
Dion journey

The journey of a boy named dion and his rise through the wicked world of Alfsteria where he trains to the point of blood sweat and tears to achieve the title of the strongest

JTM · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 || Expoius

Deon awoke in what looks to be a facility it had numerous glass capsules and he was on the bench with both his hands in chains

"Where the fuck am I?"dion said

Then the tall blonde guy with blue eyes approach him in a white coat

"You are in my facility I caught you with those cults so I'll give you the rundown you possess a extremely abundant amount of corrupted Expoius which in terms could end up killing you which is why I'm surprised your not dead right now" said the blonde man in a gentle tone

Dion gave him a confused look obviously not understanding what the man was talking about

"Dark Expoius? What does that even mean and I can die what Do you mean" Dion spoke in an aggressive manner

The blonde man gave him a snare and then yawned at Dion

"Ok ok since you were probably a slave or something you don't know what this is but Expoius is the magic all around us we get this magic by absorbing it through meditating it into your cage and if your thinking of what a cage is think of it as cap or your limit now what you have is corrupted Expoius that will if not contained destroy your cage and kill you"

Dion grasping a little of the situation was still questioning the process of it

"So how can you contain this corrupted Expoius man?"dion asked

The blonde man looked at him with a snare

"It's not man it's Christian Walman and the way I can contain it by putting an ancient seal on you cause at this rate you won't have the skill individually to set all of the corrupted Expoius out since no one is able to do it let's just put a seal on it since the amount of it you have inside of you could rival some great demon lords" Christian would say while chuckling

Dion understood his situation and allowed the process Christian pulled him to his back side and

Begin putting markings on him with ink on his fingers Dion felt it was weird but he didn't feel anything from it. It was until he was finished and Christian began chanting he felt a burn on his back and it only grew to more pains the longer he was chanting Dion soon fell to sleep and was awoken on the floor of a dark empty room he turned to look around but he saw nothing but darkness

"Are you afraid child?" A mysterious voice said in the abyss

Dion looked around confused as he was trying to grasp the location of the voice

"Who are you" Dion asked

Soon all he heard was loud laughter hurting his ears until it went quiet

"My name is.. well you can call me You" the voice replied

Dion looked at him strangely not knowing what he meant by that

"Your name is you?" Dion asked

"Yes I am you and you are me we are together and even though I'm sealed my Expoius still covers your cage so expect yourself to be stronger than usual when you awake and when your strong enough come unlock me" the voice replied

Dion soon awoke still feeling pain from before

"Christian is it over?" Dion asked

Christian looked over at him and patted him on the head

"Yes it's done but I couldn't seal all of the corrupted Expoius so you should feel a bit weird" Christian replied

Christian looked at Dion and realised how baggy and dirty he was

"Also it seems you have nowhere to go and I could use a helper around here and I could teach you a few things so how about it?"

Dion gave him a big smile
