
Section 4 The Dilemma of the Second Family

<p _msttexthash="59641634" _msthash="3063">"谁?"我从椅子上跳了起来.

<p _msttexthash="424602581" _msthash="3062">老四笑着看了我一眼,然后可爱道:"别担心,三哥,二姐已经拒绝了.但那个男人似乎在跟踪."

<p _msttexthash="69741152" _msthash="3061">老板也说:"是的,我拦不住.

<p _msttexthash="150309315" _msthash="3060">我匆匆忙忙,出门时房子被偷了:"老二在哪儿?

<p _msttexthash="408450822" _msthash="3059">"我在这里.我只是去打水.怎么了?你什么时候回来的?第二个孩子从外面拿着一个水瓶进来.

<p _msttexthash="228654452" _msthash="3058">我看着老二的眼睛:"我刚才说你怎么能这么没滋味,你想认谁.

<p _msttexthash="454743731" _msthash="3057">第二个孩子似乎又回到了我们刚刚认识的淑女形象:"我不能喜欢一个没有见过或经历过任何事情的人.

<p _msttexthash="391879189" _msthash="3056">我轻笑:"嘿~你说的是我,报我的名字就行了,喜欢我也不违法,连我都很喜欢你嘿嘿.

<p _msttexthash="127254413" _msthash="3055">第四个孩子第一个吃瓜:"哇,三哥表白了爱.

<p _msttexthash="554222123" _msthash="3054">老二顿时脸红了:"滚出去,你真烦,不过没关系,我想我们过几天就不住在一起了,所以你也懒得再打扰我了.

<p _msttexthash="108724356" _msthash="3053">我说:"不可能改变,我们还要再活三年.

<p _msttexthash="178048715" _msthash="3052">老板喜出望外:"什么?你怎么知道?消息可靠吗?"

<p _msttexthash="142838644" _msthash="3051">我假装神秘:"如果你不相信我,我们就拭目以待.

<p _msttexthash="111339540" _msthash="3050">第四个孩子也说:"三哥是怎么知道的?

<p _msttexthash="59153640" _msthash="3049">我:"天上的秘密不能泄露.

<p _msttexthash="116173421" _msthash="3048">坐了一会儿,我爬上床休息,洗完澡才回来.

<p _msttexthash="108445493" _msthash="3047">至于有人向自己的二胎表白,我并不担心.

<p _msttexthash="212070378" _msthash="3046">白天睡得太多,一时睡不着,就查了一下知乎看趣题,回答.

<p _msttexthash="1374852973" _msthash="3045">大家都忙得没时间上床玩游戏,但老二说不对劲,就不玩了.每个人都躺着玩手机.只有老板和老四时聊天.大多数时候,老四和老板分享一些有趣的东西,大孩子和老四分享好吃的东西.

<p _msttexthash="105238614" _msthash="3044">突然,我听到第二个孩子的床上传来抽泣声.

<p _msttexthash="539612775" _msthash="3043">我翻了个身,仔细听了确认没有疑问,喊道:"二哥?你还好吗,第二个孩子?你怎么了,有事告诉我."

<p _msttexthash="452588136" _msthash="3042">大哥和老四听到动静也站了起来问怎么了.老二没有说话,但啜泣声在深夜安静的环境中变得更加明显...

<p _msttexthash="9867" _msthash="3041">14

<p _msttexthash="123450743" _msthash="3040">我径直走下去,靠在第二个孩子床边的栏杆上.

<p _msttexthash="138784451" _msthash="3039">"你怎么了?我们都是室友,一起说出来解决吧."

<p _msttexthash="500842407" _msthash="3038">老板也下来开灯了.老四下来后,爬上了老二的床:"二姐,你怎么了?我帮你擦掉,突然你快流泪了."

<p _msttexthash="239252923" _msthash="3037">"没关系,明天要是不能回来,请帮我请个假."老二的声音在颤抖.

<p _msttexthash="174061238" _msthash="3036">我听说她有些不对劲,问道:"我想你有话要告诉我们.

<p _msttexthash="160398589" _msthash="3035">老板茫然地站在那里,不知道该说什么,不敢出声.

<p _msttexthash="1087983351" _msthash="3034">我倒了一杯水递了上去:"喝点水,问题总会解决的,总会解决的.如果你不告诉我们,我们帮不上忙,我们一定会照顾好你的事.你今天不说,我明天就做."问."

<p _msttexthash="135637177" _msthash="3033">第四个孩子附和道:"是,二姐.跟我们说说吧."

<p _msttexthash="181453753" _msthash="3032">老二掀开床帘,哭得满脸通红,皮肤好得能被子弹打断.

