
Dimensional Forum

[This is only a translated novel] True Title : Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Little Garden, I Have Just Become a God Author: Ball Synopsis: After taking a trip to the Little Garden, Su Jin, who had just obtained a Divinity and become a Pseudo-God, suddenly had a forum invite in his eyes. Kocho Kanae: "How to kill the Twelve Moon Demons? " Aizen Sosuke: "How do I cast the Hōgyoku on Rukia?" ... Questions popped up one by one, and Su Jin subconsciously answered: "Thanks for the invite everyone, I was in Little Garden, I just became a Pseudo-God, and the answers were anonymous."

Takamiya_Shin · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
23 Chs

No one is more suitable than him

The next day.

Office on the fourth floor of the Beastmen casino.

Su Jin sat on the boss' chair, cut his nails with nail clippers, and placed his straight legs directly on the table, looking full of arrogance.

In front of him, it was Kurousagi who was seen holding a pile of paper documents with tired eyes and said:

"Someone in the casino has offered 850 gold coins, and the bathrooms and hotels are packed with 100 gold coins, and are sold directly as needed without bargaining."

"Oh, by the way, I have left the coffee shop, farm, and pasture at Su Jin's request, and I asked Jin-sama and the others to check it out."


Su Jin looked up, looked at Kurousagi, who had been busy all night, and said with a smile:

"As expected of Kurousagi, what you did was really convincing."

Hearing this compliment, Kurousagi, who had been busy all night, couldn't help but smile, and wanted to say something, but when the words left her lips, they turned into a complaint:

"Su Jin, this kind of thing can't be done next time. The Little Garden rule is to use the Gift Game to finish them all. If this kind of trick is not used properly, it will be punished by the Floor Master."

"You are not alone now, so be careful! You've never been this crazy before."

In that sense of the word, Kurousagi put herself and Su Jin together, but Su Jin didn't refute, and the two seemed to maintain a certain tacit understanding.

As for Kurousagi's complaint, Su Jin also understood the seriousness of it.

In Little Garden, there are laws and people who enforce the laws.

And those people were either the Floor Masters who administered the three districts southeast and north of Little Garden, or the lords who administered the outer area.

In general, these positions are held by powerful individuals or organizations.

Just like what Su Jin did last night, using the Divinity ability to change appearance to trick people into holding a Gift Game was already considered criminal behavior, and easy to punish.

Regarding this point, Su Jin is naturally clear:

"You don't need to tell me, I know that too. After all, Divinity originated from Shiroyasha, who is the Floor Master of the east district."

As Su Jin said this, while cutting his nails, he said:

"I don't want to be chased by Shiroyasha either. I did something like this once, so I naturally gave up."

Among Gods, Demons, Buddhas, and Spirits. Shiroyasha, who was also an extremely strong person, being chased by this kind of existence, was a terrible thing to think about.

Su Jin was not stupid, he knew that his behavior was against the rules, but he also understood that Shiroyasha would never do anything.

After all, the source of everything was Shiroyasha's bet.

If he really wanted to be beaten to a pulp, Shiroyasha herself would have gotten involved.

So in truth, Su Jin orchestrated this operation only when he thought he was completely safe.

One was to win the bet with Shiroyasha, another was to relieve the No Name community's economic pressure, and the third was to test one's own strength.

So far, Su Jin's goal had been accomplished, but he also understood that there was no reason to continue doing this kind of deed.

Sometimes, it takes a lot more courage to learn to quit.

Kurousagi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Su Jin's answer, and she immediately changed the subject.

She didn't want to cause any financial pressure on Su Jin, so she behaved appropriately, and said with a grin:

"Su Jin, I just did some calculations. The money you brought back yesterday, plus today, we have a full 900 gold coins in the account!"

"Combined with the unsold farms, ranches, and coffee shops, we may have secured the funding to keep the community afloat this year!"

Casinos, hotels, bathrooms, etc., all in addition, Kurousagi couldn't possibly let the community's children get involved with such things, let alone let Su Jin touch those dirty things.

However, coffee shops, farms, farms, it's another matter.

This kind of industrial wealth that can be produced continuously, as long as it is properly managed, there is absolutely no problem in feeding a large group of No Name children.

Thinking of Su Jin solving the livelihood problem that had been bothering her for a long time, Kurousagi's heart felt like it was floating in the clouds.

Even if Su Jin called her an idiot, and a stupid rabbit every day in the future, she would admit it because of funds.

"900 gold coins? Tsk, 1750 gold includes the casino, right? Including those that couldn't be sold, it was estimated that this wave only brought in about 2000 gold coins. They really are bastard."

Su Jin glanced at the report, pursed his lips in disdain, he thought, how rich is the person who opened the casino, and the co-author was equivalent to 20 million yuan in his previous life?

It's too little...

At this time, Kurousagi put his hands on the table, looked at Su Jin, and said:

"Su Jin, I think there is something wrong with your view of money."

