
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Cómic
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75 Chs

58. Cell(2)

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"Get ready to die."

'It is better to give my everything in this first attack.'

Alex who was just in the strike zone without waiting much used his most powerful combo he has at the moment.

'I will flung him directly to sky!'

<< Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless Dragon Sign Hwechook + Armament Infusion: Emission + Ki Enhancement >>

Alex buried his right foot into the ground. He gathered highest amount of Ki he could gather according to his limit and the split second his leg turned orange with all his power he kicked directly on Cell's chin with his tip of the foot.

*Ting!* A ripple could be seen in the air as Alex's kick connected to Cell's chin. It's as if the kick bended the space. The Ki released was so strong and dense that everybody who felt it shuddered.


With a sound like explosion, Cell who couldn't defend himself directly was flunged to the sky.

"He is sturdier than I thought. I have to make sure that he dies."

Alex directly teleported just above Cell who was airborne and was still going above because of his kick.

"And now is the second kick."

<< Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless Axe + Armament Infusion: Emission + Ki Enhancement >>

Alex front flipped and used full rotation and kicked directly on Cell.

*BOOOM!!* *Crack!*

"It seems I cracked his bones."

Cell was directly smashed into ground like a meteor.

"*Cough!* Damn it... He ran."

Alex quickly came down to check up on it, the dust was all over due to crash. Alex used his Observation Haki only to find that he escaped when he got two serious hits from him.

Then he turned back only to see all Krillin, Trunks and Piccolo shocked. Even in their dreams they never thought that Alex was such a monster.

"Now, what to do? He escaped. He is even suppressing his Ki. We can't find him for the time being."

Alex told to the rest who were still shocked by Alex's power. All three of them quickly knocked off their daydream and quickly started to put attention on him.

"I thought I would kill it quickly but it ran away. Next time when I will meet it... I will not spare it. But I think I made some serious injuries to that bug. By the way do you know it's aim?"

Alex said everything he knew and asked about Cell's next course of action.

"To become the most powerful, Cell will need to absorb both Android 17 and Android 18. I think Cell will first absorb some random people to heal his injuries and then he will go to get the androids."

Piccolo who was the first to exchange fists with Cell told whatever he learned during his fight with Cell.

"So, for the time being... We can do nothing."


In a certain forest....

A green figure could be running from a tree to tree in a very fast pace. And green blood was coming out of from different place.

Cell was running with his right hand on his abdomen where Alex kicked him when he was in air. And his jaw his pretty much smashed into squash.

"Damn... Who was he? I never heard of him. But well... After I get both 17 and 18, I will be the invincible being in the universe."

Heavily injured Cell quickly ran to the most near human settlement to heal himself.

"I will absorb more and more life energy. And when I will get stronger than androids... It will their end."

Cell absorbed all people and ran to find another one.


While Cell was escaping with suppressing his Ki, Vegeta with his Super Saiyan form, was flying very quickly towards the Ginger Town.

"There were two presences at first but another one more powerful than two suddenly appeared... Two of them are gone but other one is still there... They weren't the androids. Android's presence couldn't even be felt... Who were they...?"

He quickly arrived only see the party of four. Then he felt the huge Ki from Piccolo.

"Piccolo? It was him!"

Vegeta quickly landed after becoming his normal form.

"Tell me... What just happened here...?"

"Wait for a bit. Tenshinhan is heading this way. Let him arrive first."

Alex who was sitting on a rock nearby said to Vegeta.

"First, then. I have to ask you something." Vegeta turned towards Piccolo and said to him.

"Are you really PICCOLO!!? Where did you get so much power suddenly?"

"He merged with Kami-sama." Trunks was was by Piccolo's side told Vegeta.

"W-What.... Merged? T-That's all....?"

'But the power I felt was far superior to mine...as a Super Saiyan...! It's impossible. He is just a Namekian...'

Vegeta just couldn't believe that Piccolo attained such power just by merging with another Namekian. Saiyans are the most superior race but how could a Namekian could be stronger than his Super Saiyan form??

"Oh! There he is. Tenshinhan is here." Krillin saw him and pointed towards him.

Tenshinhan arrived near them and waited for to know what happened.

"Piccolo. Tell them whatever you know. You were the first here to meet Cell. You must have know something. Tell everything from the start."

Alex said to Piccolo. Piccolo nodded and started to tell everyone who is Cell and what happened and what is going to happen in future.