

Soon noon arrived, Gid and the girls always usually sleep until after that time because they always sleep late, when leaving the room where they still slept exhausted, Gid saw Kalluta on the sofa in the main room, yawning.

"Didn't you sleep well, Kalluta? I see you tired "Gid said with an innocent smile on her face, as she sneered internally.

Hearing Gid's question, Kalluta's face turned black in anger, as she turned her cold gaze to Gid, she said.

"You don't have to worry about that, when will we start training? Sensei doesn't seem to have gotten up yet "

Hearing Kalluta's question, Gid thought that indeed Biscuit wouldn't get up any time soon from what Gid said.

"Fine, then I'll train you in the meantime" He said with a bit of interest.

When Kalluta heard that Gid would train her, he was surprised, because since he came here, he had already said that he would not train her at all.

And from what she heard from her father, Gid was one of the strongest people in the world, even superior to her.

Therefore, Kalluta was suddenly excited, although her opinions about Gid were a bit bad, she still respected Gid's strength and being able to train is something that few would achieve.

Then after talking, Gid went to order a breakfast over the phone, although he could cook it herself, since he came to this world he has tasted the best foods made by humans, although they were not as good as those prepared by herself, they.

Soon Gid and Kalluta finished their breakfast and left for a room made especially for training, with the materials from this place, even a serious blow from a Nen user would take effort to break a wall here.

You could also see some runes on the floor and walls, these are Runes that Gid had put to absorb the Nen that would directly hit these places, and by reinforcing them, even Gid could not easily break this place unless he exceeded the absorption limit that they have the rocks.

"I've seen your training with Biscuit, your control of Nen is quite high and you also have made your Hatsu, so I can't help you in that, with me you will train your way of fighting hand to hand" Gid said seriously when he saw Kalluta.

"As an assassin of the Zoldyck family you have surely trained their techniques, so I will help you to use those techniques in close combat, luckily I have also learned their techniques a few years ago and integrated them into my fighting form, so you have to get to that too "Gid said later just to see Kalluta's depressed look.

"What's going on?" Gid said in doubt.

"I thought we would train in something better, something like training close combat is not my fighting style" Kalluta said as she sighed and waved the fan in her hand.

Hearing Kalluta's words, Gid frowned and then sneered.

"To be from the Zoldyck family you are more naive than I thought"

Hearing the mocking tone, Kalluta looked at him coldly.

"Girl, no matter how good Hatsu's ability is, they are not invincible, if you want to be strong you can only devise ways to overcome your weaknesses by creating more skills or devising other ways to fight." Gid said ignoring Kalluta's gaze.

"Your hatsu is to create paper and manipulate it, although the Nen can strengthen the paper, your enemies can also strengthen their attacks in the same way as you and the paper is quite weak when burning or getting wet, so if you come across that class of opponents, the only way to save yourself is to run, but sometimes that won't work, for example, against someone like me. " As he said this, a large number of lightning bolts soon appeared surrounding Gid's body running through him like little snakes.

With a movement of his body, he instantly reached Kalluta's rear without her being able to react and put his knife-shaped hand near her neck.

"Right now you would be dead if I was your enemy" Gid said as he whispered into Kalluta's ear.

Ignoring the whisper in her ear, Kalluta was in a cold sweat right now with her eyes narrowed, she hadn't even reacted since Gid activated his Hatsu and moved behind her.

Retracting his hand from Kalluta's neck when he saw how tense she became, with a smile he deactivated his hat and returned to face her.

"The only thing you can do now is try to use your Hatsu to protect your body, while training your hand-to-hand combat, for example when encountering an enemy that uses fire, he will completely restrict your role and if he has a strength greater than yours in close combat you can only devise a way to kill him in a surprise attack, such as making the body that sticks to your skin suddenly explode like a Porcupine, even if his fire ability would be strong he could not withstand such a close attack Gid said after thinking of an example.

Hearing this, Kalluta who was calming down, couldn't help but make her eyes shine at the thought of this.

"I understand, I apologize for my ignorance, Gid-sama" Kalluta said after bowing slightly.

Seeing Kalluta's attitude change, Gid couldn't help but smile and nod.

And so they trained all afternoon until Pakunoda came to tell him that he had a visitor.

Hearing this, Gid ended Kalluta's training.

"We'll finish for today," Gid said as he saw the sweaty Kallatu panting.

"Yes, Gid-sama" Kalluta said exhausted.

Then Gid went into the main room to see a familiar figure.

"How long are you going to make me wait?" Said the girl with a pout, while wearing a cosplay-like costume and wearing fake bunny ears, the girl had medium-length orange hair, with her clothes of pink and black colors, even Gid would think this girl worked for those nightspots, if he didn't know her.

"Sorry I was training a girl who was commissioned to me," Gid said, as he sat down on a couch across from her.

"Another girl? Hey, do you want to put it in your harem too? You really don't stop "Said the girl in a mocking tone.

"Who knows, but why do you ask that? Are you also interested in joining, Piyon? " Gid said as he teased the girl.

"Hump, who would want it." The girl said with a snort as he looked away with a slightly red face.

This girl named Piyon, is a Paleographic hunter like Gid, she is also part of the Zodiacs with the code name of "Rabbit", her specialty is the study of ancient and lost languages, even modern ones.

She also has knowledge of runes even more than Gid, but her understanding of it is much less, it is thanks to her that, in the last 5 years, Gid progressed rapidly studying the Runes.

When Gid joined the Zodiacs, she too had joined not long ago and upon learning of Gid's understanding of the Runes, she had proposed to study them together, providing great help to Gid.

During these 5 years their relationship was much better than common friends, after all in her opinion, they were quite similar either personality or interests, although Gid only studied the Runes because they benefited him.

But maybe because she had seen Gid's harem, Piyon did not want to go more than friends, but maybe it was due to jealousy, she always made fun of her when she had the opportunity every time she saw her with a girl, or going out

So she visited Gid every month and stayed a few days before leaving and going home.

Happy New Year, I hope you have a good time.

BlockNejimecreators' thoughts