
Disaster: Undesired Fate

"Am I deserving of existence?" A tale unfolds of a youth adrift in the void of purpose, entwined in the tendrils of sorrow and agony. Fate's hand guides him into a realm where his battles are not his own, yet the odyssey he embarks upon bears the weight of harrowing recollections. Nightmares grip him relentlessly, whispering of imminent demise should his vigilance waver. No solace, no clemency graces his existence, only the relentless grip of torment. The divine, indifferent to his plight, offer no reprieve, only a specter of death lurking in the shadows of destiny, woven with strands of blood and suffering.

Mvaoun · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 7- First Quest (1)

As dawn broke, a summons from the palace beckoned, and I hastened to the throne room, anticipation coursing through my veins like a river of molten steel. Upon my arrival, a missive was pressed into my hand, its weight a tangible reminder of the weighty task that lay ahead.

"Deliver this missive to the Guildmaster. It is your ticket to attaining the mantle of Guardian," King Grim's voice, authoritative yet tinged with a hint of urgency, pierced the air.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I replied, my voice a steady cadence amidst the regal ambiance of the throne room.

"And remember, conceal your origins from prying eyes. Let not the knowledge of your foreign lineage become a double-edged sword, fostering neither enmity nor undue reliance," the king's words, laden with wisdom, echoed in the recesses of my mind.

"I shall heed your counsel," I affirmed, the gravity of his message weighing heavily upon my shoulders.

"Take this," the king continued, proffering a bag heavy with gold coins. "May it serve you well in your endeavors."

With a respectful nod, I accepted the bag, its contents a testament to the king's generosity and faith in my abilities.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," I offered, gratitude swelling within me like a rising tide.

Departing the palace, I emerged into the bustling thoroughfare, the din of the city enveloping me like a familiar embrace. At the gate, I was met by Darwin, his presence a welcome sight amidst the throng of strangers.

"Your journey begins today," he proclaimed, his voice resolute with determination. "Take this. It will aid you on your path."

In his outstretched hand gleamed a blade, its ebony hue a stark contrast to the gleaming metal of its brethren.

"This sword," Darwin explained, "is attuned to your Shu, strengthening it with each swing. Raynie mentioned that your elemental prowess lies dormant, but fear not, for this blade shall unlock its full potential."

My gaze fell upon the sword, its significance not lost on me. "Are you certain?" I queried, a hint of uncertainty coloring my words.

"Hahaha, I have prepared this expressly for you," Darwin replied, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "Consider it a token of our friendship, and a symbol of my faith in your abilities."

Gratitude welled within me, a swell of emotion as potent as the crashing waves upon the shore. "Thank you," I murmured, my voice a whisper amidst the clamor of the city.

With a nod of acknowledgment, I accepted the sword, its weight a tangible reminder of the trials that lay ahead. And as I ventured forth into the unknown, I carried with me not only the king's decree and Darwin's gift, but also the unyielding resolve to forge my own destiny amidst the crucible of fate.


In a dimly lit chamber, a figure clad in shadows hovered over the communicator, relaying crucial information to their enigmatic superior.

"He's completed the training and departed the palace. Commencing his tenure as a Guardian," the informant's voice echoed through the chamber, the weight of their words palpable in the air.

"Good. Maintain vigilance," came the terse response, punctuated by a flicker of static as the connection terminated.


Emerging into the bustling streets, I made my way towards the guild, the thrum of anticipation pulsating within me like a heartbeat. As I stepped through the threshold, the cacophony of voices washed over me, a symphony of ambition and camaraderie.

Groups of individuals clustered together, their murmurs blending into a unified hum as they formed teams, united in their pursuit of glory. Amidst the throng, I sought out the Receptionist, her presence a beacon amidst the chaos.

"Welcome," she greeted, her eyes scanning me with a hint of curiosity. "You're new here, aren't you? Registering as a Guardian, or perhaps seeking to post a quest?"

"I'm here to register," I confirmed, extending the missive from the kingdom towards her. "And I've brought this letter for the Guildmaster."

With a flicker of recognition, she nodded, her gaze fixating on the royal seal adorning the parchment. "Ah, from the kingdom. Follow me," she beckoned, leading me towards the Guildmaster's sanctum.

Upon reaching the threshold of his chamber, I rapped gently on the door, awaiting permission to enter.

"Enter," came the authoritative command, and I stepped into the room, my senses alert to the air of authority that permeated the space.

"Excuse me," I announced my presence, casting a glance towards the Guildmaster seated behind his desk.

"Hmm... and who might you be?" he inquired, his gaze piercing yet shrouded in a veil of curiosity.

"I'm Higarashi Ken, bearer of a missive from King Grim," I replied, extending the letter towards him.

"Ah, Mr. Higarashi. My apologies for the oversight. Please, take a seat," he gestured towards a vacant chair, his tone tinged with a hint of warmth.

As I settled into the seat, he introduced himself with a nod of acknowledgment. "I am Helmud Vrad, Guildmaster of this esteemed establishment."

Our hands met in a firm handshake, sealing the unspoken bond between us as I presented the letter from the king, its contents a harbinger of the journey that lay ahead.

