
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · Cómic
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44 Chs

The 'Protagonist'

-Kuoh Academy-

[POV 'Issei']

Its been 5 day's since I got reincarnated in Highschool DxD, and it was safe to say I was having fun


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Skills: Charm, Enhanced Stamina, Kendo Mastery, Unlimited Blade Works, Enhanced Strength, Vampiric Regeneration

I was already Overpowered and I just kissed Katase!, I can't wait for the Canon to start and I can get more abilities. All I have to do is wait for Raynare to ask me out this afternoon!

'The now perverted Duo got beaten by the Kendo Club after they tried to put the blame on me, but thanks to my charm skill I was safe from the beating. And even if they do try to beat me I wouldn't feel a thing!' Right now it was around 5 in the afternoon I'm currently walking in the path the original Issei took and eventually I was greeted with the sight of the bridge Issei and Raynare met, I smirked at this I'm so close to Canon but I'm still annoyed how Ddriag hasn't even woken up yet despite my strength..

I waited at the railing and began planning, what should I do when Raynare arrives? Should I act like the same shy Issei or go with the gilgamesh act? Definitely going gilgamesh I have a higher chance with it when my charm is active

"John Williams?"

"Yes-" But before I turned towards who called it hit me, the voice wasn't a female's and they called me by my old name not Issei.

I slowly turned towards the person who called me and saw someone I didn't expect, it was Nero from Devil may cry 4 but with black hair and no Devil Bringer but RedQueen was right on his back.

"I-I'm sorry I think you have the wrong person-"

"Don't even try buddy, why don't we get started and get this over with?" I have to be careful I have no idea how strong he is, but I can't just run away without a fight!

'Trace on!' Mana began condensing in my palm until a tanto was formed I used my full strength and aimed towards his Achilles heel but before I could reach it everything went dark

[Devils May Die]

Fun fact did you know after lots of trial and Error Victor was eventually able to project his wings?, but they only lasted a few seconds before he fell from the roof of the church

[Devils May Die]

-Kuoh Park, Church Basement-

[POV Victor]

"So what happend to Issei's soul system?

[The Entity known as Issei Hyoudou is currently in the deepest part of the reincarnator John's Soul, he was sealed by the God who reincarnated John to be used later on as the cliche 'Original owner of the body tries to get it back ' part of his story]

"Alright seriously what type of God would do that we're they that bored or something?" I could only of the current situation since I actually liked Issei but only when he actually went serious and when I mean serious I mean it lightly he literally died 3 times and the 4th being his last before his son (Who I forgot the name of) became the main character, but honestly if I had to pick to for either tobio or Issei to be the main protagonist I would choose tobio, Issei is great and all but he's lucky I know he trained a lot but eventually in the end it's his stupid and underestimation of his enemies that led to his downfall. While tobio stayed human trained to death and basically protected Japan while Issei was having troubles with his harem members.

'Its funny if this reincarnator didn't take over Issei's body Japan would basically contain a trio of Overpowered Demonic beings(Despite tobio being human) Me being likely going to Heaven's good side Issei with the Devils and Tobio with the Gregori' I looked at the gagged up 'Issei' and wondered would my system be able to do something?

"Hey system is there anyway I can like bring the original Issei back?" I honestly didn't have to help Issei but without the rouge fallens trying to attack me right now and heaven probably putting me on the 'List of potential allies' since Sona definitely knows where I am and yet she isn't making a move so she was most likely told not to do anything I literally had nothing to do while waiting for Asia, other then to train make bullets fix the church up and kill strays which all get boring.

[Due to the system of the 'God' that reincarnated John to only have one overpowered function many other functions such as the shop, Gacha, Group chat, and other mechanics not being present in his system John's Mental defense is extremely weak since every system has some form of protection for the user but alas this specific system traded everything to make the user powerful in a short time]

"So basically he get's Overpowered in a short time but he's basically defenseless with mental and system attacks?, and system you mention the shop gacha and group chat do you have any of those functions?"

[The users rank is currently too low for the Gacha and Group Chat but he did unlock the shop after killing Diodora]

" Wait why didn't you notify me!?!"

[The user hasn't opened the system panel in around 4 weeks thus any non mission notifications were muted in default as that was the user's only goal]

"You have a point there, open it up then!"


Name: Victor Sparda

Rank: D-Class system user

Strength: High-class Devil(Peak High-class with every skill being utilized) [Passively Rising]

Skills: Marksmanship, Demonic Regeneration, Demonic Energy, Demonic Projection, Demonic Lightning, Passive Evolution, Deadeye, Craftsmanship, Pyromancy Immunity(Basically this makes him immune to flames from the enemies that aren't stronger than him) Natural-Translation, Holy Immunity(As long as it isn't DMC Holy properties any type of Holy based attacks won't damage him this doesn't include Light Bullets since their still bullets but he was immune to the holy effect of it) Air-Hike, Demon Magic, Devil Bringer(SEALED), Devil Trigger(SEALED), Sin Devil Trigger(SEALED), Nightmare Abilities(SEALED), Shadow abilities (SEALED)

[Shop] (Rank D)

"Damn that's a lot of skills but the shop is only Rank D?, So I'm assuming the stuff I can buy is also Rank D huh system?"

