
Did I become an Elf?

Warning: Mature Audiences only 18+ A tragedy struck the elven race, The demon ambushed all the elven males at the shrine of the Goddess they were worshipping, except one Lawrence who was left to recuperate inside the elven village after being poisoned but died not long after. Now the goddess reincarnated Lawrence who was living 2 thousand years in future as a human and tasked him with the responsibility of populating the elven village. And prevent the future occurrence of the extermination of the elven race. This is about the journey and struggles of the last elven male who wants to turn his village into an empire.

ElvenHero · Fantasía
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62 Chs

Seven kingdoms

"I'm one of the loyal Knight of His Majesty King Eldritch the 2nd of the Lion Heart kingdom," the soldier said in a trembling voice

Lionheart? That's one of the 5 kingdoms even after two thousand years from now. But the insignia they are using is different.

"Who is she?", "why did you attack her?" Lawrence wrote

"She is General Zera, the guard captain of the queen of the dragon kingdom his Majesty ordered us to kill her and their queen on their way to the human assembly" the knight replied

*slap* Lawrence slapped the knight

"Don't lie to me she is human" Lawrence wrote

"I didn't lie, she is part of the dragon kingdom but she isn't a dragon. The dragon kingdom only worships the dragons and the dragons give some of them their blood in return" the knight replied

"what happens if a dragon gives their blood to humans?" Lawrence wrote

"well if they drink a drop of it they could exhibit the strength of a dragon for a short time" the knight said

"you're too weak to defend from that. How are you still alive?" Lawrence wrote

"We have a mage with us but he died fighting that thing" the knight answered

"how many mages does your kingdom have?" Lawrence wrote

The knight didn't answer and just shook his head

*slap* Lawrence slapped the knight

"Answer me," he wrote

"I cannot answer that as I do not know the answer. However, his Majesty have more than 70 who are awaiting his will"

Lawrence's eyes widened after hearing what the knight said

The hell? Over 70 under a single King? In my previous life as a human, there were only over 100 mages in the entire human territory, which includes all 5 kingdoms.

Wait the war with the dragons hasn't happened and the demons also aren't running rampant, so that must be it. I'm at the peak of the human era

And I'm on the f*cking wrong side

"how many human kingdoms exist?" Lawrence wrote

"There are seven, the lion heart kingdom, the dragon kingdom, the flame kingdom, the rain kingdom, the storm kingdom, the light kingdom, and the partisan kingdom" the knight replied

Partisan kingdom huh, the kingdom where I was born as a human. I haven't heard about the Light Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom, looks like those were destroyed.

"Which kingdom are we right now," Lawrence wrote

"The light kingdom" the knight replied

On the barrier's south is the light kingdom the human kingdom that is nearest to us, and on our northwest is the dragons and the dragon kingdom. So we are in the middle of a sh*t show

The elven race that went extinct, the Dragons that got annihilated and the light and dragon kingdom that's not even part of the ancient book after being destroyed.

"thank you for the information" Lawrence said then sliced the man in two using nature energy

"Lawrence, what did you talk about?" Aisha said with a curious expression

We are so f*cked but I don't think I can tell you that

"He said that this woman is from the dragon kingdom and that they were chasing her to kill her" Lawrence replied

"Why do they want to kill her?" Victoria asked

"we'll let's find out, right miss dragon general?" Lawrence said with a smile

The woman pretending to be sleeping opened her eyes and sat crosslegged

"greetings elves, I am Zera guard commander of Her Majesty Queen Vienna of the Dragon kingdom," she said while slightly bowing

"You can understand us?" Karthala said in a surprised tone

"Yes, although I don't know how, as the knight earlier couldn't understand you," Zera said with a smile

"It's because of the dragon blood inside you, the dragons can understand the languages of the different species" Lawrence said with a smile

Well at least that's what I read

"Then that must be it. Allow me elves to thank you for saving my life" Zera said while slightly bowing

"Why did they attack you?" Aisha asked

"It's because of our deep bond with the dragons. The king of the light kingdom asked for the assembly of all the human kingdoms, the letter said that the dragons killed 2,000 humans in this forest however we were ambushed by the lion heart kingdom while passing through this forest" Zera replied with an angry expression.

Huh wasn't I the one that killed them? Damn did the soldier of the light kingdom mistook me as someone from the dragon side?

"Were you the only one that survived?" Victoria asked with a sad expression

"*sigh* well a lot of royal guards died but I'm sure Her Majesty managed to retreat to the dragon territory safely" Zera said with a sad then a relief expression

"I should return to the dragon kingdom immediately and see her Majesty," Zera said and stood up

"I will never forget your kindness, my elven friends, we shall meet again," Zara said with a smile then she grabbed a sword and rode a horse standing near the dead soldiers

Lawrence, Aisha, Victoria and Karthala looked at Zera's back who was getting farther and farther away from them

"s-so Lawrence, what should we do now?" Victoria said with an awkward smile

Damn, she left like that like the dragons before huh, she indeed has dragon's blood in her. I saved her for information but I barely got anything from her

"let's get the weapons of the dead soldiers then head back. Next time if we see a dragon or a human with a dragon insignia on her armour, let's not help her and let her die" Lawrence said with a smile

We are surrounded by too many enemies, I should ally myself with one of them.

Looks like I'll need to go to the dragon kingdom and make them my shield against the humans and buy me some time to raise my mages.

Thank you for reading this chapter! ^_^

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