
Section 3 have a secrets

<p _msttexthash="9659" _msthash="2805">12

<p _msttexthash="463453640" _msthash="2804">老二也有些着急:"因为什么,赶紧告诉我.如果你不能,就把手机给第四个孩子,看看你在说什么."

<p _msttexthash="164674653" _msthash="2803">老板又挠了挠头:"我能不看这个吗?真的不是一团糟..."

<p _msttexthash="1223111565" _msthash="2802">看到老二和老四渐阴沉的脸色.老板立刻站直了身子:"我发誓,我从来没有改变过主意,也从来没有乱来过.我非常喜欢四哥.但...这...我将不得不等待一个月才能向您展示."

<p _msttexthash="425212112" _msthash="2801">事实上,我可能已经猜到了原因.大概是老板想给四哥一个惊喜,但是惊喜没有给,被他误会了.

<p _msttexthash="389156573" _msthash="2800">我笑着说:"我相信老板不是那种人,我猜老板想浪漫,但结果是弄巧成拙,对吧?

<p _msttexthash="61272900" _msthash="2799">老板傻傻的点点头:"没错.

<p _msttexthash="466420864" _msthash="2798">然后老板似乎想到了什么:"啊,不,不,我真的很好,别这样看着我,让我看起来像个罪犯.

<p _msttexthash="636224030" _msthash="2797">老二突然和我交换了一下眼神,然后推了推老四说:"好了,我们走吧,如果有误会,告诉我,不要伤害你的感情.

<p _msttexthash="170711112" _msthash="2796">老二确实是我喜欢的人,他说话和我一样...你有品味!

<p _msttexthash="205557391" _msthash="2795">直到这时,第四个孩子才走在大孩子面前不稳.然后两人微微拥抱.

<p _msttexthash="53177202" _msthash="2794">我受不了了,它在宿舍里.

<p _msttexthash="273673530" _msthash="2793">他生气地说:"喂,你在干什么?我看不出还有两个...哦不,还有一只狗."

<p _msttexthash="86637668" _msthash="2792">我看到老二眼中的寒光,立刻改口了.

<p _msttexthash="273431262" _msthash="2791">二儿子听我说只有一个,所以他没有来打我.否则,你将不得不对我说几句话.

<p _msttexthash="1322942946" _msthash="2790">我接着说:"今天开心吧,明天去吃点好吃的.我和我的第二个孩子赢得了冠军!我哥哥今晚太棒了.他以一对四横扫全场,成为全场最美的.阿伯丁~"我越说越兴奋,说完就跳舞了.

<p _msttexthash="140929529" _msthash="2789">老板接过我的话:"真的,太神奇了,恭喜你.

<p _msttexthash="401049818" _msthash="2788">我继续开心地说:"我今晚超级帅,如果你不相信我,可以问问我的二胎.右?第二个孩子 ."

<p _msttexthash="421021575" _msthash="2787">老二白了我一眼:"你看你,可是...你真的很帅,冷静而坚强.我真的看不出你还在隐瞒这个."

<p _msttexthash="216298342" _msthash="2786">老四也开口说道:"哇~三哥今晚好厉害,快告诉我,我想听听.

<p _msttexthash="320616348" _msthash="2785">我漫不经心地拉出板凳踩了踩:"我不是在吹牛b,都是小场面,都不属于对手.

<p _msttexthash="1123742412" _msthash="2784">然后我快速而强调地描述了这个过程.说到长辈,老四也很委屈,可爱地举起小拳头.老大这样看着老四,眼珠子差点掉下来.他结结巴巴地说:"你看起来不错.

<p _msttexthash="102691303" _msthash="2783">"嘿嘿,你也是."第四个孩子开心地回应他.

<p _msttexthash="191139247" _msthash="2782">我把椅子放回原位:"好了,我们不要说话了.扔狗粮不好玩."

<p _msttexthash="18534074" _msthash="2781">老板笑了哈哈.

<p _msttexthash="71059196" _msthash="2780">第二个孩子在我说的一半去洗澡了.

<p _msttexthash="94636672" _msthash="2779">我收拾了桌子,洗了个澡,躺在床上.

<p _msttexthash="125286369" _msthash="2778">时间不晚,大家玩了一场惊心动魄的吃鸡游戏.

<p _msttexthash="310348844" _msthash="2777">老二也恢复了平时的淑女形象,但她对待我...有点暴力,这让我有点郁闷.

<p _msttexthash="142552787" _msthash="2776">因为第二天没有课,大家玩得很晚,玩得很开心.

<p _msttexthash="77624482" _msthash="2775">当我起床时,太阳已经很耀眼了.

<p _msttexthash="474401122" _msthash="2774">大家起床,洗漱完毕,早早吃了午饭,然后决定去学校附近的科技馆.自从开学以来就没有来过这里.

<p _msttexthash="628966481" _msthash="2773">大家都很好奇,就去买票了.当然,门票大家都自己付钱,为了避免排队,我一个人去了.我没有那么多钱邀请他们玩.

<p _msttexthash="1347751067" _msthash="2772">原来,四个人兴高采烈地进来了,我真的很喜欢科技馆里的东西.遇到懂的人,会向大家炫耀,比如最新的人工智能.遇到不懂的技术,喜欢观察,环顾四周,像个好奇的婴儿.

<p _msttexthash="792925900" _msthash="2771">已经有一段时间没有了.老板拉着第四个孩子走到我身边,摸了摸我,然后给了我一个"你懂"的眼神.于是我带着第四个孩子去另一个展区玩.

<p _msttexthash="256680905" _msthash="2770">第四个孩子还在嘀咕着等二姐.老大就像拐拐一个女孩,推着老四往前走.