"Hmm, understood," Helmud's voice resonated with a hint of contemplation, his piercing gaze probing the depths of my resolve. "Your journey begins as a Guardian, tasked with quelling the threat of monster incursions that plague our realm. Ordinarily, aspiring Guardians must undergo rigorous examinations held every three moons to prove their mettle and earn their place among our ranks. However, given your direct appointment by the king, I deem it appropriate to expedite your induction into our esteemed fraternity."

The weight of his words settled upon me like a cloak of responsibility, a tangible reminder of the daunting challenges that awaited beyond the guild's protective walls. It was a stark realization that membership in this revered institution demanded more than mere mastery of Shu abilities—it required courage, fortitude, and a steadfast commitment to safeguarding the realm from the encroaching darkness.

"Very well. Your name shall be inscribed upon the Guardian roster," Helmud declared, his voice resolute yet tinged with a hint of anticipation for the trials that lay ahead.

"Thank you," I acknowledged, my voice a steady cadence amidst the hushed ambiance of the guild hall.

"Venture downstairs and assemble with your comrades. Together, you shall embark upon your inaugural quest," Helmud instructed, his gaze unwavering as he imparted his final directive.

With a nod of understanding, I turned to depart, the weight of Helmud's words echoing in my mind like a solemn oath sworn to uphold the principles of duty and honor.

As I descended the staircase into the bustling main chamber of the guild, a sense of purpose surged within me, fueling my determination to prove myself worthy of the title bestowed upon me by the king. My eyes scanned the myriad quests displayed upon the board, each one a testament to the myriad perils that awaited brave souls willing to venture forth into the unknown.

Amongst the array of tasks, one caught my eye—a straightforward mission that seemed well within my capabilities yet offered a chance to demonstrate my prowess as a Guardian.

--[Bronze level quest]--

Hunt 5 Grey Wolves and procure their pelts.

• Maximum party size: 5 members

• Reward: 20 silver

• Time limit: 2 days

'This shall suffice,' I mused inwardly, my mind already formulating a plan of action to tackle the task at hand. However, before I could set out on my own, a voice interrupted my thoughts, drawing my attention to a figure clad in sturdy armor, a spear slung casually across his back.

"Hey, planning to take on that quest?" The stranger's voice was friendly yet laced with a hint of curiosity.

Turning to face him, I found myself met with an earnest gaze and a warm smile, his eyes brimming with a sense of camaraderie born of shared purpose.

"Hunting five Grey Wolves solo is no small feat. How about we join forces? I'm flying solo as well, and you seem to be without a party," he suggested, his offer genuine and his enthusiasm infectious.

His words struck a chord within me, resonating with the spirit of unity and cooperation that defined the guild's ethos. With a nod of agreement, I accepted his proposition, extending my hand in solidarity.

"Very well. Let us unite our strengths and face this challenge together," I replied, my voice steady with determination.

"Hehehe, excellent! I'm Lloyd, a spearman," he introduced himself, his demeanor brimming with confidence and camaraderie as he clasped my hand in a firm handshake.

"I'm a swordsman, my name is Ken, please help me," I implored, desperation lacing my words as I turned to Lloyd, my newfound ally in this perilous undertaking.

"Hmmm, this is not ideal. We'll need to bolster our ranks to ensure our success," Lloyd replied, his brow furrowed with concern as he assessed our current predicament.

It dawned on me then, the gravity of our situation sinking in like an anchor dragging us down. With only a lone damage dealer in our midst, our chances of triumphing against the formidable Grey Wolves seemed increasingly slim.

"Alright, let's seek out additional members," I concurred, steeling myself for the task ahead.

Together, we scoured the bustling guild hall in search of willing allies, yet the majority had already formed their own parties, leaving us to navigate the sea of faces alone in our quest for companionship. Amidst the crowd, however, my gaze fell upon a solitary figure, her demeanor introspective as she studied a small carved stone with a contemplative air.

"Lloyd, what about her?" I suggested, gesturing towards the lone figure seated amidst the bustling throng.

Lloyd's expression flickered with uncertainty at my suggestion, his hesitation palpable as he deliberated over my proposal.

"Um... I'm not certain if she'd be willing to join our cause," Lloyd finally admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Why's that?" I inquired, curiosity piqued by Lloyd's apprehension.

"She's been a Guardian for quite some time, but... her track record is less than stellar. She's completed only two quests thus far, as her abilities are often deemed... inadequate," Lloyd explained, his tone tinged with sympathy for the mysterious figure.

"What are her abilities?" I pressed, intrigued by the enigmatic Guardian's purported shortcomings.

"She's a Runemaster—a rare class with potent abilities, but her downfall lies in the lengthy casting time of her mantras. Despite this, her spells can yield formidable healing and potent buffs, depending on the situation," Lloyd elaborated, his gaze distant as he recalled her unique skill set.

Runemaster... the name was unfamiliar to me, yet if Lloyd's assessment held true, she could prove to be a valuable asset, particularly in a supporting role—a welcome addition to our fledgling party.

"Then all we need is to find a sturdy tank to weather the enemy onslaught," I remarked, optimism creeping into my voice despite the daunting task that lay ahead.

"A tank may suffice against individual assailants, but against a horde of foes, even the stoutest defender will find themselves overwhelmed," Lloyd countered, his words a sobering reminder of the perils that awaited us.

"Let's press on, then. This marks my maiden quest, and I refuse to falter at the first hurdle," I declared, determination burning brightly within me as I steeled myself for the trials yet to come.