
Did I transition to another world without passing away?

A young man in the prime of his youth, in the height of his strength, and with a desire to experience the pleasures of life. However, circumstances took an unexpected turn. The aura of death surrounded the young man, becoming apparent to him even before the doctor could inform him. "I still want to live. I'm still at the beginning of my life. I still have the ability to contribute more to this world." These were the young man's final thoughts as he felt that his time had come. But is he truly approaching the experience of death, or is it an impossible miracle? This is a story of someone who desired an opportunity and was given one. The actions they choose to take will determine whether this opportunity becomes a gift or a curse. ............. https://ko-fi.com/sehman0lamba

sehman_lamba · Ciudad
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43 Chs

29: The release of pent-up anger (2)

Dudrian didn't pay attention to Sina's words and continued to his destination to, stella until he reached it and grabbed her small hand firmly.

"No more discussions. You will come with me now to the palace, and I promise you then any doubts or objections will be resolved. Hehehe."

Stella understood the meaning of his words clearly. If there were any complaints or dissatisfaction, she would go through some exclusive training. It was a blatant intimidation for the girl whose feelings were already unstable. The fear reached its peak when Dudrian grabbed her hand. Nevertheless, Stella didn't want to obey and expressed her clear refusal to Dudrian.

"Let go of my hand! How dare you touch the hand of an engaged girl? Leave me quickly; I won't go anywhere with you."

Stella didn't like the feeling of her personal space being violated by a stranger. She raised her voice to the point of screaming in objection. Stella decided she wouldn't leave the palace until she saw her fiancé. Therefore, she forcefully pulled her hand away, causing Dudrian to lose his balance.

"...!! You stupid whore!"

Doudrian's anger reached its peak. He had suppressed it a lot that day and couldn't bear not to vent it any further. He had no patience left for this girl.

The sound of a hard slap echoed.

"I've had enough. I'll show you your real place right here and now." Doudrian swiftly responded with a slap that knocked the girl off balance and onto the ground.

"No more hesitation. I'll get rid of this feeling immediately."

Dudrian's eyes turned red with rage and anger. He had tolerated it with Roodl because he was stronger, and he tolerated it with that woman because she gave him a dangerous feeling. But with Stella? That wouldn't happen.

"S... Stella!"

Sina screamed in horror at the scene unfolding before her eyes. She never thought it would come to Dudrian physically assaulting Stella in her fiancé's palace.

"Back off, you insect! Don't even think about helping her. I'm angry now, and anyone who annoys me now will regret it for the rest of their lives."

Doudrian looked at Sina with intense anger burning his features. Even though she was about to help Stella who was lying on the ground, she felt extreme fear under those evil looks.

"bro.. brother..."

She couldn't but muster the strength to mention her brother with a weak, trembling voice because, ultimately, he had always been the first person she found with her in difficult times.

"How I hate this feeling."

Doudrian could no longer bear it. He decided that his first experience in quelling his anger outside the palace would be here. It would also be Stella's first lesson, to obey her new owner.

The Lolita couldn't bear the impact of these events as tears streamed down her eyes while she lay on the ground, holding her reddened cheek from the slap in pain, fear, and shock.

"S-stop.. crying... Get away from me..crying.. My fiancé won't forgive you, nor will my father... You'll see what they'll do to you... when they know what you've done..crying"

After that slap, the fire of anger that had been raging in Doudrian's chest abated when he saw the state of this young girl. What pleased him even more was that this girl wasn't just any girl; she was from the elite, she was noble.

"Hehehe, this is the feeling," the redness of madness receded from Doudrian's eyes as he smiled with ecstasy.

"You ignorant girl, you know nothing."

Doudrian approached the terrified Stella and grabbed her by her long, silky hair, pulling her until her gaze met his. Then he looked into her eyes, filled with fear and tears.

"Truly, this is a beautiful feeling." He genuinely felt ecstatic for such a scene, which he not only witnessed but lived through.

"I really don't know if Mr. Somai would lift a finger for you. Who knows, maybe he does care about you a little. But even if he does care about you, would he risk harming the heir of the Delaviga family for you?"

"I... I..." Doudrian's expression of ecstasy increased as he saw the Lolita's expression growing more desperate.

"Hehehe, and what about your dear fayte? Do you really think he would care about someone like you?"

With each word Doudrian spoke, he noticed the despair creeping into the Lolita's heart more, so he decided to prolong this event, which satisfied his sadistic desires. And he didn't forget to add a few more slaps as physical harm.

