
Section 25 The old generation's grievances

I quickly pretended to be weak and said, " Dad , thanks to Uncle , otherwise I... might not have been able to get out just now . "

My mother ran over immediately when she heard my voice : " How are you, son ? Where is the injury ? Let me see . "

" It's not hurt anywhere , just rest and recuperate . This is my girlfriend , I told you . " I pointed to the second child with only two eyes exposed .

My mother was taken aback for a moment , and then said : " Ouch~ The child is hurt so badly , what's wrong with his head ? "

I said seriously : " Mom , the skin on my back was scalded , and I needed skin grafting . The second sister's scalp was used , " and then said hypocritically , " Uuuuh...the old nose hurts , and her scalp and hair are all gone. 」_

My mother looked at the second child , frowned, with a look of distress beyond words , and sighed : " My child, you have suffered , how could such a thing happen , how could something so good get angry ? "

Hearing this , it is estimated that my parents don't know the reason for this incident .

Suddenly I saw my dad clenched his fists , as if my uncle and I were about to start a war in a second .

" Dad ? What's the matter with you and uncle ? Is there any holiday ? If there is something to do, you might as well talk about it . " I said a little seriously .

Other people in the room also looked at my dad and uncle at the same time .

Although I know there is a little friction between my dad and uncle, I really don't know what's going on .

The uncle smiled and said , "What kind of friction can there be ? It's a trivial matter between me and your father and brother . "

Just after the uncle finished speaking, several nurses came in : "The family members stay away , we are going to change the patient's medicine . "

" Why are your two beds joined together ? This is not acceptable , you should separate quickly . " One of the older nurses said , it was the head nurse on his badge .

The uncle's expression was indifferent : " After changing the medicine, put the bed together . These two people , one is my nephew , and the other may be my future niece and daughter-in-law . "

The head nurse said helplessly , " Okay . "

Then my second child and I were briefly separated , the curtains were closed one after another , and the nurses were going to change our dressings .

I felt pretty good when I first chatted . This change of dressing requires me to turn over . But when I tried hard, my whole back felt like it was being torn apart, and I could n't bear the pain .

" Oh~~~ "

A howling sound resounded throughout the ward .

My dad directly opened the curtain on my side : " What's wrong ? "

I said to the nurse in pain, " I can't turn over by myself . "

The nurse calmly said : " Then you guys come and turn him over , we have to give him medicine . "

After finishing speaking , my dad didn't confront my uncle again , and briefly let go of the grievances I didn't know about .

Boss , uncle , my dad , three men , slowly lift me up and turn over . It hurts too , but I can bear it .

Undo the bandages around my waist and back . The knife wound was exposed , and my mother immediately yelled : " Oh my god , why is there still a knife wound here ? "

The knife wound was very outward , piercing through . It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a skin trauma , and it does not hurt the kidneys .

I hurriedly lied : " Mom , it was a fire at that time . I accidentally inserted an iron piece on the ground . Fortunately, it was far away from my stomach and on my waist . It 's okay . "

My mother didn't say much when she heard the words, turned around and opened the curtain to go to the second child's hospital bed . My dad pursed his lips and didn't know what he was thinking .

The second child's wound was horrific . Even after applying the ointment that made the inner skin and gauze sticky, when the dressing was changed , a small part would inevitably be torn apart . The second child gritted his teeth in pain and burst into tears .

My mother also covered her mouth when she saw it and said, " Son , it really made you suffer . Feel free to talk to Auntie if you need it in the future . "

The second child has already taken off the gauze , and said with tears in his eyes : " It 's okay, auntie , the doctor said it will get better, and it will get better soon . "

I felt something was wrong when I heard the voice of the second child , and asked with concern : " Second sister, how are you ? "

Before the second child could speak , my mother came over and cried and scolded : " You have to be nicer to others in the future . Look at the mangled head , and it hurts when you look at it . "

My parents are very strong and not hypocritical people . If my mother can cry, I know that the wound of the second child is serious . I was very anxious for a while .

The head nurse was a little angry : " Don't bother us to change the medicine, can you ? Go out after helping . "

As for the boss and the fourth child , they have been waiting outside without saying a word .

Hearing the head nurse's scolding , my parents and uncle left the bedside . My mother was at the door with tears in her eyes and described to my father how terrible and serious the injury of the second child was .

