
Dimensional Store in Glory City

A mysterious and flashy shop is located in a part of Glory City, what will happen when Nie Li reincarnates and sees the change in his City? "Professor Shen Xiu, are you Legend rank?" "Dad, are you by any chance understanding the Law of Fire?" "Sister, where did you get that sword from?" "Hey wait, because I'm Black Gold rank" "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" . . . . This is my Patreon, you can follow me to read more advanced Chapters patreon.com/Madarasama222 . . ( I'm really bad at english so i'm using google translate hope it won't be any inconvenience for you)

UchihaMadara_sama · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
61 Chs

Chapter 23: New Products

Cao Fenguan saw that he could only access the Home screen, which only had four icons.

Online Store.

Exchange Store.

Sales Store.

Black Market [Weapons Blocked]

He opened the Online Store and was left speechless.

"It's Amazon!" He exclaimed in surprise.

It was as if he had internet, as it worked perfectly.

The Exchange Store surprised him even more, as he could exchange things with people from other worlds.

Currently, the worlds he could contact were:

Wu Dong Qian Kun.

Doupo Canqion.

Soul Land.


One Piece.

On the other hand, the Sales Store was not too complicated either, its function was to stock any item and wait for it to be sold.

He opened the icon and saw a chat option, where he had video call and audio message capabilities.

As for the Black Market, well, you know what it is, but unfortunately, the sale of weapons was blocked.

But he could still buy things.

Like gold, silver, diamonds, orders by the ton, drugs, etc...


While he was thinking about all of this, a noise came from below.

He went down to the store on the first floor and could hear complaints from outside for not having opened the store.

Cao Fenguan smiled ironically.

Today he had no intention of opening the store, as he would go to visit the Cao family along with several soldiers from the Viento Nevado family, who were officially his employees.

He had to admit that he had never thought of being a boss in this world.

He opened the doors and smiled at the excited crowd that immediately fell silent when he came out.

"The store is undergoing renovations and will not open for a long time of 3 days," he said.


"No way, I only need 100 points to reach Silver Rank, you can't do this to me, boss."

"Yes, yes."

"The boss is mean."

The annoying unsatisfied voices of more than 20,000 spiritists reached Cao Fenguan's ears.

Although he wanted to curse as well, he didn't bother wasting saliva on these irrational people.

"In three days, the sale of Cultivation Techniques will open, divided by ranks, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold, and Legend. Also, officially on sale will be the "Spicy Stick", where you will have a "BUFF"... cough... cough... sorry, I got excited, where you will have a Cultivation Speed Benefit X5, with a duration of two hours."

As Cao Fenguan's words fell, there was first a sudden silence, then a collective murmur, before the entire audience became excited and began to scream.

"Incredible, incredible, I never thought this store would also sell cultivation techniques, and what is this Spicy Stick, why does it have a benefit against the heavens?"

"The boss is amazing."

"Boss, thank you for everything you do for us commoners, we will always have you in our hearts."

"Yes, boss, from now on, you are my older brother."

"Adopt me, boss."

"I want to give birth to your children."

Many exclamations echoed throughout the central market of Gloria City, which was filled with spiritists.

Several servants from different families rushed to report this hot news, as did disciples of the Alchemist Association.


Viento Nevado Family

"What, are you kidding me?" Ye Zhong, the current Lord of Gloria City, roared in disbelief upon hearing from several of his servants.

"No, City Lord, those were the exact words of that boy."

"Cultivation techniques are something that has been lost in history, just like pill formulas, for this boy to be selling them indiscriminately, and also that so-called Spicy Stick, a new pill covertly made by him... Hmm, it seems to be time for me to meet him," Ye Zhong muttered.

It was funny how he had taken the Alchemist Association's Vice-Director's assertion about Coca-Cola, which was actually a covert pill.

It's just...



Winged Dragon Family

"Miss Ning'er, Miss Ning'er!" A personal maid of Xiao Ning'er shouted excitedly.

Xiao Ning'er was meditating in her room when she was awakened.

She got up and left her room.

"Calm down, what happened, why are you like this?" Ning'er asked.

"Miss, good news, good news, the store you ordered me to watch has released new products," said the innocent girl with her breath caught.

"What!" Ning'er exclaimed and paid more attention.

"Yes, the handsome owner of the store said that cultivation techniques and a new product called Spicy Stick, which increases your cultivation speed by five times, will be available for sale in three days."

Xiao Ning'er's heart trembled as she heard her maid's words.

The sale of cultivation techniques, incredible, you should know that cultivation techniques are so precious in Gloria City that only the Main Families have them.

Now with this news, Gloria City will be booming again.

"Let's go to the store," Ning'er quickly said.

She wanted to confirm this news for herself, although she trusted her maid, this news was very important to her.


Just yesterday when she reached the Silver Rank, the pains from her illness worsened more and more, and more bruises formed on her white skin.

She's not foolish, now that she's reached the Silver Rank, she could vaguely feel that her veins acted strangely every time she executed her cultivation technique.

You didn't have to be a genius to realize that the Winged Dragon Family's cultivation technique was flawed.

Yesterday she tore her mind apart thinking of a way to solve the situation, but she couldn't come to any conclusion.

She's so proud that she refused to ask Ye Ziyun for help.

And now she received the news that that cheeky young man who kept appearing in her mind would be selling cultivation techniques.

"Mother is watching over me from above," the girl thought as she washed up and prepared to leave.

They're in the rest period at the Institute, so she decided to return to the family to cultivate more peacefully without the annoying boys.


Now that Cao Fenguan said he wouldn't open for another three days, all the spiritists without exception left the place.

Cao Fenguan had a black face as he saw the garbage thrown around the store and some remains of fires and camps around.

'Hahaha, good, good, I'll make them suffer not only for three days, but for six,' he slandered in his mind.

He had no doubt that if he applied this punishment method, they would never do it again.

Before he could enter, he saw Shen Xiu and Shen Yue approaching from a distance.






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