<p _msttexthash="2977559" _msthash="2769">The second child was also slightly taken aback when he saw them leaving .

<p _msttexthash="18785234" _msthash="2768">I laughed and said, " I 'm here to accompany you , let's go , I 'll take you to see the rocket over there , Shenzhou 5 is awesome , China's first manned spaceship , guess who is the first ?" A heavenly one ? "

<p _msttexthash="7131657" _msthash="2767">The second child couldn't see the expression and said : " Of course I know that . emm...just the two of us , I want to ask... "

<p _msttexthash="22322391" _msthash="2766">" Why ? What do you want to ask ? I don't have a date . If you confess your love, I will definitely agree in no time . I still have a meeting with the old university , and the speech has started to falter ? " I looked cynical .

<p _msttexthash="6645379" _msthash="2765">The second child surprisingly didn't change his face , but said helplessly, " Forget it , let's not talk about it . "

<p _msttexthash="10210551" _msthash="2764">I hurriedly said , " Don't , don't, just keep saying , let's go , I 'll take you to the west side , it should be fun if there are so many people there . "

<p _msttexthash="11531039" _msthash="2763">The second child said as he walked, " I'm quite curious . You still know Marxism. How did you know it before we learned it? You watched it in high school ? "

<p _msttexthash="39717249" _msthash="2762">I said triumphantly : " Actually , although I was poor in mathematics, physics and chemistry in high school , it was because I was not interested . I know what I want to do , what I want to learn , and even more... what I want to be in the future." People ! " I said at the end , even a little seriously .

<p _msttexthash="12289550" _msthash="2761">The second child followed and looked at me with her big eyes . I just caught it from the corner of my eye : " Hey , I like to show you , 360 degrees without dead ends . "

<p _msttexthash="7432607" _msthash="2760">The second child gave me a white look : " Actually, if you didn't have this personality , you would be pretty good , alas~ "

<p _msttexthash="3898635" _msthash="2759">I said : " Yeah ? Sigh ? Is it bad for me ? Is it possible...Only you can enjoy my teasing~ "

<p _msttexthash="3978676" _msthash="2758">The second child immediately said : " Then I am so lucky ? Can this be called enjoyment ? "

<p _msttexthash="77402988" _msthash="2757">Then I said with a serious attitude : " I saw Marxism in high school . It 's not because I have to learn politics . I'm a science student and I don't like to learn it . Politics is still very important . I happened to use it last night . I just like it." Doing what I love , like I love biology because it can be used in everyday life . "

<p _msttexthash="102280828" _msthash="2756">I paused and then said : " I also know a little about chemistry . As for the physics of electromagnetism , as long as you know that it can be used in communications , it can be used... such as power station transmission , that's all right, do n't do that." One line , and you do n't need it in your daily life , so why do you learn it ? "

<p _msttexthash="13937742" _msthash="2755">The second child was slightly surprised : " I feel like you know a lot . Even if you can't get into a good school , it's still relatively easy for undergraduates, right ? "

<p _msttexthash="34770099" _msthash="2754">I went on to say flatly : " If I tell you , you can pass the college entrance examination almost without studying mathematics. Except for biology , you can write two strokes randomly on other topics , and you will not write anything you know . Do you believe it or not ? "

<p _msttexthash="7963761" _msthash="2753">The second child : " Cut~ I don't believe it . How can someone write but not write ? Who would think they have too many points ? "

<p _msttexthash="114975965" _msthash="2752">I put aside the topic : " Look , this is the Shenzhou series spacecraft , isn't it very handsome ? No wonder there are many people here , and there is a booster there . The gravitational force on the ground is strong, and it is difficult to go to the sky , but you have to rely on it . Wait until you fly out of the atmosphere . , the farther away from the earth , the less gravitational force , and no need for a booster . "

<p _msttexthash="10677875" _msthash="2751">The second child also seemed to like it very much , and said with a trace of disbelief : " Of course I know this , and I know it even if you don't tell me . "

<p _msttexthash="6960993" _msthash="2750">" Haha , second child . Why don't we go out and buy a model later , I'll give it to you , how about we look at one together ? "

<p _msttexthash="2675140" _msthash="2749">Second child : " I'll buy it myself , so I don't want you to give it away . "

<p _msttexthash="11721008" _msthash="2748">I continued to say seriously : " One day , I will be like a rocket , soaring into the sky... " After I finished speaking , I felt like I was a bit of a second child .

<p _msttexthash="6608719" _msthash="2747">Unexpectedly, the second child listened quietly , and then said : " Well , I believe in you , I believe you can do it . "

<p _msttexthash="4313647" _msthash="2746">Me : " Hahaha , okay , I will bring you with me at that time , and share my resources with you . "

<p _msttexthash="1689012" _msthash="2745">The second child rarely smiled and said , " Haha , good~ "

<p _msttexthash="11454157" _msthash="2744">Time passed quickly in the chatter and laughter between me and my second child . I also enjoy this wonderful time , after all, I cherish time very much .

<p _msttexthash="35545146" _msthash="2743">I bought the model together , and then I sent a message to the boss to collect it . Everyone gathered together , ready to go out and get some good food . The four of us stood side by side , and the boss and I walked outside . Of course , I must have walked closer to the second child .

<p _msttexthash="1292551" _msthash="2742">As soon as I walked out the door , my phone rang .

<p _msttexthash="21501766" _msthash="2741">I saw that it was my uncle calling . My uncle was very kind to our family . He helped us tide over the difficulties when our family was in the most difficult time , and allowed us to live a fairly prosperous life .

<p _msttexthash="2052817" _msthash="2740">" Hey uncle , what can I do on the phone ? " I said respectfully .

