
Dimensional Store in Glory City

A mysterious and flashy shop is located in a part of Glory City, what will happen when Nie Li reincarnates and sees the change in his City? "Professor Shen Xiu, are you Legend rank?" "Dad, are you by any chance understanding the Law of Fire?" "Sister, where did you get that sword from?" "Hey wait, because I'm Black Gold rank" "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" . . . . This is my Patreon, you can follow me to read more advanced Chapters patreon.com/Madarasama222 . . ( I'm really bad at english so i'm using google translate hope it won't be any inconvenience for you)

UchihaMadara_sama · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
61 Chs

Chapter 18: Wanted by all

Inside the store, Cao Fenguan was picking up and organizing a bit.

He collected today's profits.

Today, 2,000 bottles of Coca-Cola were sold.

It was 2 million spirit coins.

Taking 20% for himself, he had a profit of 400,000 coins.

A fairly large sum considering it was only in one day.

Suddenly, he felt a notification from the system.

[ Hidden Event ]

[ Name: Wanted by All ]

[ Description: Over 80% of the City, including its main characters, have mentioned the host's name, becoming a trend throughout the City ]

[ Reward: 5 Coca-Cola Machines ]

"Good, good." Cao Fenguan roared with excitement.

A while ago he was thinking about that problem, after all, a machine with 2,000 bottles cannot satisfy the demand of a City with over 10 million inhabitants where over 60% are people under the rank of Silver.

Now with the addition of 5 Coca-Cola Machines, Cao Fenguan can sell 12,000 bottles per day. Having a net profit of 12 million spirit coins.

And taking 20% would be 2.4 million per day.

"What a great system." Cao Fenguan was delighted with this hidden event.

He went down to the store floor and looked at the five well-placed machines with a dazzling shine.

"Tomorrow will be a complicated day, I hope that old man keeps his word." He murmured.

After sorting everything out, he walked towards one of the five machines and bought three Coca-Colas.

He went up to his room to cultivate.


"Bronze 2 stars." Cao Fenguan opened his eyes with excitement.

The last time he had time to cultivate he only had 60 points of spiritual power.

And now with the addiction of three Coca-Colas, his cultivation stabilized in the Bronze 2-star rank.

210 spiritual power points.

Following the rules of his business, he waited for midnight to pass, and he was allowed to buy another stock of three bottles of Coca-Cola.

A few hours later

"360 spiritual power points, Bronze 3 stars." He murmured contentedly.

He took a bath and fell asleep instantly.


A new day in Glory City.

Today was the last day of Xiao Ning'er's sanction, but this did not keep her from accompanying her friend.

"Ning'er." Ye Ziyun greeted her friend upon arrival.

Xiao Ning'er returned the greeting.

"Today the guys are energetic." Ye Ziyun had fun with the loud group of friends.

Currently, Lu Piao was shouting about his cultivation progress.

"I said, no one in this room can compare to the Great Lu Piao, who is a Bronze Rank 3-star Spiritualist." He repeated for the umpteenth time.

He wanted to make time to visit his Family. Since they lived far away, he had to make a long trip, and he was not sure if the Academy Administration would allow it.

So he decided that when he reached the Silver rank, he would dedicate some time to give his father a surprise, and especially his girl.

He was anxious to see the latter's face.

Currently, everyone except Lu Piao, had spiritual power points around 150-160.

All of them were officially Bronze Rank Spiritualists.

On the side, Shen Yue had a somber face.

Yesterday night when he woke up from his state of unconsciousness, he heard some news.

He was shocked by the news given by Elder Shen Ming.

A mysterious store sells an elixir that increases your spiritual power by half a star.

For only 1000 spirit coins.

What is this concept.

Since when have elixirs, which were considered rare and lost along the river of history, been so cheap.

Today he brought a lot of money, he planned to visit the store.

In addition, his father ordered him to go as well.

His aunt also decided to accompany him.

'Hmm, laugh now, when it's my turn, I want to see the looks on your faces, you bunch of bastards.' Shen Yue slandered in his mind.

Then, like a good dog, upon seeing his fiancée enter, he walked towards her.

"Ziyun, today I will go to a store where they sell something that can increase your spiritual power, do you want to come with me?" He asked with a silly look.

