

As the man's last breath escaped him, he whispered, "This is the end..." A warrior who had lost everything, he lay on the battlefield, his body empty of life and energy. In his final moments, he thought back on all he had lost and experienced, and closed his eyes, believing it all to be over. But when he awoke, he found himself in an unfamiliar bed, in a peaceful, modern world. He was bewildered, and whispered to himself, "I didn't ask for this." He had no choice but to try and make a new life for himself in this unfamiliar place, thinking to himself, "I will live a peaceful life this time." However, he soon discovers that he has been given a second chance to reclaim everything he had lost. Will he be able to hold onto it this time, or will it all slip through his fingers once again? Find out by reading the novel. Current worlds: I got a cheat ability in another world and became extraordinary in the real world. My Dress-Up Darling Classroom Of The Elite More to be updated later... Note: The main character of this story will be emotionless from the start, so if you do not enjoy that type of character, it may not be the story for you. However, he is not completely emotionless. For those who want to join in, here is the Discord link: https://discord.gg/NdaZBAbQ8D To read ahead, check out my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/OVERLOAD69

OVERLOAD69 · Anime y Cómics
Sin suficientes valoraciones
120 Chs

I'll Release You Then....

Ok so this is the last flashback chapter, I guess, I learned something new with this. I'll be more careful next time...

...(This might be a bit dark and violent so read with caution)

The white snow was drenched in blood as the bodies of the wolves and two bodies one had a huge hole in its chest and the other was missing the whole upper body.



"What do you plan to do with her body?" Ashley asked as he punched Loki in her face. While she was tied up on the tree branch as she hung from her hands and her legs dangling.

"Do you think I'll tell you? You are too naïve human, go on do what you can torture me as you like." Loki said with a smile and looked at Ashley although she lost the battle because she didn't expect him to be this strong her magic has been sealed by the human with runes and her strength was reduced to that of a normal human. She was still a god in the end that pride and arrogance won't go away as she is naturally superior to humans.

And Ashley beat her up and used every torture method he knew for the next 2 hours. From pulling fingernails to cutting fingers over and over again as he healed her then restarted it over again. Loki screamed and screeched but didn't give any information even after all of that.

"So you are not going to tell me huh," Ashley said as he looked at the time.

"What are you going HAH*…..to give up... PANT* and kill me? HAH* Such a PANT* disappointment." Loki said with spite in her voice as she gasped in between while sweating heavily.

Ashley tied Loki's legs to her arms and ripped her clothes off exposing her white skin and freeing her huge breasts and her lower body to the cold air.

"What, HAH* so you are going to rape me now PANT*, huh. why did you tie PANT* my legs like this, HAH* so uncomfortable if you untie me I'll even PANT* spread my own legs for you while you ravage me, HAH* what do you think?" Loki said with a crazy grin as she looked at Ashley with a flushed face and panting even more heavily as he wasn't paying any attention to her ramblings.

'Damn slut of a woman.' The voice in Ashley's head said.

'She was never a woman in the first place.' Ashley answered back. As he pulled the rope from which Loki was tied up and elevated her upwards.

"Well then, now let's get to the point. If you tell me what you guys are trying to do with Scathach's body I'll spare you the pain." Ashley asked again with his blank face and empty eyes that only had rage in them.

"My answer is the same. Do whatever you want. I am not telling you anything." Loki said as she grinned as she enjoyed that looked very much.

"Ok then," Ashley nodded as he picked up the red spear and placed it right under Loki's vagina and lowered Loki's body and the cold tip of the red spear was just a centimeter away from entering her.

And Loki's eyes widened when she realized what was happening.

"I'm still giving you a chance," Ashley said as he looked at Loki.

"Do What yo- ARGHHHH ARGHHHH," Loki screamed as Yuuya dropped her and the blade cut into her from below as blood came out of her vagina as the spear pierced her and then Ashley pulled her up and the spear tip was removed from her.

"Are you still not going to tell me?" Ashley asked again.

"N-No there Is no wa- ARGH ARGH ARGHHHHHHH" Loki was interrupted mid-sentence again as Ashley dropped her on the spear again and again continuously as Loki screamed in pain and agony. Blood splattered everywhere as Ashley continued this. And stopped after five minutes as Loki's vagina was shredded apart by the spear along with her uterus and ass.