<p _msttexthash="2002923" _msthash="2739">This also made the second child and the boss look curious .

<p _msttexthash="5236465" _msthash="2738">On the other side of the phone : " Ah , it 's okay . Uncle misses you , how are you ? Are you short of money ? "

<p _msttexthash="8290958" _msthash="2737">I replied : " I'm not short of money . My dad gives me enough living expenses . If there is anything I need , I will definitely help . "

<p _msttexthash="47624096" _msthash="2736">My uncle and I have a good relationship , but not so good that they call me for no reason and ask me if I need money . Besides, my uncle started from scratch and is very proud of working hard in the business field . The main reason is that he has a relationship with the vice principal of our school. It's an old classmate .

<p _msttexthash="10093369" _msthash="2735">The uncle hesitated for a moment and said , " I do have an important matter that needs you to discuss , and if the negotiation is successful... "

<p _msttexthash="3637205" _msthash="2734">"The deal is over , and all the proceeds will belong to you . " The uncle said calmly .

<p _msttexthash="13337064" _msthash="2733">Uncle calm down, I am not calm anymore . I said , " What's the matter, Uncle ? How can you give it to me well ? If I let my dad go , he should be very happy . I'm still in school . "

<p _msttexthash="14355523" _msthash="2732">The uncle went on to say , " Well , I'll book a high-speed rail business seat for you. You come to Shanghai first . Do you think you are free tomorrow ? The sooner the better . "

<p _msttexthash="12516361" _msthash="2731">" Okay , ithappens that there are no classes on weekends , let's go tomorrow afternoon , I will go there . " I said calmly , not excited because I had money to earn .

<p _msttexthash="15609737" _msthash="2730">The uncle was suddenly very happy : " Okay, okay , I'll arrange someone to book tickets for you , and send your ID number to my WeChat later , otherwise the tickets won't be booked . "

<p _msttexthash="1760278" _msthash="2729">" Okay . " After I finished speaking, I hung up the phone .

<p _msttexthash="2822885" _msthash="2728">The second child tilted his head and said to me : " What ? Do you want to go ? "

<p _msttexthash="8303594" _msthash="2727">I resumed my hippie smile : " Why ? If you do n't want me , just call if you do n't want me. If you call , I will definitely answer , hehe . "

<p _msttexthash="293202" _msthash="2726">Second child : " Oh~ "

<p _msttexthash="7915115" _msthash="2725">The boss also heard it and asked : " What's the situation , I want to buy a set of mahjong to play in the dormitory on weekends . "

<p _msttexthash="9334676" _msthash="2724">I looked at my boss : " It's nothing , my uncle told me to go to Shanghai and I'll be back in two days. I guess I have to ask for leave on Monday . "

<p _msttexthash="153231" _msthash="2723">Boss : " Oh oh . "

<p _msttexthash="5333549" _msthash="2722">The fourth child also said , " Third brother is going to Shanghai tomorrow , what are you going to do ? "

<p _msttexthash="8384948" _msthash="2721">I smiled and said , " I don't know either . Uncle is very kind to our family . Maybe there is something wrong. I'll go and have a look . "

<p _msttexthash="45874361" _msthash="2720">Then he said to the second child with a happy smile : " Oh , do n't worry . I will definitely come back for the debate competition , and then I will take you to kill the Quartet . Oh yes , there is a high probability that I will not be able to come back on Monday . When the time comes, you will be homework." Write it for me . "

<p _msttexthash="2197507" _msthash="2719">The second child suddenly said very ladylikely : " Well , fine . "

<p _msttexthash="8283782" _msthash="2718">The boss also interjected : " There's me too . If I don't come back, I'll write for you. I won't let you lose your ordinary points . "

<p _msttexthash="1779752" _msthash="2717">The fourth child bouncingly raised his hands : " Me too . "

<p _msttexthash="2491853" _msthash="2716">" Hahaha , okay , then I'll treat you to an iced Coke~ " I said happily .

<p _msttexthash="12601524" _msthash="2715">Then I thought about it for a while : " Forget it , please drink milk tea , let's go~ " What if the second child and the fourth child come, it is not good to drink ice .

<p _msttexthash="643487" _msthash="2714">After buying milk tea , I ate KFC .

<p _msttexthash="2986165" _msthash="2713">There is one thing to say , the taste of the grilled burger is really good .

<p _msttexthash="966173" _msthash="2712">Then go shopping and go back to school .

<p _msttexthash="5902052" _msthash="2711">There are classes in the last two periods in the afternoon . The one on it is a single-chip microcomputer .

<p _msttexthash="977509" _msthash="2710">We simply cleaned up and went to class .

<p _msttexthash="48257807" _msthash="2709">It's been so long since school started , and when I came to the classroom, I found that some seats had already been matched with men and women , probably another pair . Small class We use a small classroom for one class , with two seats arranged in a row . The big classroom with a row of seats is only used for big classes .

<p _msttexthash="12661155" _msthash="2708">I'm knocking~ I haven't even dated yet , they actually... have already attended class together . It's indeed a mixed bed , it 's just a distribution of objects .

<p _msttexthash="43196738" _msthash="2707">But this is due to the new dean of our hospital . The mixed dormitory originally refers to a layer of boys and a layer of girls . Or on both sides of a building , boys on one side and girls on one side . As a result, he misunderstood , and the dormitory numbers were mixed up . Seems like this is the only time .

<p _msttexthash="13647491" _msthash="2706">Although the boss and the fourth child are already on the same table , but in class, there are still two girls at the same table , and the boss and I are at the same table .

