
CHAPTER 19: Aftermath part 2

Few days later---

My sentence was finally lifted. I'm finally a free man again.

After the whole lost dog incident, I was grounded for a few weeks, but it's finally come to an end. As of today, I'm a free man.

I get out of bed and begin my morning stretches.

Though I say I'm now once again a free man, I'm not exactly sure what to do with this freedom. There's really not much difference between when I'm grounded and when I'm not, really.

All I do all day is stay indoors and read. The last time I went out, I got into trouble.

I went straight to the window and swing it open. And at the same moment, something comes flying and hit me in-between my brows, sending me to the ground.

D…déjà vu?

This has definitely happened before, right?

I get up to my feet and walked back to the window.

"Reo! You up yet?"

Looking out the window, I took notice of Kyle by the gate. It looks like they're free as well.

I heaved a sigh and got ready to meet them before heading outside.

"Osu~ it's been a while Reo. You feeling lively?" The first words of Kyle upon seeing me.

"Y…yeah." My reply.

"Can I help you with something?" If Kyle was here, there have got to be a reason, right?

"Come on, let's go. The others are waiting." Without getting a proper reply, I was dragged out my home, down the hill by Kyle so suddenly.

Down the hill, by a tree were a group of kids, three to be exact. They looked our way and began to wave.

Don, Lia and Trise.

I hadn't seen any of these guys for some time now.

"Yo, Reo! You feeling lively?" Don said.

What's up with that greeting?

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yeah, it has"

Don seemed as lively and as cheerful as usual.

"Don, are you sure you're okay now?" Kyle by my side said.

The last time I had seen Don, he was heavily roughed up till the point he was unable to stand on his own. Though, he looks a lot better than then now.

"Hmph, of course I am. Don't underestimate my recovery speed. I'm the hero after all." Don with a smug look said with a pound to his chest, before he began to groan in pain.

"Yeah, he's totally fine"

"Completely fine."

"Full recovery."

"Anyways, what about you, Reo? You looked incredibly pale back then. Are you okay now?" Trise turned to me and said.

Well, I did get hit by a spell which zaps away a large sum of your stamina twice head on.

"Ah, yes. I was just a lot tired back then, but I'm okay now. Thanks for asking?" I replied with a small bow.

"Why are you being so stiff, Reo? We're all pals who have made it through near death experience, so what's with that tone of yours?" Don reeled me in and said.

My distant and formal way of speaking hasn't really been pointed out by anyone, even in my past life.

It's something I've been using since then.

"W-well even if you say that, that's just the way I happen to address everyone. It's a form of habit I'm quite used to." I said.

"Really? But you didn't seem to be talking with Lia in the same manner the last time. In fact, your tone was a lot different. It seemed a bit more intimate." Kyle pointed out an unnecessary thing and I jumped.


Did I really sound that casual with Lia? Hearing Kyle's words, I directed my gaze to Lia who had been quiet all this while.


She was beet red and quivered. She lowered her flushed face as soon as she noticed my gaze and hid behind Trise.

Seeing this, Trise made a grin and said,

"Oh? I've been wanting to ask for a while now, Lia. But, what went on between you and Reo? You two have been acting a lot strange and closer ever since then."

"Yeah, I realized too. If I remember correctly, I think Lia and Reo were left alone together for some time, right?" Kyle as if enjoying the whole development, added.

"Yes. Yes. Would you mind filling us in on what happened?" Trise pressed the topic.

"N-n-n-no! I-I-It's nothing. N-nothing happened between us!" Lia getting restless, said.

"W-we just talked a little and…" Her voice began shrinking a little. She turned her face to the side revealing her flushed ears.


"And what?" Trise and Kyle pressed for more.

"…A-and w-we just w-watched the sun go down together." Saying this, I could swear I saw steam or vapor poof out of the top of Lia's head, before she falls to the ground and passed out.

Her face still plenty red.

Sigh. She said something unnecessary.

"…I don't get it." Don who had a meek face that literally said, 'what are you guys going on about,' said.

How dense can you really be?

"…U-uh. Where's Leon?" after the whole Lia thing had settled down a bit, I noticed one person was excluded from the group.

Leon hadn't been among Don and the rest, which I found odd.

"Tsk. That guy. He blew us off saying he's got something else to do or whatever." The question directed to Don was instead answered by an Unpleased, irritated Kyle.

But did Leon seriously blow them off? That's really unexpected.