My second child and I changed our medicines almost at the same time . The nurses opened the bed isolation curtain and merged the beds together . There are moving wheels under the hospital bed , so it is not difficult to move . I looked at my second child for the first time .

They looked at each other , heartbroken . For a while, I didn't know what to say .

But this time the gauze bandaged by the second child exposed his mouth . It was so tight before , it is probably the first time that the bandage needs to be more comprehensive .

When the nurses finished their work and went out , one of the young nurses asked curiously : " Isn't this the intensive care unit ? How can there be family members in it . And isn't that just a stab wound? Why did he say... "

" Don't talk nonsense , there is a person in the hospital board of directors, and the vice president specifically told me that the patients in this ward should not make mistakes . "


The boss saw that we were all right , and said , " Third brother , my fourth brother and I will go to rest first . "

" Yeah okay , slow down on your way . "

Uncle has long since disappeared . Only my parents are left .

Then my mother took care of the second child , and my dad took care of me . There is a reclining chair here , my mother sleeps on it , and my father rests on my bed . Although the second child could not move his head , he could still move his hands . He even typed and told my mother to go to her bed to rest .

That moved my mother so much that in the end my mother said she was afraid that she would fall asleep and run into her second child , so she didn't go .

On the second day, the second child's wound had scabbed and he could move slightly .

During this period, a doctor who performed surgery on me came once and told me to eat lightly . He said that the second child would recover in a week or two , but the hair would grow out very slowly . But it is more troublesome for me, and I have to rest for more than a month .

I also asked my second child if he wanted to write back a letter to his uncle and aunt , after all this kind of thing can't be hidden .

My mother also pointed at me and echoed : " Yes, child , you have to make it clear to your parents , and you are here to save this brat . Our family will definitely take all responsibility . "

My dad also said with a smile : " Yes , love is free now , let go of your relationship . Just because you are willing to save him , we should thank you very much . "

The second child was a little confused : " But I... "

I know what she's worried about . The mother of the second child had nasopharyngeal cancer before . Although she has been cured and discharged from the hospital , she should be recuperating at home now . She must have been afraid that her father would not be able to bear it . I just cured my mother , but I was injured again...

The second child is such a person who always thinks of others and does not consider himself .

I pondered for a while and said , " Second sister , you should send your dad a message . "

The second child hesitated and nodded .

Glancing at the ward , there were only four of us . I asked my dad with a gossipy face : " Dad~ Is there any festival between you and uncle ? Why do you feel like you have enmity , and you were not willing to communicate with my uncle before . "

My mother first sighed , and my father stammered : " Don't intervene in the affairs of adults . "

" So there is a festival ? Even if I don't say it , it's not your own ? "

My dad was anxious : " Answer me first , did you donate bone marrow to your cousin ? "

Seeing my dad suddenly get angry, I was taken aback for a moment , and said in a daze , " Dad , what's wrong ? Donating bone marrow doesn't hurt me very much now . It used to be done from the spinal cord, but now it's directly separated from the blood. What is it called peripheral blood ?" Blood or something , just draw that . "

" It's okay to tell you . " My dad suddenly sighed in relief . Then he went on to say : " Your cousin's leukemia was actually diagnosed when you were in junior high school.He had just graduated from college at that time , and your uncle's career was also thriving . "

Speaking of this, my dad was still a little upset , so I interrupted and asked , " Then you won't get angry with uncle . "

My dad was a little excited : " Your dad, I am a heat treatment engineer , and I work in machinery . Do you know what your uncle did when he first started ? He was in the gear processing business . He pulled me to invest , and I quit Volkswagen. Work , at that time working in Volkswagen was very good , I still choose to do it with your uncle . "

I said cheerfully, " Good thing . I heard you mention that you had a chance to make a fortune before , but you lost it. That's it , right ? "

My dad said helplessly : " Yes , my products are doing very well , and there are almost no accidents . The company has also become famous , but your uncle wants to expand the factory and attract more investors . Because I also invested a lot , there are original shares , my idea is different from your uncle's business philosophy, so there is a disagreement . He is like a gambler , and I am more stable... "

The ward was very quiet , listening to my dad complain quietly .

It turned out that my uncle had recruited many investors , the factory was running very well , and my uncle had earned tens of millions , so he set up another company to work in the semiconductor industry . My dad felt that they didn't know so many talents in this field, and the company lacked backbone , so it was difficult to do it .