<p _msttexthash="10567544" _msthash="2705">The teacher sent out a document , and suddenly said : " By the way , let me digress , the school committee will come up and copy the document first . "

<p _msttexthash="20835945" _msthash="2704">The teacher went on to say , " That's right . We're in mixed dormitories . It wasn't like this. There was a meeting in the courtyard to discuss and find a time for everyone to reorganize dorms . You know that ? "

<p _msttexthash="9763" _msthash="2703">13

<p _msttexthash="2188186" _msthash="2702">Class : " Huh ? Reorganize the dormitory . How to reorganize... "

<p _msttexthash="5689814" _msthash="2701">The class is frying , and these days have just been nourished . Why is there such a mess ? Isn't this a joke ?

<p _msttexthash="45615245" _msthash="2700">Everyone protested unanimously , but the teacher said : " There is no way to do this. It is not safe for you to do this . After all, the school has never set a precedent for this . If you go out to rent a house, it is okay , there are different rooms . Do this to the school in the dormitory. The impact is not very good . "

<p _msttexthash="8157344" _msthash="2699">After listening to the boss : " Damn , this bitch is too cruel . Give you some sweetness , and then slap you ? Don't play like this . "

<p _msttexthash="15798133" _msthash="2698">I was also shocked that the sudden turn of events prevented me from taking my favorite programming class for a while . If the second child leaves , it may be difficult to catch up .

<p _msttexthash="2621112" _msthash="2697">The teacher went on to teach , and I went on thinking about what to do .

<p _msttexthash="60341567" _msthash="2696">I was thinking about my second child , how could such a good girl give up ? Forget it , if you can't catch up, you can't catch up , there is no grass anywhere in the world , why bother to love a single flower ? Don't say that the flowers bloom , and the car has a flat tire , it is definitely a piece of cake . After thinking a lot , I heard the boss complaining to himself .

<p _msttexthash="6320353" _msthash="2695">I said , " It's okay , we brothers are so handsome , we don't need to rely on sleeping together to find a partner . "

<p _msttexthash="6532214" _msthash="2694">The boss suddenly laughed : " Hey , why has it been so long since school started and no girl has confessed to you ? "

<p _msttexthash="10824554" _msthash="2693">I was in a hurry : " That's because I spent all my time in the dormitory. I won the hearts of a group of girls in the debating competition that night . "

<p _msttexthash="8613150" _msthash="2692">Boss : " That's no good , my fourth child and I have only been together for a few days . How can this be so , it's really uncomfortable . "

<p _msttexthash="1544699" _msthash="2691">I suddenly thought of my uncle : " I have a solution . "

<p _msttexthash="1929421" _msthash="2690">The boss quickly asked : " What can I do ? Do you need my help ? "

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="5037526" _msthash="2689">I said lightly, " No , I 'll try it first , and I'll talk about it when I get back from my uncle's house . "</font>

<p _msttexthash="6775041" _msthash="2688">After returning to the dormitory after class , the second child and the fourth child were also a little unhappy .

<p _msttexthash="4539925" _msthash="2687">Fourth child : " Looks like we're going to separate , I don't know how to separate the bed yet . "

<p _msttexthash="9674093" _msthash="2686">Second child : " If it's a male dormitory and a female dormitory at the same time , we can still find them to watch movies in the dormitory . "

<p _msttexthash="920634" _msthash="2685">The boss also complained a few words .

<p _msttexthash="3037450" _msthash="2684">I pondered for a while : " Wait for my news , I think I should have a solution . "

<p _msttexthash="7699107" _msthash="2683">The fourth child asked curiously, " What can you do ? This is the decision of the leaders of the courtyard , there is no way . "

<p _msttexthash="1948323" _msthash="2682">The second child also said : " If you have a way, just say it . "

<p _msttexthash="5590026" _msthash="2681">I had a mysterious expression : "The secret must not be leaked ~ okay , I'll pack up and leave right away . "

<p _msttexthash="1692990" _msthash="2680">" So urgent ? Did n't it mean tomorrow ? " the boss asked .

<p _msttexthash="15508922" _msthash="2679">I said : " Uncle sent me a message saying that he helped me change my ticket , and told me to take a taxi to the high-speed rail station , and if I leave early, I will come back earlier . "

<p _msttexthash="3658044" _msthash="2678">So after a few pleasantries, I went to pack the clothes and chargers for two days .

<p _msttexthash="267085" _msthash="2677">Before leaving...

<p _msttexthash="4161963" _msthash="2676">I was naughty to my second child who was about to go out for dinner : " Remember to miss me . "

<p _msttexthash="915083" _msthash="2675">The second child ignored me at first .

<p _msttexthash="1975051" _msthash="2674">I went on to say : " Haha , it 's a default , okay , I'll withdraw . "

<p _msttexthash="16090737" _msthash="2673">The boss and the fourth child pursed their lips and smiled , and the second child finally said helplessly : " Hurry up and go , I am really convinced , I have never seen such a... person ! "

<p _msttexthash="1961726" _msthash="2672">" Hahahahaha~ " I walked out quickly and left with a smile .

<p _msttexthash="4353973" _msthash="2671">When I came to the door, I stopped a taxi and went straight to the high-speed rail station .

<p _msttexthash="17119388" _msthash="2670">After looking at the high-speed rail ticket information sent by my uncle himself , I found that the business seat of 1,000 yuan was a bit unbearable for me . It also made me a little uneasy .

<p _msttexthash="28361476" _msthash="2669">To actually spend so much money on a business seat , let me go in such a hurry , and say that I don't doubt it is fake . I wanted to call my dad and ask , but I wanted to earn some money by myself to impress him .

