
Section 36

Uncle Li has a beer belly , his elbows are almost as thick as my legs , his hair covers his eyebrows , and his eyes are deep , a bit like the combination of clarinet and Xiao Zizai in the anime " Under One " . I consider myself to have extraordinary experience , and I have also experienced some things that my peers cannot bear, but even so , I couldn't help shivering when I saw Uncle Li's eyes .

" Five of you come with me , and the others stay in the office . " Uncle Li said in a deep voice .

Then he followed the big men to the parking lot and boarded a Buick GL8 commercial van .

After I sat down , I looked at Uncle Li next to me and asked curiously, " Uncle Li , when did you meet Uncle ? "

" Very early on, Mr. Chen treated me kindly , and I would do anything for him . " Uncle Li glanced at me and said softly , which didn't fit his macho image a bit . This also aroused my curiosity about the story between Uncle and Uncle Li .

Wait , I'm here to seek revenge from Tony , why did I just get in the car and leave when I saw Uncle Li following the uncle's instructions ?

I then asked suspiciously , " Uncle Li , where are you taking me ? Do you know why I'm here ? "

A younger guy next to Uncle Li said : " Nonsense , Secretary Wang has explained everything to us clearly , we will take you to find someone , and you can handle things by yourself . "

Uncle Li stared at the young man with wide eyes , " Le Zi, pay attention to your tone , this is the nephew of the boss . "

" I follow Mr. Chen , not him . There is no need to respect him , and he doesn't have the strength to make me respect . "

Hearing that, I felt all sorts of unhappiness , but he was right , I don't have much ability right now , but people have to grow up, don't they ? From being arrogant and uninhibited when I first entered school , to now I am always on the lookout for people . Sooner or later, these people who provoke me will be cramped and skinned by me .

Uncle Li looked at me kindly and said, " This time we only guarantee your safety , and we won't help you . This is what Mr. Chen meant , so... "

" I know , you just take me to find a place , and I will take care of other things by myself . " I said without expression .

After a while , this group of people took me to Jing'an District .

As expected of the urban area of ​​Shanghai , people come and go , and the busy figures inside the office buildings can be seen from a distance , but the reflection of the glass cannot be seen clearly .

I was thinking that even if I saw Tony here , I wouldn't be able to make a move . Maybe I'd be in the game the next second after I made a move . But Miss Wang said that Tony will leave tomorrow , what should I do ?

" Uncle Li , where are you taking me ? "

" From the information we have , the target will appear here , let's take you to meet people first . "

" How do you know where the person is so clearly ? "

As soon as I finished asking , Lezi gave a disdainful smile , turned her head to look out the window and said , " Are you doubting our professional ability ? Kid , this world is huge , and there are many things you haven't seen before . "

I didn't make a sound . Except for Uncle Li who has been polite to me from now on , everyone else sees me as a fool , without the slightest respect .

" You play by ear, I'll send you to Mr. Chen's house when it's over , " said Uncle Li .

I nodded .

Turning around on the street , I came to a not-so-luxury hotel parking garage . I am even more confused , what is this for ? I simply want to abolish Tony , I will do it when I find an opportunity , and I will go back if I can't find an opportunity , and I will come again next time .

" That car is the target , you can only wait until he comes out . "

Who is the uncle ? This tracking a person , unexpectedly can touch so clearly .

" Wait ? The hotel is so close to the airport , and he's going to leave tomorrow . It 's clear that he wants to live here . "

" Trash , you can't solve this for your sake ? " Lezi said a little arrogantly .

Uncle Li did not object this time , and the others laughed . This made me really upset and very angry . Zhebiao's bodyguards back then were no weaker than those in the car . But no matter what , these are all uncle's people , so there is no need for my family to care so much .

Uncle Li leaned against the car and pulled out a cigarette : " He is on the plane tomorrow afternoon . As for how you know, you have to ask Mr. Chen , and then wait for the target to come out and take you to his house . It is in Fengxian District , which belongs to the suburbs . It's up to you to avoid surveillance . "

" Can you avoid surveillance in Shanghai ? As long as you don't make things worse , you don't want to cause too much trouble for uncle . "

Lezi smiled and said , " It looks like you've been in school for a long time , and Zhebiao can escape such a serious incident . Some students can disappear in school these days , let alone tonight's goal ? "

Me : " ... "

That being the case , we can only wait for Tony to come out .

