
Section 5 The truth about the failure of the second child in the college entrance examination


The second child took a piece of shredded meat , chewed it slowly , and then said slightly : " I... "

" Huh ? Is it okay to say? I have nothing to say to me . It's all roommates . " I said carelessly .

Then I found that I really didn't seem to be someone like her , and it was fine if I didn't tell me . I changed my words again : " If you don't want to say it, don't say it . "

The second child rolled his eyes up and glanced at me : " Aren't you curious ? "

I said angrily, " I 'm not curious, let me ask you ? "

The second child then slowly said : " Actually, it's nothing . At the beginning, my grades were not bad. Although I was not the best high school in our local area , I was in the top 20 of the class every time I took the exam . It must be no problem to take the second exam , but I I met a person... I made an appointment with him to go to the same university , but he went abroad . I was devastated , my grades dropped severely , and I missed the undergraduate threshold by a few points . So I came to this junior college whose scores were similar to those of a low-level undergraduate . "

My hands clenched unconsciously . Judging by the tone of voice , the second child used to be someone he liked . Going to college together ? It's okay , who didn't like him in his heart when he first fell in love .

The second child sighed and continued : " Oh... life is impermanent . Later, when I thought about it, I didn't seem to have accomplished a thing for so many years. Seeing my girlfriend who was a year older than me flourish in a key university , I also I want to prove that I am no worse than anyone else . I am not jealous , I am really happy that she is doing well , anyway, I am... emm... So I really want to prove myself through the debate competition when I come here . "

I asked blankly, "Is the person you met your first love ? "

The second child was stunned , and stopped the chopsticks in his hand : " What are you talking about ? I have never been in a relationship since I grew up , and I have never gone out to eat with boys . If it weren't for the dormitory in our school, it would be impossible for the two of us to be like this . cooked . "

Hearing this sudden joy , I joked : " Oh , you said you know me well this time ? It seems that someone was arguing with me a few days ago . "

The second child glared at me : " I had a good meal in the morning , and suddenly a woman stood by and scolded you as a scumbag . It is easy for people to believe...you are really a scumbag, okay . And I hate scumbags the most ." man ! "

I immediately returned to seriousness : " Because of the person you mentioned just now ? "

The second child nodded and chatted for a lunch time .

It turned out that when I was in junior high school , the second child went to English cram school every weekend and met a boy who was average in appearance . I didn't tell me the name of the second child , I only know that he is gentle and gentle , and his words and deeds reveal the image of a polite and good boy .

There was no intersection at first , but we met more times in the cram school , got to know each other , and chatted occasionally .

But it just so happened that the second child was in the second class of high school . Her class is a science class , and there are a few boys who study science in the second grade of high school. This is not... just the one she met in the cram school before . Even more coincidentally, the boy was sitting in front of her .

Then as time went by, the two quickly became acquainted with each other . Because the second child already knew a little bit about this boy's character . Coupled with his good grades in physics and English , the second child often asks him questions . He also patiently taught the second child .

Once the teacher asked the second child to stand up and answer a question , but the second child would not . The boy sitting in front of her quickly wrote down the answer on the scratch paper with a marker pen , and the writing was very large . The second child got out of trouble smoothly , which moved her a little .

But this boy is very bad at Chinese, Mathematics and Chemistry . The two acquaintances soon agreed to go to a secondary school together . This school was very easy for the second child at that time , but it was very difficult for this boy .

So...the boy said to the second child , I asked the tutor to work hard to match your grades , and I must be admitted to the same school as you , and then treat the second child to eat Buerjia lollipops every day . Both of them have a good impression of each other , especially the boy who seems to be polite has impure thoughts about the second child , wants to chase her , and even threatens that she must be her in this life . The second child has never experienced these things , and she was also very moved when she was in love , but she didn't agree to confess her love because she was still in high school .

The second child also told me that because of his confession , their relationship had been indifferent for a long time , and it was only after the boy apologized that it eased .