<p _msttexthash="813429604" _msthash="3031">看到她这个样子,我的心一紧,一边感叹二胎的美貌,一边心疼.也许这次真的发生了什么事,让淑女形象强淑女的老二长成这个样子.

<p _msttexthash="201008990" _msthash="3030">老二喝了一口水:"我...妈妈出事了,明天早上得回去看看.

<p _msttexthash="78647374" _msthash="3029">我急忙问:"怎么了,阿姨?

<p _msttexthash="84673251" _msthash="3028">"我妈...她在医院." 老二擦了擦眼泪.

<p _msttexthash="40760954" _msthash="3027">I comforted me and said : " If you are in the hospital, treat it well . I can accompany you to see my aunt tomorrow . Usually, it takes 100 days for a broken bone to heal. Don't worry too much... " I thought it was broken , after all, the old man Er's parents are ordinary workers , just like my parents .

<p _msttexthash="3680443" _msthash="3026">The second child interrupted me, sobbing : " It's cancer , nasopharyngeal cancer . "

<p _msttexthash="8313110" _msthash="3025">Before I finished speaking , Ka swallowed half of it, and was speechless for a while . Can't find words of consolation , cancer...

<p _msttexthash="18215210" _msthash="3024">The fourth child kept stroking the back of the second child on the side , but did not speak . The boss was even more stunned , and everyone shut up in unison , only the sobbing of the second child .

<p _msttexthash="1732172" _msthash="3023">Half a day later, I slowly said , " When did you find out ? "

<p _msttexthash="25196639" _msthash="3022">The second child said weakly : " My mother has suffered from hearing loss these days , and her nose is a little bloody . She thought it was rhinitis , so she wanted to get some medicine , and it turned out... nasopharyngeal cancer . "

<p _msttexthash="19476171" _msthash="3021">I looked up at my second child and said , " Don't cry , there is still hope . This is discovered early , and it is not incurable . We can apply for water drops to raise funds , and the money should be enough . "

<p _msttexthash="33668570" _msthash="3020">The fourth child also whispered at the side : " Yes, second sister , you will definitely get better. We will accompany you back tomorrow . We are in the same dormitory , so it must be neat and tidy , right ? " The fourth child Trying to squeeze out a bit of playfulness .

<p _msttexthash="3597386" _msthash="3019">Only then did the boss come back to his senses : " Yes , let's go together tomorrow . "

<p _msttexthash="10200086" _msthash="3018">The second child nodded when he heard the words : " It's fine if I'm alone . Let's go to bed early , don't make it too late . It 's okay , I can do it alone . "

<p _msttexthash="15193685" _msthash="3017">After knowing the situation , I also know that at this time, I need to let the second child be alone for a quiet meeting . I gave the fourth child a wink to signal her to come down .

<p _msttexthash="6407700" _msthash="3016">So we went back to bed and lay down , as if nothing happened just now . But I think everyone's heart is in turmoil .

<p _msttexthash="37924263" _msthash="3015">After I lay down, I really wanted to say I was sad , but it wasn't much . On the contrary , a little...excited ? Excited ? Can you use the uncle's money to give the second child a head , and then get the second child's heart ? I don't know either , I have complicated emotions and I think a lot .

<p _msttexthash="94604874" _msthash="3014">Thinking of the end , I patted my face and scolded myself in my heart : How could you think like that ? Are you still human? That 's the second child's mother . If you really like her and want to live with her , that aunt will be your mother-in-law in the future . You're still thinking about these messy things . Beast !

<p _msttexthash="6872450" _msthash="3013">It was a long night . Nobody seemed to be asleep either . It was almost morning , and I was so sleepy that I fell asleep .

<p _msttexthash="31393700" _msthash="3012">The sound of the second child getting up to wash his hands was very small . She gets up at 6:30 . Fortunately, I set the alarm clock . The alarm clock rang throughout the dormitory , and everyone woke up . The second child has already washed and packed his bag .

<p _msttexthash="7940231" _msthash="3011">The eldest and fourth child heard the movement , and the fourth child said , " Second sister is waiting for us , we will go too . "

<p _msttexthash="13029315" _msthash="3010">The second child smiled reluctantly : " No , I can do it alone , and my hometown is quite far from here . It takes three or four hours by train , so you don't want to go . "

<p _msttexthash="6055491" _msthash="3009">In the end, the second child talked for a long time before the eldest and fourth child did not get out of bed .

<p _msttexthash="9092616" _msthash="3008">I know the temperament of the second child , she will definitely not let us follow . I get out of bed and wash up quickly , very quickly .