So my dad objected , but my uncle insisted , and then my uncle managed to kick my dad out .

How should I put it , it seems that the uncle is not loyal enough , but often there is no way to do it. It can only be said that it is useless to have different ideas .

After my dad was out of the game , he only knew about technology , and his uncle was in control of all the customer network resources , so it was very difficult for my dad to start his own business . I bought a house in our local urban area with a few million from the company , renovated it , and bought a Buick scooter . The rest of the money was deposited in the bank , and I found a job in my old bank again .

But also because of this incident , my uncle and my dad had an unpleasant fight . Especially after the uncle has grown bigger and bigger , until now the uncle's industry involves all walks of life . Before I went back to my hometown for the New Year , I only knew that my uncle was very rich , but I never thought that my uncle's wealth could use other people's private jets and connect to helicopters in the two places .

My mother enlightened me : " It's been so many years , I can't let go of my prejudices , are you two brothers doing well ? "

My dad was silent and didn't speak .

I thought it was something , I think the two of them just missed an opportunity , and it's good for them to talk about it .

I said lightly, " To be honest, Dad , you can't blame Uncle . You can't explain this kind of thing clearly . You think Uncle kicked you out of the game unjustly , but from Uncle's perspective, you delayed his progress . Maybe uncle sees more than you , like that , there is a saying that you will never earn money beyond your cognition . "

My dad said : " I know this . I just want to wait for a stable point before growing bigger . At that time, the company's cash flow on the account was not much . Forget it , it's all over , and I don't bother to think about it . "

My dad patted his head : " It's all wrong . Your cousin just got leukemia . Fortunately, it's the mildest lymphatic leukemia . You can just take medicine , and it's not too dangerous . It 's just that it suddenly deteriorated , so I kept taking it ." Drug control . Your uncle has also been looking for bone marrow sources . Because you are a close relative , your uncle wants you to try it to see if it matches or not , but you are my son , I must be selfish , I searched online Bone marrow will have a lot of sequelae , so I didn't agree . The main reason is that he kicked me out of the game without discussing it with me... "

After talking for a long time, I probably know what happened . I don't intend to intervene in the grievances of the older generation . They can do whatever they like , as long as they don't cause major problems .

All I can think about right now is to get well soon , and then find Tony , and Zhebiao and his gang . They have to pay the price . Since I was a child, I have considered myself a tough and mature type of person .

Even when I met those local hooligans while eating barbecue , I was never as angry as I am now . I'm relieved that those gangsters are in jail .

But Zhebiao is different , I don't care what forces are behind him , I have to kill him ! Especially Tony , who looked so dressed up like a dog , did not expect such a disgusting person .

Liu Jilong is right , his father runs a company and can kill me with money , and I will have to find a way to establish my own power in the future, and I will be alone in the end after all , two fists are no match for four hands .

Afterwards, I said, " Dad , go and buy some roasted potatoes , I want to eat them . And Mom , go and buy some sanitary napkins . "

My parents didn't ask much , they just looked at each other in astonishment , then thought of something , and agreed with one voice . The second child lowered his head slightly after hearing this , naturally shy . I still remember the menstrual period of my second child , and I really want to distract my parents and have a private conversation with my second child alone .

My dad said, " Let your mom buy it, and I'll stay and take care of you two . "

" No , it's okay for the two of us to be here . If something happens, I can ring the alarm bell and call the doctor myself . " I whispered . I'm fine now , but I'm still weak and not very energetic .

My parents looked at each other again , then got up and went out tacitly .

As soon as they left, I moved my hand slowly, held my second child and said with distress : " Baozi , you have worked hard this time . I am really sorry that I didn't protect you well . "

The second child shook his fingers and said in a delicate voice : " How could it be? It is I who should apologize , not me , and you will not be injured so badly . I have already told my dad that he still wants to call me . I said I have gauze in my ear and I can't connect it . I don't want to turn on the speakerphone , it would be embarrassing for my uncle and aunt to hear it . "

Haha , as expected of my second sister , she is really shy .

Oh, by the way , the second child sometimes calls me third brother , or elder brother . Because I like her calling it that way , I am an only child myself , and I really hope to have a younger sister or older sister . So we each call our own , I call her sister , she calls my brother . But most of the time she still calls me the third child .

