
CHAPTER 14 (2): The fool and the jealous.

Three kids ran through the walls of a dark underground tunnel. One of these kids was overly battered and unable to pull his own weight. The other two supported by lending their shoulders.

These kids were none other than Don, Leon and Reo.

They ran trying to evade their pursuers. These pursuers happen to be bloodthirsty hounds.

Further behind them, vicious growling and heavy barking followed them. Luckily, the three had a head start against these hounds, and managed to put quite the distance between them and the bloodthirsty beasts.

Though that said, the hounds were gaining up on them quickly. The pace of the kids wasn't enough to lose the hounds for good. The major reason happening to be Don who was incapable of moving on his own.

As already established, Don was bruised and battered allover, hence was unable to move on his own.

Leon as well wasn't in the best of conditions, in fact none of these kids were. Extreme fatigue was what they all shared in common.

Throughout the course of the day, they had been running and trying to get far, far away from the doorstep of death. It was only natural they would be in such a state.

Even Reo who had been born with a unique body and stamina enough to shame a grown man was finding it hard to lose the hounds. If it were up to him alone, this might have been possible.

But Reo was unable to abandon the other two, Don and Leon. He couldn't and wasn't going to leave his friends behind in such a situation.

Reo with his stamina would be capable enough to lose and out maneuver the hounds, but if he did, he would be abandoning his friends.

One might as well say Don and Leon were a major weakness, a major burden against Reo who were as well reducing his chances of survival. But Reo never thought of them as such.

He never even saw them as a hindrance, much less a burden. Instead, he thinks quite the opposites.

In his past life, Reo had been a major pushover who was as gullible to take on the responsibilities of others which was incredibly unnecessary, hence he was always taken lightly and for granted by those around him.

And once again, Reo exhibits his trait from his past life. He had taken on the responsibility of getting the kids out safely upon himself.

Instead of leaving them to make a run for it, he would rather lay down his life to get them out.

But why would he do that for people he just recently met, people who gave him cold looks and immediately judged him upon a first glance at him, people who hadn't thought of giving him a chance, why would he go so far? He did worn them, so why?

Maybe to prove himself? to show them he's a nice guy or to become friends? Or maybe to play hero? No. Reo had no reasons like that.

Before Reo had died and was reborn, he had regretted never being able to make a big difference in the world or leaving behind some kind of mark.

He wished he had been able to achieve something fulfilling before he died, but was unable to.

So in order to clear up those regrets, he decided to get the kids out alive. He feels like that would be able to close up that hole and emptiness he felt that time.

'At least I managed to get them out. Now I can truly rest,' in order to say those words. That was Reo's initial reason, but then he thought, 'Wait, do I really need such a reason to get these helpless kids out?' and discarded his original reason.

Besides, leaving them would leave a bad taste in his mouth. Reo is naïve. An overly naïve and gullible idiot. He has the mind of an adult capable of making logical reasoning and decisions, but the part of him which takes up unnecessary responsibilities having no concern with him, basically, his in ability to say 'No' and stand firmly by it might just be what makes him human.

Reo had already sworn to live a slow boring life, but due to his nature, in addition with other elements, his slow boring life might just take a hundred and eighty degree turn for the better or worst.


"!...You guys…"

Reo, Don and Leon soon ran into the others. Lia upon seeing them was relived and happy to see Reo and the rest safe and okay, but was quite surprised to see Don in such a state.

Reo and Leon also were surprised. They hadn't expected to run into the others here. They were supposed to have left for the village.

"You guys, what are you doing back here?" Leon asked. He was just as confused as Reo at the moment, but a little part of him was happy to actually see them.

"There's no time! We need to get out of here fast!" without waiting for a reply, Reo said urgently and firmly.

This would be the first time Reo had sounded like this to them, so they were all taken aback.

Reo noticed this and reflected.

"W-we need to get out of here!" He said more calmly.

Even without Reo saying so, the others already new that.

The growls and barks of the hounds were getting louder as they drew nearer.

Reo looks behind Lia and noticed the five other kids they found locked up and gritted his teeth. Right there, he renewed his resolve.

"I…I have a plan." Hearing his words, they all looked up to Reo. A little ray of hope could be seen as the looked.

Seeing this, Reo balled his fingers into a fist and resolved his determination once again.

Reo knew what his plan held. He knew it was dangerous. Being the one who thought it up, he had so many doubts about it.

It was a dumb plan that might as well be considered suicide instead of a plan, but nevertheless. He had already resolved himself.

He handed Don over to Kyle. Kyle didn't mind, but wondered why.


"I'll draw the hounds while you guys get out of here!" Leon suddenly said out of nowhere

"Eh?" Reo let out.

The others as well all shared the same looks as if processing what Leon had just said.

"H-haw? What are you talking about? There's no way you're going to do that!" Kyle spoke up and rebuked Leon.

"Y…yeah. If we all work together, I'm sure we would be able to make it out safely." Lia said.

"Yeah. So there's no need to say or do such a thing." Trice added.