<p _msttexthash="15080312" _msthash="3007">The second child looked at me meaningfully and smiled and said : " You sleep for a while , I won't let you follow me , when I can't hold back, you will definitely laugh at me again . "

<p _msttexthash="18754164" _msthash="3006">There was a tingle in my heart. Compared with her attitude towards me two days ago , I knew that she was really helpless at the moment . I also put away my previous cynical attitude . I didn't speak .

<p _msttexthash="4582474" _msthash="3005">As soon as the second child went out , I also put on my shoes , took my coat and followed behind .

<p _msttexthash="7713043" _msthash="3004">The second child carried his schoolbag and turned around : " Really don't come , I'll be fine by myself , you go back and rest . "

<p _msttexthash="1191333" _msthash="3003">I walked up to her : " Do you think I'll go back ? "

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="18114928" _msthash="3002">The second child was silent for a while and suddenly said : " Although I bought the tickets very early , there are no seats left . It's Sunday , and the tickets are still relatively easy to sell . "</font>

<p _msttexthash="6001996" _msthash="3001">" Where is your home , don't tell me , I will be angry , really ! " I looked at my second child and said seriously .

<p _msttexthash="8743189" _msthash="3000">The second child was stunned for a moment , and smiled wryly : " Oh , I really don't have a ticket . It 's a little far away from Zhejiang . "

<p _msttexthash="142682709" _msthash="2999">Then we asked for the address as we walked . After looking at it, it is true that the second-class seats are sold out , and there are only two or three first-class seats . But I don't care about the extra few hundred dollars for the first-class seat now . I just bought a first class ticket . Originally, I wanted to buy two business cards to take my second child back with me. After thinking about it for a while , it felt like buying love with money . I was worried that the relationship would deteriorate . Just pretend you bought it with your own money .

<p _msttexthash="36619258" _msthash="2998">In this way, the two of us came to the high-speed rail station where I just visited last night . There were not many people in the morning , so I found a seat near the toilet and sat down . My second child and I didn't say a word , just sat there and didn't play with our mobile phones .

<p _msttexthash="12778376" _msthash="2997">Suddenly a sister in uniform said, " Hello , sir , you can sit inside . " It was the sister who greeted me in the business seat when I left the day before yesterday .

<p _msttexthash="21303867" _msthash="2996">I didn't notice the business rest area very close to the toilet when I just sat here . The high-speed rail station is very big , and there are two business rest areas at the south exit and the north exit.

<p _msttexthash="3963934" _msthash="2995">I glanced at my second child , thinking that I left early in the morning and didn't eat .

<p _msttexthash="9445423" _msthash="2994">" Let's go , I 'll take you to get something to eat . It's still early , and I won't be here in 40 minutes . " I stood up and said to my second child .

<p _msttexthash="401466" _msthash="2993">She was still in grief .

<p _msttexthash="1365429" _msthash="2992">She raised her rosy eyes : " Where are you going ? "

<p _msttexthash="252486" _msthash="2991">" Just follow me . "

<p _msttexthash="8637720" _msthash="2990">Then I said thank you to the sister just now . She took us to the business rest area . I took some fruit and buns for the second child .

<p _msttexthash="4206150" _msthash="2989">She sat on the side : " Why can we come here ? This is not for those who buy business seats... "

<p _msttexthash="11205389" _msthash="2988">I said : "The day before yesterday my uncle called me in a hurry and booked a business seat for me . I happened to meet the sister who just came to work . "

<p _msttexthash="1453452" _msthash="2987">Second child : " Oh , so . Then what did you do there ? "

<p _msttexthash="15577198" _msthash="2986">I sighed and said , " My cousin , that is, my uncle's son is in the hospital with leukemia . He wanted to see me so he went . " I didn't say anything about the bone marrow and the school .

<p _msttexthash="3653546" _msthash="2985">The second child said a little sluggishly, " I hope everything gets better soon . "

<p _msttexthash="9465014" _msthash="2984">I said : " I will definitely , but if your family spends too much , you can ask your father to do the materials and ask Shuidichou for help . "

<p _msttexthash="670345" _msthash="2983">The second child did not speak .

<p _msttexthash="33742332" _msthash="2982">After waiting for the car to arrive , I did not separate from my second child . I saw that there were not many people in the car , so my second child went in and sat down , and I ran to sit next to her , just as the seat number indicated that there was no one at the next stop .

<p _msttexthash="21822307" _msthash="2981">" Are you sitting first class in the front car ? " The second child put down his bag and asked in surprise when he saw me . Under the premise of her sadness, she has a lovely ladylike taste , which makes my heart beat .

