
Section 26 A white lie is still a lie

At lunch time , although my parents bought a lot of delicious food , my second child and I have nutrient solution in the drip , so we don't need to eat too much . Casually dealt with two mouthfuls .

The second child likes to drink seaweed soup , and my mother fed the whole bowl with a spoon . After drinking the soup , my mother took out a tissue and wiped the mouth of the second child . This made my second sister very embarrassed and blushed .

The main reason is that the second child can't open his mouth too much , otherwise his scalp will feel like a knife-saw pain .

We had a good meal , and around two or three o'clock in the afternoon , the eldest and fourth child came .

The fourth child was still very lively , and walked in bouncingly : " Second sister, how are you doing ? It seems that the gauze on your head is a little less , it's only been a day , and you are recovering very quickly . "

The second child forced a smile , and said in a low voice, " Auntie took good care of her and recovered faster . "

Without waiting for the second child to say anything , my mother was as happy as a spring breeze , and said with a smile : " You like to drink , and Auntie will buy it for you in the evening . "

Then the second child also smiled and nodded .

The boss is on the side assisting : " Third brother , look at this... I can drink my wedding wine in the future ! " f

I was still happy at first , until two figures appeared in a hurry at the door , they were the parents of the second child .

The second child's father and my father met for the first time and greeted each other very friendly , but the uncle's expression was a little displeased . Maybe it was the boss's words that made him hear it . After all, if his little padded jacket is going to be worn away by others , no one will be upset .

When I saw my uncle, I hurriedly waved : " Hello, Uncle~ " I forgot the injury on my back for a while , and the waving was too loud , and a tearing pain from my back hit my whole body , making me grin my teeth .

The second child was also in a good mood when she saw her relatives coming , but there was still a trace of worry in her eyes , after all, she didn't want to tell her parents about these things .

The mother of the second child had a nasopharyngeal cancer operation before , and now she can't speak very well . Seeing the tears of the second child , sitting on the side of the bed and holding the second hand tightly, her eyes are full of distress .

The father of the second child was also sad to see his daughter injured , then turned to look at my father and said very politely : " Thank you . "

It is estimated that the second child told the story , but she didn't talk about Zhebiao's matter , which was consistent with my caliber , saying that it was caused by an accidental fire at the tourist site .

Uncle is also very particular about people , thinking that I risked my life to save my second child and was very friendly to my parents .

My mother is half a social cow , and after a little familiarization, she chatted with the second mother very happily , and I didn't know what I was talking about . Especially Auntie is still unable to speak , and it is difficult to utter a word for a long time . I interrupted : " Mom~Auntie's throat is sick , and it is not convenient to speak a lot for the time being . Don't talk so much . "

Unexpectedly, the second mother struggled to squeeze out two sentences : " I'm fine , I like to chat with your mother . "

And my aunt seems to have misunderstood me , thinking that what I said meant that they were disturbing my rest by chatting , so she walked to the window a little away from the bed , where there were two chairs , and she sat and chatted with my mother . It was like whispering in my primary school class .

This ward is very large . There used to be 6 beds , but now there are only two , and the beds of my second child and I are joined together . This was all arranged by my uncle . In my impression , even the dean couldn't do this , which also let me know how powerful my uncle is .

My dad and uncle were talking quietly when they walked outside the door .

Now there are only four people in the dormitory in the ward. The boss dragged the bench and sat next to me and whispered , " What are you going to do this time ? We can't go and beat Zhebiao and the others, can we ? "

Last night , after the boss went to the hotel to rest, he sent me a message asking what was going on that day . I also typed very clearly .

The boss's sudden question made me panic . I can't let the parents of the second child and I hear this . I hurriedly looked at the two elders on both sides . Seeing that they were still talking , I sighed and whispered : " This The answer can't be solved , so I have to bear it first . But Tony , the yellow hair you saw that day , I had to kill him when I caught him . "

Otherwise, it will be difficult to solve the hatred in my heart .

The boss was silent when he heard the words , Zhebiao is very difficult to deal with, in this peaceful era of the rule of law , even if he is called to the police , he can't be caught , and there are still scapegoats to help him stop the crime , I feel that this strength is stronger than the uncle Be strong .

The second child heard the movement , and stretched out his hand to pat me , and I quickly stretched out my right hand to hold it .

Feel the softness , coolness and smoothness in the hand , no matter how rough and thorny the road ahead is , as long as I am alive , I will definitely be able to walk through it .