<p _msttexthash="49622911" _msthash="2668">When I came to the high-speed rail station , I walked into the business seat waiting area for the first time after swiping the ticket . As soon as I entered the door, a worker at the high-speed rail station said , " Hi sir , do you need something to drink? You can come here if you are taking a break . There are free massage seats . "

<p _msttexthash="2102607" _msthash="2667">I held my head high and said , " Just a bottle of mineral water . "

<p _msttexthash="38474696" _msthash="2666">Waiting for the car while pressing the massager and drinking water , my uncle suddenly sent me a message : " I have asked someone to wait for you at the high-speed rail station . I will send you his number . You can add a WeChat . When you arrive, go directly to the parking lot to find him . "

<p _msttexthash="1830257" _msthash="2665">I replied " Okay " and lay down and closed my eyes to rest .

<p _msttexthash="823745" _msthash="2664">" Hi sir , your car will be here soon . "

<p _msttexthash="551694" _msthash="2663">Me : " Okay , I'll get up and go . "

<p _msttexthash="59527351" _msthash="2662">The business seat is really comfortable . The seat is like an egg. When you lie in it , the flight attendants usually don't even look at you when you take the high-speed rail. When you change cars, they even care about whether you have eaten , what you want to eat, and what you want to drink . Well , it 's nice to have money .

<p _msttexthash="2523365" _msthash="2661">After six or seven hours of driving , I feel that I will arrive soon .

<p _msttexthash="4245501" _msthash="2660">I dialed the phone number from my uncle : " Hi , I just got out of the station , where are you ? "

<p _msttexthash="13815841" _msthash="2659">On the other side is a magnetic female voice : " Okay , I have sent you the license plate number , you can find a roadside and send me a location , and I will come right away . "

<p _msttexthash="145379" _msthash="2658">" Yeah okay . "

<p _msttexthash="24284273" _msthash="2657">Not long after I hung up the phone , a BMW 740 stopped beside me . I checked the license plate number and got in the car . There were not many people on the side of the road , and the night was very late , almost early in the morning .

<p _msttexthash="25574913" _msthash="2656">" Hello , I booked a hotel for you . I put all the materials on the table in the hotel . You can take a look after you go back and rest . The meeting is arranged in the Tianxing Building , and it will start at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon . "

<p _msttexthash="147472" _msthash="2655">" Okay okay . "

<p _msttexthash="16322072" _msthash="2654">In order to show respect to the co-pilot I was sitting in , what caught my eye was a woman with a pretty face , wearing a formal dress with a hip skirt, who seemed to be about 30 years old .

<p _msttexthash="4477304" _msthash="2653">She turned the steering wheel and said , " My surname is Wang , you can call me Secretary Wang . "

<p _msttexthash="9454640" _msthash="2652">" Oh hello , may I ask my sister, do you know why my uncle called me in such a hurry ? " I was also unambiguous and went straight to the point .

<p _msttexthash="11869208" _msthash="2651">" Haha , I can't bear the sound of my sister. I only do things according to the boss's request . I don't know why . " She smiled , kindly , and her voice was crisp .

<p _msttexthash="17393571" _msthash="2650">I hurriedly said, " It 's all right , it's weird to be called Secretary Wang , I can't get used to it, I can't call you sister , I'll call you sister Wang according to your age , don't be so polite . "

<p _msttexthash="4131595" _msthash="2649">" Haha , that's fine too ... " Sister Wang really loves to laugh , so luck should not be bad .

<p _msttexthash="4345705" _msthash="2648">On the way, we chatted about what delicious food is nearby , and we will be there in a while .

<p _msttexthash="12320087" _msthash="2647">" Okay here , here is your room card , and a bank card , password eight eight , your room is in the suite on the top floor , I will wait for you here at 1:50 tomorrow . "

<p _msttexthash="8623914" _msthash="2646">" Okay . " After I finished speaking, I went into the hotel and swiped my ID card to check in , and then went upstairs by the elevator

<p _msttexthash="134808882" _msthash="2645">Hey , this suite is really big . I don't know how much I paid for this night . The key is that it is in Shanghai where every inch of land is expensive . I know that my uncle came to Shanghai to start a business and established a world , but he didn't expect to be so rich . Looking at this posture , he now has a secretary , and his worth is at least tens of millions . The uncle is very low-key in his hometown , and he drives a Volkswagen that he bought before . If the relatives in my hometown know that uncle is so powerful now, he will be surprised .

<p _msttexthash="17046614" _msthash="2644">As soon as you enter the door , it is like the living room in a luxury version of your home. There are hot dishes on the table , four meat and three vegetables, and a big bowl of seaweed soup .

<p _msttexthash="6026930" _msthash="2643">I took a picture and put it in the group, and then I started cooking . I didn't eat at night , but I was so hungry .

<p _msttexthash="6259279" _msthash="2642">The boss of the group posted a message : " Damn, put poison in the middle of the night, you , are you on vacation ? "

<p _msttexthash="1483924" _msthash="2641">I replied : " Are you still asleep? What time is it ? "

<p _msttexthash="13173797" _msthash="2640">Boss : " Take a rest tomorrow morning and sleep late . I just finished watching the movie . But the two of them fell asleep halfway through watching it . I can see it . "

<p _msttexthash="855439" _msthash="2639">Me : " Haha , Tiezi should rest early . "

<p _msttexthash="1119573" _msthash="2638">Boss : " Okay , you should go to bed earlier . "

<p _msttexthash="5629897" _msthash="2637">I was really tired after a busy day , so I just took a shower and fell asleep . I slept until after 9 o'clock .

