was a little away from the group, called out to us. Looks like he fund something. "You found something? What is it?"

Don let out a gasp. "wh-what is that? Wait, is that poo?" Kyle let out with an arm hanging over his nose. "So, you called us here to check out poo. How relevant, Leon. How relevant." Kyle said sounding sarcastic.

"Of course not, If only you would take a better look, you'll see what I mean." Leon bites back.

Oh! I see what Leon means. So that's why he called us here?

The shape of the poo was on the odd side, and the color says it has been here for a while. If you tilt your head a little to the side, the poo looked like a flamingo standing on one leg, tilt your leg to the other side, and it looks like a hopping rabbit.

It would have been really cool, if only it wasn't dog crap.

"Come on, Kyle. Don't you get it? If you tilt your head a little to the side, it looks like some bird. And when you tilt your head to the other side, it looks like a rabbit!

That's obviously why he called us here. But Leon, I don't mean to pry, but don't you think having an interest in oddly shaped poo is a bit weird?" Don said.

"That's not it, you idiot!" Leon snapped, "Take a really good look at this, what_ do_ you_ notice?"

"Oh! Now I see it. You're right. It does look like a bird and a rabbit?" Kyle finally noticed and said.

"No, that still isn't it!" Leon snapped again, "Fine! I get the poo has a peculiar shape, but look, there are tracks leading out of it!"

Leon was right. There were tracks leading from the oddly shaped poo. The tracks weren't just any tracks, there were dog's paw prints. Good thing it wasn't the odd shape poo. That was really disturbing.

"Leon is right! There really are dog prints leading from the poo!" kyle said. "Oh! Yeah, that's true. But still, so?"

"Yeah, so?"

Damn! These guys are idiots. Leon let out a long groan and said, "So if we follow these prints to where they lead, we find Muffin or get an idea of his whereabouts." Leon explains to the blockheads.

"Oh! Right, that's true!" Kyle said.

"As expected of Leon. Don, Kyle. You two could learn a few from Leon." Trise said.

"S-shut-up!"x2 both Don and Kyle rebuked.

Anyways, we found our first clue and continued our search. We followed the prints which lead towards a part of the wall. Under it was dug up earth and the prints ended there. Looks like he dug his way out of the village.

"Okay! Let's get over to the other side and save Muffin!" Don declares. Ah! He has already decided that Muffin is in some deep shit.

"Even if you say that, how do we get to the other side?" Kyle voices out what we were all thinking.

"Well, maybe we could lift each other over the wall?" I suggested the most obvious thing we could do right now.

Ah! Now they're all looking at me. But this time their looks were different, it said, 'oh, that's true.'

"Hmph-hmph-hmph. As expected of Reo. What a brilliant idea! you know, Trise. You could learn a thing or two from Reo." Don said before getting a choke hold from Trise. Ah! Somebody stop her, Don's turning blue!

After releasing and reviving Don, we all lifted ourselves above the wall and got to the other side. The forest.