
Section 23 Tony, I'm going to break you into eight pieces

Suddenly there was an ominous premonition , which made my heart jump . I hurriedly called the boss : " Hey , boss , is the second brother with you ? "

Old Daoist : " No , isn't she with you ? "

" We just separated . She said she was going to buy milk tea , but I didn't pay attention . Now I can't find her . " I said anxiously .

The boss comforted him and said , " Don't worry , I guess you're going to the bathroom , wait a minute , are you still there just now ? We're here to find you . "

After hanging up the phone , I kept calling my second child , but no one answered . I have no choice but to wait for the boss to come .

As soon as I put down the phone , my second child played a message . I was so excited when I saw the news. I was scared to death just now. I thought my second child was lost .

As a result, when I saw the message , I felt numb all over. Without saying a word , I threw away the sushi in my hand and ran to the place where the bicycle was parked just now . I quickly unlocked the bicycle , stood up and rode super fast , and rode in the opposite direction of Erhai Lake .

You can't have an accident , Second Sister .

I felt like my heart was about to burst , beating violently , and my body couldn't help shaking .

While riding the bike , the phone in my pocket rang , probably from the boss , but I couldn't care less about it , so I didn't answer it .

Because of the message from the second child just now : If you don't want your beloved woman to have an accident , come here alone . If you dare to call the police , I will let you see your incomplete second sister .

It is followed by an address .

The distance is about five kilometers , in a suburb in the south . Tired until I was out of breath . Stop the car , turn on the mobile phone navigation , and continue riding .

On the way, I recalled what happened today and the information about my second child . I'm so stupid , the second child should be kidnapped , if I'm not wrong , Tony did it , because I call the second child the second sister , except for the other two in our dormitory and the two in the dormitory next door to the school. Apart from his friends , as far as Tony knows , and they met by chance in the afternoon , he also said that they will meet soon . My mentality has really collapsed . In the past six months of this year , everything has happened to me .

After riding for a long time , I came to the place shown in the address , which is a single-family villa . There is no one at the gate, and after entering the gate is a large swimming pool .

I sent a message to my second child : I am here , where is my second child ? Who are you ?

No one there responded to my message . After a while , two men wearing sunglasses came out from the side of the main hall of the villa , like bodyguards , about the same height as me . The top is wearing a white shirt , and the bottom is a pair of black trousers . You know it's winter vacation , the weather is already very cold .

They came over and made a " please " gesture to me : " My young master is welcome~ "

My heart : " ? "

With apprehension , I bravely followed them upstairs . Up to the third floor , there is only one house on the third floor. There are two large barrels at the door , which seem to be filled with gasoline . There are biochemical and flammable materials painted on them . I don't know what they are for . Could it be used for heating ? Heating doesn't work that way now .

In the darker part of the room , the air conditioner is on and the heating is on . In the middle of the room hall is a large table with various wines . Except for the direction of the door , the three weeks are full of sofas . There are a few rich people who are about my age sitting on the sofa. There are also a dozen people wearing sunglasses standing behind the sofa , and a group of hot girls in bikinis sitting on their knees. beside .

The one in the middle was indeed Tony , but Tony was standing, and sitting next to him was a fat man smoking a cigarette with bad eyes . I was still terrified of such battles , and it would be a lie to say that I was not afraid .

Seeing Tony , I clenched my fists and was a little annoyed : " It really is you , where is the second child ? "

Before Tony could speak , the fat man sitting next to him waved : " Huh ? Get out of the way . " After that, the crowd made way , and when I saw the man in the middle , I almost lost my breath . It was obviously the second child , who was tied to a chair with a white cloth stuffed in his mouth . The second child shook his head , tears kept streaming down his face .

It wasn't until this moment that I realized that in this peaceful age , the kidnapping really happened , and it was beside me , and my favorite second child .

What is it all about? I am just a college student who has just grown up for a few months . I just want to have a good relationship , marry a wife and have children , work hard to learn technology , and live a happy life with two points and one line . But now... the second child has been kidnapped ! The second child trembled visibly to the naked eye , he must have been terrified .

I didn't know what to do for a moment : " What do you want to do ? " I could feel my voice shaking a little .

