
Section 37 Family Banquet

I can't even believe my eyes . Didn't it just hit Tony too high ? Hallucinating ?

Liu Yueyi also took off his sunglasses in disbelief .

When I see clearly , isn't this her ?

The man sitting next to her might have heard Liu Yueyi's movement , and looked back at me and asked , " Who is this person ? "

I knock ? Just sent me a message two days ago to ask me how I am now , the weather is a bit cold , remember to put on more clothes...

Then he asked me on the sidelines if I could go back to my high school life .

Meow , if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today , I would never have believed it . The contrast was so great that I doubted my authenticity . Looking at the couple outfits of her and the driver , I naturally guessed their relationship .

It only took two or three seconds to go from shock to disappointment , but to happiness instead . That's okay , I already have a second child , which saves me from worrying about how to break down the relationship between He Yueyi .

The red light passed quickly , the car started , and I closed the windows .

Originally, I wanted to find a suitable way to show her that it was impossible for us to date , so I took out my mobile phone and sent her a sentence " I sincerely wish you happiness " , and then clicked the settings to delete the friend .

Liu Yueyi also came back to her senses , looked at the message I sent on her mobile phone , and quickly replied " It's not what you thought " , but after all, she slowed down a step , and when she clicked send, there was already an exclamation mark .

" Huh~ "

Take a long breath , there are so many things to do today , it even feels like a dream .

Lezi patted me with great interest : " Know ? You have friends who drive sports cars . That 's right , you are the boss's relative after all . "

" It 's just a classmate . " I replied casually .

The driver said , " Brother , the r8 behind is chasing us . "

Uncle Li looked at me with a smile and asked : "Let 's find you, do you need to deal with it ? "

I said sternly , " No need . "

" Continue driving to Mr. Chen's house , don't stop . " Uncle Li said .

If I hadn't seen Liu Yueyi and that person wearing couple outfits, I might have gotten out of the car to say hello . We can't be a couple, but we can still be friends after she lets go . But now , there must be no need for communication .

The driver responded to Uncle Li and speeded up the car . There is still a lot of traffic in the urban area , but even so, the driver was overtaking in various ways , causing the crowd behind to honk their horns frantically . One of the BMWs passed side by side and shook off the car. Window , scolded : " Can you frankly have some quality ? "

But when Lezi also opened the window and saw the big man in the car , the BMW owner slowed down and followed behind silently .

Lezi said a little domineeringly : " I hate two kinds of people the most , those who stop my car, and those who don't . "

I thought to myself, where is the uncle's security guard? I know the underworld, right ? While immoral , it's not illegal either .

Soon the car came to a relatively quiet area , walked half a circle around the community , and stopped at the back door of the community .

In front are three residential buildings , about 40 storeys high , and behind them are several single-family villas .

" You go to the car , I'll take him in . " Uncle Li said .

" Got it . "

After getting out of the car , there were five people in the security booth at the door , and they were all young guys . Sure enough , a good community is different . For example , the security guard downstairs in my community has only been in his sixties for a year . Not to mention that he protects me , if something really happens, I have to protect him instead .

When the security guard saw Uncle Li, he also made a gesture of invitation , and I followed behind .

As soon as I stepped through the gate , I heard an Audi supercar stop behind me . Liu Yue got out of the car and ran towards me, shouting , " Listen to me , I... "

Uncle Li said to the little brother next to him in a deep voice : " She is not one of us . " After speaking, he led me away .

Liu Yueyi was stopped by several security guards and refused to let in . explain ? What is there to explain ? Explain the boyfriend you just got in the past two days ?

As the distance got farther , I couldn't hear what Liu Yueyi was shouting .

Needless to say , this community is really big , and it took almost five minutes to walk to the uncle's villa .

Oncoming is a small courtyard of tens of square meters , with a paved stone road in the middle , surrounded by flowers , and wisteria climbing on the shelf . One open-air parking space and one not open- air parking space . There is a Porsche Panamera in the parking space. As for the uncle's BMW 7, I haven't seen it, so I guess Miss Wang will use it .

I looked up to the door , and my uncle had been waiting for a long time .

At this time, the uncle's aura is very strong , and he is very different from the image of sitting around me eating melon seeds and chatting during the Chinese New Year in my hometown .

Uncle Li said respectfully : " Mr. Chen . "

" Thank you , you go back first . " The uncle said indifferently .

