
Different Batman

What if in a strange twist of whatever twists, a soul from Earth gets to choose between one overpowered wish or three templates that don't have any superpowers? Wait ... intelligence doesn't count as a superpower here? What a mistake on the twister's side. The soul will of course rather choose intelligence over a boring OP wish. Because three OP wishes are always better than one. Watch as this is a ... slightly different Batman.

Cedric_7512 · Cómic
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73 Chs


(3rd Person POV)

Something was going on. If you were sensitive or intelligent enough, you would notice. The first thing was the rising activity of villains across the US and the second was the arrival of Despero.


Arriving in Earth's orbit, Despero attacked the Justice League Watchtower with a Kryptonite ring, believing Superman to be on board. However, to his surprise, the Kryptonian was actually with Wonder Woman on a mission. Despero instead battled the reserve members of the League, wiping them out before finally fighting Martian Manhunter. The Martian, not abiding by usual League protocol, used his telepathic attack at full power, sending Despero into a coma and turning him over to the authorities.

This fight, caused the Watchtower to crash to Earth at Happy Harbor, Rhode Island.

That was where we found ourselves at the start of the last chapter. Tensions were high, someone was plotting in the background and Batman ...

Well, the Dark Knight had something else to deal with and didn't bother with the Justice League ... yet.


In a Biotech firm in Gotham, someone is currently stealing drugs and putting them in his bag. With the appearance of a crocodile, Killer Croc is shuffling the drugs as much in his mouth as he is in the backpack he brought. His eyes are red, but interestingly not just from the drugs ... the crocodile has been crying. But are they truly 'Crocodile's tears' or are they real?

"Waylon Jones ...", a deep voice says suddenly. Killer Croc turns around and looks around frantically. His senses have been dulled due to the drugs he has been swallowing. His heartbeat quickens. It is something deep within him that seems to fear the voice. Or ... maybe not the voice itself, but the one behind it. He shakes his head, to get a clear thought through, but it doesn't work.


From above a dark figure jumps down and stands in front of Croc, looking at him. His eyes are narrowed and the usually red lights on his suit are turned off. He is now completely dark, except for his eyes.

"Y-yo-uu ..."

"Yes, me. What's wrong Waylen? I thought you were done with this. I cured you of your condition, so what's all this? Did I not tell you what would happen if you spit on my gifts?", Batman asks him.

"I-I ... c-can't ..."

"RRRAAAAAHHHH!!", Croc suddenly roars, his eyes turning red. Like a mad beast, he attacks Batman and punches him in the face.



Batman crashes through the wall and lies there on the ground. He moves and stands back, creating distance from the storming Killer Croc. He moves away from the punches and grabs from Croc with ease.

"Talk to me, Waylen.", Batman says. He punches Croc in two specific places that won't kill or damage him but will hurt and knock the air out of his lungs.


"RUGH", the air leaves Killer Croc's lungs and he holds his stomach in pain.

"What happened Waylen?", Batman says and lifts Croc's head up to look him in the eyes. He narrows his eyes and understands what happened. Fear toxin. Scarecrow seemed to be back again and experimented with Waylen when he wasn't in his Killer Croc form. Usually, Batman played a game with Scarecrow where he would create an antidote to the new fear toxin before breaking most of his bones and sending him to prison.

Batman takes a small spray can out of his Utility belt and is just about to spray Waylen when a big hand holds the can inside Batman's hand. Croc then uses his great strength and grabs Batman by the throat, lifting him in the air. He tries to choke him, but Batman's suit was created by himself, so there is no way he could ever hope to damage it.

Faster than the eye can see, Batman uses Hokuto Shinken to shut off the nerves in his arm.


"RARGH!", Killer Croc screams as his arm hangs limply at his side. Enraged, he punches Batman again, which is deflected by the Dark Knight. Batman closes the distance and delivers a combo of punches and strikes towards Croc's midsection. To escape the onslaught, Croc manages to use his tail and wrap it around Batman's leg. With all his might he flings Batman away.



Using this opportunity, Killer Croc takes the bag full of drugs and steroids and runs off.

Batman stands back up and simply dusts himself off.




"Not yet."




Killer Croc meanwhile runs through the warehouse of the Biotech firm with his bag, when suddenly all the lights go out. The rather scared man gets even more frightened and almost begins to shiver. He is already mentally under pressure because of the fear toxin, which made him go back to his Killer Croc persona.

Some time ago, Batman found Killer Croc as he was about to eat some people and confronted the then-confused Waylen. They first clashed and Batman pummeled the arrogant Killer Croc and beat him into submission. After that, the two talked ... that's right.

Batman knew the history of Waylen Jones and was convinced that the boy deserved some light in his dark life. So after establishing dominance and the hierarchy, Batman offered Waylen a chance at a 'normal' life.

He changed Waylen's DNA in a way, that he could change from his Killer Croc form back into Waylen and vice-versa. It was a very emotional scene for Waylen Jones and he accepted. He had to promise Batman, that he would finish school though and find a real job. And that should he go back to hurting innocents, Batman would find him.





In the darkness, Batman did what he did best ... show the man his place and give him emotional damage and fear.

Killer Croc though managed to get a hold of Batman as the lights went back on. He held his throat again and came face to face with him when a jolt of electricity travelled through him.

"RAAAAAAHHH", Killer Croc screams as the electricity shocks him and he falls to the ground.

Batman looks up and sees a woman, standing in front of him, holding a powerful tase-gun in her hand.

"Hello, my love. You should have warned your playdate. I'm the only one that can bite you.", the woman says with a cocky expression on her face. Talia al Ghul had arrived in Gotham.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"What? I saved you there. I took him out."