Tony said , " Don't be afraid , we won't hurt the second one , it's just that my eldest brother wants to see her . "

I was slightly relieved when I heard this , but the fat man kicked Tony away and cursed : " Go away , this girl is mine today . "

Then he pointed to Tony : " He told me that he knew a girl who looked like a Korean female star , and said that he couldn't get it, and he did n't want you to get it . So I, Zhebiao, invited your sister in this way. coming . "

Tony got up from the ground , not daring to make a sound . The fat man who called himself Zhe Biao walked up to the second child and lifted his chin frivolously with his hands : " Tsk tsk tsk , you are so tender , I have seen countless girls , and this is the first time I have seen such a juicy and good-looking one . It 's very similar to IU in Korea . "

Seeing this scene , my heart was filled with anger , I trembled all over , and I didn't feel afraid .

Just then my phone rang again . Zhe Biao was still spitting out obscenities , I took out my phone surprisingly calmly : " Hello~ "

" Third brother , where are you? Why are you not answering so many calls ? " The boss said a little angrily .

I calmly said : " Call the police and call the surveillance . My second child and I were kidnapped by Tony whom we met this afternoon . Hurry up... "

Before I could finish my sentence, a muscular man wearing sunglasses grabbed my phone and threw it to the ground .

When Zhebiao heard me say call the police , he got angry : " Call the police ? Do you fucking know who I am ? Zhebiao , do you think the police dare to come and take care of me ! "

" You kid ignored what I said earlier, didn't you ? Keep him under control . "

After speaking, two bodyguards came over to hold me up . According to my legs, they were two feet , and I knelt on the ground . I didn't dare to make a sound , thinking to myself , I guess it's really going to be cold this time , how can I save the second child .

Now the boss has probably finished reporting to the police , so as long as I hold on, there should be hope .

I smirked and said , " Brother , don't get excited . I haven't seen this scene before . I was frightened just now . Calm down . "

Zhebiao laughed wildly and looked at Tony : " Hahaha , this is what you call a genius ? You are studying abroad , so you should be stupid . You are just a villain like this . "

Then Zhebiao looked at the second child next to him : " You two come and untie her . "

After speaking, his younger brother untied the second child and took off the cloth from his mouth .

Zhebiao smiled and said softly to the second child : " If you are obedient , I will not hurt you , and I will give you a sum of money afterwards , otherwise I will kill him in front of you and maim your boyfriend , you know Is it ? "

" Did you hear that ? " Zhe Biao roared , scaring the second child who was sitting on the seat so frightened that he lost his voice .

The second child sobbed in fear, " I know... I know . "

Zhe Biao smirked : " That's right . " Then he sucked greedily on the hair of the second child . The second child sat on the chair with blank eyes and trembling all over .

My anger value is directly full . If I have the ability , I will definitely make your life worse than death . This kind of person looks like a scum of society. He bullies others . I don't know how many people have been ruined by him . I couldn't sit still and scan the scene in the house .

But after thinking about it, I'm really just an ordinary person. I really have no choice but to face a dozen or so bodyguard-level people. I wouldn't be afraid of those bastards in school, but now...

" Hahaha , that'sright , how about this , I'll let you twoyou feel comfortable serving me , and then each will give you 100,000 yuan . " Zhebiao said arrogantly , taking off his pants as he spoke , and only one person remained. panties .

As he said that he was about to attack the second child , Zhebiao's friends were also booing and shouting .

" Stop it all ! " I shouted angrily . It was completely subconsciously shouted out , and I was also very confused .

Zhebiao turned his head and looked at me : " Hey, don't touch him . In the past two years , you have played a lot of scripts that your boyfriend reads, and you are the first one who has the courage to say stop . The more you are like this , I The more you want to see . "

The whole room was huge , and after hearing this sentence, my eyes were bloodshot , and I really wanted to kill him . For a moment, I even had a neurotic fantasy , if only I had the ability to lead the leading roles in fantasy novels , if I could hang out and kill this group of scumbags, it would be great if I could take my second child out . But the reality slapped me cruelly .

Just when I didn't know what to do , I saw a lighter on the table . I have an idea in my mind , since you want me to die , then let me be buried together .

I suddenly exploded with all my strength , stood up and broke away from the two of them . These two bodyguards are not very professional either , probably they didn't expect me to be like this .

Immediately afterwards, I flew to the table , and without a word , I picked up the wine bottle and threw it around wildly . I tried my best , and some of them hit the wall and shattered , spilling the wine all over the floor . Some were thrown by me on the door frame when I came in, and they burst open , and another bottle was thrown beside Zhebiao .