After Uncle Li retreated , the uncle turned his face and looked at me with a smile : " Oh , let's go , the uncle specially cooked a lot of delicious food tonight , don't you like to eat the braised pork cooked by your aunt , she cooks it herself today , I usually eat it. There is no such blessing . "

Said uncle pushed my back into the living room .

There is one thing to say , the uncle's house is really luxurious . When I came here, I specifically searched the housing prices in the vicinity. The villas are around 200,000 square meters . Although the uncle bought it through a relationship two years ago , it is estimated that there are no three- year-olds. Fifty million is also very difficult to win . Once upon a time, I learned from my father that my uncle made a small fortune .

This is not a small fortune , it is obviously the group of the top class .

There are three floors upstairs and downstairs , and there is a Steinway piano in the side hall . Later, I knew that this piano was more expensive than the Audi supercar just outside the door, and I almost fainted .

At this time, I was not restrained , and looked at the aunt who was pouring juice and said hello politely .

" Come on , come on , sit down , the food is just out of the pot , eat quickly . " The aunt pulled out the chair and motioned for me to sit down .

The uncle went to the kitchen and whispered to the two nannies : " Sister , you two should go back first after finishing the dishes today . Today is our family feast . As for the pots and bowls, I will wash them tomorrow . "

The two aunts quickly finished placing the fruit plate and left .

I sat down for a while and asked , " Uncle , where is my cousin ? "

" Oh , wait a minute . " The uncle walked to the stairs and shouted , " Xiaoyu , come down for dinner . Your cousin has arrived . "

" Okay~ I'll come right away with some socks on . " My cousin responded .

I drank juice , had some pre-dinner fruit and waited . The phone was frantically beeping messages . I glanced at Xiao Caitou , turned on the mute and ignored it .

My cousin went downstairs holding the handrail and looked at me with a smile. I have to say that my old Chen family has strong genes . My cousin Chen Wenyu has inherited his uncle's good looks very well , and he is three points similar to me . Looking at him, his face is a little pale , and his height is about the same as mine . He has the flavor of a delicate male lead on TV .

I haven't seen this cousin who has a good relationship with me for many years. When my father and uncle were still working together , my cousin and I lived at my grandma's house. We lived poorly , but we were very happy .

The uncle explained : " Although your brother has had his bone marrow exchanged with you, his life is no longer in danger , but he is still relatively weak . I don't let him go out , and set up a sterile room for him in the bedroom , and I will invite someone to come to the house every week. Thorough disinfection . "

The aunt also interjected : "The main reason is that your brother's resistance is weak now , and he dare not make mistakes . But thanks to you , he is much better now . "

My cousin sat across from me and said with a smile : " Why didn't you reply when I sent you a message ? We haven't seen each other for so many years, so we shouldn't be too unfamiliar to ignore me . "

" Huh ? How come , I didn't receive the message at all . " I was very confused by what he said , but such a sentence also instantly brought our relationship closer .

I slapped my head : " Oh~ I see . You sent me the WeChat account before , and I don't use that anymore . "

The cousin happily said , " I'll just say it, why are you ignoring me ? "

The uncle looked at us with relief .

The whole dinner was relatively happy . For some reason , I didn't often eat with my uncle , but I didn't feel strange at all .

After drinking for three rounds , the uncle looked very serious and asked , " Do you know why uncle asked you to come this time ? "

I smiled and said , " Oh , I forgot to say thank you . If it wasn't for uncle helping me , Tony probably wouldn't let me find it so soon . "

" You have the nerve to say that you were almost beaten to death by that kid . But he deserved it . "

I scratched my head in embarrassment : " I caused trouble for uncle . "

" That's not true , it's nothing to Uncle . "

" I heard Lezi from the security department say that the uncle seems to be putting his mind to it this time... But don't worry , the uncle will speak up as soon as possible in the future if there is a nephew who can help . " I am naturally drawing cakes when I say this . Just kidding , I don't have the resources to solve the problems that my uncle can't solve .

Unexpectedly, the uncle waved his hand : " Okay , what I'm waiting for is your next sentence . "

When my uncle said this , my heart suddenly sank . The last time I was asked for help, I still pumped my bone marrow . This time, I will not be numb anymore .

Seeing that I was stunned , my uncle guessed it , so he joked : " Haha, don't worry , nephew, I don't need bone marrow this time . "

" Haha , that's good . " I suddenly felt that this place is not suitable for staying for a long time , and I wanted to go back quickly .