<p _msttexthash="6019949" _msthash="2980">I smiled and said , " I see that there is no one here . I will sit with you . I will go there when there are people . "

<p _msttexthash="4845568" _msthash="2979">The second child took out two Fujia lollipops : " Well , I'll give you one . I'll eat one when I'm sad . "

<p _msttexthash="5987800" _msthash="2978">I took the lollipop , peeled it off and put it in my mouth : " Well , it's not bad, I seldom eat this candy before . "

<p _msttexthash="11824722" _msthash="2977">The second child went on to say , " Actually, you're pretty good when you're serious . Why do you have to be so ruffian every day that you can't be serious ? "

<p _msttexthash="3347474" _msthash="2976">I grinned and said , " I'm not a ruffian, I just like joking , I just talk too much . "

<p _msttexthash="7526350" _msthash="2975">Second child : " But the jokes you usually make are really embarrassing . I don't like boys telling me that kind of jokes . "

<p _msttexthash="5181020" _msthash="2974">I asked curiously : " What ? Have you ever been hurt or met a scumbag ? Is n't it fun for me to tease you ? "

<p _msttexthash="9524879" _msthash="2973">The second child gave me a blank look : " Is it fun to tease me ? I knew you could only make jokes , and you are really a scumbag for a long time . "

<p _msttexthash="16848364" _msthash="2972">She told me that I was like Monk Zhang Er who couldn't figure it out. What does this mean ? Are you interested in me ? Then think that my sincerity means meaning ? What exactly do you mean ?

<p _msttexthash="17149509" _msthash="2971">I said seriously : " First of all , I didn't slag anyone , and I didn't feel sorry for anyone. I 've already explained what happened last time . Secondly , I didn't make fun of you . Understand ? "

<p _msttexthash="1818219" _msthash="2970">The second child ate the candy : " Tch~ I don't believe it . "

<p _msttexthash="1901536" _msthash="2969">" Hey... believe it or not . " I said pretending to be angry .

<p _msttexthash="11326029" _msthash="2968">Then the second child put on the earphones, listened to the song , and looked out the window . From a distance , it seems that we are a couple traveling .

<p _msttexthash="95091243" _msthash="2967">As soon as we got off the high-speed train , we hurried to the hospital . Since the high-speed rail station is quite far from the hospital , we went there by bus and made a transfer on the way . Although I really want to say that I will ask you to take a taxi , but... I still hold back . According to the budget for living expenses , even with the addition of Huabei and the removal of train tickets and accommodation , I can barely make it through this month .

<p _msttexthash="24840218" _msthash="2966">It took me a long time to get to the hospital , and it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon when I got to the inpatient department . Fortunately, it is not summer , and the weather in autumn is just right , neither hot nor cold .

<p _msttexthash="50077339" _msthash="2965">Pushing open the door of the ward , the bathroom is connected to the side , and the second mother lives on the outermost side , which is next to the wall of the bathroom . There are three patients in one ward . The mother of the second child is sitting on the bed and taking a drip , his father is beside him , and there is no one else .

<p _msttexthash="13807040" _msthash="2964">As soon as I entered the door, I saw the second child immediately took off his schoolbag , and hugged her mother with red eyes : " Why did you suddenly get this disease ? "

<p _msttexthash="15729701" _msthash="2963">Her mother looked puzzled when she saw us going in , and then she saw the second child : " Why are you here ? Who told you I'm here ? " Then the auntie looked at the second child's father .

<p _msttexthash="7965256" _msthash="2962">The aunt said to the second father : " My daughter is in school , didn't she tell you not to tell me ? What's the matter with you ? "

<p _msttexthash="10525671" _msthash="2961">The second child couldn't help crying and said , " Mom , don't talk about Dad . He is doing it for your own good . We are a family . Why don't you tell me ? "

<p _msttexthash="8306272" _msthash="2960">The aunt stroked the hair next to the second child's ear : " Mom is fine , I found it early . It can be cured , baby, don't cry , it 's fine . "

<p _msttexthash="4217551" _msthash="2959">Then the auntie looked at me and then at the second child , and finally asked me : " Are you... "

<p _msttexthash="2280564" _msthash="2958">To be honest , I was a little nervous when I saw the second elder .

<p _msttexthash="7968870" _msthash="2957">I pretended to be calm : " Hello, Auntie , I am her classmate . I learned that you are sick , so I will accompany her to have a look . "

<p _msttexthash="22241362" _msthash="2956">I didn't say that we were roommates . Although I knew that my uncle and aunt must know that the second child lives in a mixed dormitory , but there are other people in the ward, and it would not be very good to say it .

