
Section 34 What the hell is a surprise

" What happened ? What happened ? Did n't he take the fourth child to play golf ? Take me there quickly . " As I said that, I put down my schoolbag .

Turning to the second child, he said , " Second sister , I'll go see what 's wrong first , so don't go and wait for me in the dormitory . "

"The boss has an accident , how can I sit still , I have to go . "

Seeing this , I stopped blocking and followed Liu Jilong to the basketball court in the outer circle of the playground in a hurry. As a result, no abnormalities were found there . There are many basketball courts in our school , and there are generally fewer people in this area of ​​the playground . The main reason is that it is far away from the dormitory building , and there are often many empty venues . The boss often brings the fourth child to practice here .

Liu Jilong was still waving his hands in front : " Brother Chen, hurry up , they are in the lounge under the rostrum . "

I frowned and gasped , " What happened ? "

There is a wall full of mirrors in the lounge, which is managed by the dance club and the music club . They are used for dancing and practicing musical instruments . In addition, it will also be used during the intermission of football players during the sports meeting .

I know how the boss is a person , and he usually doesn't cause trouble . Normally, he wouldn't come here . Thinking of this , I couldn't help but become more cautious . After experiencing so many things , I can be regarded as having a long-term mind .

Liu Jilong replied : " Brother was playing basketball and had conflicts with other people , and then made an appointment here . I saw that there were many people on the other side , so I hurried to find you in the dormitory. "

" Why are you playing together ? " I wondered .

" I also went to the playground to play ball , so I ran into it . "

I stopped talking too much , and ran straight past Liu Jilong and arrived at the door of the lounge .

The door was pushed open suddenly , and it was empty inside . The lounge area is very large , at this point there are only a dozen people practicing the violin in it , so there is no appointment .

I turned around and glared at Liu Jilong without saying a word, are you kidding me ?

" Brother Chen, don't worry , wait a minute . " Liu Jilong rubbed his hands , nervous and sweaty .

Judging from his expression, it doesn't look like he tricked me here just to play with me .

After a while , the second child also arrived panting : " How is the boss ? Where is the person ? "

I looked up at my second child and said , " There was no one when I came here . " Turning to stare at Liu Jilong , I said , "You 're playing tricks on me ? Who's there ? "

The second child said calmly, " Call me and ask . "

I just patted my head and held my mobile phone . When I learned that the boss had an accident , I was so anxious that my IQ went offline .

While calling the boss on WeChat , the light in the lounge suddenly turned off~

My vigilance did not relax , and I immediately dragged my second child to run out the door . Suddenly the door was blocked by a figure , and my hairs blew up , and the scene of fighting with Zhebiao's bodyguards in the villa suddenly appeared in my mind .


Two small salutes exploded at the door , bursting out golden threads , the lounge lights turned on , and the person who came at the door was none other than the boss .

The eldest was crooked, and together with the fourth, was holding a big cake about the thickness of my body . Immediately afterwards , everyone who had just practiced in the lounge played " Rose Boy " together , and the sound of the piano was moving .

" Third Brother~ You and Second Sister have gone through so many hardships , I wish you a long life . " The fourth child smiled like a crescent moon .

I turned my head and looked around , everyone was staring at me , there were nearly ten people in formal attire outside the door , all cool men and beautiful women . Accompanied by the music , several couples danced and slid into the room holding hands , and the whole lounge was like a concert scene .

Only then did I breathe a sigh of relief. It was a pleasant surprise to do it for a long time , but it did scare me a little .

After everyone entered the lounge , the boss put the cake on a bench : "The third brother said a few words . "

This inexplicable and sudden scene really made me choke , how are you so prepared to be surprised ? But what scene I haven't seen ? Seeing this situation , I went downhill , kissed the back of the second child's hand affectionately , and joked : " It turned out to be a surprise , since this is the case , I would like to take this opportunity to say something to my second sister~ "

" Cough~ " I cleared my throat , " I'm stupid and not very good at talking . But I hope that no matter what difficulties we encounter in the future , no matter what happens , we can face each other with our fingers clasped like this. Yes , go figure it out . To me , you are my world... "

" Kiss one~kiss one~kiss one~ " Liu Jilong coaxed on the side .

The boss and the fourth child looked like people eating melons , and then half of the rest room was full of kisses except for the sound of music~

The second child nodded slightly shyly : " Yeah . "

The atmosphere is here , and if you don't move your mouth, you will appear to lose your bearing . The last time I kissed my second sister was the last time... In the freezer in Zhebiao's villa , I was injured and hurt all over , how could I enjoy the silky warmth of my lips .

I was also unambiguous , amidst the booing , I hugged my second child , looked at her blushing face , and was about to lower my head to embrace the softness .