" Uncle Li , can you tell me the story between you and your uncle ? "

After a long while, Uncle Li narrowed his eyes and said : " According to common sense , you can't exchange shallow words , but it's okay to tell you because of your special status . It's very simple . Mr. Chen saved me when I was at my worst , and followed him from the beginning to the end. small factory to do it now . "

After speaking, he puffed and smoked and smoked on his own, and ignored me .


At the same time , in a certain suburban villa that I don't know , Zhe Biao lay on the sofa and cursed : "What the fuck , it's been more than a month , and I have n't found out about those sons of bitches ? "

" Forget it , the master paid a lot of money for what happened to you last time . "

" They disobeyed me and you still want to leave ? When I find them, I will torture them . Where is that bastard Pierce ? "

" Tony Pierce he returns to England tomorrow . "

Zhebiao then scolded : " Bird doesn't use things that he doesn't have. Ask him and he doesn't know anything . " In fact, Tony still has some thoughts about his second child . The accident last time really scared him , which also led Zhebiao to seek us later The four were in trouble , and when they asked Tony where the second child's school was , Tony lied that he didn't know .

Suddenly, Zhebiao looked at the phone and said with evil eyes : " I found it , " he made a phone call after finishing speaking , " You say hello to Xiao Liu and the others , and take a few people with me . "

Zhebiao then said domineeringly : " Don't ask so many questions , I will give you an address , we will meet there . Remember not to drive too fancy a car . "

After finishing speaking, Zhebiao picked up the coat beside the sofa and walked towards the door , and ordered coldly to the butler behind him : " Butler , if you dare to let my father know about today's affairs...huh . "


"The target is out . "

Following the driver's call , Uncle Li stubbed out his cigarette and sat in the car .

I looked around according to the reputation , and it was Tony , still with yellow hair , but a little thin and decadent , maybe this month will not be easy . Beside him was a girl with a proud figure . The two acted intimately , like a couple . They got into an Audi TT together and started to leave .

We followed closely behind . It would be a lie to say that I was not excited . The moment Tony came out , I had already planned how to abuse him . But then again , the life of these rich kids is really chic . No wonder Uncle Li and the others concluded that Tony would go home , and they probably came to this hotel to make trouble with his little girlfriend .

Or I was too naive , I thought people lived here just to catch a plane .

It's still a long way from Jing'an District to Fengxian District. No one made a sound along the way , and I'm still recalling the scene at Zhebiao's house . If Tony hadn't seduced the second child and brought someone to drug her , it wouldn't have happened at all. There are the latter troubles . The scar on my thigh and the beautiful hair of my second sister, the more I think about it, the more angry I get .

After a while, the car stopped , and I glanced at the map on my mobile phone . I arrived at Songjiang District , not Fengxian District . I was about to get out of the car but was stopped by Uncle Li .

" He's sending his girlfriend home . It's not as bad as his wife, children and parents . " Uncle Li said in a deep voice .

I nodded . This is the morality of the world ? It's like I'm a heinous villain . I used to be called a living old ghost at school . If Uncle Li was not around , I would have followed him into the corridor of the community in front of his girlfriend . Disabled him . After all, Zhebiao humiliated me in front of my second child .

Sitting in the back seat of me, Le Zi crossed his legs , and from time to time curled his lips and made a moaning sound of mocking me. Looking at his figure , which was half a head shorter than mine , he was not afraid of him except for his thicker arms , but his appearance made me I'm really annoyed .

I turned my head and gave him a blank look .

Lezi immediately became interested : " Hey , stare at me ? If you weren't a relative of the boss, I would have abolished you now . I have helped you to this point . Do you know how much the boss has spent on you ? Damn , Just give us a meeting for a day and a half , you think it's just... "

Before Lezi could finish speaking , I saw a black shadow flashing out of me like a dragon . Uncle Li held Lezi's collar and glared : " Shut your mouth , you are not like this usually , the company's The gist is to talk less and do more . "

Lezi was still a little aggrieved : " Brother , I can't understand this kind of pampered person , so I won't say anything . "

During the whole process, I still didn't say a word , leaned on the seat and closed my eyes , but I remembered these things in my heart , but just when I was in an angry mood, my second child sent a message : " I miss you , I must Be safe and don't go back . "

Then hurry up and go back to school .

As the car started , it became quiet again . There was no delay on the road , and soon came to Tony's residence .