[Affirmative, the user can only purchase Rank D skills and item's. The user can increase his rank by completing hidden quest]

" But is there anything I can do to like kill John but not Issei?" I asked while I look at the tied up 'Issei' and honestly this basement did wonders since after I fixed and cleaned the church lots of old Christian couples began going and praying inside the church, and it wasn't a surprise before an Angel actually started appearing time to time to check on the house of the lord.

[The user has 2 options to choose from, he could either buy the ability to interact with the souls of others with 'Wires' from the world of Ghostwire but the procedure would require absolute persistence and focus or the user might accidentally destroy not just the soul of the reincarnator John but also the soul of Issei Hyoudou]

"So even with deadeye it would still be risky huh, what's the second option?"

[The alternative option is to buy the ability to grab the souls of others by seeing them as a chain similar to the soul chain of the world of Bleach, this however is a risky purchase since there is a chance that Issei's soul won't have a separate soul chain]

"So this one is more of a 50/50 but I'm assuming is more cheaper"

[Affirmativel, the ability to use the 'Wire' to interact with souls isn't only limited with souls as they can also be used for other purposes such as defense or offense that could directly damage a targets soul]

"That sounds way more better and I can actually use it for combat, how much is it?"

[The first purchase from the shop is free]

"Convenient" I immediately opened the shop and purchased the skill and unlike system rewards you don't just get the skill you bought, you get the memories of where the skill originated from

'KK! Do it faster!'

'Failure! Nothing but failure!'

'You think this is progress!?! Pathetic!'

'Good! Good!'

'So what if KK isn't your real name!?!, I'm training you to face spirits and monsters alike! Your name is the least of your problems!'





"Great now I have to deal with the memory of an old man training me" it was more annoying how I didn't even get the experience until KK mastered the wire I just got his experience after he was able to use it good enough to pass his trainers standards

"So what are my chances of successfully taking out John's soul if i do it right now?"

[The user has a 90 percent chance if he fully focuses on John's soul and only John's soul while deadeye is active and if the wire has any contact with Issei's soul it would fail and it will destroy both souls, the user also has to slowly do it instead of forcefully pulling the soul]

"Honestly I'd take the chances can't wait for itchy eyes" I kicked the tied up Issei in the stomach and thankfully he was gagged as he yelped in pain, and after a few seconds of confusion he finally remembered what happend and lookrd at me with a hateful gaze

"Whats up you parasite" I taunted him to which he obviously got pissed and if looks could kill I would be dead right now, and in the next second I saw a screen appear infront of me and the funny part was it wasn't my systems

"Oooh you got the observe skill?, that's kind of interesting" This surprised him since he couldn't see my status and he probably had the mindset of no one but him could see his system

[Please keep in mind the user being a demon from the devil may cry universe and a strong one at that has enough mental strength to be immune from to poorly defended system's features]

'Jesus how bad is his system? It's literally a glass cannon' I took a closer look at him before I saw his soul right in his chest glowing

"Don't try lying buddy since my system is quite the detective, and don't try the 'I know where the others are' trick since I get notified when reincarnators go into this world"

"W-Why are you doing this!? Aren't you void touched like me!?!" Now that was the question why was I doing this?, well complete utter boredom just like a strawberry pimp would say I'm only doing this for the entertainment but something he said caught my attention.

" Really void touched?, that's the most cliche reason why you got reincarnated let me guess some God found you in the void said it was impossible for a soul like you to survive and gave you your system?" The idiot nodded which I was dumbfounded at did he really believe a scummy person like him would survive the void?, like honestly if it was even possible whoever actually survive the void is on lucky basterd and it wasn't this dude as he had a cheap glass cannon system and he got reincarnated in an alternate version of DxD

"Sorry to say buddy the Omnipotent beings just don't reincarnate someone without reason some might do but those we're probably just weak God's compared to the real deal, wanna know why I know that?" I walked closer to him until I started weaving wires to existence and slowly grasped his soul before looking at him one more time with pity

"Because my system isn't some cheap half-baked glass cannon" And with that I activated dead eye and everything appeared to be slow down in my perspective, I could hear my heart beating slowly as my whole perspective was now as if someone added a blue filter.


I could hear the sound of John's soul slowly sizzling from the wire as from the memories I obtained about it, that the wire itself was basically a hot flame to any spiritual being as the wire was mainly intended for a quick finisher for one's enemies but thank God KK's teacher made him practice using the wire slowly and precisely.

All of a sudden the door to the basement was busted opened and I saw Rias's whole peerage and for a split second I lost concentration.