I nodded , as a response to my second child . Then she said weakly, " What are you thinking ? "

I didn't shy away : " I'm thinking about how to kill Tony, a bastard . He has caused you so much harm . I won't let the police take him so cheaply . Going to jail and paying compensation can't relieve the hatred in my heart . "

The second child said worriedly : " Don't do this , hand it over to the police , and we will live a normal life afterwards . I am also very angry and sad about this matter . But it seems that they are too powerful , and we can't afford to provoke them . And in your case Before coming to the villa to find me , I vaguely heard them saying that cigars are not good for smoking , and I will buy some from his brother in a few days... it seems to be drugs . "

I was startled , huh ? Also drug dealing ? You got me caught on this . But the second child is right , provoking them with my current ability is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg .

I comforted : " Second sister, don't worry , I won't provoke them casually . "

The second child turned and said softly : " Does the wound on your waist still hurt ? When I held you , you bled a lot . I thought you were going to die . It really scared me to death . And when I came to this hospital , The doctor also said that all the organs in your body may fail . " As he spoke, the eyes of the second child fogged up , as if he was about to cry .

I really want to touch Second Sister's head again , looking at her exquisite double eyelids , and the injury on this head, it's hard not to think of this bad breath .

" I'm fine , don't you think I'm not doing well now ? " I smiled .

The second child also smiled slightly : " I didn't expect you to be quite resistant to beatings , and you can recover from this . It seems that I can use you as a sandbag to practice at home in the future . "

Hahaha , during the joke, I covered my waist and shouted that it hurts , so I couldn't laugh .

Not long after , my uncle's secretary , Sister Wang, sent me a message : "The group of people have been caught by the police . The police here should go to you to make a record . They were stopped by the boss . The boss knows you Don't want your parents to know the truth , but you still have to come to the police station afterwards . "

I replied to her : " That's it for now , please tell my uncle Wang to send them all to prison . "

Sister Wang : " That's natural . Our company's legal department has already set off and rushed over . You can rest at ease and recuperate . I will inform you if there is any news . "

After sending the message , I also told my second child about it . It's just that I'm wondering , after hearing Zhebiao's loud tone , why was he arrested so quickly ? Are the people sent by the uncle too awesome , or is Zhe Biao trying to scare me ?

I didn't think too much about it . Since this group of people went to prison , they should have a chance to take revenge in the future . I also want to visit the prison and greet Tony's family , otherwise they are really too cheap , I am not relieved .

My parents hadn't come back yet , and Sister Wang sent me another message : "The police found them through the surveillance over there . Attached is another photo , which is a collection of criminals who were arrested . "

I click on the photo to see...

The pupils shrunk , sure enough ! Sure enough , Zhebiao and Tony were not inside , and only a few horse boys were caught , and it seemed that they also came out to take the blame .

Sister Wang just finished sending the news and my uncle also sent me a message : " I can't find the Zhe Biao you mentioned . When the police were investigating , Zhe Biao was still in the United States at that time . Maybe he had several identity . "

After reading this news , I feel numb all over . It's not because of Zhebiao's status . It's because my uncle is my biggest reliance now , but what can I do if my uncle can't find someone ?

I pretended to be calm and said to my second child, " Look , these people have been arrested . It's just that Tony and the boss haven't been found yet . "

I stretched out the mobile phone , and the second child took a look and said excitedly : " The man in the middle , this is the man who said that the boss was fighting with others , and you went to help , and then took me away . "

I said a few words of comfort and then I didn't speak . This matter is a bit difficult to handle. Why are all the forces stronger than me ?

To be honest I was pretty bloated when I first entered school . I feel that my appearance is not bad , and my family environment is not rich , but it is not very poor . In addition, I have learned boxing for so many years , and I still think that even if I am not invincible , I can still wrestle with a lot of people . Including Tan Xuechang and Liu Jilong , I didn't pay attention at all . But now...

Then the second child told me that his parents would also come over , probably in the afternoon .

After my parents came back , the doctor came to make rounds , the nurse changed my medicine , and my uncle also came to see me at noon , but the relationship between my uncle and my dad was still a bit serious . Before leaving, my uncle looked at me and said , " I just came here for a meeting in the afternoon. Do you have anything to eat? I'll bring it to you in the afternoon . "

My dad interrupted stiffly : " What does my own son want to eat , I can't buy it ? "

The uncle walked away in embarrassment . What I don't know is that my uncle's visit this afternoon has also completely exposed the fact that I lent my second father 200,000 yuan...

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