"ARGHH IT HURTS SO MUCH ARGHH WHATARGHH DID ARGHHHH YOU DO?" Loki glared at Ashley as she shouted in pain.

"It is a spell to increase the pain that is all, and it is time to heal you again. So you have still have a chance, tell me what you guys have been planning." Ashley's eyes became blank as he looked at Loki.

"NEVER ARGH I'll never tell you," Loki said as she grimaced with pain, and then her body was healed.

"Only time will tell that…." Ashley said as he dropped Loki on the spear but with more force than before.

"ARGHHHHHH" and Loki's screams echoed in the area for a full two hours.

"So they want to fuse her body with 'that woman'?" Ashley said as he looked at Loki who was still being dropped on the red spear as it continued to churn her insides.

"ARGH ARGH YES ARGH STOP THIS ARGH PLEASE I BEG YOU ARGH ARGH." Loki has been begging like this for the past hour now.

"Ok then." Ashley stopped as he healed Loki.

"Thank you I'll do whatever HAH* you want? PANT* So release me." Loki begged for her life again as she looked at Ashley while panting heavily.

"Ok then I'll release you," Ashley said as Loki smiled widely.

But then Ashley slowly lowered Loki again...

"No, No what are you doing? You promised why are you goi- ARGHHH." Loki's sentence was cut short by the blade of the spear that entered her vagina and ripped her apart as it made its way deeper inside her.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Loki screamed in pain as she tried to move but couldn't and the spear continued to her womb and made its way into her intestines cutting them apart and moving upwards inside her ripping her insides slowly and as agonizingly as possible, while Loki screamed louder than ever.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH-----." And the spear ripped through her neck as her voice died and the spear came out of her mouth and she was impaled on the spear completely.

Ashley purposefully missed her core to not kill her and let her stay like this for some time.

'Where did you learn that from?' The voice in Ashley's head asked suddenly.

'I saw Scathach using it on one of the captives to get information out of her.' Ashley said as he saw Loki crying as he used a spell to make her feel more pain than 100 times the pain she would feel from this and pulled his spear out of her body ripping her apart in the process and destroying her core.

'….Good Grief, though now we have the information so it is all fine. But are you really going to attack Asgard on your own? You should know that I can't physically appear or the world is going to end.' The voice said.

'Yes, I have to stop them before they do anything more than they have already done...' Ashley said as he clenched his hands and walked towards his destination.

'….Ok, if you are doing it you better not fail.' The voice said slowly as it heard the sadness in Ashley's voice.


Ashley reached his destination which was Asgard as he stood on the Bilröst but the sight he thought would see was that all the Norse gods will welcome him with weapons.

But to his surprise, the majestic Bilröst was broken and the whole landscape of Asgard was burning in flames as a 1000ft fire giant was running amok in the area as large flame serpents breathed fire burning the whole Asgard to the ground. but that wasn't all there was something that was countering the fire.

"…Snow? Did they already succeed?" Ashley saw a large amount of ice launched towards the fire serpents freezing them as a giant lance the size of 100 ft was dropped on the fire giant from above him.

Ashley felt his heart tighten as he thought about the possibility of them succeeding he felt anger take over his body as he moved towards the place where the fire and ice clashed the fiercest.

'Calm down Ashley, losing yourself in anger isn't going to help.' The voice in Ashley's head said.

'…How do you expect me to be calm, they did not even respect her in her death to use her body like this.' Ashley said back as his hands shook when he reached the place to see the familiar red eyes looking at him but rather than the always warm eyes that he remembered he was met with cold eyes that looked at him with indifference. Making Ashley feel something inside him broke as he saw her like this.

"What are you doing here hu…..man?" The woman with long purple hair that reached her waist as her figure was clad in a wide-sleeved purple dress that split in the middle below her stomach showing her long legs which were covered in black stockings.

"...Scathach" Ashley said as his lips quivered as he looked at the women in front of him.

"You still haven't answered my question who are you hu..man?" the woman said as she felt something wet running down her face and reached out for it.

"Tea….rs?" the woman was shocked as she saw this and felt an indescribable pain in her heart when she looked at the man in front of her.

She froze the tears on her face and the frozen tears fell on the ground and broke apart.


"My name is Scathach-Skadi. Tell me who you are human? Should I welcome you or should I kill you?" the woman introduced herself as she looked at Ashley with cold eyes that could freeze anything in its sight.


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if there are any mistakes or suggestions on how to make the story interesting comment them down.





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