
-ding! Welcome to the hint system-

-Ding! Welcome to the hint system!- “Huh…?” Donovan was exiled by his party and guild that he had been with for 8 years in the vrmmorpg [Flower bed] His past guild members paid NPC’s to kill him every single time he respawned leaving Donovan with only one option… to start a new account Upon realizing this he throws his vr helm in a rage… who knew that the tale of legends would start with a thrown vr helmet?

Poptarded · Juegos
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2 Chs

It all ends with beginnings

(A/N: obviously has extreme inspiration from "arch mage streamer" which you should definitely go check out, it updates weekly. Anyways I just joinked the whole card idea and mostly the system straight from the Manwha so go read that. This novel will still have a unique story and characters)

"GOD DAMIT!" Donovan sits up on his bed and pulls the black helmet off his head and throws it in a blind rage

Donovan had just found out that he has been betrayed by his fellow guild mates in the vrmmorpg [Flower bed]

His guild mates had hired the guard npc's to kill him every time he resurrected, he had only found this out from a friend who was still part of the guild

"Fuck I shouldn't have thrown it…" after getting over my rage I pick up the helmet and look at it

"Oof… that's a big dent" I say inspecting the helmet

"It'll probably be ok… right?" I pat the floor dust off of the helmet

"I guess I really do have to make a new account huh…?" I walked over to my computer and opened the [Flower bed] website

-would you like to create a new account? This will erase all data that was held on the previous account-

Swallowing my heart I clicked yes

-this will cost $100. Would you like to go through with your purchase?-

Clicking yes again I hear a beep come from my vr helm then a feminine voice say

-new account created and will be playable in 3 hours! Previous account has been deleted-

While holding back angry tears I noticed that it was almost time to go pick up May from high school

"Hey Donovan why where you shouting? Something go wrong?" A cyan haired woman asks me over her shoulder while cooking

"Nothing auntie… I gotta go pick up May" I let her know

"I almost forgot! Thank you so much Donovan you're really a life saver" she sighs

"I'll be back in a bit!" I yelled putting my shoes on

"Don't go spoiling her with ice cream again! We have to have dinner first!" She yells over her shoulder before I close the door

"Dono!" A cyan haired girl sprints out the door with a smile spanning from ear to ear

"Guess what!" Her grin grew even bigger

"Hmm… did you win something?" I tilted my head while tapping my chin

"Nope! Even better! I got accepted into the coding club!" I can see her visibly shaking in excitement

May had always been good at computer stuff, and she loved it too. She seamed good at almost everything if I were to be honest. The only thing she wasn't good at was social cues, she is completely ignorant towards the wrong doings of others and always thinks that there was a reason behind what others did, even when I told her that there are just some bad people in this world she would just deny it. Because of this she has been used for her kindness and compassion towards others

Luckily after we had moved she found some good people to be around but I'm still worried about her

"Mommy we're home!" May shouts while

"Yep, we're home" I say while talking off my shoes

"Perfect timing! Dinners done!" She says while placing a final plate at the table

"*GASP* I LOVE PORK!" She runs towards the table

"You say that about every food…" I mumbled before noticing that she was already half way done eating

"How do you eat that fast?!" I ask in confusion as she takes the final bite "I haven't even sit down yet" I sighed

"Oops hehe! It was just to good I couldn't resist" she says rubbing the back of her head

"What will I ever do with you child…" auntie giggled

"Now go study while I clean up" she starts picking up dishes

"Ok!" May rushes to her room

"Here let me help" I start doing dishes

"That was a nice dinner" I muttered while sitting down on my desk chair. Spending time with my family always help to soothe me

-account ready for access!- I hear the feminine voice come from my helmet

"It's time eh… let's see how we do…" I say getting up from my chair and towards my bed

-welcome to the flower bed! Please customize your character-

This game had unique character customization mechanics. Instead of sliding bars left and right you would pick a card and that would give you a certain customization option, this actually went for all things. Loot from dungeons would be a card selection, skills that you earn will have a card selection, quest rewards would have a card selection, hell even the class you get will come from a card draw

There is 8 rarities for cards, white which is common(C), green which is uncommon (UC), blue which is rare(R), purple which is super rare(SR), black which is extremely rare(EX), gold which is ultra rare (UR), legendary which is rainbow(L), and finally unique which is red(U). Unique cards where strange as they could either be weaker then a common card or stronger then a legendary. Normally you aren't supposed to see the colour of the card but something was wrong.

'Why can I see the colour of these cards!?!?'

-ding! welcome to the hint system!-

"Huh!?!?!? What's going on?!?"

Holding six cards with glee plastered on my face I start giggling

"With this system I can get revenge!"

The six cards that I was holding in my hands where the 6 appearance cards that I had selected

The first one was a UR level card and was for hair, the hair was a silky white with dark red hilights all on the tip of each strand of hair. The hair was tied up into a ponytail but it still was pretty long

The second card I got was a legendary face card, it was more feminine then I would like it to be but it was still extremely beautiful so I kept it.

The next was a EX eye card which was mint green with absolutely stunning eye lashes.

The fourth card was a body type card, body type cards are extremely important as they were the 3rd most important key factor that decided what type of play style you would use, if you had a larger body in weight then being a tank would be recommended but if you were really small you would have a dodging play style and would focus on agility. The body type card I got was a L card that was a short female body but as the game system regulates it to your selected gender it changed into a feminine male body instead


The next card was the second most important card I would pull in the character creation bit right before the game, this card was none other then the marking card. The marking card was technically the race card but as some people still wanted to look like humans but still keep the race bonus they made markings that if activated by the player it would only then show the physical racial characteristics, this allowed the people who wanted to look like humans and the ones that wanted to look like fantasy creatures be happy, it also determined some npc stuff but that was more complex (A/N: and I would like to finish writing this chapter before 12AM). The card that I got was a U rank card which unlike other card draws it only gave god descendants, so far only 4 people have gotten U ranked marking cards but the people who have are now in the top 10 without much effort. The descendant I got was love gods descendant which gave me high affinity with NPCs and mental/soul type magic, it also boosted my charisma stat by a shit ton so that was a plus

The final card was a colour scheme card. The colour scheme card was the card which determined the colour of all of your equipment, the colour scheme I got was a UR ranked card and it was an absolutely gorgeous cherry red and black

With all of these cards I looked bad ass… well it's more "cute" but at least the colour scheme look cool

There was still one last card that I had to draw before I could restart my journey and that was the class card

Thousands of cards of all different colours appeared in front of me. 40% were white, 30% were green, 20% were blue, 5% were purple, 3% were black, 1% were gold, 0.5% were rainbow, and 0.5% were red

Tossing all other cards aside I went through all 5 of both L and U cards

These were super powerful but there was one that stood out

"Holy shit…"


Perfected archmage

The archmage is the most powerful magic type class. But even till today the strongest arch mage only has tapped into 40% of the classes true potential. So what happens if you reach 100% of its potential? A god is born

500% magic type skill exp gain

500% magic damage

5X intelligence and wisdom

Can use all elements of magic

High reputation with magic wielding npc's

+1 skill card draw every 5 levels