By the time the bodyguards reacted , half of the wine had been thrown by me . Zhe Biao was furious : " My Lafite , shit , kill him ! "

While he was speaking , the bodyguards also jumped on me . I took the opportunity to grab the two rotary lighters next to me and lit them , and threw them directly on the ground , instantly catching fire . The ground was covered with fluffy blankets. The fire was not very big , but it was the blankets that burned , and the black smoke was thick . The rich young men who were present fled out the door one after another , and the hot girls screamed and followed .

By the time the security guard rushed towards me and wrestled with me , the fire had grown uncontrollably . Zhe Biao panicked and said domineeringly : " A bunch of trash , why do you eat them ? You can't even look down on anyone ! "

I rushed out of the bodyguard's encirclement , jumped up and stepped on the sofa, and kicked the two people in front of me with a roundabout kick in the air . Pick up the wine on the table and throw it at the bodyguards . After a while , the fire at the scene grew bigger and bigger .

Zhe Biao commanded with all his teeth and claws : " Idiot , quickly put out the fire , get the pillows on the sofa ! " The bodyguards at the scene were going to arrest me , but they all went to put out the fire .

I seized the opportunity to pick up the shards of the glass on the table , and with the help of a strong run from the sofa , I kicked towards Zhebiao and yelled , " Second sister, go ! "

Instead, he stabbed Zhebiao fiercely in the eyes . Zhe Biao fell to the ground in pain. I rode on him , bent over and charged a blow with my elbow , which hit Zhe Biao on the bridge of his nose . Being attacked by my sudden combo , Zhe Biao's wailing filled the room .

The fire became more and more uncontrollable , especially the two barrels of chemicals outside the door, whether it was gasoline or not, exploded directly , and the debris of the iron barrels exploded in all directions, and the two bodyguards at the door fell directly into a pool of blood . Seeing this, the other bodyguards quickly pulled the two of them up , picked them up and ran out the door . I was also unlucky , a little bit closer , and one of the pieces hit the base of my thigh , strangely I didn't feel much pain , just a numbness in the base of my leg , I looked down , and my thigh was bleeding .

Standing up and looking at the dazed second child , I waved my hand in front of her eyes and smiled and said , " Baozi is fine , do n't be afraid , I'm here , I'll take you out . "

The second child still stared blankly , trembling all over, with trembling lips , he responded : " Mmm . "

Suddenly the second child panicked : " Ah ~ be careful ! "

When I reacted and turned my head to look behind me , I saw one of them stabbing him with a dagger . If I dodged , the second child would definitely be stabbed in the stomach .

In just a short moment , I was very clear-headed and my thoughts were very clear . I clenched my teeth and hugged my second child tightly , blocking it with my back .

At my waist , a dagger pierced through my body , and a sudden stabbing pain erupted in my waist and legs , spreading all over my body . The pain caused my legs to tremble unconsciously . I pushed away the second child in my arms and turned around reluctantly . My eyes were screaming fiercely , and I had the aura of a desperate Saburo . To be honest , I really didn't want to live at this moment . Looking at the person in front of me , I was like a hungry beast . I punched the bodyguard in front of me . The person covered his nose . I pulled him over with one hand, pressed his head on my chest , and pressed it against his ear. The molars tore violently . Then I pushed him away , blindly pulled out the knife behind my waist with one hand , and stabbed it into the bodyguard's stomach .

The bodyguard retreated in panic , the other two dragged Zhe Biao out , and one of them came back to rescue the bodyguard who was stabbed by me .

Standing where I was , I felt like I was not afraid of anything around me , not afraid of fire or pain . I scanned my surroundings viciously , and there was almost no one there . As for Tony , he had long since disappeared . Very good , next time we meet again , I will beat him alive .

I didn't come back to my senses until I ran away , looked at the second child behind me and said , " Hurry up , Baozi , do n't be dazed . "

The second child reacted and pulled me sobbing, " Let 's go quickly . "

I didn't feel it just now , but now I'm back to my senses. There were bursts of severe pain from my body , my thin jacket was pierced , and my abdomen was bright red . I wanted to lift my legs and run out , but found that I could only move a little distance , and the door was blocked by something . I couldn't lift my legs , and I could n't get out at all .

