

I turned to see Mr Wilson coming in, he was together with Andrew Smith and personal assistant Liam.

"Mr Wilson" I started to say

"Yvonne Wilson is your sister, why isn't she allowed into the mansion"

The temperature in the room dropped and a pair of cold eyes stared into mine, the maids shivered and some looked at me with pity. Yvonne held my hand and whispered

" It's okay sister in-law I'll leave if brother Alex doesn't want me here, let's meet up soon" she said walking away

"Yvonne" I tried calling after her but she quickly exited the door

I wondered How Yvonne will get home, it was my assigned driver that brought us here so she didn't have her car

" Mr Wilson, at least give her a ride" I pleaded

But Mr Wilson didn't even flinch, he gave Andrew Smith a knowing look and turned to go upstairs

"I'll drop Miss Wilson Home" Andrew Smith offered

Although surprised, I nodded.

Mrs Helena dismissed the maids and showed me around, the mansion was beautiful but I didn't really take it in, my heart was full of fear of what Mr Wilson will do to me now that I went against his orders. I was shown the guest rooms, kitchen, pantry, library computer room and many others I can't really remember, excluding two rooms I assumed was the master bedroom and study.

When Mrs Helena asked if I wanted to take a look at the rock, I shook my head in negative, it was an act of justification towards Yvonne or so I thought

While in the dinning hall , I toyed with the dishes I had for lunch they tasted bland and I had no interest dinning under the roof of a man that has no regards to me.

I was thought of Yvonne, how she felt having her only brother detest her, how embarrassed she must have been today, I wondered what exactly happened in that family

" My lady, how did your first day go at the company" it was Mavey

Seeing Mavey made me feel a little better, she had a comforting smile and warm look.

"Mavey come sit with me, I have something to ask" I told her

I thought about it again and she was the only one I could ask

"Do you think I... Never mind" I didn't want to burden her

"Are you alright young miss" she asked looking concerned

I muttered a quick "Of course am fine" which didn't sound convincing even to me.

I was about to leave the dinning Hall when Mrs Helena appeared running afterJessica the maid

sigh! I felt a headache coming

"Mrs Wilson am so sorry, I have learnt a lesson" Jessica knelt

I didn't want to be cruel or harsh but I wanted to make things a bit hard for her. Sure I knew she wouldn't be able to clean the whole pool alone so I waved her off

"Hopefully you learnt what respect means" I said and made for the stairs in hopes of napping

When I woke up, it was already evening, I had a wild stretch, had a quick shower and searched for a book to read online. I was reading one of my favourite novels 'DRAGON KING'S SON-IN-LAW' when I was informed time for dinner dinner, my stomach grumbled in accordance. Just as I made up my mind to eat as much as I could, the maid dropped a bomber

"Old madam Wilson's also here for dinner"

"what? I was shocked

"when did she arrive" I enquired

"The old madam arrived not quite long and she would have dinner in the blue mans...."

I quickly rushed downstairs not waiting for the sentence to be completed, not really interested in reports

Old madam Wilson and Mr Wilson were already in the dinning Hall. I really lost my appetite when I I thought of dinner with Mr Wilson and I wanted to run away but Old madam Wilson sighted me and waved me over, I went further and sat next to her, the maids were serving the dishes.

I greeted with a slight bow "old madam Wilson" it was already late when I remembered that I was to call her Grandmother

She didn't seem to be annoyed though she just smiled "You can call me Grandma right, because we're family"

I found her gentle and wasn't able to reject her totally. Sitting down next to Grandma far opposite Mr Wilson, I didn't even look at him or acknowledge him, he didn't either, just chatting with Grandma and eating lightly.

" Yvonne was here today" Grandma commented

We were midway through the meal. I watched Mr Wilson's reaction closely, he paused for a moment then replied nonchalantly

" she caused trouble so I had Andrew send her home"

This was wrong, I couldn't let Yvonne be framed this way, she did nothing wrong

" Grandma, Yvonne came back with me, she wanted to see the rock in the blue mansion but Mr Wilson threw her out "

I felt the chills even before I realised what my words meant, Grandma didn't look surprised, she just nodded and said with a hint of seriousness in her voice

"Alex bring your wife to the living room once you are done with dinner" she left

"Your wife" gave me chills and I wondered if I would be punished for defying my husband

I was so scared to be alone with Mr Wilson, with Grandma's presence I felt a bit better, but there was no one to save me from Mr Wilson now, It was an awkward silence for me.

Mr Wilson ignored me and focused eating, I tried to eat quickly and left the hall moments after Grandma did.

When Mr Wilson made his entry , he had an expressionless face and sat on a single sofa across me

"You are here" Grandma cleared her throat

"Alex is you should take care of your wife" she scrutinized my body carefully as if trying to find something to prove her point

"When should I expect the good news" she looked excited

"good news" I was puzzled

Old madam Wilson didn't seem to notice my confusion she was was looking at either of us for answers and when no one spoke, she turned to me

"Every member of the Wilson family must give birth in the first two years of marriage to continue the family line, our blood line cannot be out of existence" she said proudly

" It is a tradition"

My heart sank, earlier Mr Wilson refused to consummate the marriage and said he didn't like me, I felt safe. At least the only thing I had to do was live with him and although I knew the issue of children would come up in the future, I thought Mr Wilson could tackle it. My plan was to escape with an annulment, earn from working in the company, and live far away my mother, but two years wasn't at all enough to get that, it was already terrible living with Alexander Wilson, and now I had to get pregnant, the thought repulsed me, if I ever have a child then I will be tied down to him

"Old mad... Grandma it's still too early" I tried to compose myself

" oh no dear, the earlier the better, once I have a great grandchild, I will give you some time off"

I look at Mr Wilson for some help but he was nonchalant as though we were talking about a stranger's story

She shifted closer, hugged me and whispered to me

" Don't be scared, Grandma will help you"

"Grandma, Mrs Wilson and I would say sort ourselves" Mr Wilson chipped in

I feared the worst

Before Grandma left she summoned the kitchen staff and head butler, she said she had an important meeting with them, I was too tired to accompany her and retired to my room on her orders