" What are you doing ? " A loud shout interrupted us , which made me very angry . Who ? Come out at this time , believe it or not, I'll beat you up .

When I looked up to the door , a middle-aged man in sportswear and with a whistle around his neck was frowning at me : " This is a lounge , not a KTV , just go out to celebrate your birthday . Get out quickly , we It 's time for class . "

The room was completely quiet. The people who were dancing and playing the piano just now stared at each other with wide eyes , and then left one after another . The boss stepped forward : " Isn't there no one here ? Why is there a class all of a sudden ? "

" I teach Tai Chi class , it 's too cold outside , let my students come in , you guys get out , hurry up ! " The middle-aged man said a little impatiently .

The boss and I looked at each other : " Then let's go , it's okay . "

" Brother Chen , Brother Qin , I'm going back first , and I 'll contact you when I need something . " Liu Jilong said .

The boss laughed: " Well , I'm sorry to trouble you . "

" Harm~ You're welcome . "

We were kicked out by the physical education teacher , so we had no choice but to come out . After separating from Liu Jilong and the other friends of the boss at the gate of the playground , the four of us went back to the dormitory directly .

On the way, I stopped Liu Jilong : " Why don't you come to my bedroom and have some cake ? "

" No , no , I have to go back , I have something to do . "

I didn't stop when I saw it .

This cake is more than twenty inches long and has six layers . Along the way , my boss and I moved the cake and attracted a lot of curious eyes and a little embarrassment . Compared with the birthday cake of the fourth brother , hers was only the smallest one on the top layer in my hand . It seems that this must be custom-made , and the price is not cheap .

" Oh~ I'm exhausted . " The boss then sighed , " Itthe little old man who insisted on going to class . I thought the lounge was not used , so I asked my club friends to help... "

I asked , " Since when did you know so many people? It's really not a small battle . "

" Oh , this , I helped our minister before , and he owed me a favor , so I asked him for help . Are you surprised ? " The boss was still a little embarrassed .

I laughed and scolded : " Is that a surprise to you? I really thought something happened to you . I went to the library with my second sister . So did Liu Jilong . He was meowing . As soon as he opened the door and came in, he put it there and called Big Brother something happened . I thought something was wrong . "

The boss scratched his head and smiled : " I didn't want to give you and the second brother a good time . "

" Well , I almost thought I was in a bandit's den, and I was thinking about how to get you and my second sister out . " I said with a slightly serious expression .

The boss also straightened his face , thinking of my experiences . When playing games and chatting before , I described to him the scene of being alone and helpless when facing Zhe Biao . Then the boss looked at me : " I'm sorry third , I'm to blame this time , I didn't handle it well , you know I'm stupid , so... "

Seeing him like this warms my heart . He was also doing it for my own good , so I shouldn't blame him in turn .

I didn't say anything , I went up and gave the boss a hug and patted him on the shoulder .

After letting go , the boss looked at me stupidly . The two brothers knew what the other was trying to express , but they were surprisingly quiet , and everything was kept silent .

But the physical education teacher is really too , it's too late, it's not the time , and he yelled when he was about to kiss . Fortunately, this is me who has matured after going through the storm , otherwise I would have given him an elbow just because of his barking .

The fourth child broke the silence : " Okay , you two are so weird . Find a movie and watch , second sister , you don't want to go to the library today , let's eat cake . "

The second child pursed his lips and nodded .

The fourth child likes to eat cakes very much . When she first entered school, she had acute appendicitis , and she wanted to eat some cakes after the operation . If the doctor hadn't said seriously that after the appendix was cut , she would have to pass out gas after the operation before she could eat , probably they wouldn't be able to stop her . It was still the boss who felt sorry for her , and after asking the doctor , he said that he could eat less bland food and try not to eat sweets .

I said cheerfully : " No , it's cool to eat a piece of cake for free . Then clean up and start . You, a person who wanted to eat cake when you cut your appendix , probably can't wait , haha ! " Then , I hit Letting go of the boss , he leaned closer to his face and said happily , " Where did this cake come from ? Is it from your ex at a discount ? "

The boss took a special look at the fourth child , saw her go to the bathroom , and then whispered : " What ex ? Besides , do n't take advantage of the bastard . I'm in a relationship now , and my parents are willing to give me some pocket money . I'm short of that money , but I'm not stupid . "

I put my boss's shoulders on my shoulders : " I knock~ My role model ! I have learned , and I can still do it like this . "

The boss wanted to say something else , but when I saw the fourth brother coming out , I hurriedly said : " Cough ~ the fourth brother is here , the fourth brother is here . " Then I calmly said , "The four of us can't finish eating such a big cake , why don't we call the next door Let's eat together . "

Boss : " Okay , you call them , and I'll go to the toilet too . "

The second child has been sitting on the sidelines since I came back, looking at me and the boss with a smile on my face , and I don't know what I'm thinking . She can actually hear the conversation between me and the boss , but with her character, she will never tell the fourth child .

