
Chapter 44: Elian

Elian is still in his office when Didi arrives, her hands sweating despite the cold night air, the jacket she's shrugged into barely holding back the chill. He sits up from his slouched calm behind his desk and smiles at her when she half waves in greeting.

"You said you wanted me to meet someone?"

His beaming joy makes her knees weak.

A few minutes later he's sitting in the seat Bo once claimed, as at home in her bunker as he was at his desk, seemingly relaxed and totally open as he talks to Didi and her friends.

"I know it's a reach, trusting me like this," he says. Bo doesn't look at him, his back half turned, but GS and Pip are both willing, at least, to give Elian the benefit of the doubt. Bo will come around, Didi tells herself. He has to. She won't leave without him, no matter his feelings to the contrary. And while young Rylen might be willing to take off and find his own destiny without her, Didi's promise to herself means she'll never do the same.