"Leon has been up to something lately…" the one who said this, was Don with his fingers against his chin.

'has been'? You say that like you've been in contact with him all through the time you were supposed to be grounded.

"Whenever I run into him, he's always look beat up and exhausted nowadays." Don said, narrowing his eyes and his voice laced with suspicion and curiosity.

No wait. Weren't you supposed to be grounded?

"When I try asking him, he shrugs and says it's nothing. But there's definitely something up." Don added.

So Leon has been up to something. According to Don, he's been looking a lot beat up and exhausted, plus, he blew these guys off today.

"What could he be up to?" Trise said.

"W-well, it's Leon we're talking about. He should be fine. I really don't think we should pry." I said.

If Leon refuses to tell us what's going on, then I don't think we should pry.

"Hm… Reo is right." Don said.

I never really expected him to say that.

Don breathes in and out.

"….Yosh. looks like we're going to have to confront Leon ourselves then." Striking his fist against his palm, Don said.

Oi, didn't you just agree not to pry?

And so, like that, we all went for Leon's home.

# # # # #

In front of us, stood a door. We were at Leon's home. It had a wide compound and a big tree in the front yard. It was made of the same materials as other homes in the village.


With a small knock, we made our presence known.

"Coming!" A feminine voice came from the opposite side of the door, as well as the sound of rushed footsteps approaching the door.

With a light creak, the door opened up revealing a tall, beautiful woman with long, braided gold hair which hung over her shoulder.

The beautiful woman wore a white apron very similar to the one Layla always have on.

Seeing us, the gorgeous woman let out a warm smile which almost made my heart skip a beat. I instantly felt fuzzy inside.

I've come to realize this, but the humans in this world, both men and women are all just so gorgeously pretty, it's almost unfair. If I were still Trevor, no doubt, I would have fallen for this lady right now.

"My, it's the hero's party." The blonde woman said with a giggle and a charming voice.

"Good morning, Mrs. Grey!"

"Morning, Leon's mom."

Don and the rest all greeted cheerfully to the blond woman which happened to be Leon's mom.

So this is Leon's mom…I can definitely see the resemblance…so that's where he gets his good looks from.

Mrs. Grey bent down to us. Still maintaining her smile, she said,

"Morning, Don. And what brings the whole party here?" She asked.

"We're actually here for Leon. Is he home?" Don replied with a question of his.

Mrs. Grey places a finger against her chin and stops to think for a second.

"Leon should be out back." After three seconds, she said.

"The back yard then. I see. Thank you, Leon's mom."

"No problem, hero Don." Mrs. Grey said saluting a little.

This woman really is a goddess. I was unable to keep my eyes off her since seeing her. She's gorgeous.

She notices my gaze and sends a smile my way.


M-my heart probably just skipped a bit.

Following what Leon's mom said, we moved on to the backyard. Upon getting there, the sounding of cutting air and wood clashing fiercely against each other could be heard.

There, against the floor of the yard, a beat up Leon laid panting.


Reacting to Trise's voice, Leon got up and turned toward our direction.

"Eh? Y-you guys…" he had this confused look on his face.

"What are you guys doing here?" Getting up, Leon said. He still looked very confused.

"Oh, we just thought we'd check out what that important 'thing' of yours was." With exasperation in his voice, Kyle said making air quotes with his fingers.

Sigh…air quotes.


Leon was at a loss for words. Unsure of what to say, he averted our gazes and lowered his face.

"U-uhm. Leon, what's going on?" Lia spoke up.

"Even I am curious as to why you blew us off today." She added.

"Ah. Morning, Mr. Ridge." Don said to Mr. Ridge who was at the yard as well.

Mr. Ridge, Leon's father. He has a big build and short white hair. The resemblance between him and Leon is almost nonexistence.

"Umu. Morning, Don…I see you've mostly recovered as expected. Don't let those flaming passion go out now." Mr. Ridge said.

….Flaming passion?

"Umu. Of course I won't." Don replied.

Don't copy his speech. In fact, why are you even copying it?

"Um, Mr. Ridge." Trise called out.

"Yes, Trise? What is it?" Mr. Ridge turns to her and said.

"Why is Leon all beat up? I'd-we'll like to know." Trise said.

Leon looked all beat up and exhausted. He laid on the ground tirelessly as he panted. I as well would like to know why.

Mr. Ridge takes a moment and looks at us and turned to say,

"Well, you see…" But was quickly interrupted.

"I want to get stronger!" A stern voice from Leon.