"I'm sorry, I made plans with Ning'er." Ye Ziyun didn't even look at him before rejecting his invitation.

Shen Yue's face contracted, but not because of Ye Ziyun's rejection, he was already used to that, but because of Lu Piao's raucous laughter.

"Damn it, someday I'll make you look good." He muttered with clenched teeth in anger.


Outside the store, everything was lively.

People were making a commotion again.

With a flash, several powerful auras approached.

"We are from the City Lord Mansion, we need you to maintain order, otherwise, you will be stripped of your turn." Five men with dignified faces let out the pressure of a Black Gold Rank Spiritualist.

The people in the queue, upon feeling the immense pressure, became honest and quiet, waiting for the owner.

Not long after, Cao Fenguan opened the store doors.

Very surprised that there was no usual commotion.

But upon seeing the old face of Ye Xiu giving orders to a group of five men, he understood everything.

"I'm glad." He sighed inwardly.

Then he looked at the excited crowd.

"Good morning everyone, today there is a small change, the limit of people is no longer limited to 2000, it will be 12,000 customers, so there is an opportunity for everyone, you can come in, please do not create a disturbance inside, otherwise you will be added to the blacklist."

After Cao Fenguan's boring speech, which only a few paid attention to, everyone rushed inside the store.

In less than 3 hours, over 80% of the spirit masters had made their purchase, and there were many enthusiasts who couldn't wait and drank the contents of the bottle as soon as they left.

So many newly ascended Silver-ranked auras filled Ye Xiu's face with joy.

"A new era for my Glory City," he said to himself.

Cao Fenguan, lounging on an armchair and smoking a cigarette, wondered if this guy didn't have an academy to run.

Yes, this character is the director of the famous Santa Orchid Academy. He is so lazy that he leaves all the work to the Vice Director.

[ In Stock: 600 ]

"Thank goodness there's still some left for those rebellious kids," Cao Fenguan muttered as he saw what was left after a fierce purchase by fighters and spirit masters. So he took advantage and saved the portion for the kids who were currently studying.

"Maybe I should create a home delivery service." An interesting idea suddenly crossed his mind.

"Mr. Ye Xiu!" He quickly called the old man who was quite idle.

Ye Xiu quickly ran to Cao Fenguan, grateful for what this young man was doing for his city, and had no words to describe his gratitude.

Cao Fenguan saw his intention and waved his hand.

"I already told you that you don't have to thank me, we both benefit from this, there's no need to thank me, besides, I was also born in Glory City and consider it part of my heart." He didn't know how many times he was going to repeat the same thing.

The old face of Ye Xiu blushed a bit before he closed his mouth.

Cao Fenguan nodded and said, "I want to open a home delivery service, do you think you can provide the personnel? Of course, they will receive a salary."

"Home delivery service?" Ye Xiu was confused, he had never heard of such a strange term.

"This, let me explain, is a service that delivers the purchased goods to the buyer's location, for example, the kids who are currently in the academy, to avoid missing classes and the hassle of coming here, we can make the delivery to the academy." Cao Fenguan explained as subtly as possible.

Ye Xiu's eyes shone intensely upon hearing this.

"What a great idea," he said.

"Of course, I can provide personnel, and you don't need to pay them, they will be happy to do this willingly." Ye Xiu had also come to the conclusion that they were taking advantage of the owner a bit with those prices, anyone who wasn't a fool would say so.

So he refused to let Cao Fenguan pay him.

"No, it's work, and as such, it should be paid. Later I will post the job offers, if everything goes well, my idea will be implemented by tomorrow." Cao Fenguan said.

Ye Xiu nodded.

"It's a good idea, brother. Perhaps I can use this method in my Alchemist Association, what do you say, would you mind?" A seductive voice full of charm resonated in Cao Fenguan and Ye Xiu's ears.

"This woman has such sharp ears," thought Cao Fenguan.

"If the sister wants to use my idea, there's no problem, after all, there are no copyrights here, but the sister can't go around saying later that my store copied the method that I invented myself." Cao Fenguan was aware of the other party's identity.

The Vice President of the Alchemist Association, with a reputation and prestige as high as the Principal Families of this city.

So he wouldn't be surprised if rumors spread that his store copied the method he himself invented.





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it's quite interesting