
Dion journey

The journey of a boy named dion and his rise through the wicked world of Alfsteria where he trains to the point of blood sweat and tears to achieve the title of the strongest

JTM · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 || To Hell With All Of You

Dion after travelling a long distance almost gave up after starving and being extremely tired he decided to take a quick power nap against a tree where he thought to himself how he can survive this walk. Dion after taking a nap woke up feeling refreshed. He took a look at the tree and it seemed there were apples on it sitting beside a river with a big smile of joy he ran. Dion ate more apples than he can count and took a quick bath in the river before wrapping the rags back onto himself again, beginning his walk once more.

Dion after another long distance stumble amongst a town he was glad he quickly ran straight into the town he saw the people doing everyday labour he passed by a old rusty club filled with drunks and skipped around the town looking at how broken down and poorly managed it is he ended up looking behind people houses seeing if he could find some food or water. Dion ended up stumbling upon a church where a nun seen him the nun looked slim old and pale with white hair and purple eyes she approach Dion.

"Hey boy where are your clothes and where are your parents" the nun asked

"I have no clothes nor parents" Dion replied

Dion took a look at her as she stared back at him with pity in her eyes

"Oh you poor thing well what's your name?" The nun asked

"Hmm my name is Dion" dion replied

The nun came behind him and put her hand around his shoulder to comfort him but as she laid her hands around him she stumbled back and her face beginning to sweat Dion looked at her with a confused look but she waved looking like she didn't wanna alert him of anything.

Dion was taken in the church the outside was white with coloured windows but as he went inside he seen the walls were rusty and the tiles dirty but after he went inside the nun told him to stay here and she went off to talk to some people and so he decided to take a look around he seen magnificent artworks of a man surrounded by angels pointing at a demon he was lost in the artwork till he heard a mans approach behind him

"You like these artworks?" The unknown man asked

Dion turned to see that it was a middle aged man with brown hair and brown eyes he had bags under his eyes and looked like he hasn't slept in awhile

"Yes I do but who is he?" Dion replied

The man chuckle and seen that Dion was not joking he went down to his height and began to explain

"You see little boy this is our divine creator Zythe a god beyond comprehension or understanding" the unknown man said

Dion began scratching his head

"Hmm but what makes him a god?" Dion asked

The unknown make chuckled and started to pat dion head

"What makes him a god is his actions and that's what sets him apart from a human his action that shows us he is different from us a different breed" the unknown man replied

Dion began to look at the zythe in admiration until he was called on by the nun as he went he waved back at the unknown man and the nun took him. Dion thought he was going to a bed but instead they took him down stairs he was intrigued on where he was going until it got dark, downstairs was just stone stairs and stone walls it got really dark and scary for Dion and as they went down all he had was the nun which he was holding her hand but it was so dark he couldn't even see her.

"What is this nun" Dion asked

"Don't worry we call it a safe place" the nun replied

Dion soon reached the end and torches soon light up and a dozen of people in robes surrounding a weird circle with symbols on all of them and the nun took Dion

"Listen child you are special you are different from the rest so do us a favour and become a vessel!" The nun screamed

As the nun screamed she pushed Dion into the circle filled with symbols, as he fell Dion landed on the floor and as he looked around and the circle brighten red wig each of the symbols slowly going red and all of the people in robes started chanting and Dion started to feel weird his stomach started to hurt and he started tearing up he didn't understand it so he wiped his tears but it turned out to be blood he couldn't comprehend what was going on and laid on the floor powerless he felt pain all over his stomach while bleeding out of his eyes he felt intense pain all over he couldn't move an inch and he could only look up as he seen shadows of what looked like the demon from the artwork the shadow was moving round and round the circle. Dion soon felt hopeless the pain he felt was putting him closer and closer to the edge and he was soon to be devoured by the shadow looking demon.

"What the fuck did I ever do to all of you, to hell with you priests and fuck zythe I don't know what this religion but to hell with all of you!" Dion screamed with all of his might

He soon closed his eyes but soon after he heard a lot of us explosion and the clashing of swords and more explosions the pain he felt soon disappeared and as he opened his eyes he seen a blonde man with blue eyes carrying a sword covered in blood the man approach him but he didn't bother to say anything and picked Dion up and left the place. As Dion eyes widen he seen all the people in ropes hacked and slashed down all of them dead even the nun and the old priest

The man that was carrying looked at him with a cold look giving signs to Dion that he shouldn't talk and so Dion simply slept already exhausted from the ritual.