<p _msttexthash="81307889" _msthash="2955">Uncle stood by the side without speaking . It can be seen that he is a taciturn person , so he greeted me , said hello , and never spoke to me again . Maybe I'm wondering if I'm the second child ? I can also understand that it is normal to see a strange boy appearing in front of my daughter , even if I am upset . After all, I have been raising flowers for twenty years , but I took them away overnight , anyone would go berserk .

<p _msttexthash="1874015" _msthash="2954">And in the face of his aunt's complaints , he kept silent .

<p _msttexthash="6663683" _msthash="2953">Seeing the relationship between the second child and his family is so good , I can't help but think of my parents .

<p _msttexthash="25417262" _msthash="2952">Since I went to this school and was far away from home , I haven't called them much . Maybe my parents are thinking about me too , just because I was born in a traditional family and I am not good at expressing my love for my parents .

<p _msttexthash="1351389" _msthash="2951">Aunt : " Did you come from the high-speed train ? "

<p _msttexthash="964912" _msthash="2950">The second child is like a kitten : " Um... "

<p _msttexthash="6133166" _msthash="2949">The aunt said to me again : " Oh , that shouldn't be cheap . The young man is here , and the aunt can't cook for you . "

<p _msttexthash="1109758" _msthash="2948">Auntie said that is true, I did not expect .

<p _msttexthash="5342311" _msthash="2947">I immediately said , " Aha , Auntie, I'm here to see you. I'm too late , so I'm sorry to come empty-handed . "

<p _msttexthash="5492734" _msthash="2946">My aunt gave me the feeling that she was very hospitable , and she was very loving when she spoke to me .

<p _msttexthash="2039765" _msthash="2945">Then the aunt glanced at the second child and said nothing .

<p _msttexthash="11404991" _msthash="2944">The second child was slightly embarrassed : " He and I are classmates . This is the third child. I told you about our dormitory before school started . "

<p _msttexthash="43438330" _msthash="2943">Auntie smiled and said , " Oh, so it's your third child . " It 's completely hard to tell that this is a cancer patient , very bright and in a good mood . I was just worried that it would be bad if I said that I and my second child were roommates , but I didn't expect that my aunt would not shy away from it at all .

<p _msttexthash="20045857" _msthash="2942">I also replied with a polite smile : " Yes , the second child is very good in the class . He even won the championship in the debate competition. It can be said that he is the best speaker in our department . "

<p _msttexthash="15369367" _msthash="2941">Auntie : " Oh , is that right ? That baby is amazing this time , very good , I knew my baby was okay . If it wasn't for...you would have been able to study for an undergraduate degree . "

<p _msttexthash="2901535" _msthash="2940">Second child : " Mom~ what are you talking about , you learn everywhere . "

<p _msttexthash="17905394" _msthash="2939">The aunt went on to say : " You guys from the high-speed rail , have you eaten at noon ? Mom will transfer 200 yuan to you , and you can take your classmates down to have a meal and then come back up . "

<p _msttexthash="6190379" _msthash="2938">The second child said , " No , I'm not hungry yet . I ate a lot before taking the high-speed train in the morning . "

<p _msttexthash="1990625" _msthash="2937">The aunt touched the head of the second child very kindly .

<p _msttexthash="18744869" _msthash="2936">Then he said : " Is it because I am afraid that my mother will spend money when she is sick ? Our family does not lack this , so we can sell the house . There must be enough money for medical treatment . "

<p _msttexthash="124783009" _msthash="2935">I was worried that the second child's family would not be able to afford treatment , so I wanted to help him apply for relief funds . After all, I have never heard of her family's conditions . I only know that although the second child usually wears a lot of clothes , the expenses are quite economical, and if he can save , he can save . Sometimes she doesn't even use the washing machine , and washes her clothes by hand . Of course , it may also be that she likes to be clean and does n't want to use public washing machines .

<p _msttexthash="1966419" _msthash="2934">Now it seems that this worry is completely unnecessary .

<p _msttexthash="8467225" _msthash="2933">Under the aunt's repeated push to take off the second child and put down the schoolbag , she still called me to go out for dinner .

<p _msttexthash="7466264" _msthash="2932">At the entrance of the hospital , I found a random shop and ordered two rice bowls with shredded pork and green peppers .

<p _msttexthash="32406790" _msthash="2931">Then I looked at my second child , " I feel that you usually like to study , and your makeup is only light , and you are well-motivated, baby . Auntie just said that you should have studied undergraduates at the beginning , and you didn't pass the exam . for what ? "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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HerRoyalHighnesscreators' thoughts