Compared with the high-rise buildings in the urban area just now, the environment here is like a remote village , but even so , in Shanghai where every inch of land is expensive , it costs three to four million yuan to buy a set . The floor is not high , and there is no security check when entering and leaving the community . After entering the community , there are several parking spaces at the entrance of each unit . Tony did not drive to the public underground garage of this community , but parked at the entrance of Unit 5. These parking spots are also expensive .

Our car was parked in a free parking space 100 meters outside the community .

Uncle Li said : " I will bring two people to meet you at the door . We have been observing for a week . This is where the target lives. There should be no one there . These are surveillance headphones and a mini monitor . You buckle the monitor on your collar. , you can see your real-time situation here . It also ensures your safety . "

" Thank you, Uncle Li . " After finishing speaking , he politely took the earphone and monitor and a small note with Tony's address written on it .

This is indeed the case . Tony's parents were busy with business and fostered him at his grandma's house . This also led to him being able to go to the same school as his second child . Now that he is studying abroad , in order to make it easier for him to return to China , his parents directly bought a flat in Shanghai for him to live in. Firstly, it is convenient for Tony to come back from the UK without having to change planes , and secondly, they are also close to Shanghai .

Walking in the corridor , I was still a little dazed looking at the little note in my hand . Is this what I want ? Why is everything arranged by my uncle , what would I be without my uncle ?

But revenge is my principle . Since I was arranged by my uncle when I didn't have the ability , let's understand this matter first . Even if he was abolished today , he would not dare to call the police , otherwise the case of the villa fire last time would be overturned , and if he was found , at least a ten-year prison package would be waiting .

I went to the 7th floor according to the address , and there were three households on each floor .

The back door was not closed when Tony came back . The decoration of the house was fairly luxurious , and the room was not big . From a distance, he can be seen in his bedroom arranging his hair in front of the mirror , with a Nike pocket on his back , and a suitcase next to him , presumably to go to the hotel next to the airport in advance .

After coming in openly, he took the opportunity to close the door .

" Bang ! "

Startled , Tony stretched his head out of the bedroom and met my eyes . Seeing that I was coming in a bad way , Tony's legs were shaking , and he wanted to take out his mobile phone, but he couldn't hold it firmly and dropped it on the ground .

" How did you find it , you... "

Without saying a word, I took a quick step , stepped from the living room to the bedroom , and kicked him on the chin violently . With one move, he flew straight up and hit the bedside table . I strode on Tony again , Tony screamed in horror , completely lost his usual demeanor , and kept shouting in his mouth : " I'm sorry I was wrong , I was wrong , please forgive me , I I will never look for it again... ah~ "

Regardless of his fearful cry , I " pushed " in front of his face, which was a charged punch , and then I bent up and hit his nose bridge with an instant force with my elbow .

At this moment, my mind is full of what Zhebiao said pointing to Tony : " He told me that he knew a girl who looked like a Korean female star , and said that he couldn't get it, and he did n't want you to get it , so I It can only be invited in this way . "

Then I thought about the helpless eyes of the second child full of tears at the end , and the freezer that almost killed me . In the elevator that just came up, I was still thinking about whether to spare him , or talk to him , and give him three months after I was done. Fist to relieve Qi . But when I did it , the thought of letting him go disappeared long ago .

Amidst Tony's wailing , my hand movements became more aggressive . He is not my opponent at all , his strength and height are far inferior to mine , and he has no ability to resist .

But reason told me that the shouting might attract neighbors .

So he covered Tony's bloody mouth with one hand, and continued to exert force on his face with the other .

Looking at him with snot and tears , I didn't feel a little bit soft-hearted . After fighting for more than three minutes , Tony didn't even have the strength to scream , and he fell into a semi-consciousness . The three-minute punching output is referred to as three punches !

It's a pity that he met me today . I know that a broken bone can make people sober . I stood up and threw another heavy weight on Tony's knee , only to hear the bone " click " , and Tony sat up suddenly in pain : " Ah ~ " His face was covered with blood , and his legs were twisted and deformed .

Tony cried and begged for mercy in a low voice , his tooth was broken by me , and he said inarticulately : " Please let me go , I have money... I can give it all to you , whatever you want me... I can do it , let me go Let me , uh... "

Just when I was about to do the same with his other leg , a voice suddenly came from the earphone : " Okay , stop and come back to dinner , your cousin is still waiting for you . "

It was not someone else's voice , it was the uncle .

When I got out of the car , Uncle Li told my uncle that I had acted . The half-day monitor is for the uncle to see, right ?