I'm upset to hear that , but I understand it . Didn't I have more fun in high school than this ?

Everything was originally a beautiful campus life . Until the last semester of the third year of high school, near the end of the term , the boy's other grades did not increase but declined except for physics , and the second child also tutored him in mathematics every day . Then suddenly one day the boy disappeared , where did he go ? I went to study in the UK . His family is well -off , and his parents knew that he would not pass the exam in China , so they applied for him to a foreign university early , and then he slipped away after passing . And the second child told him that he likes it very much , but it's not like that , it's like losing a favorite toy . Although he can buy it again , he still feels a little sad . After all, he said that he must catch up in this life...

In the end, I didn't even say goodbye to my second child . I just sent a message to my second child. The general meaning is that I am very happy to meet you . He is going to study abroad and will not come back . It will be difficult for them to contact each other . I wish each other well . It's nothing , but when the second and third year of high school ended , during the winter vacation , I suddenly saw this boy's feed , he already had a date , and he made it public in the feed , and the following was full of blessings .

" I thought about it for a long time , and decided to send him a message to ask . I usually don't take the initiative to send messages to boys . I asked him if he was there ? Only then did he delete me . " The second child said a little unhappy .

I was silent on the side .

The second child suddenly smiled : " I didn't like him very much , at most it was a good impression , but for me a few months ago , this made me unable to figure out , and it also had a great impact on my mood , which made me sprint behind The efficiency of reviewing and studying is too low , he can say that kind of thing to me , and he can do that... "

The second child sighed again : " Sure enough , a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost . Although I don't know if what you said is true or not , I will not fall in love when I was studying. Let's talk about it after graduation . I know your nature It's good , but sometimes it's really annoying . "

I laughed and said , " Haha , it 's rare . It 's rare that you can talk so much and talk to me heart -to-heart . It 's okay . All bad things will pass eventually . "

Then I said solemnly : " Whoever wastes his time , youth will fade . Youth is used for struggle , not for squandering . Youth is for fighting , not for showing off . Youth is for making progress , not for chic . Youth is for responsibility , not for Buddhism . Youth is for burning , not for depression . "

I was so touched by myself . Well , I'm really good at speaking . Then he went on to say : " You worry too much , thinking wildly all day long . Look at me , I don't like learning mathematics , I just like typing codes , so I will learn to type codes . You don't have to learn mathematics well , and you can be successful if you pass the college entrance examination . You are good at the debate competition, you can indeed participate in international competitions , you can study your major well in college , and you can have a good life . "

I watched the eyes of the second child staring at me gradually become hot , and I knew she liked to hear this .

Then he paused and said , " Right , it does n't matter if he goes to study abroad or to study for a Ph . Happiness . What is your pursuit ? You have no direction , you run around like headless chickens , right? Happiness is defined by yourself . After graduation, you can find an Internet company close to home , and be with your loved one here It's also good to be with your parents at work . "

The second child looked at me and said , " Wow, I can't see it . Are you living such a transparent life ? Suddenly, there is a feeling of... enlightenment. No one really told me that before . "

I was proud : " I don't even look at who I am~ "

The second son groaned , " I'm flattering you for a few words . So... what is your goal ? "

Without thinking about it, I said : " I don't have a big goal . There is someone who loves me and I love . Then I will learn my programming skills and become the backbone of the company in the future . I am very happy when my lover goes to eat hot pot . "

After eating , I left the hotel and on the way back to the inpatient department : " Actually, if I really want to say that there are big goals . "

The second child asked curiously, " What is it ? "

I smiled mischievously : " Hey , I won't tell you . "

Second child : " You...huh , don't talk about falling down . "

I laughed and said , " Okay, okay . "

After a while I arrived at the ward , and when I walked in the doorway, I heard : " You discovered this early , so you should have surgery as soon as possible . You can't afford to delay , and the later the day, the more risk of spreading . "

The second child entered the door, frowning and asked worriedly : " Doctor , can this be completely cured ? "

The doctor turned around and said kindly : " Nasopharyngeal cancer can be effectively improved after treatment , and it is not much different from normal people . "

The father of the second child said , " That's good . "

The second mother was cheerful : " Oh, it's okay , I just found out , and the doctor said it can be cured . Don't worry , baby, don't worry about mom . "

The second child sat on the edge of the bed and held Auntie's hand . The uncle picked up the water bottle next to him and poured a glass of water for the aunt .

