
413%8. The Subsidy Comes To The Door, And The Increase Increases To Hand Cramps

"The system also has a voice broadcast function?"

"Not bad, it's very helpful."

In this way, Qin Ming can directly obtain information about changes in the sky world.

With the successful birth of living things, Qin Ming lowered the intensity of the volcanic eruption through the mother gas of creation.

The climate became milder, more suitable for biological evolution rather than birth.

Another tens of millions of years have passed.

The system announcement sounded again.

[Due to the decrease in the strength of the submarine volcano, Luca had to leave its original living environment. Most of the Luca died, but a small number evolved primitive cell walls and had the capital to survive in seawater. ]

[Birth of primitive bacteria, planet points +100]

Once life is born, it will find its own way.

This is the charm of biological evolution.

No matter what kind of natural disaster, living things will find ways to adapt to the environment and adapt through evolution.

Qin Ming accelerated time again, and the system's announcement sounded frequently.

[The fire of life burns blazingly, sparking a prairie fire in an instant. The organic matter in the ocean is extremely abundant, and bacteria feed on it and multiply rapidly. But soon, the original dividends were consumed, and marine organic matter became scarce. Bacteria were unable to evolve various organs and show their fangs to the same kind for food! ]

The sea level does appear gray at this time.

However, various colors soon became separated, and all the gray bacteria that had not completed their evolution died!


[Once competition breaks out, evolution cannot stop. In order to kill their own kind, some bacteria evolve thicker cell walls or stronger flagella. Various weapons are born accordingly. The ocean is no longer simple. It has now become a paradise for the strong and a paradise for the weak. hell! ]


[Evolution becomes more prosperous, and a new species is completely born. The system automatically names it "animal", and the representative creature is - Paramecium! ]

[Another form of species is born. They rely on chloroplasts to capture energy from the sun. The system automatically names them "plants", and the representative organisms are cyanobacteria]

[Get 200 planetary points]

"Yes, there are more and more creatures."


at this time.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed in the firmament world.

Because there is no special energy or power system, it can only rely on biological evolution.

If they are other star masters with the origin of the Transcendent planet, they can rely on special energy to quickly evolve creatures, and there is no need to be like the firmament world.

The content of the subsequent broadcast is very simple.

Basically, which animal becomes the overlord, and which animal is restrained and reduced to food rations.

Or maybe some creature completed a counterattack and defeated its original natural enemy.

Summarize it in eight words.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

Qin Ming is not interested in watching it. Isn't it just a group of single-cell organisms fighting?

Interesting though.

Marine algae produced a large amount of oxygen, many anaerobic organisms died, and the ocean even fell into death in a short period of time.

Another few hundred million years have passed.

The system report finally contained meaningful content.

[Multicellular organisms appear, and a new round of biological explosion begins!

Marine life began to invade land, marine plants invaded land, took root and sprouted in fertile land, angiosperms were born, arthropods were born one after another... Oxygen further increased, and biodiversity increased again!

Tens of millions of years passed, and trilobites, and even the first vertebrates and primitive fish were born in the ocean!

Planet points +100]


[As competition becomes increasingly fierce, marine animals begin to develop towards larger sizes in pursuit of stronger defense power, and the overlord of the ocean is born - Anomalocaris! ]

[Planet points +200]

"This is good, but the evolution path of the firmament world is very similar to the earth in the previous life."

"It doesn't matter. If we keep going at this rate, it won't be long before dinosaurs are born."


"It is estimated that the human beings known as the terrifying upright ape will not be around for long."

Odd Shrimp was the first overlord of the Earth in the previous life.

ruled the oceans for tens of millions of years.

And in the sky realm.

The changes continue.

As the system voice broadcast, there are constantly new creatures ascending to the position of overlord, and there are constantly new creatures challenging the overlord.

time flies.

You come and go between species, killing and cutting constantly.

The battlefield has also expanded from the ocean to the land, and herbivores and carnivores have also emerged as the times require.

The entire sky world is full of vitality, and the scene of all things competing for growth is presented in front of you.

Qin Ming even felt a little sleepy.

Time can no longer be accelerated...

Qin Ming turned his attention to the starry sky.

Due to the acceleration of time, it only takes effect in the firmament world, and several other planets with hostile civilizations still have no action.

After a while.

Qin Ming's body suddenly felt something.

There seemed to be a knock on the door.

So after ordering the creation mother Qi to take care of the sky world, her soul returned to her body immediately.

"There are not many people who contact me on weekdays. They should be the people who come to deliver allowances as the head teacher said."

Qin Ming was looking forward to it.

After taking care of the image, open the door immediately.

as expected.

Three public servants came to the door.


They exude a breath of gold rank.

The leader of them wore gold-rimmed glasses.

The equipment is extraordinary.

"Hello, Qin Ming."

Qin Ming nodded.

"Let's get straight to the point!"

The gold-rimmed glasses smiled and motioned for the two entourage to take out two briefcases.

Qin Ming discovered at this time that the briefcase turned out to be space storage equipment, and there was a small Grotto-Heaven inside, which could be used to store items.

"My name is Li Wen, and these are the official development subsidies provided by Shenxia Kingdom."

The two briefcases suddenly glowed white, and then several items slowly floated in the air, including cards or scrolls.

Li Wen made a brief introduction.

Qin Ming directly observed with the system.

[When the "meteorite scroll" is detected, should it be multiplied by ten thousand times immediately? ]

["Civilization Directive" detected....]

["Ocean card" detected....]

["Evolution Accelerator Card" detected....]

["Variation card" detected....]

["Talent Card" detected....]

["Aura card" detected... ]

so many things.

Qin Ming felt that he was going to increase his strength to the point of cramp in his hands.