<p _msttexthash="9836385" _msthash="2636">Turning on the phone , I saw a message from Sister Wang at six o'clock : " Call me when you wake up , and I'll ask someone to bring you breakfast . "

<p _msttexthash="8651240" _msthash="2635">There is also a message from the uncle : " Nephew, have you arrived? I will go to the hotel to find you after I finish my work at noon . "

<p _msttexthash="33700758" _msthash="2634">I used to eat irregularly , if it wasn't for the school boss who took them to cook , I really couldn't get up in the morning . I got up and brushed my teeth , took a look at the snacks beside the sofa , and took them apart to pad my stomach . After eating, I also took a shower .

<p _msttexthash="7386340" _msthash="2633">Just as I was about to turn on my phone to see what the fourth child in the group, Aite and I, were doing , the doorbell rang .

<p _msttexthash="92692457" _msthash="2632">I opened the door and saw that it was my uncle , who had gained a lot of weight after not seeing him in half a year, and also came with sister Wang from yesterday . I didn't look carefully in the car yesterday , but this time, Miss Wang is tall and tall , wearing a small high heel, she is a little taller than my uncle , and she can reach the position of my eyes . She is simply naturally charming , and her every move can seduce people's hearts and souls .

<p _msttexthash="4164797" _msthash="2631">I said politely first : " Hello, uncle . Come in first , uncle, what are you calling me for ? "

<p _msttexthash="28952118" _msthash="2630">The uncle walked to the sofa and sat down , while Sister Wang stood beside him . The uncle said very kindly : " Nephew , I see that you are now in college , and I want to train you to follow my path . After graduation, you can come to work in the company . "

<p _msttexthash="15246959" _msthash="2629">I smiled and picked up the unread materials on the table and said , " Aha , that 's it . Sister Wang asked me to read the materials last night , but I haven't had time to read them yet . "

<p _msttexthash="47598239" _msthash="2628">" This is a small product we made. Someone will come to buy it in the afternoon . You can talk about the price . After a while, Wang Mi will go to a meeting with you. Ask her what you don't know. After the negotiation, I only need the capital , and I will pay more. It's yours . " The smile on the uncle's face remained unchanged .

<p _msttexthash="50346920" _msthash="2627">The more my uncle is like this , the more I feel that something is wrong . In my hometown , my uncle was really nice to me , but not so nice , and my dad's job is a heat treatment engineer , and my uncle introduced him to a partner company . Now uncle is like sending money to me directly .

<p _msttexthash="4946058" _msthash="2626">I didn't treat my uncle as a stranger either , so I asked directly , " Then how much money can I earn ? "

<p _msttexthash="13890045" _msthash="2625">The uncle went on to say , " It's up to you to negotiate . The business is negotiated . You have to see how much people want . Normally, it 's almost a few hundred thousand . "

<p _msttexthash="9043450" _msthash="2624">I am full of doubts , what is the situation ? My uncle and I have a good relationship , wouldn't it be better for my dad to earn the money ?

<p _msttexthash="954928" _msthash="2623">" Wow, that's so much , thank you uncle . "

<p _msttexthash="1972867" _msthash="2622">" You have a rest , and you will leave in a while , so go early . "

<p _msttexthash="3344614" _msthash="2621">I said yes and sent my uncle away . Sister Wang stayed to tell me the materials .

<p _msttexthash="52031382" _msthash="2620">It's okay if the uncle is here , but if he 's not here, Sister Wang and I will sit alone and talk about work... Although we are honest and gentlemen , this is really not something ordinary people can bear . Sister Wang talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the product , as well as the price range between 120 and 160, and so on .

<p _msttexthash="82847297" _msthash="2619">The more I listened , the more confused I became. This is not an explanation , it is all about teaching me how to speak , even telling me about tomorrow's uncertain factors , and how to speak . Uncle is like this , why don't you just send me money directly , this is definitely not simply looking for me to discuss business , otherwise, if you have money and don't earn it for others , your own father may not be able to do it .

<p _msttexthash="7916363" _msthash="2618">Time passed quickly , and when I came to the conference room of the Tianxing Building , the other party had already arrived .

<p _msttexthash="9103939" _msthash="2617">Sister Wang introduced one by one : " This is Mr. Li from Tuyuan Materials , and the two vice presidents Chen and Yang of their company . "

<p _msttexthash="1298869" _msthash="2616">I shook hands with him calmly and said , " Hello . "

<p _msttexthash="1412229" _msthash="2615">" Then let's start right away . " Sister Wang said .

<p _msttexthash="22232496" _msthash="2614">I followed what Sister Wang taught me : " This is the gear we made. It is used on the drive shaft of the excavator . You should have understood it . This time it is an upgraded process , so it is more stable and tougher . "

<p _msttexthash="3428399" _msthash="2613">Mr. Li said , " Haha , we've talked about it before , so let's talk about the price . "

<p _msttexthash="3860870" _msthash="2612">Mr. Li : " If you can get one hundred and twenty for one piece , we will ask for 10,000 sets . "

<p _msttexthash="19138132" _msthash="2611">" Mr. Li , although it's my first time talking about business , I also know that the market price of this product is far more than that . Our asking price is 160. " This is what Sister Wang just taught me .

<p _msttexthash="18268601" _msthash="2610">Mr. Li chuckled : " Young man , don't be too crazy when you are talking about business for the first time . 160 when you come up ? This is too high . If you say that , then we have nothing to talk about . "

<p _msttexthash="5731557" _msthash="2609">As soon as I heard him say this , it was like my one million was gone , so I immediately changed my words : " 140. "

<p _msttexthash="30368884" _msthash="2608">" I'll buy 135 , or I'll leave immediately ... " Mr. Li's aura is too strong , far from what I, a student who has just finished the college entrance examination for half a year, can't match . I've never experienced any of this , and I'm completely ignorant .