The doctor left immediately . I glanced at my second child and followed him secretly until I reached the door of the doctor's office . I looked back and found that my second child hadn't chased him out .

I came to the doctor's desk : " Hello , I would like to ask how much the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer will cost ? "

The doctor still hasn't sat down : " You are ? "

I said politely, " Hi , I 'm the family member of the patient who just had the bed. I'm here to ask how much money I need to prepare . I'm going to raise money . "

The doctor said slowly : " Five to seventy thousand is enough for the operation , and you should be able to get the money from your appearance . But the follow-up treatment needs to be more expensive , more than two hundred thousand , and I have told them all about it . "

" Okay , thank you . " I bowed slightly, thanked me, and left .

The doctor sat down : " This child is quite filial... "

I went back to the ward and heard my aunt : " What kind of house are you selling? It 's reserved for my daughter . She can come back to live in her in -law's house after being wronged . I'm fine. The doctor didn't say anything just now . "

The quiet uncle was on the side : " It's nothing serious , cancer . I have an appointment for surgery tomorrow , and I'll go back to get the money . "

The second child is also anxious : " Yes, Mom , don't be stubborn . Listen to Dad , earn money slowly after the money is gone . "

The aunt touched the head of the second child : "The business of the restaurant at home is not good , and it is about to collapse . I think it will be the same when your uncle returns the money to buy the house next month . "

I heard from the side sighing that Auntie is so kind , and at the same time I was anxious : Auntie, Auntie , I admire you for being so calm even after you have cancer . Compared with my cousin who transplanted bone marrow, I was quite scared . You are really in a good mood . Listen to your tone , your family runs a small restaurant , if you can get the 200,000 yuan, hurry up and treat it . There is no cure for cancer , so you can't be afraid because of ignorance ?

Seeing that the second child's eyes were red , some tears were already rolling in his eyes .

I said , " Auntie , your disease will be cured if it can be cured now . It will not be cured if it continues . "

Auntie looked at me : " Auntie knows . "

Uncle stopped talking from the sidelines .

The family members in the next bed said to the second mother : " Sister , your husband and child are so kind to you , you should treat them quickly . "

The aunt was also silent for a while : "The treatment will definitely cure it . Then don't talk about it , I have decided , and it will be treated . "

I wonder , isn't the sooner the better ? Why are you still procrastinating ?

Immediately, my heart was shocked : Is there any unspeakable secret ? Auntie doesn't want to delay , but there is some inconvenience .

" Auntie , I know people in charity care , I can ask them to help you raise funds , and you will pay back slowly in the future . " I said unhurriedly .

After listening to the second child , his eyes were instantly filled with light .

The aunt said : " No need , it 's too much trouble for you . "

The uncle said : " Our family really doesn't have that much savings , and it may not be enough to borrow . We can only sell the house , and your aunt doesn't want to sell it . "

Auntie rolled her eyes when she heard what uncle said , " My daughter is here , what are you talking about? "

The second child said nothing , holding back tears .

I guessed it : it should be that the second child's business is not doing well , and the living expenses for the second child's school are quite sufficient . His parents didn't want her to suffer , so they concealed it . Now I need money very much , but I don't have any more . The aunt who sells the house doesn't want to , and wants to leave the house to her daughter .

In the future, if this kind of mother-in-law will not die happily . And bought a house for my daughter .