" Uncle ? "

The uncle sighed : " Oh , come back when you are angry enough . The person you really want to fix is ​​Zhe Biao . If you go on like this , you will really beat him to death. It will be very troublesome to deal with . "

After being reminded by my uncle , I looked at Tony who was lying on the ground recklessly . Looking at him who was a little sober at this time , I grabbed his hair and said in a cold voice : " If you dare to scream again , I will break your limbs . And not just this one leg . "

Tony endured the severe pain , sobbing and nodding slightly .

" Do you know why I came here ? "

Tony reluctantly shook his head first , then quickly nodded and said, " Because of the trip to Dali . "

He saw me as if he saw a god of death , and he didn't dare to look at me .

I went on to say : " Call 120 by yourself later , make up a reason , if you dare to mention me , as long as I don't die , I will definitely find you and kill you . Understand ? "

Tony nodded tremblingly .

" You can't afford to offend Zhebiao , and you can't afford to offendme either . " After speaking , I squatted down and looked through Tony's pocket to find out the bank card .

"How much money ? How much password ? "

Tony's eyes were blurry and he couldn't see clearly , but I didn't care about that . Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time , I raised my hand and snarled .

" Aww~ "

Tony was in pain and covered his face with his hands, and my slap on his already disfigured face was bleeding profusely . Tony didn't dare to shout out , for fear that I would do it again , so he said in a panic, " A total of 400,000 pockets are stored in three cards , and the passwords are all six six . "

" I took it ? "

Tony nodded, still confused . I made another big mouth with my backhand, and slapped off the unbroken front tooth that was just elbowed down , and said coldly , " I'll ask again , I took it away ? "

This time Tony covered his face and cried : " No, no , oh... I , I gave it to you . Today I failed to repay my gambling debt , and the creditor came to collect the debt and was beaten . It has nothing to do with you . "

Not to mention that this guy has good grades in high school , his brain is still quick to respond , and Tony is not stupid . It is impossible for ordinary people to find him so easily .

Holding three bank cards , he stood up coldly .

Seeing that I was about to leave, Tony leaned against the bed limply , grinning and panting heavily , but even so, it was not half as painful as I was at that time . Looking at his inhuman appearance , he looked at his hand that was still dripping blood, it seemed that he had hit too hard just now .

After thinking for a while, he found the phone he had just dropped on the ground , quickly picked it up and threw it to Tony . Even with this random movement , Tony cried out in fright when he saw me approaching suddenly .

After all this was done, I left contentedly .

Pressed the elevator and wiped the blood from his hands with a napkin while waiting . Uncle Li and Lezi actually opened the elevator door .

I waved my hand and said coldly, " Uncle Li . "

It may be that the battle has just been finished , and the murderous spirit has not retreated . Lezi also frowned slightly when he saw me , without the banter just now , they had already seen the whole process on the monitor in the car .

Uncle Li said flatly : " Mr. Chen ordered me to take you home for dinner . "

" Oh yes , thank you Uncle Li . "

After making contact with my own people , I was relieved for a while , and I also returned to the state when I came , obediently followed Uncle Li to leave the community and get on the car .

The car drove for a while, and a man with dreadlocks and earrings sitting in the co-pilot said : "The young man looked at Wen Wen quietly , and his hands are so heavy , compared to some old people in our department . How much hatred ? "

I just smiled and wanted to reply , but Uncle Li said hoarsely : " Don't ask what you shouldn't ask . "

I hurriedly said haha : " It's okay , it's just a little bit of a holiday . "

After speaking, he leaned against the window and watched the bustling evening scene of Shanghai . It was sunset at this time , and the rays of light passed through the high-rise buildings , and I enjoyed the beauty of clouds and clouds .

Open the windows and get some air . The main thing is that this car was bought by the uncle for the security department , and it smells like smoke .

Back in the urban area , there are still many sports cars passing by in twos and threes . It really makes me a little envious , so I set a small goal shallowly , hoping to drive one within two years after I graduated from college .

I stopped in front of a red light with only ten seconds left , and next to it was a white Audi r8 convertible supercar . This is the car of the famous Iron Man . I couldn't help but take a second look .

But when I looked at the beautiful sister of the co-pilot, I was dumbfounded .

Looking at the panicked eyes under the sunglasses , I murmured softly, " Liu Yueyi ? "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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HerRoyalHighnesscreators' thoughts