
Chapter 95: Guilt By Association

And, just like that, it was. The doors unsealed and the family entered, Jackus taken away though his glare in Didi's direction makes her want to go after him and kick him in a few uncomfortable places just to show him who's boss. But she's drawn into her mother's presence by gaze and compelling force, finding herself standing at Petal's side with her shoulders back and her face mimicking her mother's grim determination while Petal speaks to Pip.

To all the Underlords.

"My father's death was tragic and unnecessary." She half turns as Pip's head follows her guidance, pointed at Emily who still shakes and rages silently. Didi's half certain the old woman is going to vibrate herself into pieces before they can do anything to stop her. "He was murdered by his own wife, your Lady Gont, who has now been apprehended and shall stand trial for robbing us of our leader."