The second brother supported me and hurriedly said : " Go quickly , if you persist , the boss will come to rescue us in a while . "

I endured the severe heart-piercing pain , but I still couldn't lift my leg , it was too painful . Feeling a little cold in the waist , I said : " You go , I love you , Baozi , hurry up , I can't go... " I said and pushed her with my hand .

The second child cried loudly : " If I don't leave , it 's all because I'm too stupid...I... "


The fire was completely out of control , and the door frame fell down , completely blocking the way out . Too bad , no one can get out this time .

Thankfully I didn't faint just now , otherwise , I would have gone to see my grandma this time .

The second child mumbled and didn't know what to say , and I didn't hear clearly , only heard her crying .

I couldn't calm down , but I still thought of a way .

" Over there , there is a big freezer . Go and unplug it quickly , and stuff two pillows into it . Let's hide in it . First, use your trouser belt to strangle my thigh to stop the bleeding . "

At this time, the second child was clear-headed and moved very quickly . First, she took off her trouser belt , because her trousers were very tight , and the belt was only used for decoration . Pour it all out .

" Takeunder the freezer. The pillow wo n't hold it up . " After saying that, the second child took off my clothes and turned it into the freezer and put it on the bed .

I lay down on the ground and crawled over with difficulty , my second child did everything , I supported the edge of the freezer with my hands , my second child hugged my legs , and carried me inside .

Immediately afterwards, the second child also rolled in . The freezer is still some distance away from the hall and the door , and the fire is relatively light , so we can only hide here temporarily .

When the second child hugged my leg , I have never experienced the pain and sourness in my life . The pain can no longer be described in words . The freezer is quite big , and it is enough for me and my second child to lie on our sides with our legs curled up . Only the second child came in , on top of me , if the fire came over , she would definitely be injured .

With the last bit of my strength , I turned over and lay on top of my second child. If I were in this usual position , I would definitely be dreaming . But now I only have one thought : the eldest brother and the fourth brother come quickly , and the firefighter brother comes to help .

" Close the freezer and put a pillow on my back . " I said to my dick .

The second child was also very obedient . He stretched out his hand to close the door of the freezer , and then pulled the pillow from the position of the heel to my back with his hand .

After doing all of this , I finally couldn't hold it anymore and collapsed on my second child .

The second child just hugged my back like this , and kept sobbing . I touched the corners of her eyes with my hand, wiped her tears , and said weakly : " It's good that you are fine , I hurt so much . Am I heavy ? "

The second child choked up and said , " It 's not heavy , I can bear it . You...will you die ? "

I felt that something was coming out of my waist , and it suddenly occurred to me that not only was the pain but also bleeding , the bleeding had to be stopped .

I whispered : " You press my waist a little harder , the part where the thermal underwear is torn is bleeding , help me stop the bleeding . "

The second child immediately followed suit . At this moment , I felt that my body was in pain , so I kept quiet . The second child didn't speak , and didn't cry anymore , just like a child who didn't make any noise .

Even at this time , I don't want to be silent : " Second sister , give me a kiss . "

The second child looked up and kissed me on the temple .

" Haha , it's worth the knife . " I laughed .

The second child said flatly : " Don't say such things in the future , I'm sorry , I was not good today , I was too stupid , I didn't realize it just now . " As he spoke, he began to cry again .

The second child then cried, " You 've lost a lot of blood , it's all over my hands . Please don't die , I'm really scared . "

" Don't cry, baby , I have a hunch that we can be saved . It wasn't your fault just now , and I was also scared . We have never experienced such a scene . It 's normal , don't blame yourself . " I whispered .

While chatting with my second child , I felt that the temperature was getting more and more wrong , and it started to get very hot . I touched the cabinet wall with my hand , it was very hot . It's over , it might be really cold this time .

The second child also felt the danger : " Third child , if there is an afterlife , you must chase me again , I am so scared . "

I resisted and raised my head : " I love you very much , too , until death ! " I stretched out my head and printed it on the soft red lips of my second child .

A short rest allowed me to regain some strength , and then I endured the severe pain and turned my dick up hard . I lay down and pressed my back against the wall of the cabinet .

The second child didn't care too much , and the temperature went up to a higher level when he was in a state of forgetfulness .

I hugged my dick tightly to protect him . The wall of the cabinet is too hot , I really want to move it , but if I move it, it will burn my dick . I have no choice but to endure...

However, the firemen still haven't come after so long, are they really going to die here ?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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HerRoyalHighnesscreators' thoughts