
Chapter 109- Between a Rock And a Hard Place (Part 1)

The forest shook powerfully, as dirt, broken trees, and all kinds of other things started sliding down to the middle. All the students who took that route to escape found themselves being hit by an avalanche from both sides.

Some of the unlucky ones were hit by broken tree trunks. 

"AAAGHHHH!! My leg!!"


Panic spread across the entire group as they realized the massive disaster happening. Nobody expected such an outcome from entering this place. They prepared themselves mentally and physically to fight actual monsters, not a moving forest!

"Don't panic and keep moving! We aren't far away from the exit!" Hyun-Jae's voice echoed through the entire place, capturing the attention of the students. Her voice, as cold as it was, brought them a small glimpse of hope as they kept running.