

" what would you do, if you get the chance to explore not just the universe but the whole multiverse." Neo obtained the Dimensional system with a big spaceship, but the spaceship is now empty but not for long as Neo goes on a adventures he will keep adding new members to his team. multiverse..........seems intresting right? well, Neo and others have to undergo a lot of hardship to save multiverse. But why, you must be thinking? multiverse got attacked by a dark creature from the choas and had already destroyed multiple universes. Alfa:- leader, all the holder's of the system has agreed to join our alliance accept one. Neo:- oh.. which one? Alfa:- Rumuru tempest the holder of saga system. Neo:- it's ok , take the system back and live him to his own device. and order everyone to gather. ............. .......it's time to counter attack. -------+++---------+++++----------++++------- the current worlds included in the novel. :- Harry Potter Marvel Battle through the heaven Naruto ongoing world:- overload ( the great tomb of nazarick is waiting for your visit.) By the way check out my other books , and pls give me some reviews or comments even if it is not to my liking. i would love to know your thoughts about the story in the book or if you want to add something.

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83. New Overload

As neo opened his eyes, he was dumbfounded.

' What is this place'

While looking at all around him, he saw some people were kneeling down in front him. But what shocked him the most. Is their attire and their race.

' Why they look so familiar. Have I seen them before.'


Looking at the old man beside him. Who was wearing a butler uniform Then suddenly clicked on his head.

'Are they from the new world, but why I am like this. There is something must have gone really wrong'.

He tried to call Alfa but to no avail.

Frustrated he shouted loudly.

" Alfa, can you hear me."

But there was no reply. But someone else replied to him.

" Had something happened, momonga- sama"

Hearing this old man voice, Neo came back his sences .

' Oh no , I don't remember anything about this place. And that time only 2 season were launched. What should I do.'

As he was thinking to himself. The butler came a little closer to him and asked again.

" No, nothing everything is fine"

Neo knew that they were NPC before but now they are different. And if he did anything suspicious. Then he doesn't know what will happen to him. And right now he can't even use his power for some reason. As he was thinking, while tence expression on his face.

" What is wrong , have I done something to offend you momonga sama."

Butler spoke once again as looked at his expression.

Seeing his worried expression, Neo realise that it was his fault for making such a expression. Looking at the butler Neo asked.

" You have done nothing to offend me , so don't worry. " While shaking his hand he continued." You are sebas right.

Butler nodded. Felt relieved that momonga sama wasn't angry with him.

Looking at him, Neo thought about something and said.

" Sebas, go outside and examine the surrounding. If you find anybody stop them from coming any further even if you have to use force."

Sebas nodded.

" Yes, momonga sama."

Saying that, sebas turn around and left. Looking at the remaining people still kneeling down. Neo ordered.

" All of you stand up."

Following his word, all the maids stood up .

" Go and call all the floor guardians exept 6th floor guardian aur. "

Waving his hand , he let them go. Sitting alone in this big throne hall. Neo started to think about his current situation.

Everything happened so suddenly that he didn't had time to wonder about.

" Why did I take his place. Why did not I came with own body. Even as a gallexy realm cultivator I didn't feel anything. '' lots of thoughts appeared in his mind but couldn't find the answer he was looking for.

As if remember something, Neo stood up and walked toward the arena. But after taking a few steps , he suddenly realised he doesn't know anything about this place. Exept what he learned in the novel.

And even if I know teleportation so without knowing the place it would be difficult. With no other choice Neo tried to teleport.

Closing his eyes, he thought about arena then activated teleportation.

" Whoosh"

Suddenly Neo disappear from the spot and appeared inside a massive arena. Opening his eye to look around.

" I succeeded, Just like that."

As he was talking to himself suddenly a young voice sounded beside him.

" Momonga sama , welcome to arena. I am very happy to see you here momonga sama."

This was none other than aura. The guardian of empitheater. She is just a child. And looks even more cute in real life.

As she started to introduce everything here one by one all the floor gurdians started to come in succession.

Looking at everyone Neo couldn't help but sigh to himself. This is also a mystery as to how they become a living person.

Suddenly one of them came close to him. But Seriously she smelled really good but Neo knew some information about her. She is the ancestor of vampires. And she is the one who fought momonga in 1st season finale battle.

She is no different from the book has described about her. As he was busy thinking. Shalltear bloodfallen and aura started fighting for unknown reason Neo doesn't know.

He just sighed to himself on the side. ' how much longer, do I have to stay with them. And this body , is really one of a kind. Seriously who make thier avatar like this.

Suddenly albedo one of the guardian chimed in of thier fight and it got even more intence.

Clearing his throat, than suddenly remembered that he doesn't have any. Hidding his embarrassment Neo spoke.

" Albedo from now on , you will be incharge of everything going on in this tomb. And you have to let me know if anything important comes up."

" And everyone will wait here for sebas . He has gone out to see the situation outside."

Hearing this everyone silently waited. After a few minutes sebas came back with serious face.

" Momonga sama....."

" Stop" suddenly Neo stopped him talking any further.

" I have an important announcement to make. And that is, from now on everyone will call me Neo. No momonga sama do you all understanding. Take it , as my order."

First everyone of them were bewildered but they accepted the new name very quickly. For them name doesn't matter. What matters is that who is giving commanding them.

Looking at everyone 's expression. Neo said one more thing.

" Now we are far from our home. And this new place could be dangerous. So everyone will increase their alartness from now on. If you want conformation of my word , you can ask sebas."

Looking at sebas Neo said the last part.

Everyone looked at sebas . And as he said , sebas didn't disappoint Neo. As he told everyone how much has changed the place outside the tomb. When everyone heard it , they looked at Neo like a some kind of God.

" Momon....no... Neo sama you are really a supreme. We will follow your arrangement from now on."

hello readers, I hope you the chapter. pls don't expect anything identical to original book. from now on everything will be different. this is my book and the story will go my way. thanks for giving this book your precious time.

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