Looking at the delicate and pretty face of the second child , I smiled slightly , and my eyes met , everything was said in silence .

Suddenly there was commotion at the door , and the uncle came in surrounded by a group of people . He first greeted my parents , and then briefly met the parents of the second child .

Uncle followed the crowd to my side and said , "Do you feel better ? "

Along with the uncle came an elderly doctor , several nurses , the uncle's secretary , sister Wang , and some people I didn't know , all dressed in formal clothes .

Seeing this battle , I also want to save face . Immediately said : " It 's better , who am I ? This little injury is nothing to me ~ "

The old doctor behind the uncle also sighed : " Your nephew is really in good health . He was still in a coma on oxygen the day before yesterday, and he is fine today . It looks like this. He can be transferred to the general ward tomorrow. Let him rest and recuperate . discharged from the hospital . "

The uncle reassured : " That's good . "

After finishing speaking , the doctor took a stethoscope to check my body , and exclaimed at the end : "The recovery is fast , I can no longer hear the noise , and everything is normal . I have practiced medicine for nearly 50 years , and this is really rare . This is about the same as other patients who have been treated for a week . "

My parents also showed joy when they heard the words .

Then the uncle was full of aura , and said to the old man deeply : " How is the girl next to him ? "

The doctor smiled and said , " It doesn't matter for her , just rest and rest , but it will take some time for the hair to grow back , and the scalp transplant will recover easily , as long as the wound is not infected . I will ask Xiao Li and the others to watch . "

After the old man finished his uncle's words , he ordered to the nurses behind him, " You have to visit this patient every morning, noon and night , and notify me immediately if there is any situation . "

One of the older nurses said , " Okay Dean , I see . "

Then the old man smiled and said that he still had something to do and took the nurse away first . As for the other people in formal attire , they were probably colleagues of the uncle. The uncle gave them and Sister Wang a look , and everyone else went out politely and took them to the door .

The second child's parents stopped chatting and sat by the second child's bed to accompany him .

Looking at the people leaving , and then looking at the uncle , I must at least be like him to be qualified to challenge Zhebiao and his group, right ?

The next scene is more amusing , if a little awkward . My uncle and my dad have never been able to deal with each other , and now that my second parents are here , my dad can't just not give my uncle face , otherwise my second parents will definitely think that my dad is a person with complicated family relations . Meeting your own elder brother is like having a blood feud ?

Then everyone stopped talking , and the atmosphere was very strange .

The uncle was the first to break the deadlock : " Nephew , I will take you to my house to meet your cousin when you are discharged from the hospital . "

" Okay , then you have to prepare a big meal ! " I said with a haha .

Then the uncle clasped his hands nervously and looked at my dad, saying : " Brother , I'm really sorry , my nephew had a bone marrow transplant and didn't tell you , I really can't do anything about it , Zhiyuan...otherwise he will really... "

My dad looked at my uncle like this , even though there were other excessive things that I didn't know about at the beginning, he didn't want to entangle him anymore at this moment . But my dad is very face-saving , and I inherited this from him . So even if the uncle is like this , my dad just nodded slightly to express his understanding .

The uncle looked at my father and nodded , then said : " He is my nephew , I will not treat him badly , he even negotiated a business for me last time when I went to my place , I will give him a commission of 300,000 , wait He came to work with me after graduation, and I can find a Ph.D. from Tsinghua University to train him . It just so happens that I have a friend who works in the 38th Research Institute , who is engaged in military radar and programming . "

After hearing this, I trembled all over . I remember saying that I would not mention this to my dad . Am I wrong ?

Sure enough , although my dad was surprised that I had so much money and didn't tell him , he didn't say anything , just nodded . But the second child and her father seemed to think of something suddenly , and looked at me .

Their behavior was very obvious , and my parents and uncle were taken aback for a moment , they stared at each other .

It felt like...

The uncle showed a look of thinking that the reaction of the second parents knowing that I have 300,000 is very unreliable , while my parents were curious about why the second parents reacted this way .

I felt bad immediately , and my uncle said with embarrassment , " Well , my wife was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer a few months ago . At that time, the operation and follow-up treatment cost 200,000 yuan . Our business was not doing very well at that time. , I can't afford so much money all at once , thanks to the fund sponsorship that your child helped me find, I borrowed 200,000 , interest-free for five years . So I just heard you say that , I thought it was his own money give it to me . "

After hearing what my uncle said , my heart was beating very fast , and the heartbeat monitor next to me was all yellow and alarmed . My mother was so scared that she hurried out and shouted for the doctor . Including the boss and the others stood up hastily .