<p _msttexthash="3933579" _msthash="2607">" Deal , let's sign the contract . " Anyway, it is within the price range and can be sold .

<p _msttexthash="5020717" _msthash="2606">Mr. Li went on to say : " Hahaha , young and awesome , it 's the most straightforward business deal . "

<p _msttexthash="10893350" _msthash="2605">After speaking, Mr. Li hurriedly signed , as if I was afraid that I would go back on my word , and he was completely different from his aura just now .

<p _msttexthash="13273442" _msthash="2604">I thought to myself : Is this about business ? It ends in a few hasty words, just like my grandma buying vegetables at the vegetable market and grinding the price .

<p _msttexthash="37641786" _msthash="2603">After the talk , Sister Wang sent me back to the hotel . Not even half an hour . On the way, I also asked Sister Wang how quickly they negotiated business in the past ? Sister Wang also perfunctorily told me that she was not qualified to participate , this time it was a special case .

<p _msttexthash="1915329" _msthash="2602">It was just over two o'clock when we got back to the hotel .

<p _msttexthash="1193907" _msthash="2601">I called my uncle and said the talk was over .

<p _msttexthash="18222464" _msthash="2600">I'm still thinking about the whole process , it 's too fake , even though I'm just a fledgling kid , but it's...unheard of, just like the world of Truman , this kind of fake feeling is very strong .

<p _msttexthash="3233386" _msthash="2599">The uncle came in about two hours , but this time he did not bring Sister Wang .

<p _msttexthash="1332890" _msthash="2598">"How was the talk ? " the uncle said with a smile .

<p _msttexthash="765388" _msthash="2597">Me : " I gave 135 , it seems to be less . "

<p _msttexthash="2928926" _msthash="2596">Uncle : " Okay , after deducting the cost , you can get more than 300,000 yuan . "

<p _msttexthash="5011604" _msthash="2595">I was surprised : "The profit is so high ? Does n't it mean that the real industry is not easy to do ? "

<p _msttexthash="16584893" _msthash="2594">Uncle : " I have just developed this technology . We are the only ones in the world who know it. It 's just that this type of gear is not widely used , otherwise I would not be what I am now . "

<p _msttexthash="1255787" _msthash="2593">I didn't know what to say , so I said , " That 's it . "

<p _msttexthash="26164268" _msthash="2592">The uncle went on to say : " Wang Mi gave you the card ? There are 10,000 yuan in it for you to buy food here . I will send you the money later , and I wo n't let you wait for Party A to send the money , otherwise it will be strange ." troublesome . "

<p _msttexthash="25696996" _msthash="2591">I was calm on the surface , but I was overjoyed in my heart . I have never seen so much money . The sudden money made my heart beat faster , and it also made me a little scared , even though this person was my uncle who was very kind to me .

<p _msttexthash="741351" _msthash="2590">I said, " Thank you so much, uncle . "

<p _msttexthash="7842081" _msthash="2589">After I finished speaking, I didn't know what to say , the atmosphere was a bit awkward , and my uncle didn't intend to leave .

<p _msttexthash="63584820" _msthash="2588">This must be something , so I simply asked : " Uncle , I don't think you came to me just to give me this money, right ? I've been wondering since yesterday , this time I came in such a hurry , talking about business is like a joke , if you have anything to say , I will help you if I can help you . "

<p _msttexthash="10281050" _msthash="2587">Uncle was stunned when he heard my sudden question , then he sighed and said with a smile : " I really can't hide anything from you , I've grown up . "

<p _msttexthash="31026268" _msthash="2586">I thought to myself : Your acting is too fake , I can't stand it anymore , otherwise I'll just pretend to be stupid and take the money and leave . If it wasn't for the fear of messing things up afterwards , I wouldn't thank you, because it's obviously wrong .

<p _msttexthash="35539127" _msthash="2585">I didn't speak , uncle : " Actually, your brother...has leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant . I found a lot of people and they didn't quite match . You're definitely fine . I used your venous blood to check the DNA before , and the type was matched. High , totally fine . "

<p _msttexthash="28479412" _msthash="2584">After the uncle finished speaking , and the strange and extravagant scene in the hotel suite that didn't belong to me , it made me feel numb all over . First of all, let alone how he got my venous blood , a bone marrow transplant is enough for me .

<p _msttexthash="15675933" _msthash="2583">I refused without even thinking about it : " Uncle , the bone marrow transplant has hurt me a lot , why do n't you look for it again , since you are so rich , it shouldn't be difficult . "

<p _msttexthash="17772495" _msthash="2582">Uncle : " I will give you the 300,000 today whether you help me or not . It would be better if you help me , and bone marrow transplantation is recoverable and will not cause permanent damage . "

<p _msttexthash="1693757" _msthash="2581">" I have to discuss this with my dad . " I replied calmly .

<p _msttexthash="7206238" _msthash="2580">Uncle looked up at me and said hastily, " Don't say that , your father loves you too much , and he definitely disagrees . "

<p _msttexthash="5704517" _msthash="2579">What followed was an unpleasant conversation . My uncle begged me , and I wanted him to look for it again .

<p _msttexthash="5084833" _msthash="2578">The uncle had no choice but to get up and prepare to leave : " Contact me anytime you think about it . "

<p _msttexthash="14387191" _msthash="2577">I looked at the uncle who got up and thought for a while before saying : " Uncle , you should have said it earlier , and there is such a play , what can you not tell me directly . "

<p _msttexthash="45045390" _msthash="2576">The uncle looked at me : " I originally planned to give you 300,000 yuan directly as a thank you for your help . I think this is too abrupt and not good . It is true that the uncle just said that he wants you to work in the company in the future. There is nothing suitable for you in the future." Work can come to me . "

<p _msttexthash="3736655" _msthash="2575">Now that you feel that it is helpful , then help , and I will start to say good things .