I went to the second child and squatted down , looked up at her : " Baozi , what's the matter , you didn't talk when you came back ? "

The second child smiled , held my face and said , " I was thinking , how lucky I am to meet you . "

Looking at the cute and lovely second sister in front of me , I blinked my right eye: " Good guy , I was thinking about this . I don't know about others , but you met me~ Anyway, I have to save the Milky Way in my last life . "

" Haha , okay, you . I just wanted to praise you, but it seems that there is no need for it . I haven't been in shape all day long . " The second child laughed .

I stood up and touched the pretty face of my second sister : " Then I'm going to the next door . "

" Yeah , let's go . "

I turned around and left , walked to the door , turned around and found my second child was looking at me , I teased : " What ? I'll just go to the next door , it's only five meters away , and you're still watching me ? "

Seeing that the second child didn't speak , I grabbed the door frame and made a face at her : "Let 's go . "

After speaking, I came to the bedroom 212 next to the right . This bedroom is quite miserable . They don't have a single girl in the bedroom . There are very few girls who study computer science. The ratio of boys to girls in our class is two to one , which is already the most high-quality girls in the entire computer science class. There is also a class that is simply horrible , with 60 students and only eight girls .

boom boom boom~

" Grass , who is knocking on the door at this time . " There was a burst of abuse from inside the door .

It made me have black lines all over my face , and I even wanted to turn around and leave , what kind of cake is this . But , what has to be done still has to be done .

I replied : " Your father~ "

" My day ? So arrogant ? "

I hurriedly knocked on the door : " Fugui , hurry up , please eat . "

A big sunny boy about my height with dark skin opened the door and said, " Old Chen , I just knew it was you , what are you going to eat this time ? "

As soon as I entered their dormitory , an indescribable stench hit my face. It was not only pungent , but also a bit pungent , making my eyes uncomfortable . The four of them were playing end games and eating chicken , and the four rows were very happy . Fugui's original name is Zhang Guihu , his father is from Tianjin , and his mother is from Henan . When he was a child , his parents went out to work , and he stayed at his grandfather's house for one year and one year at his grandfather's house . He didn't live with his parents until he was seven years old and went to elementary school , so his speech is very interesting . , a combined version of Henan and Tianjin , and I have a very good relationship with him . There is another person who is darker than him , but shorter . We all call him Xiao Hei , and I am not very familiar with the other two .

I bluffed and said , " I'll knock~ Is the toilet door of your dormitory open ? At least clean it up . "

" We don't have any girls in the dormitory . Men don't smell bad and women don't love them . Why do you care so much ? I'm used to it . " Fugui pouted .

The other three also echoed : " That's right~ Not every dormitory is like yours , I'm so envious . "

" Hahaha , okay , brothers and sisters come to eat some cake after playing, and I'll order a big one , and I'm going to ask the four buddies from 210 to join us . "

Fu Guile said : " Okay , let 's go right after we finish this game . "

I quickly exited the room , it was really bad . It's better for us to sleep together , and I even wondered how it would feel if the second and fourth children lived with them . The school is also weird , it would arrange the wrong male and female dormitories . It is estimated that many girls' parents have come to complain , otherwise , the school would not have said in the middle that they would change our dormitories .

But it doesn't matter , uncle will make a move .

The dormitory 210 on the left is similar to ours , with two men and two women . It's just...the atmosphere in their dormitory is a bit strange .

I knocked on the door as usual : " Lao Li ~ open the door , our bedroom boss bought a large cake , please eat together . "

Lao Li is nearly five centimeters shorter than me and about the same age as me , born in the same month . The appearance is not bad , if you give me 8.5 points , then he is 7.5 points .


The one who opened the door was a thin girl . We nicknamed her Mei Yang Yang because of her similar voice . He looks plain , but has good eyes . She winks like silk , has a cold temper , and is not very talkative . It's just that she already has a partner , and it's in an undergraduate university that's only two stops away .

I was outside the door and stuck my head in before I called them .

" Are you going to die , I ask you , huh ? " Xu Wan'er shouted while pinching Lao Li's neck at the table .

Where have I seen this scene before? Although Xu Wan'er sounds like a gentle and charming little girl from the name , but her body is two and a half years older than me , she is the fat girl I mentioned before . She looks a lot like the internet celebrity watermelon girl in a certain live broadcast . I usually call her Fat Wan .