The uncle took a sip of the red wine and said seriously : " This time, I want to... give you some of my company's shares . "

As soon as this remark came out , my mind was full of question marks . Which game is this playing again ?

I also jokingly replied : " Uncle , my nephew just wants to live a good life . If you do this , I am afraid that I will not survive tomorrow . Most TV dramas are performed like this . If you give the benefits, you will kill people and get money . "

Uncle laughed angrily at me : " How do you talk , kid? I can't hurt you two . I have always treated you as my own child . "

I didn't speak , just listened quietly while eating delicacies from mountains and seas .

The uncle then said seriously : " Okay, stop kidding , uncle, I'm serious . I'm fifty-six this year , and I only had your brother when I was thirty . Now he's not in good health , and I don't have a few years to be in the business circle ." Yes . But the family business has to be guarded . I plan to do it by myself for another two years . When your brother fully recovers, I will retire early and take your aunt on vacation . You are so smart that you can understand what uncle means, right ? "

I replied : " I want to find a helper for my cousin ? But why is it me? The cousin in my hometown has a better chance of studying finance than me ? There are also children from my aunt's family who have good grades since they were young . They are synonymous with excellence at home. " .I'm a freshman in college , how can I help my cousin ? "

The uncle went on to say, "It's not the same. Today, my uncle will explain it to you in one breath. From a human point of view , from the very beginning, you and your cousin's bone marrow match were doomed . I still remember that there was a time before you graduated from high school. Is the blood donation required by the school ? Yes , I planned it . Not only you , but also your other brothers and sisters. I have tried it . Only you can do it . This is indeed what we owe you . Your cousin's life is not those few A small business of 100,000 yuan can be compensated . In terms of conditions , you are very similar to your uncle when you were young . You are ruthless , righteous , and hardworking in professional skills. This is enough . I hope to wait for your cousin to sit with me in the future After taking the position , you can assist him well , even if you do not follow your cousin if you succeed in starting a business in the future ,I also hope that you will reach out for him when he needs your help . "

I have to say that my uncle's speech was very contagious , and it was wonderful to me .

" Uncle, don't worry , the shares don't matter . I will definitely help my cousin . I am very affectionate . I can vividly remember many things that I lived with my cousin when I was very young . At that time, the conditions were not good . If I could have a packagevery happy to eat sweets , and my cousin always gives me the last one every time . " I was also serious , and my cousin listened to it with tears in my eyes .

The uncle laughed heartily : "The shares still have to be given . I have eight companies and institutions under my name , including medical care , the Internet , manufacturing , international trade, etc. , and I account for nearly 60% of the total shares . Like Tony's serious injury , this He is already in the hospital . It is because of this status that I can do things so conveniently. I said hello there , and he went directly to pick him up after calling 120. "

The uncle said so , but for example, the hospital is not owned by the uncle alone , there are other shareholders . As long as there is no serious conflict with interests , the hospital will not say anything about such a trivial matter as adding a bed .

The uncle continued : " In a few days, I will integrate these together and form the Chen Group . I also have my own project company , which is entirely my own . I plan to develop it into a family business and will not raise external funds . "

The aunt tacitly took out the equity transfer letter , which she just went upstairs to get .

" There are 5% of the shares of the entire industry here , you just need to sign and pledge . Tomorrow you will be able to find out that your name is among the shareholders of these companies . "

Looking at the document pushed in front of him , it would be a lie if he said he wasn't tempted . I'm not even twenty years old , how can I stand up to such a huge fortune ? Don't look at only five percent , there are hundreds of millions of funds , after all, uncle is only less than sixty percent .

It is enough for me to squander my whole life , and I can even live in a villa and drive a sports car to take my second child out every day .

But I calmed down about such a big matter : " No, uncle , thank you for your kindness . But I don't want this share . "

If I accept it, can I still be the third child ? The money has to be earned by itself to be fragrant . Just like the 300,000 that my uncle gave me back then, which I should have accepted to save my cousin , and the 400,000 that my uncle blackmailed Tony this afternoon , which was because he framed me , all of which I deserve .

The aunt was also a little incredulous : " Your uncle gave it to you , just accept it . "

" Really , I don't have the strength to get this batch of funds . Then...or let's put it here first . If the uncle is still willing to give it in the future , then I will accept it . If the uncle regrets it, I won't say anything."」_

Everyone stopped their chopsticks , and I looked at my uncle calmly .