She seemed to be complaining about why her husband was so indifferent to the world, and she said speechlessly:

"2000 gold coins is already a lot. In this outer gate, there are no more than 30 communities with the most wealth, which is already very rare!"

However, Su Jin didn't care about Kurousagi's words at all, only looked at the land prices on the report, and said speechlessly:

"Of course, this is a small place. The house price is as low as a leek. I wonder why it's worth so little."


Kurousagi was stunned for a moment, wondering if her and Su Jin's worries were a bit different:

"Little Garden's surface area is comparable to a star. How much is a house worth?"

"That's real estate, Kurousagi, you've never seen outside."

Su Jin rolled his eyes, feeling that the price of houses in his previous life was outrageous.


Kurousagi's face was slightly unnatural, she glanced at Su Jin carefully, then feigned indifference and asked:

"By the way, Su Jin, have you ever thought about returning?"

"Return?" Su Jin froze for a moment, then shrugged and said, "I can't go back for a long time."

He didn't think that the world in his previous life could compare to Little Garden.

Hearing Su Jin's words, Kurousagi patted her chest reassuringly: "Is that so? That's great."

After the words fell, his face immediately froze, and she immediately turned to Su Jin, who was looking at her with a strange face, and said:

"I didn't mean that, it's just... that... In short, isn't there still me?"

"Oh ~" Su Jin whistled, then looked at the blushing and nervous Kurousagi, playing with taste: "Kurousagi, are you greedy for my body?"


Kurousagi was stunned for a moment, then blushed and said:

"Immoral! Disgraceful, dirty-minded!"

"Oh, you scolded yourself so hard."

Su Jin shrugged, stood up from the chair, and said:

"By the way, arrange for the slaves of the defeated Beastmen to work on the farm. They are also Beastmen after all, and they should be good at farming."

In Little Gardens, the community bets it all in the Gift Game. After losing, all the official members of the community would become slaves of the winner.

As the one who defeated the megalodon community, Su Jin naturally became the slave owner of the megalodon community's Beastmen.

"The Beastmen?" Kurusagi frowned, and was a little confused: "I think it's better to change hands, I'm afraid the children in the community can't see them."

Su Jin stopped, slightly surprised, and said:

"I thought Kurousagi would say she would let them go, but it turned out to be a change of hands? That's weird."

"Let go? Why? Beastmen belong to the community."

Kurousagi looked suddenly stunned, and subconsciously thought about what to do if she and Su Jin had different ways of thinking, and how to get along in the future so that they would be more compatible.

"Oh, that's it, that's pretty good."

Seeing that Kurousagi didn't have so much conscience, Su Jin heaved a sigh of relief.

As for handling Beastmen, Su Jin was much more relaxed:

"If the Beastmen are unruly, we should choose someone from among the Beastmen to manage them. If possible, choose the type of man who is easily bribed. For example, that one with the lion's head."

Su Jin slapped his forehead.

He remembered the lion-headed beastmen who would show hostility after receiving the tiger-headed beastmen's attention when he pretended to be a leopard-headed beastmen, but he really didn't know the other party's name.

"In the end, let them sort themselves out, and let's just take care of the management."

Hearing this, Kurousagi nodded in agreement.

"Did the dog bite the dog? Su Jin's temper is really bad!"

"I'll take that as a compliment." Su Jin pouted, and took off his coat from the hanger beside him.

Today he is wearing a suit, is well dressed, and looks like a successful man, completely different from the shirt and jeans before.

"Do you want to go out?" Seeing Su Jin, who was wearing his coat, Kurousagi couldn't help but ask.

Su Jin nodded, put a black hat on his head, and said:

"It's time to go to my Supreme God for spoils."

Seeing this, Kurousagi took a deep breath, bowing with a smile like a flower: "Then farewell, leader~"

After saying that, Kurousagi felt as if a boulder had fallen from her shoulders, and suddenly relaxed a lot more.

After the defeat of the original Arcadia Community, almost all of the pressure was on its head.

If it wasn't for Su Jin joining, she might still be worrying about the children's rations now?

As it is today, it is impossible to worry about how to deal with excess labor and how to allocate funds that are too rich.

Thinking about it carefully, all of this was brought by Su Jin, and she was enjoying it peacefully behind the scenes.

Thinking about it like this, Kurousagi immediately understood.

No one was better suited to be the leader of No Name than Su Jin, and none, like him, cared about the rest of the community whose name had been taken.

No one is more suitable as the leader of No Name than Su Jin.

Hearing him being called leader by Kurousagi, Su Jin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"I always feel like my shoulder is going to be crushed by a rabbit."

"I'm not heavy!"

Kurousagi immediately protested in dissatisfaction, but she didn't argue that it meant that she would be by Su Jin's side.

"Ha ha ha! Just kidding~"

Hearing this, Su Jin laughed and left the office.

And the destination is the Thousand Eyes branch station!

There, what did he need, the so-called method to get stronger!

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