Only Reo along with the five other kids said nothing. They just remained silent.

Leon isn't dense. He had already guessed what Reo was going to say and said it himself.

Leon definitely didn't want to be the one to draw the attention of the hounds away. Just the mere idea of it makes him tremble. Unlike Reo, his resolve was close to nothing.

So then why does he say he'll do it?

Leon didn't want Reo to be the one to do it. He feels Reo has been standing out a bit too much. Though Reo himself hasn't really done much of anything, Leon can't help but feel like he's losing to him somehow.

He feels Reo has been in the spotlight too much and doesn't like that. Simply put jealousy.

Ever since meeting Reo, Leon has felt this big gap between them. He was overcome with the feeling of inferiority and doesn't like that. The way Reo presents himself, the air around him makes Leon feels smaller in comparison.

Having someone like Reo in the group meant competition in many ways but one and Leon felt he was losing in all.

Simply put it like this; his position as the hot guy in the group is threatened by the arrival of a natural, Reo (seems easier to understand this way, right?).

'This is it. Th…this is my chance, my time to outshine him. So why…why can't I stop trembling?' Leon thought to himself.

He hadn't resolved himself the same way Reo had. Deep down inside, he wishes someone would stop him, someone else should take up the responsibility. Fortunately for him, his wish was about to be heard.

"…i-I've decided…I've made up my mind already." Leon said putting up a front, but unknown to him, his voice was trembling deeply.

Reo notices Leon's trembling body. He steps forward and places his hand on his shoulder.

"No. I'll draw the attention of the hounds. You guys go on ahead." At Reo's words, Leon felt lighter and relief.

"Eh? Reo you too?" Lia looked worriedly at Reo.

"What's up with that? Didn't you hear what we just said to Leon?" Trice lashed out.

"I have a plan." Reo ignored Trice's comment and announced.

"That plan, can't we all help with it?" Kyle said. And with no hesitation at all, Reo said,

"No, you can't! There's nothing you guys can do." The speed of his reply was unexpected. It was almost as if he was saying they were all useless.

"Are we going to be that much of a burden?" Lia asked.

"Exactly!" Another immediate reply.

"You're all just going to slow me down. That's why you need to get out of here." Reo's words cut deep into them. Even the five other kids seemed to have reacted to them.

Reo himself realized how harsh his words and tone sounded. He felt a bit remorseful, but of course, he never considered them a burden.

"I…is that so?" Lia mutters sorrowfully.

Reo heaved a sigh then walked up to her. He couldn't stand seeing Lia like this. Looking her in the eyes, he wore a warm smile and said,

"I'll be fine. You guys just head out that way. I'll follow soon." He pointed towards a direction where he felt a draft coming from.

Lia looks back at Reo and said, "Are you sure you'll be okay? Promise me…promise me you'll be okay and follow us." She insisted.

"Yeah. It's a promise." Reo assured.

He turned to the others and said to them,

"We've wasted enough time. You guys get out. I'll buy you enough time." And took off towards the direction the hounds were coming from.

Leon had suggested he went with Reo but was turned down. He felt relief and at the same time disgust…disgust towards himself for feeling relived that someone was laying his life for him to make it out alive.

It was a truly disgusting feeling. Leon couldn't do anything but curse himself.


After sending the others off, Reo went towards the direction the hounds were coming from. There, he drew the attention of the hounds away from the others.

Fortunately, all four of the hounds all fell for the bait and came after Reo.

Though Reo had said such reassuring words to Lia, he was just putting up a front in front of the others.

Reo runs desperately trying to buy enough time for the others to get as far away as possible from the cave. He had gone on about having a plan, but in truth, he had none.

He declared he had a plan to lessen the worry if even a little on the others, but in reality, he had none. What an idiot.

It would be a bit wrong to say he had no plan entirely. He did have a plan, but a half-assed one (don't get your hopes high). His plan was simple, straight forward and half-assed.

To get the hounds to chase him long enough for the others to get as far away as possible. Nothing more, nothing less. I did say it was half-assed.

Just like the time with freeing and helping the others escape, he had no plan, but somehow managed to pull through…sort of. He hopes the same thing happens again.

Just because he got lucky the first time doesn't mean he would the second. The one called Reo Bellar truly is a magnificent fool.

Depending on dumb luck in a situation like this

The main reason he's doing this is for the kids to make it out safely. He doesn't care what happens in turn to him. He puts their life first and disregards his own.

He believes if he manages to get the kids out in return for his life, he would have no regrets. Unlike his past life, he was able to make a difference even if a little.

But deep down, he really doesn't want to die.

He ran and ran and ran to avoid the hounds which were catching up to him quickly. He misses his footing upon a turn in the tunnel and falls down a slope.

The hounds came after him but couldn't make it down the slope for it was two small for them to fit in.

The barked and growled viciously as all they could do was watch their prey fall down a hole.

Reo fell down the slope and bumped his head. When he came to, he realized he was in a different room. One that he was familiar with.

He was back at the chapel.