The atmosphere was very mysterious , and the cousin broke the silence : " Brother, are you afraid of being tricked ? This is obviously a good thing , why does it feel wrong ? "

" I knock ? Where is my cousin? It 's not that I don't want it. Who doesn't like it if I give it money . But don't I have the strength to defend it ? Everyone is innocent , but pregnant is guilty . "

The uncle said just now : " Hahaha , since this is the case, I will put it away . We will talk about it after you graduate . Let's eat a piece of abalone . This is something that uncle sent someone to bring back from abroad . " He said and took a piece for me .

" Ohso polite , uncle , do you think I look like that polite person ? "

I'm not too polite , I 'll be full after sitting down for a meal .

Uncle took two sips of soup and said to me : " But I have to tell you about one thing , you can't control your emotions well . "

I nodded , it is undeniable that sometimes when I get on top , I just rely on my breath and don't think about anything , fuck him ! Just fuck him and you're done .

" Today, Uncle wants to tell you that it is not enough to have great strength , but also to have a scheming mind. Just like Zhuge Liang never asked Liu Bei why we have so few arrows ? Guan Yu never asked Liu Bei why our soldiers didn'tare many others ? Even Zhang Fei, who seems to have a lot of money , never asked Liu Bei , what should the enemy do when the enemy is approaching the city ? Why ? You have to have your own value , and uncle can develop in a short time . In addition to excellent products , there are also a bunch of trustworthyFriends . Shopping malls are like battlefields . Fighting with those old foxes requires conspiracy . As for conspiracy, it is a bad strategy . If you use too much, you will lose friends . "

The cousin also nodded in agreement . But for me , people are not frivolous and waste young people. If people don't offend me , I will definitely not offend others . If they offend me , they must be beaten to death .

After dinner, I chatted with my uncle for a while , and my aunt was clearing the table .

" Nephew will sleep in the guest room tonight . You two go upstairs first , wash up and go to bed early . I'm going to watch the news broadcast . " After finishing speaking, the uncle lay on the sofa and watched the 100-inch TV . This is much better than the projector in the bedroom .

My cousin carried me to the second floor on my shoulders . Good guy , this villa is still comfortable. The bedroom is big , and the facilities are really comprehensive . Each bedroom has its own small refrigerator , central air-conditioning , and various famous paintings .

I looked at the blue and white porcelain by the stairs and said with a smile : " This vase is beautiful , it smells like Jay Chou's song . "

My cousin turned back blankly and said , " You like it ? I'll give it to you . Wrap it up and take it away when I leave tomorrow . "

" Ah ? No , no, no , I just admire it , it looks quite expensive . "

The ones that can be placed in Uncle's place should not be cheap . I know from the piano in the living room that costs more than two million yuan .

My cousin smiled and said , " This material is not very good . I bought it for more than 800,000 yuan . I went to an auction with my dad before and there was a blue and white porcelain plate that sold for more than 30 million yuan . "

" Hiss~ "

I gasped , I, a low-level person, couldn't hear such words , and the price was beyond my understanding . My cousin was more kind , and he kept explaining the origin and dynasties of the porcelain with a smile , but he didn't mean to laugh at it .

" I just heard your phone vibrate when I went upstairs , is there something wrong ? " my cousin asked .

The stairway was relatively quiet , so I replied, " It 's okay , I want to take a shower first , I've been sweating all day . "

" Here , there is a bathtub in this bathroomYou can go in and soak in it . I'll put the water in for you . "

" Okay , thank you cousin . "

" Thank you again and I'm going to be angry . "

After speaking, I came to my bedroom tonight , lay down and pulled out my phone . Not only just now , Xiao Cai has been posting during the meal , and I wondered what Liu Yue had told her , and it has been posting until now .

When I opened it, it was not only the information of Xiao Caitou, but also the information of the second and fourth children .

Click on the second child's message , except for the top one " I miss you again " , and then it's all phone calls . I was still calling me just now , and there were four or five calls in total .

That makes me happy, this girl has n't seen me all day , so she shouldn't be so cruel .

I quickly called back .

As a result, the second child answered in seconds , and I joked, " It 's only been a day since I saw you, Baozi won't miss me... "

Unable to think , the second child cried : " When will you come back , something really happened to the boss this time , we are in the hospital... "

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