
Milky waves.

Camila stepped down from the Range Rover looking dolled up, something you would find in the 70s edition of prim and proper. Her sunshades were the perfect cover for her red, puffy and swollen eyeballs. The beach hat hid the thin scar that was a souvenir from her short-lived marriage with the monster she called Drake. Clad in a white beach gown and 6-inch pencil heels, she had come to the right place to escape the memories that had haunted her for the past six weeks.

Cam had always found solace in shoes. Somehow, they appeared to be the only thing she could wear all day without a twinge if regret or discomfort.


'Madam, your parents are waiting', that was Joe, her big bad bodyguard who had been with her since she was 12. Thankfully, her father had enough foresight to gift her this good man when she marjed her twelfth birthday over a decade ago. He had been a daily constant ever since. Joe carefully held her below the waist as she took short purposeful steps towards the mansion where her parents lived. They had gotten this house as their retirement present and somehow, it became a refuge for Camila and her two brothers.


Camila was the only daughter and last child of the Blooms. She arrived 10 years after Billy, and 13 years after Houston. Both brothers adored their baby sister. It was obvious in how they called her almost every day since she left for college. Bill particularly had the softest spot for 'Dols'. He had called her 'Dols since she was a baby. 


'Dols', it's good to have you home. That was Bill. He had spotted her car on the terrace and raced down to give her a big bear hug. Cam would never get tired of being a baby sister. 

Hey, Billy. Cam could barely get the words past her throat before the tears found their way to the surface. She cried for all the things she could have had with Drake. Everyone had warned her, but she turned deaf ears. 

Shush now... everything will be just fine, Dols. You know we're here for you. I'll find that asshole and put a hole in his face for all the times he hit you. When I'm done with him, his nightmare would be a pleasant place for him to live. I promise. Shush now, baby dols.

Camilla looked at Billy with live knowubg he meant every word. She would talk him out of the idea later, but for now, she enjoyed the warmth of his bug embrace. 

How's Bruce and Bones? She asked her brother whose two sons had their names starting with letter B. It was an age long culture with the Blooms. Their dad was Brian, His own Father, Ben and Cam's eldest brother was Bernie even though no one called him that. 

They're spending the weekend at their grandparents'. Venice took them out to the country, figured it's been a while since they saw their mum's side of the family.

It was a much needed break for the two of them. The trio made their way to the front door where Cam was welcomed by Brian and Gladys. The smiles were laced with different emotions underneath. There was love, anger, regrets, anguish and relief. It had been a trying half of the year for Camila and they were glad it was finally over.

Houston sends his regards. He should join us tomorrow morning with his wife and kids. Brian announced over dinner. Camilla would later learn that Houston got appointed as the mayor's adviser on family affairs two months ago. A news she found surprising as her brother was not one to rub shoulders with the high and mighty in the county. Infact, he was the most reserved of the Blooms. It would appear that the mayor did appreciate his composure and knowledge having being friends since pre-school.

After dinner, Cam retired to her room and took a shower. The soft knock on her door announced the arrival of her mother. Gladys had always been intuitive and she knew that despite the brave front her daughter out up at dinner, she was having a hard time holding on.

'Hey baby, need a bedtime story? I still have your books in the attic'.

'Mum' Cam replied softly with a smile. I'm no longer a baby, although I could use a peck on the forehead and a goodnight hug, right now.

I was hoping you'd say that. Come here, baby. Cam sank into her mother's arms and let out a deep sigh. 

Mum, I love you. 

I know you do, baby. I know you do. 

Minutes passed and none said another word. Mother and daughter were simply content, each in their own world.