

When I woke up the next morning, the bright light from the sun infiltrated the room.

I felt my phone on the bedside and checked for time

I gasped, it was already few minutes to eleven o'clock and I stood up immediately, it was the first time my life that I actually slept in, I always woke up by Six back home.

I hurriedly showered, I had to show up at the Wilson's company today as the president's wife, so I ignored the knock on my door and tried dressing up as soon as possible.

It was already mid-noon when I went downstairs, Mrs Helena and her minions were waiting, they greeted and were about to escort me to the dinning Hall which I quickly rejected, I was already very late, but the head Butler tried stopping me again

"You must have breakfast miss Edwards, eating regular meals is a tradition in the Wilson family" she urged

The first thing I picked from her statement was the way she addressed me as "miss Edwards" she called me by my family name instead of "Mrs Wilson" or "young madam Wilson" that's how its normally done in affluent families

"What did you just call me"

I stared at her

" Miss Edwards" she repeated looking embarrassed

The Butler is quick witted woman, she must have realised what I meant, but she didn't budge, it means it was an order from someone in the Wilson family, someone stronger than me.

I thought about it, out of the five members of the Wilson family:

Father in-law was less concerned and busy to give the order, mother in-law wasn't in terms with my husband and wouldn't dare meddle in his business, Yvonne was rather friendly, and Old madam Wilson chose me so she wouldn't give the order either, I narrowed down my suspicions to the only person left

Mr Wilson, he told me yesterday that he didn't like me, maybe he doesn't want me to be associated to his name.

"Mr Wilson gave the order right" I asked with red eyes

"The young master informed us that miss Edwards is to be well taken care of when she arrives" It was a blonde maid that replied, she had a smirk of envy

"what" Mavey exclaimed

"How dare a mere maid talk to the young lady in such a rude manner"

I held Mavey back, and the butler dragged the maid away. I was sure she's going to be punished, but not enough to convince the maids to give me enough respect as young lady Wilson, their boss must have insinuated that I wasn't very important

I wasn't sincerely keen about the title, I prefer "Edwards" but I mind being treated like trash

I planned storming out of the house but Mavey pleaded me to wait

"Mr Wilson ordered that the personal assistant personally escort miss Edwards"

I couldn't go out all by myself after all, and besides there were no taxis around the Isolated area, I was frustrated


The car park housed cars that made me wonder were their riches were sourced from, no wonder father wanted me to get married into this family real bad, his reasons for greed were justified. I chose a golden yellow car that looked official and matched my outfit, the assistant opened the door for me

The drive to the company took less than thirty minutes, and when the chaffuer drove into the company's building, my initial resentment immediately dissipated

The Wilson Company's Headquarters building stood as giant as a mountain, I was not sure how many floors there were but I would find out later. The personal assistant who introduced himself as Liam Anderson opened my door

According to me, he was too good looking for a personal assistant, with those bright eyes and raised chin, stylish M-shaped lips, he could get any lady and I envied him

We walked further into the building and I was awed, it was really worth being the best Enterprise in the country

When we entered the lobby, I became nervous again and when the elevator binged, my hands were actually shaking.

I needed to act minutely with authority to protect the image and dignity of the Wilson's, I clenched my shaking fist and let assistant Liam lead me to the president's office at the top floor.

While we walked, we received curious glances and stares from other employees, Liam didn't look disturbed, he must have been used to it, but I wasn't.

We Passed through the secretaries hall to the president's office, I counted each step I took, seems like Assistant Liam noticed my discomfort and turned to the secretaries

" Greet young Mrs Wilson"

Their oh and wows were loud

I noticed a particular secretary though that was sitting at the head desk, she had brown hair tied up to a ponytail, her eyes hideous. She didn't looked as surprised as others did, she bowed slightly and greeted first

" Welcome Mrs Wilson, am Cassandra Abel, the chief secretary"

There was something calmly and odd about about her, but I couldn't really place my fingers on it. The other secretaries quieted and started with greetings, some with envy, others with surprise and admiralty. I merely nodded for dignity sake although I really wanted to smile at them to befriend them, I smiled at assistant Liam in appreciation and he nodded.

We entered the office amidst whisperings and chatters amongst the employees, I noticed that there were just two other doors on the top floor, we knocked and were ordered to enter, assistant Liam led the way.