
Digital Contract

This is a world where the digital world and the human world are intertwined, and this is also a world where the human contract Digimon is. When a person reaches the age of 16, he can communicate with the digital world, awaken the digital soul, and sign a contract with a Digimon to become a beast trainer. He Zheng, reborn sixteen years ago, at the moment of awakening the digital soul, the system appeared... (I only translated and edited.) Author: 不闹不吵 Link for raw: https://wap.faloo.com/new_1015477.html I hope you enjoy it. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from this. All copyright goes to their original owners.

Dankan · Cómic
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75 Chs

Chapter 61 Joining the team

"Yo, long time no see, He Zheng!" Seeing He Zheng coming in, Jiang Ying and Ma Ling who were sitting in their seats waved at him as a greeting.

"En!" He Zheng nodded.

"Sit down first!" Long Yue said to He Zheng after sitting down on the side seat.

"Okay!" Nodding his head, He Zheng also sat down with a natural expression, then looked at Long Yue and said, "Now we can explain this matter!"

"He Zheng, the thing is like this. Didn't we ask you before if you planned to form a team, and then you said you would think about it? We figured that if you want to fight alone, it must be better to form a team, so we went with Long The captain said about you, and then Captain Long invited you." After He Zheng's voice fell, Jiang Ying and Ma Ling came out anxiously to explain.

"This is indeed the case!" Long Yue also took the words, looked at He Zheng, and said, "I have also read your mission records. In just a few days, you have completed two single-person missions, and even One of the missions also involves the infected beast, so I am really optimistic about you. If you want, you can try it in my team. Of course, the time limit problem you told me before is actually not a big deal , when you start school, just contact me when you have time!"

"Is it like this! Okay!" He Zheng nodded after hearing Long Yue's words.

The other party's words were indeed nicer and more comprehensive, and at the same time, they didn't have the tone of the seniors.

And no matter what, He Zheng has a good sense of Long Yue, and the other party agreed that he could not appear in the team steadily after school started, so since the other party has said such good things, and He Zheng really needs a team now To hone himself, so after thinking for a while, He Zheng agreed directly.

What's more, Jiang Ying and Ma Ling invited themselves like this, and they couldn't disregard each other's face.

"Very good, then welcome our new team members!" Long Yue also nodded with a smile.

"Welcome!" "Welcome!" Jiang Ying and Ma Ling also applauded quickly.

"Welcome..." The strange girl on the side also clapped her hands at this time, but her voice seemed weak.

"Thank you everyone!" Although He Zheng noticed the indifference of this strange girl towards him, he didn't say anything, and just smiled back at everyone here.

"Then let's make an introduction!" Long Yue said with a smile, "I don't need it, I think, [Emperor Knight], you should have read my profile a long time ago!"

"Haha!" He Zheng smiled, and immediately said, "Captain Long, since I have joined the team, you can call me He Zheng!"

"Okay, then I'll call you Xiaojiao!" Long Yue nodded with a smile, then looked at Jiang Ying and Ma Ling, and continued to say to He Zheng, "You should know these two yourself. My old friend entrusted me to bring the younger generation, because my own team has a special relationship, so if I bring it, I will bring it!"

"Captain Long, we're actually pretty good!" Jiang Ying and Ma Ling argued, but they obviously didn't have enough confidence.

"En!" He Zheng didn't care about the reactions of the two women, and nodded to Long Yue's words.

Of course, he also noticed the specialness of this team that Long Yue said.

I made a secret note in my heart, He Zheng naturally wouldn't ask more questions at this time.

"As for this one, it's called Long Yingxue, my daughter! She's Jiang Ying and Ma Ling's classmate!" Long Yue said with a smile.

"Hello!" He Zheng nodded towards this strange girl named Long Yingxue.

"En!" The latter also returned the salute, but his expression was still indifferent.

"Haha, Xiaozheng, don't worry about it, Xiaoxue has this personality, and she's actually quite easy to get along with!" Seeing his daughter's obviously disliked He Zheng's reaction, Long Yue quickly said as a cover.

"It's okay!" He Zhengze replied with a smile.

At this time, how could he not see it.

Isn't this a pure nanny team?

Plus myself, four juniors, and one senior, isn't it just four?

Isn't this the nanny team?

So this should be the special nature of the team that Long Yue was talking about!

It is also because of this particularity, so it doesn't matter if you don't have time to come after school starts, because this is the relationship of the nanny team, so the tasks chosen by this team are generally those that only need the captain to do it alone. It doesn't matter whether other people are present or not for the task of stable solution.

After discovering the truth of the matter, He Zheng didn't feel much.

I even feel that in my current state, I am even better in the nanny team than in the general team.

After all, I and these three female college students can be regarded as the same age, how can I communicate better than those teams full of aunts and uncles!