"I didn't need him taken out. I needed him scared, to talk to him. Knocking him out in this state is not beneficial. Don't assume you did anything right when coming to my city. Entering alone is already wrong, when it comes to you. Now leave!", Batman says and kneels down to check on Waylen.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, beloved. I am here to talk to you and you will liste-"

"Kasumi, take out the trash.", Batman says to no one in particular. Before Talia could reply anything, she was kicked by a dark figure, dressed in a Batsuit.


Kasumi means mist in Japanese. Batman didn't like the name 'Orphan'. That wasn't even a title, it was just a description. So he had let her change the name and when she couldn't come up with anything, he pitched her some ideas.


Cassandra was a very talented young woman and since she had met with Batman, she had made monstrous progress. Not only physically, but mentally as well. This Batman was different from the others. He actually had time for Cassandra and his own interests, unlike the other Batmen. He not only helped her improve in martial arts but also removed the problem she had with her upbringing.

Simply, he made it, so that she could speak just fine, if she wanted to. A quick concoction and it was solved. But ironically, both of them enjoyed the silent understanding between them and a deep bond had developed between them over time.

Although Sebas would have liked it, Cassandra was not adopted by Bruce and also didn't live with them, at least officially. She lived with ... her mother. Indeed, Batman had a word with Lady Shiva and had her take responsibility for her child.

How did he manage that?

He's Batman, what did you expect?

Whenever Lady Shiva was not in town though, Cassandra came to the Wayne Manor and spent her time reading the many books in Bruce's solar, eating the delicious food Sebas makes or training with Bruce in the Batgarage.

Ironically, he didn't need her help, but she was probably the only one, he would ever allow in Gotham. So while she wasn't called Wayne, she was still at home there.


Batman took out a syringe from his Utility belt. He injected it into Killer Croc's neck and then took out the Omnitool. He checked his vital signs and waited for his brain waves to normalise again.

In the background, Kasumi was fighting Talia and was actually keeping up with her without a problem. She was not yet at the level of overwhelming her completely, but she hadn't yet used any of her tools.

Batman was always keeping an eye on them while he was working. After a few minutes, Waylen woke up again, after being transformed into his human appearance.

"Ugh ... what ... what happened? Batman?! Shit, I'm sorry, I swear I didn't-"

"Relax. I know already. We still need to work on your mental resistance to the fear toxin. But that will come with time."

"Uh ... what is going on here?", Waylen says and points at the two women who were fighting. Talia had picked up the pace and was surprised that she didn't have the upper hand in the fight.

"Don't worry about them. Go home now, we will talk about this later.", Batman says making Waylen wince.


After breaking up the fight, Batman told Kasumi to wait in the car, while he went to Talia's yacht. For some reason, she had to change before she could talk to him.

She poured two drinks for them while wearing something sensual.

"Would you like a drink?", she asks him.

"Last time that didn't go so well.", Batman replies.

"Oh, you're right. If I remember correctly, I put a little something in your beverage.", Talia says while approaching Batman and touching him. She put her face very close to his mask, but he didn't react.

"Something like that."

"It made you romantic."

"It made me adventurous.", Batman said.

"Do you remember our shared moonlight?", she asks.

"I remember a lab ... and some needles.", he says confusing her. Thinking he is trying to throw her off her game, she continues.

"Was it all bad, beloved?", Talia asks and puts her knee where she shouldn't.


"On what?"

"Why you're here.", he says. Talia turns around and holds her arms.

"My father he's ... dead."


"How many fathers do I have?"

"Is that so."

"Yes. Assassins are trying to take over the organisation. They are led by a man-"


"You ... you knew."

"Lucky guess."

"Anyway, Deathstroke wants to kill us."


"When I say us, I mean me and ... your son."


At that moment, Talia pulls away the curtain and a small boy walks out of the dark. He has the look of an entitled brat. Someone who is very sure of himself. He walks in front of Batman and measures him.

"Don't look so stunned Father."

"Did you stand behind the curtain, listening to our discussion for a 'dramatic' reveal?"

"Being prepared is everything, Grandfather taught me that. I thought you were taller."



"I see that you have inherited the humour of your father.", Batman says confusing both of them. 


"It will make sense eventually. ... Did you do a DNA test?", Batman asked, confusing them again.

"Of course not. Believe me, he's yours. Or do you think that I had been with someone else?"

"I don't think you were with anyone."

"You are acting strange tonight.", Talia remarks.

"No. You just don't understand it yet.", Batman says confusing her even more.


Batman and Damien watched as Talia's yacht left the harbour. If we could see through Batman's mask, we would see the smallest of smiles. And as we know very well, that is the worst sign for ... anyone really.

"You didn't know about me."

"I did know about you. I am after all responsible for your creation.", Batman replied. 

"Why didn't you come visit then?"

"Because this is much more entertaining, don't you think?", Batman says and walks towards the Batmobile.

"I'll drive."

"Is that a question?"

"I know how."

"And that concerns me how?"

"I know how to drive, so let me drive."



Batman doesn't answer him and simply enters the Batmobile. Seeing his chance now gone, Damien also wants to jump into the Batmobile. However before he can, someone presses a few of his pressure points.

"What ... is ...", the boy says but falls unconscious the next moment. 

Batman and Kasumi look at the boy who is lying on the floor for a moment. Then they look at each other and Kasumi simply shrugs. Batman shrugs as well and creates a black portal underneath Damien, making him fall through it.

"Let's go."


Just so you know. The last chapter and this one are taking place at the same time. Yes, Batman doesn't give two cents about what the others are doing right now.

But he will have a word about the broken space station.