

" what would you do, if you get the chance to explore not just the universe but the whole multiverse." Neo obtained the Dimensional system with a big spaceship, but the spaceship is now empty but not for long as Neo goes on a adventures he will keep adding new members to his team. multiverse..........seems intresting right? well, Neo and others have to undergo a lot of hardship to save multiverse. But why, you must be thinking? multiverse got attacked by a dark creature from the choas and had already destroyed multiple universes. Alfa:- leader, all the holder's of the system has agreed to join our alliance accept one. Neo:- oh.. which one? Alfa:- Rumuru tempest the holder of saga system. Neo:- it's ok , take the system back and live him to his own device. and order everyone to gather. ............. .......it's time to counter attack. -------+++---------+++++----------++++------- the current worlds included in the novel. :- Harry Potter Marvel Battle through the heaven Naruto ongoing world:- overload ( the great tomb of nazarick is waiting for your visit.) By the way check out my other books , and pls give me some reviews or comments even if it is not to my liking. i would love to know your thoughts about the story in the book or if you want to add something.

UniverseM007 · Cómic
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92 Chs

81. Mysterious World

Opening his eye, Neo looked around himself. But only found empty space exept broken part of the spaceship. The debris were so small that you can't even guess , how big the spaceship was or what colour.

First Neo got little apprehensive for suddenly arriving in this kind of place. He knows that he was in space but he couldn't even see a single star as far as his eyes could see.

Flouting around without any direction, Neo started to get little wary of this place. First he thought, he was in a illusion but he wasn't sure so sure now.

Suddenly scenery in front of him changed to a battle field. Here he can see dead bodies were flouting everywhere. Suddenly one of them flouted toward him. But when he saw the face of this dead person Neo took 3 steps back in shock.

Because the dead person was none other than hackeye himself. He heart was dug out by some kind of monsters. As he started looking around, he saw all the dead bodies were of his friends and families.

His heart rate suddenly increased, he didn't know what's going on. He wanted to end this illusion but nothing worked. As he was breathing heavily, he suddenly heard some sound behind him.

" I have been waiting for you."

Turning around, Neo found a 3 meter tall humanoid monster. With dark black skin colour, if you look at him from far away. you would only see his eyes which were blood red.

" Darkvoids" Neo said slowly.

" You have a good memory. " Suddenly the monster in the front waved his hand and Neo flouted toward him without any control. Standing in front of the monster. Neo began to fill pressure.

He felt like a ant in front of this monster. The monster suddenly said something.

" I will kill you all and this creature you call multiverse. Hahahahaha...."

He felt like space around him settared.

Suddenly Neo woke up and sat down , started to breath heavily. He was covered with sweat. Natasha and madusa were beside him. Anxious.

" Did you see the dream again." Madusa asked.

After calming down a little, Neo couldn't help but smile wryly.

" If it was a dream, then I would be happy. But I think , it's more than that." Neo said while taking a glass of water from the table.

As a gallexy realm cultivator, he shouldn't sweat in the first place but whenever this dream starts. He becomes like a normal person and start to sweat. And this is not the first time but it s been a week since he started seeing this nightmare on a daily basis.

He told Alfa about it but to no avail. Natasha and madusa were the only once who knew about it. He didn't wanted to tell his friends untill he knows more about it. But after this long time, there is still no solution or the reason has been found.

It's been 4 months since Neo got married to Natasha, madusa and suling. And now they were about to reach a very mysterious world.

According to Alfa, this world suddenly appeared out of nowhere in her detection range. And so to check it out. They left for the journey.

As for why only Natasha and madusa are with him. That's because in the night of the honeymoon Neo asked suling to give him some time. Because there was so rush at that time , that he couldn't figure out what to do. And agreed to the marriage. But he didn't regret it but he just need time understand her batter.

And suling agreed, because either Neo wants or not , they are already married . so there is nothing much to think about of this kind of request. And she started her cultivation which is still going on for 3 months streght.

After a little while all three of them , left the room. And Started going toward the hall. When they arrived, they found that everyone was there . Talking among themselves.

And the topic was none other than Neo's marriage.Neo is used to it by now.

Seeing that Neo is coming, everyone became silent. " Why do you guys became so silent all of a sudden. " Neo asked with a blank look.

" Oh we were talking about our next destination. " Harry said

Looking at harry, who was sitting beside Hermione. Neo still couldn't believe that Harry and Hermione are now a couple. As for Ron ' pls don't pity him ' because he already got himself another . Well, who else she could be, Sumai ofcourse.

Untill now he couldn't understand, what they did in there world. And in just less than two weeks. Everything is changed. As for xiao yan as reborn person. He directly went to China and enjoyed himself there. Even though it wasn't his real home earth . But it was better than nothing.

Even though Neo knew he was changing the topic but he didn't brought it up. Just shook his head and said.

" Well, to be completely honest. We don't know anything about this new world. It still a mystery and that's what we have to uncover."

Looking at captain and peggy. Neo Decided to send them their first. Because of there great defence. There is nobody else could be as resilient as them.

After the wedding, Neo already told them to sigh the contract and because of that they are already at super realm peak. As for thor , he surprised Neo quite a bit. After starting the cultivation thor directly broke through to planetary realm peak. Stronger then any new members.

And Neo thinks , it has something to do with his powerful strength from before

As for neo himself, he is on the verge of breaking through to the cluster realm. He would have reached peak of the cluster realm of not for secrificing his origin energy. Yes he was told by Alfa that the energy he lost that day was a origin energy.

Just as he was about to tell them about it. Alfa suddenly announced that we have arrived at the mysterious world. Natasha suddenly projected a holographic screen in the middle of the hall.

Where they could see a world no different from earth. But it is ten times bigger than earth. And there only one continents on this planet.

As she zoomed in even further. Everyone can see castle, houses built with mudd. And people are wearing strange armour. And everyone of them using sword and spear.

Looking at this Neo only had one thought.

' is this a world of sword and magic ?'