Then I pulled my uncle out : " Uncle , I can help you apply for relief money , and then you pay it back slowly . And there is no interest . Look... do you need it ? "

Uncle took my hand : " Really? Thank you so much . "

I hurriedly said , " You're welcome, you're welcome , I just happen to have a seat . Don't worry . "

The second child chased me out , and my uncle patted my hand meaningfully , and glanced at the second child again .

Second child : " What's the matter, Dad , what are you talking about ? "

I interrupted : " It's nothing . I have a relative in my family who works in a charity foundation . I can help you apply for relief funds . Call out to uncle for information . "

" Uncle , I pushed my relative's WeChat to youYou can add it when you have time . When I came , I had already communicated withhim to prevent my uncle from having trouble with money . " I said softly .

Uncle squeezed out three words : " Thank you . "

Uncle looked up at WeChat : " Is this a private account ? "

I was shocked and thought : Did uncle see it ?

I quickly covered my mouth and explained in a low voice : " This is going through the back door . I discussed it with my relatives . He added you with his own account. You just need to provide proof materials . "

Uncle nodded dubiously .

It turned out that the uncle had just entered the ward to accompany the aunt for ten seconds . A brother from the next bed in the ward came out and said , " Hi brother , how do you apply for the relief fund ? "

Me : " I only have one spot , I'm so sorry . "

Brother : " It's all right . " After finishing speaking, he left .

My second child and I also came to my aunt's bedside .

The aunt said : " Why don't you two hang out . It's not good to stay in the hospital . "

The uncle also opened his mouth and said to the second child : " Yeah , you guys don't stay here . I will transfer some money to you later , you can open a hotel for your classmate , and then you can go home and rest by yourself . "

Second child : " No , the two hundred yuan my mother transferred to me has not been used up yet . "

I couldn't laugh or cry when I heard it . Book a hotel for me and tell my second child to go home . It seems that the uncle still has the heart of precaution . But it's no wonder , after all, it's the first time we meet , and it's very good that I can stay in the whole hotel . I patted my brain : what are you thinking ? You are classmates , do you still want to go to other people's houses or what ?

After we went out , we were waiting for the elevator downstairs . The second child said solemnly : " Thank you , my parents love me very much . My father told me when I came here that the deposit is only more than 30,000 yuan . Originally, the family opened I bought a food stall . Because of the remote location there , I didn't make much money at first. This time, it's time for road construction . It has n't opened for several months , and the rent has to be paid . I didn't know it before , and I just found out . I think Thinking that I still spend so much in a month , I feel really guilty . "

I comforted me and said , " It's okay , there is no relief money here . After my aunt is cured and the road at your house is repaired, everything will be fine . You can pay it back slowly . "

Of course I don't know anyone from the foundation , it's just my WeChat account that I gave my uncle . And in order to convince my uncle , I specially changed my profile picture to look like a fund manager . The circle of friends is changed to be visible for three days .

The second child said solemnly, " Thank you very much . "


Here comes the elevator , the hospital elevator is relatively large . After we went in , there weren't too many people inside , and it was n't crowded , so we went straight to the back to lean on .

I bowed my head and whispered in my second ear, " You want to thank me ? How do you thank me ? Promise with your body , or give each other a kiss ? "



The second child didn't say anything , and directly came up to pinch my waist with a slightly four-pack abs .

He was still muttering in his mouth : " You are going to die, you , what are you talking about . "

Because there are people in the elevator, I don't want to react too much , for fear of embarrassment . I just hid while not daring to make any big movements and endured it .

I winked and said, " Ah , wrong, wrong , really wrong . Next time...don't dare to do it again . "

The second son heard the words even harder , and then whispered : " How dare you , you, how dare you , is it interesting to bully me ? It's really annoying . "


The elevator opened , and after getting out of the elevator .

I rubbed my waist : " Hiss , it's so powerful . With your kind of violence , Sun Wukong will have to perform a big circus when he comes. It hurts me to death . "

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