"Do you know when I found your dear fayte outside the palace and asked him if my goods had arrived for me, do you know what he answered me?"

"!!...That's... not... crying... true..."

"He answered me that they were waiting for you at the palace," Doudrian said, ignoring her response as he gave her the answer directly.

"Hahaha, isn't it funny that the person you want to save you, hahaha, is the one who brought you to this situation?"

Unlike Doudrian, who laughed aloud as if he were experiencing the happiest moments of his life, Stella was hunched over, crying with despair and sadness engulfing her emotions.

"He doesn't care about you. He sees you as merchandise to be bought and sold. Any man can touch you, and he won't lift a finger. He can't stand the sight of you, hahahaha!"

Sina put her hand over her mouth to stifle her cries. Tears began to fall from her eyes as she witnessed what was happening to this poor young girl before her.

'What are you doing, Sina? Move, support Stella. Didn't you say you'd be her big sister? Was everything you said just nonsense?'

Sina tried to push her fear aside, but she couldn't move a muscle. She felt anger and disgust with herself. She now felt that she had deceived the poor girl and led her into the snake's den.

'Move, Sina. Fix your mistake.'

If only she hadn't agreed with Stella's decision. If she had imposed her own opinion on her instead, or even if she hadn't gotten herself involved in this mess in the first place, none of this would have happened.

'How cowardly I am.'

She couldn't bear it anymore. Sina decided to turn around and run to find support for Stella, someone more capable than herself.


Before Sina could move from her spot, a loud scream came from the entrance of the guest room, almost deafening, with the clear characteristic of mad anger in it. It was Maimoun, and finally, he had arrived.

"fayte!!" Doudrian was surprised by the loud voice calling out his name, which made him involuntarily turn and look towards the direction of the shout, and so did Sina.

'No, no, no.'

Only Stella didn't lift her head from the ground. Her only reaction was her body trembling when she heard her fiancé's voice. Instead of feeling happy about his finally showing up, she felt fear. She feared seeing the truth.

'Don't come, please don't come.'

She was afraid of seeing her fiancé look at her with more indifference than her fear of Doudrian.

"W-what's the matter, my dear Fayte? Why all this shouting?" Maimoun didn't respond to Doudrian and began to approach him with wide, fast steps. Doudrian didn't notice Maimoun's expression; he was looking at the ground. He didn't know that the latter was seething with anger. His eyes were now red, as if there were embers burning within them.

"Is there something wrong with the engagement, my dear Vaite? Tell your dear Dudu, and he'll try to solve any problem for you."

Instead of answering him, Maimoun rushed forward as if he were about to start running. In no time, Maimoun reached Doudrian, standing in front of him, wasting no time, he gathered every ounce of strength he could muster in his right hand and then...

"Hey, you bastaaard!"

With lightning speed, Maimoun's tense punch reached Doudrian's smooth face, filled with makeup. As soon as it hit him, Doudrian's facial expressions changed, contorting in a way that revealed the severity of the force applied in the punch.

"How dare you lay a hand on My fiancée!!!"

From the intensity of the words, Doudrian's facial features began to converge, his mouth, nose, and eyes almost merging with each other.

And how could this not happen? Every cell in Maimoun's body screamed with anger, every cell called out one thing: "Punch this person." If he didn't get angry in a situation like this, he wouldn't consider himself a man anymore. It would have been better for him to put on makeup and go with the pervert Doudrian.

"I'll show you, you, the price of your actions!"

From the intensity of his words, Doudrian's body, which was larger than Maimoun's, rose from the ground, and that body soared in the air for a brief moment.


Maimoun's action was shocking to everyone in the guest room, so much so that even Stella, who was drowning in despair, couldn't help but be extremely surprised by her fiancé's action. How could she not be surprised when the person she thought didn't care about her showed all this fury for her sake? And not only that, but he also slapped his friend for her, and not just any friend but Doudrian.

"aaaaah! Painful, so painful, what have you done to me, fayte!"

"aaaaaaah! I think my ribs are broken!"

"aaaaaaaaah! I see my life flashing before my eyes, I think I'm going to die!"

"aaaaaaaaaaaah! I'm still too young to leave this life!"

"Someone please save me, my father, my mother!"

Doudrian's body fell to the ground, producing a loud thud upon impact. He screamed loudly, as if one of his limbs had been severed. This pampered young man was fragile to an indescribable extent, and his painful experiences throughout his life could be counted on one hand. Therefore, even if Maimoun's punch was truly powerful, it wouldn't have elicited such screams.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

obs! his ass has been kicked!

sehman_lambacreators' thoughts