In less than 20 seconds , a young doctor in a white coat rushed over , glanced at the instrument index , and then looked at me : " Is there any discomfort ? "

Before the doctor finished asking , the monitor returned to normal .

I shook my head and said, " There is nothing uncomfortable . Is this instrument inaccurate ? "

" How can it be inaccurate ? You are not uncomfortable . It seems that you are caused by emotional fluctuations . " The doctor said , and then said to everyone : " It is best for the patient not to have too much emotional fluctuations . What did you just say?it okay ? We set the heart rate to be higher than 130 or lower than 50, and it will trigger a yellow alarm . If it is higher than 150 or lower than 40, it will be a red alarm . This kind of short-term alarm is fine . " After speaking, the doctor left .

Maybe they didn't think anything of it at first , but after this happened, I knew that I couldn't hide it anymore . I was afraid because of my second child . I know her too well , because my second child hates lying very, very , extremely .

Our concept of love is very unified : no betrayal , no deceit , no concealment .

But now...

The boss saw my embarrassment , and said with an assist : " You don't have to be so excited to go to your uncle's place . They immediately called the police . I thought something was wrong , so I was shocked . "

The fourth child also echoed, " Yes , third brother , you are not at all like the usual you . "

Seeing the two divine assists made my heart warm . Looking at my mother, she said happily, " Hey ~ Uncle gave too much , my heart is beating , can I have a fast heartbeat? I was just about to call you , but I ran so fast fast . "

My mother said unhappily : " You have called the police . I am your mother~ Can you not worry ? "

The uncle is naturally a smart person , and immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing , so he joked : " Don't worry, nephew , you are only a freshman , and it will not be too late to call me after your junior internship ! " After finishing speaking, the uncle Pretend to have something to do and leave .

Then my second child and my uncle kept looking at me , I was so stupid , my uncle was really good at maneuvering , it just made me fall into the mud, and my uncle ran away after it was over , isn't it obvious to you .

The uncle asked directly : "The relief fund manager , you called your uncle to find it, right ? "

" Yes Uncle , I only know Uncle, who is a relative with some strength , hahaha ! " Anyway, Uncle will be leaving now , so you can say whatever you want .

But the second child didn't think so , and the second sister was also very smart . She stared straight at me and asked in a low voice , " The 200,000 my father borrowed...was yours ? It's always been you , right ? "

The sudden rhetorical question made me feel numb . If I said no , the second child would naturally believe it , but one day she would know it and she would definitely be very sad . If it is , then it is tantamount to lying to her now , no matter how you say it , it doesn't seem to work .

I pondered for a while, and the second child continued : " Okay , I already know . "

My mother giggled and said , " As long as you two have a good relationship , the 200,000 will be the same no matter who gets it ! "

The second child said indifferently : " Auntie , this is different . "

My mother said haha : " It 's the same, it's time for dinner soon , you two want to eat something , I'll bring it back for you . "

The uncle didn't make a sound , and pulled the aunt to make an apologetic laugh . And my dad, like my uncle , is a quiet person . As for the eldest and fourth child, they didn't know what to say , so they had to say : " Uncle and aunt , we'll go back first , and we'll come back tomorrow afternoon before we go home . My parents are also very worried about me , so I have to take her to see me ." Parents . " Said the eldest brother looked at the fourth child with eyes full of admiration .

Quite a taste of sprinkled dog food .

My mother kindly said : " Okay , then go back and rest . "

Then the eldest took the fourth and left .

My dad also slowly opened his mouth and said to me : " I'm leaving too. I have to go back to work tomorrow for my evening ticket . I have an important meeting . Seeing that you are fine , it should be fine to let your mother stay here with you." 」_

" Yeah , Dad, go back and get busy . "


It's dinner time .

My mother asked me what I wanted to eat and went to buy it for me . I also casually said that I want to eat roast chicken . The second child also sent his uncle and aunt away , saying that he wanted to eat tomato scrambled eggs . The aunt wanted to stay , but the uncle was still worried about her , so he dragged her away together .

My second sister and I were left in the room .

I was still thinking about explaining what happened just now : " Second sister , I... I'm actually that kind of thing ! "

The second child didn't pay attention to me , just turned his head and didn't speak , two lines of sad tears silently flowed from the corners of his eyes .

In winter , it gets dark quickly , and it gets dark after five o'clock . The chandelier in the ward was extraordinarily bright , facing the light, I saw tears glistening on the cheeks of my second child .

