
Dion journey

The journey of a boy named dion and his rise through the wicked world of Alfsteria where he trains to the point of blood sweat and tears to achieve the title of the strongest

JTM · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 || March forward

Alfsteria a world filled with numerous kingdoms either with each other or fighting each other and the thing that connects them all, expoius a power granted to all but only the talented have enough control expoius and eventually expoius became warfare for these big kingdoms and this is a story about a boy named Dion Usoro and his journey in the world of Alfsteria and his rise with expoius to the top

Dion woke up covered in rags with no recollection or memories of how he ended up in this situation and the only thing he could remember was his name. Dion stood up only to have seen that he's riding in a carrier filled with other people in chains, Dion sat down and quietly thought to himself the situation He was in. He took a look at the other people and they all looked as if they hadn't had anything to consume in weeks. Dion heard a little chuckle in front of him and saw that there was a peculiar old man in a coat with rags covering his face watching him.

"Who are you?" Dion asked

The old man gave him a little smile and open up his coat and revealed a black dirty book with weird symbols on them

"Would you like to take a read young one" the old stranger replied

Dion hesitated for a quick second but he found the book quite interesting from his angle and there was no way this book could harm him he thought. He grabbed the book and turned it over to his side as he took a look at it he realised it had no heading or description and he began to read it. Though it was in a language he didn't know he could read it anyways feeling like the words were popping up in his head.

"What is this book" dion asked

"It's a legendary book about the secret dark arts of expoius" the old man replied

The old man chuckled and began pointing at the book

"Their is a spell I think you can learn it's at the last page and I warn you in order to learn it you have to say it out loud" the old man intoned

Dion quickly turned the pages of the book until the last one where it presented a giant circle and no words insight but words were still popping in his mind and began to read out loud and he shouted out words without control and without his own permission he felt as if he was possessed as his vision brighten and the ground beneath him started to shake stopping the carriage to go any further the two guards occupying the carriage jump out to see the commotion only to find a small child with bright glowing eyes screaming.

The carriage was consumed in shadows making every passenger and guard tremble in fear and confusion, due to the shaking the carriage stopped and resulted in the carriage blowing up and the sights of the old man were nowhere to be seen. The people on the carriage soon scattered and the two guards ended up dead with blood coming out of their eyes. Dion laid rest on the floor not able to move a single muscle only able to stay in the position on the ground thinking about the book

Dion was able to start moving after two hours but his thinking made it feel like a eternity so many questions rose in his head but the one that stood out the most was "who was that old man" he got up and wiped the dirt off of his shoulders he picked up some of the rags to cover some of his body and he made his march. Dion didn't know where he was going but he knew he could go on because that's all you need sometimes to keep forward.