<p _msttexthash="15171468" _msthash="2574">I laughed and said very affectionately: " You don't need to be like this , uncle , I will help with this job , it doesn't matter if it's money or not , as long as I can cure my cousin . "

<p _msttexthash="6990763" _msthash="2573">I thought to myself : Thanks to uncle, I thought about it more , otherwise I would have done it if you gave me 100,000 yuan

<p _msttexthash="2985281" _msthash="2572">" Uncle , don't you know the leader of our school , I want to ask you a favor . "

<p _msttexthash="7297745" _msthash="2571">The uncle turned his head suddenly : " Tell me what you are doing , and the uncle will definitely take care of it for you . "

<p _msttexthash="12228229" _msthash="2570">" Our school used to have mixed beds . This uncle may not know . Now... " I said the matter again , hoping that my uncle could help and see if it could be resolved .

<p _msttexthash="76086530" _msthash="2569">The uncle agreed without saying whether it was okay or not , and gave me a meaningful look : " I know your vice principal , in fact, your matter is easy to solve . I released a large number of jobs to your school students . They will definitely be willing , but I have to lose A lot , but it's a small matter for your brother . " After speaking, it felt like my uncle thought I was doing nothing in the dormitory .

<p _msttexthash="66111916" _msthash="2568">My uncle recommended me to come to this school. The vice -principal is a brother of my uncle's graduate school , and the relationship is very good . It's just that later my uncle went to Shanghai to start a business , and his senior brother chose to stay and teach , and got into the position of vice-principal for more than 20 years .

<p _msttexthash="4253028" _msthash="2567">" I will send you a message after I solve it , don't worry . " The uncle said to me with a smile .

<p _msttexthash="1346384" _msthash="2566">I said , " Well , it's really troublesome uncle . "

<p _msttexthash="6362785" _msthash="2565">" No trouble, no trouble , your brother's business depends on you . " The uncle was still a little embarrassed .

<p _msttexthash="2524574" _msthash="2564">" Uncle, don't worry , I'll come when the school matter is settled . "

<p _msttexthash="48686612" _msthash="2563">Finally, when the work was over , my uncle also drove me to the high-speed rail station to go back to school . At first the principal refused to agree , even though they are brothers and sisters . In the end, the uncle gave a lot of benefits , and the vice principal changed his mind . After all, no one has trouble with money .

<p _msttexthash="2865837" _msthash="2562">I looked at all kinds of messages on my phone but was in no mood to reply .

<p _msttexthash="7754240" _msthash="2561">Sitting on the high-speed rail was tiring , but also very exciting , mixed with the fear of bone marrow transplantation .

<p _msttexthash="66945346" _msthash="2560">There is one thing to say , I am a macho , but who is not afraid of punching a hole in the spine and extracting bone marrow ? I usually watch the news , my father is kind and my son is filial , and family affection comes first . It's great for a father to transplant bone marrow to his son at every turn , I haven't felt it yet . This time it really happened to me , if I say no, it must be a lie .

<p _msttexthash="40502124" _msthash="2559">As for agreeing to my uncle , apart from the dormitory issue , the main thing is to make my uncle owe me a favor . It's just that it's hard to go to the debate competition . Don't look at him giving me so much money , one size fits all , and besides, I never thought I would have so much money at first .

<p _msttexthash="67574130" _msthash="2558">It was almost 10 o'clock in the dormitory , and there was no one in the dormitory. I guess they went for a walk in the playground . Many things happened in this short half day, which disturbed me . Looking at the group messages, the fourth child was asking me what I was doing , and there was also a boss urging me to come back to the party , and a " Yeah yeah " emoji from the second child .

<p _msttexthash="50643515" _msthash="2557">I leaned on the chair alone , looked at the ceiling with my head up and hands down , and then I closed my eyes and meditated . I was happy about the bedtime at school , and I was also worrying about my bone marrow . I know that bone marrow can indeed regenerate , but this way I can't keep up with my second child's debate competition .

<p _msttexthash="57848843" _msthash="2556">After thinking about it, a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth , when did I feel like licking a dog , and I did n't have to save my cousin for the sake of my second child , what's wrong with me ? Am I really afraid of bone marrow ? Why, when I was talking to my uncle, I was so full of thoughts about whether the debate would be delayed , what happened to me ?

<p _msttexthash="3858868" _msthash="2555">Suddenly : " Why are you grinning ? " The boss opened the door and looked at me and said .

<p _msttexthash="1771744" _msthash="2554">" I'm smiling wryly , I'm so annoying ! " I covered my face .

<p _msttexthash="5355285" _msthash="2553">The fourth brother came out from behind the eldest brother : "What 's bothering you, third brother ? "

<p _msttexthash="13850863" _msthash="2552">The boss came over and patted me on the shoulder : " Yeah , what's the trouble ? Didn't you go to your uncle's place? Why did you come back so quickly ? Is something wrong ? "

<p _msttexthash="41604225" _msthash="2551">Of course I can't say the specifics. I ca n't say that I earned a sum of money . Look , the card is 300,000 yuan . Brother is rich now , it's amazing . Isn't this pure stupidity ? I said , " It's okay , something happened , I can fix it . "

<p _msttexthash="9505522" _msthash="2550">The eldest and fourth child didn't ask any more questions , probably thinking that I was still annoyed that I couldn't sleep together .

<p _msttexthash="12474787" _msthash="2549">The fourth child entered the room and took a sip of her pink teacup , as if thinking of something : " Oh yes , the second sister was confessed by a man yesterday . "

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