Lao Li was pressed and called for help : " It was wrong , sister , it was really wrong , I will never say it again . "

" I told you to say it , say it , say it again . " Xu Wan'er slapped Lao Li's head again and again , while gritting her teeth .

Lao Li begged for mercy : " Ah~ don't say it , don't say it , I really don't say it in this meeting . "

Good guy , I am really lucky in my third life to meet my second sister and fourth child . If this old girl is in my dormitory and beats me like this every day , who can bear it ?

Fat Wan didn't care about him , she still beat Lao Li's back with her soft fist the size of a sandbag , and I whispered : " That~ please... eat the cake . "

Old Li shouted : " Brother Chen, save me~ "

" Don't be afraid , darling , brother is here to save you~ " I joked , " Pang Wan go , go to my place and eat some cake , it's very big . "

Fat Wan looked back at me , my good fellow , even though I have gone through all kinds of hardships , I still feel a little apprehensive when I see her .

Fat Wan said , " How big is it ? "

"Do n't worry , there must be enough to eat, I won't let you go if you can't finish it , haha ! " I laughed .

" That's good , let's go now . " He said, not forgetting to give Lao Li another soft punch on the back, and said fiercely , " Eat the cake , hurry up, okay ? "

Lao Li was also helpless . He was still playing games , so he hung up the phone directly : " Okay , let's go , let's go . "

I took a glance , there is another buddy in the dormitory ?

Lao Li saw that I seemed to be looking for someone , and explained : " He's gone to play , just the three of us . "

I usually don't come to their place , after all, my bed is so warm . But I didn't expect the two next door to be like this .

I said okay and went back .

I opened the door and walked in , and saw that the boss and the second sister were already cutting the cake , which was placed on the small table for dinner in the dormitory .

The boss looked at me and asked , "Where are they ? "

" I'll be there soon . "

As soon as I finished speaking , Xiaohei and Fugui arrived first . Fugui opened the door and exclaimed : " I'll go , your bed is so clean ? Do you still need slippers ? My child is here , this carpet is too comfortable , what are you doing?" Cleaning, it's not easy to get garbage in the fur . "

When I saw people coming , I immediately greeted them : " No need for slippers , there are shoe covers on the doorknife , you can just put them on . If the blanket is dirty, take it out and wash it . It costs 30 yuan a time . Our bed is very clean, and we usually eat. Put it on a paper towel so it won't fall in. "

Xiao Hei retorted : " It's not like you haven't been here before , why is it the same as when you came to Lao Chen's place for the first time . "

" I'm stupid , don't I feel sorry for you , it's life when you look at others . " Fugui still yelled .

The boss greeted : " Don't talk , come and have some afternoon tea , I also bought orange juice , you pour it yourself , we are all friends , so you are welcome . "

Fat Wan and Lao Li also arrived , and Fat Wan said , " That must not be polite , I want to eat a big piece in one bite . "

Several people put on their shoe covers and came in . They all felt that the whole blanket was very comfortable. They sat around and ate and chatted happily . I was also indulging in the happiness of this moment .

Lao Li licked the cream on his lips and said, " I have a newly bought script , which happens to be enough for our table , do you want to play ? "

Everyone's eyes lit up , and they all said that there was no problem . This is a suspenseful script .

It was a pleasant afternoon . After eating the cake , I tidied up and started to kill the script . I sat next to my second child and glanced at her from time to time . Feeling this hard-won love , and the relaxed mood when being with so many partners .

The second child found me and said closely, " Look at me ? Is there cream on my face ? "

" No , I just think you are too good-looking , and I want to see more . " I whispered .

The second child blushed slightly : " Isn't this seen every day , really . "

Lao Li : " Okay , do n't show your affection , I think the murderer is Chubby . "

Fat Wan was immediately unhappy and said , " Are you looking for a beating ? You can call Pangpang ? I 'll deal with you when I go back . "

"The corpse has obvious signs of being crushed.n't you , who else could it be ? There are so many of us , who has you... " Lao Li said with a mean-spirited look .

The result was of course Fat Wan's big soft punch , which hit Lao Li's back directly , the sound was so loud that the whole room could clearly hear it .

" It's not you , it's not you , I don't think it's you . " Lao Li grinned in pain .

" Hahahaha... "

My second child and I also laughed from ear to ear looking at this pair of live treasures .

It was my turn to speak , and I was about to speak when the sound of the phone interrupted me . I took out my mobile phone and saw that it was Sister Wang who was calling . I am still very busy as an uncle and secretary . Is there something wrong ?

I signal to everyone that I have to answer the phone in advance .

" Sister Wang , what's the matter ? Tell me . " I answered the phone .

Sister Wang said softly : " Zhebiao has returned to China , and... "

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