My heart tightened , it was over , maybe something really happened this time .

I hurriedly said : " Second Sister , listen to my explanation . At that time, we hadn't established a relationship yet . I was worried that this would affect you . Would n't it seem very intentional to confess your love just after borrowing your family's money ? I don't want to do that . I didn't tell you . "

The second child still turned his head away from me , and said calmly, " But you didn't tell me , even though we've been in a relationship for so long , it's been a few months , and you didn't tell me ! "

Indeed , according to the bottom line agreed between us , the one of not concealing it was indeed not fulfilled .

" I...but I... " I was at a loss for words for a while , and I knew very well the psychological feelings of the second child at this moment .

The second son was a little disappointed and said : " Whether it is a malicious lie or a white lie , it is all a lie . As long as it is a lie , I hate it , and you know that . " The second son burst into tears as he spoke . Can't stop .

Seeing her like this , I really want to wipe her tears . Suppressing the pain , he wanted to turn over and wipe her .

The second child was a little angry , and said loudly : " Okay , don't move , let me be alone for a while before my parents come back . " The second child subconsciously wanted to support his head , but his hands stopped halfway . After getting off , he turned to wipe his tears , maybe the loud noise just now had shocked the wound .

I didn't dare to move any more , and immediately lay back down .

" Second sister , don't do this , I was wrong . I will tell you about everything in the future, I will tell you about everything . I promise! " I made an oath with both hands , and said very solemnly .

It's just that the second child still ignored me .

My mother and uncles and aunts came back quickly , because there are many restaurants selling food on the side of the curb about a hundred meters downstairs from the inpatient department .

The second child also returned to his usual state . Unpacking the lunch box , my mother is feeding me , and the second child is being fed by her father .

Halfway through, my mother took out a seaweed soup and handed it to the second child's father : " Your daughter loves this soup , so I brought her a copy . "

Uncle : " Ah , thank you , we bought it too , you can drink this one yourself , we bought two , it's a lot . "

Then my mother withdrew her hand : " Haha , that's good . "


It was almost the same in the next few days . During the day, my mother liked to chat with uncles and aunts . According to my uncle's personality , he should be reticent . Unexpectedly, he and my aunt both like to chat with my mother . The three parents chatted and looked at me and the second child from time to time, looking like a gossip old woman in the village .

Then came the physical examination by the doctors and nurses . My uncle also came several times and brought some fruit or something . We were also transferred to the general ward , but under the arrangement of the uncle, there were still only two beds . My uncle also came to explain to me : " He has been occupying the ICU and letting family members in . He is also under a lot of pressure . "

The general ward to which I was transferred was also very hidden , at a corner at the end of the corridor . According to my uncle, there is usually no one in the ward, and it is for the family members of the board members to help them in an emergency . The uncle invested in the expansion of this hospital after he had money , and he also has a chairman above him .

A week later , the second child's wound has almost healed , but the gauze on the head is still there , and my back still hurts , and the wound on the base of the thigh is also itchy , but I can't walk , otherwise it will be very painful .

In the second week , I had been hospitalized for more than half a month . Sister Wang told me that those people have been imprisoned , three of them have been sentenced to life , and the others have started for ten years . As for Tony and Zhebiao , they are still missing .

And during this period , the second child didn't pay much attention to me , very deliberate . I know that the second child is disgusted with deception and concealment , but I didn't expect her to be so harsh . I really didn't mean to .

The second child took off the gauze today , and the uncle kindly asked Sister Wang to bring many types of wigs to the second child. The second child chose a waist-length wig to wear . Amidst the continuous thank-you from uncles and aunts , the second child did not turn his head back. to go out . It made me very embarrassed , and we went all the way to the door of the ward .

Suddenly the second child turned back and said to my mother , " Auntie , I'll go and talk to him before leaving . "

My mother said happily : " Okay , you go in , I won't go in . "

Looking at the second child who came back, my mouth was crooked . I finally came back , and I still feel sorry for me .

" Hehehe , the second sister still loves me so much , I knew you would come back , kissa baby , and leave after kissing , and I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow ! " I looked at the expressionless second child and sucked my mouth laughed .

The second child came to me and squatted down , but her next sentence made me almost jump off the hospital bed .

" Let's break up , don't come down and chase me , just let me be quiet like this , I'm in a mess right now , don't look at me looking plain now , my heart is already fried , please . " The second child was extremely After speaking calmly , I got up and left , leaving me lying there in a daze .

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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