
Dimensional Anime-Villain Group Chat

Hey everybody! This is your typical transmigrated into a world of anime where the protagonist is gonna get a lot of anime girls trash fanfic, yadayadayada. Y'know how this works. This is your typical degenerate sh*t. Oh yeah, expect a little incest and some other totally wack stuff. Expect a lot of BS, especially around the love, smut. Like girls falling for the MC kinda randomly as well. P.S. The protagonist isn't a villain. Why? Cus there's no need for him to be. He's not some edgy guy who likes killing. He's an anime fan who transmigrated into an anime world, and then got invited to a group chat full of villains, so don't raise your expectations. Another P.S. Likely not gonna finish this so don't get your hopes up too high if you get attached. Also, if you can, make comments on stuff I get wrong on anime. Like hair color, maybe some lore or background cus I forgot half of all this. None of these characters are mine except for the protagonist. They all belong to their respective authors.

EvilFairy · Cómic
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23 Chs

New Mission and Viser

Ryu brought Viser back into his house. However, he was left with another serious problem.

How should he go explain this to his mother now?

Another long-long sister might work? Especially with the disguise ring.

However, some changes needed to be done. At this rate, Ryu's bed wouldn't be big enough.

He had Mosquito Girl living in the guest bedroom, but there was no bedroom for Viser. 

Ryu needed money fast and another house at that as well. 

Could he perhaps ask Rias? Ryu pondered for a moment. 

It shouldn't be too much of a deal since they were husband and wife, right?

Ryu then shook his head. Honestly, he felt a bit embarrassed, relying on Rias like this.

He wanted to try to do it on his own first. If that didn't work out, then he could rely on Rias.

He didn't have any mainstream way of going from dimension to dimension just yet. 

It cost Dimensional Coins, so he couldn't go to No Game No Life.

Plus, even if he brought a bunch of gold, he didn't know where to sell it. 

Ryu decided to ponder, using all of his anime information for the test. 

Suddenly, something popped up right in front of him.

[Ding! Mission Received]

[Mission: Save Koro-Sensei]

[Time Until Mission: 1 Week]

[Members: 1 Admin + 2 Members]

[Length: Year-Long Mission]

[Reward: 150 Dimensional Coins Each]

Ryu looked at his new mission. He was shocked. 

This appeared at the right moment. 

He remembered that assassinating Koro-Sensei gave a 3 million dollar reward to each student.

He could use this to gain money for a house and a bigger bed.

If he utilized someone's abilities from the group chat, he could earn more money as well.

Ryu grinned evilly. How dare they only pay 3 Billion Yen for their world to be saved (100 Million)

Ryu checked the chat again. The chat was mostly quiet aside from some non-important stuff.

Ryu took a look at his mission. 150 Dimensional Coins were quite a lot. 

It was a year-long mission, so it did take quite a long time as well.

Ryu was personally interested in saving Koro-Sensei, so he would definitely be a part of this mission.

Ryu then took a look at his chat. The chat was mostly dead when missions were not out. 

It seemed as if most of the villains were not that interested in each other. 

Rather they were interested in the system and getting stronger. 

[Ryu: Did everyone see this mission?]

[All For One: Who do you plan on taking?]

Ryu paused for a moment before answering.

[Ryu: I'll be taking the youngest-looking ones for this mission]

He knew that most of the people there would be useless. 

After all, they were going to be disguising themselves as students. 

They likely needed someone young who could blend in as a student. 

[Ryu: Pandora and Chlammy]

[Gilgamesh: How dare thee, Are you stating that I, Gilgamesh, am not "young-looking"?]

Ryu's eyes twitched. When did Gilgamesh become this shameless? 

[Chlammy: I also don't want to leave for a year if possible]

Ryu thought about it over a moment. 

[Ryu: Very well, then. I'll be taking Panodora and Gilgamesh]

Ryu knew that they could get a Disguise Ring or something of that nature to make Gilgamesh look younger.

Pandora also fit the script because of her memory affecting abilities and her tiny figure.

[Gilgamesh: Do you think I, the King of Heroes, will accept your offer, Admin!]

[Ryu: Very well then, I'll chose someone else]

[Gilgamesh: Since you have granted me this opportunity, I shall graciously accept for I know how much you truly desire my presence on this mission!]

[Chlammy: …]

[Tier: …]

[Ryu: …]

[Gilgamesh: What do all of your dots signify?]

However, everyone just left Gilgamesh on read, leaving him to his own devices. Ryu shook his head. 

This Gilgamesh was definitely more shameless than the one in the anime.

Ryu had a week until the mission started. There was plenty of time to finish the Asia mission.

Ryu then texted Uzaki that he was busy today. After all, he had to deal with Viser waking up soon.

"Who is this girl?" Mosquito Girl asked. She just entered the room to see a girl sleeping on Ryu's bed.

"This is going to be your new sister," Ryu then told Mosquito Girl.

"What?" Mosquito Girl was confused.

Ryu then explained to her what happened. And how he took Viser in after his friends beat her up.

Mosquito Girl looked at Viser as though she was a fellow kindred spirit.

"Don't worry. I'll treat you her like a sister from now on"

"Thanks," Ryu responded.

It didn't take long before Viser woke up. 

"What! Who are you?" 

Ryu decided to tie up Viser because it would be annoying to deal with her outburst.

"Do you not remember me? I'm one of the people who brought you down"

Ryu then paused for a moment, realizing he did nothing at all during the fight. 

Viser's eyes opened fully. It was the guy in the back who did nothing!

"Kill me, bastard!"

"I won't. I want you to become my servant" 

"Why?" Viser growled slightly.

"Because you're pretty, and I want you" Ryu stated bluntly. 

"What?" Viser was shocked, especially how blunt Ryu was being

"Haha! Even if you like me! Do you think I'll accept this so easily?" Viser stated.

"How about this? If you serve as my servant for three years, I'll let you go" Ryu stated

"Do you really think I'd be naive enough to believe you" 

"How about this? We can formally sign an agreement with God. If either of us breaks it, we die"

"What?" Viser was shocked. She had never heard of such a thing.

"I can travel through different worlds and dimensions. Something like this is easy to obtain"

"What!?" Was this man crazy?? Other dimensions? Who would believe that nonsense.

Ryu just bought a [Magical Contract] from the Dimensional Store for 10 Dimensional Coins.

"If you don't believe me, just sign this" 

Viser grinned arrogantly. You think I'd just believe you.

In Viser's eyes, he brought out a random piece of paper and said it was a magical contract.

Viser got the paper and signed it. 

In the next moment, she felt as though something had changed, but she didn't know what.

"What happened?" Viser asked.

"You signed a contract to be my servant for a year. In the meantime, you can't hurt anyone I tell you to, and if I don't release you in 3 years, I get punished"

"Fine," Viser said, gritting her teeth. She suddenly felt as though something was holding her back from attacking Ryu. She guessed it to be the contract. 

Ryu knew that her temper had something to do with not having a Master and having too much demonic power.

That was why Ryu's first order was to fix this by training it consistently. 

"Do you want to go to school with me, Viser?" 

Ryu smiled as the door opened again. 

Ryu then grinned towards his mother who opened the door, pouting again.

"Mother, I have another sister"