
Section 15 finally came to this point


The second child is still muttering : " Where the hell is it ? "

" You'll know when you arrive , and you'll be done when you leave . "

After leaving the hospital, I took a taxi back to school .

Second child : " I remember you said you brought me out to get it , was it at school ? "

I smiled and said softly, " Of course not , it's in the tall building opposite the school . "

Opposite the main gate of our school is a residential area , about 30 stories high .

When I first met the boss , he took me to the top of the building to see the scenery .

The roof of the building is on the right side of the elevator. It is like a courtyard. Those who live on the top floor can plant flowers there . It is surrounded by railings like balconies. The area is quite large , and it is open to the outside. You can see half of the city by leaning on the side. , is a good place to watch the sunrise and sunset, and it is also to watch the afterglow of the sunset when you get stuck at this point . And there are usually no people there , because the weather on the roof is a bit cold, but fortunately there is no wind tonight .

And on the 20th floor , there is a community plaza , that is, there is a large circular platform in front of the 20th floor, with a large area and many deck chairs .

The security of this community is not strict , and there is no access control card . When I came to the elevator in the community , there was only my second child and me .

The second child was still curiously asking : " Why did you bring me here ? You even pressed the roof of the building . "

" Don't worry , you'll know when we get there . " I showed a sunny smile , and I didn't blowThis smile of mine will definitely fascinate a few crushes .

The atmosphere between the two of us in the elevator was very delicate . I didn't speak and she didn't speak either , but after a while she glanced sideways at me , and I also glanced at her .

Halfway up the elevator , I let out a long breath , pretended to be nonchalant , and grabbed my second hand . It felt very soft and smooth , and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as smooth as jade . The second child also trembled and struggled a bit .

It turned out to be a coincidence , the elevator stopped and an aunt came in : " Is this the next one? Are you going down or up ? "

I smiled and said , " This is my aunt , if you want to go down , you can come up later . "

Auntie said oh and went down again .

Auntie came wonderfully , relieved the abruptness just now , and the second child was pulled by me , and she pursed her lips .

After a while, I reached the top floor . I let go of my second child's eyes and took her out of the elevator : " Close your eyes and walk slowly . There is a small hurdle in front of you . You can see it after a few more steps . "

Come to the roof .

I let go of my hand : " Dangdang~ You can open your eyes now , let me see what I gave you~ "

The second child opened his eyes , then covered his mouth : " Wow~ "

What came into view was the road paved with various flowers , and at the end of the road happened to be a large bouquet of ninety-nine roses . Set off against the sunset that is about to go down the mountain , it has a special charm .

I secretly took out my phone from behind , typed the word " start " , and clicked send .

About 5 seconds later , the second child was still immersed in the sudden beauty .

" Boom~ "

A large ray of fireworks was launched from the platform of the community square on the 20th floor . The distance is very close , as if it exploded in front of my eyes , but there is a sufficient safe distance . Although it is daytime , the sunset glow in the evening is not only beautiful , but also against the gloomy sky , the fireworks are still clearly visible .

I let out a long sigh , and finally did what I thought about in the hospital , no matter whether it was successful or not, I would try to confess my love . The second child once said that she likes flowers , roses , fireworks , and lucky beads , which I collected little by little .

I took out the gold lucky beads threaded with red thread in my pocket and came to the second child .

I don't want the second child to burst into tears , under the radiance of the setting sun , the teardrops are crystal clear , hanging on the second child's face , it is really beautiful , there are no words to describe it .

The second child covered his mouth with his hands and sobbed uncontrollably .

I just stood beside her and waited quietly. After a while , I walked up to her : " Actually... I have liked you for a long time , I am stupid , I don't know how to say it , but I really want to take care of you ." Your life , although it is very vulgar to say so , but I sincerely , I can't express it well , so... "

The second child sobbed before I could finish : " I am willing , I said I am willing~ "

Oh my god , she said she was willing . In a flash, my elders were about to cry . I gently pulled the right hand of the second child, and the second child stretched out very cooperatively . I took advantage of the opportunity to put the lucky bead on her middle finger on .

Watching my second child's sobs , I realized that she should have liked me for so many days , and why she acted like she rejected me...it doesn't matter anymore .

I hunched over her and she buried her head against my neck and shoulders . Just hold it for a while .

As for the flowers here , I paid the owner of the flower shop to make them. I also contacted the fireworks when I was in the hospital . I want to confess my love today . I discussed it with the little brother who sells fireworks as early as last night . I also tipped my brother a lot of extra money .

During that time in the hospital, I really missed her , so I made these preparations in advance . I thought she would not come today . I was ready to fail , but I didn't expect...

I stuck it in her ear and asked her , " When did you start liking me ? "

The second child hugged me , and pinched me slightly on the back : " Did you confess to me ? "

Me : " Hahaha , it seems that you were still cold to me before , this is finally together, I want to ask . "

The second child whispered : " I... I don't know , maybe when your first love girlfriend scolded you at the cafeteria , I thought you were a nice person and humorous , but you were a scumbag , so I was very angry . "

I touched my second child's hair : " So I was angry at that time . "

The second child has completely changed his appearance , he is as docile as a kitten : " Yeah~ "

The second child continued : " I feel like we're going too fast . "

" Huh ? Too fast ? Where is too fast . "

The second child : "The development is too fast , I didn't want to agree to you , but I do n't know why... "

I said softly : " Don't think too much , I know you are a traditional good girl , but I am afraid that you will be chased away by others , we will be good . "

The second child said angrily : " I even said that I would not accept other people's confession , how could I be chased away by others . "

I hugged her tightly , all this was indeed a bit sudden , I said : " Don't worry , if you don't want to before marriage , I won't kiss you , you are still you , I just want to confirm that you like me , I am too I'm afraid you'll run into someone else's arms . "

The second child did not speak . After I said this, I wanted to slap myself . Obviously the second child agreed , and I can kiss you , but you said that , she is so traditional and shy , how could she take the initiative to let you kiss , it's over, isn't it . But once the words are out , what else can I do .

Just like this, I hugged my second child for a while , looking at the beauty of the sunset , I looked at my second child from time to time , my heart throbbed , and I really wanted to kiss him . But... what I just said , I silently slapped myself in my heart .

Then went back to the bedroom .

On the way, the second child told me that she wanted to go back to see her mother . As a boyfriend who just took office, she naturally wanted to accompany her .

I changed my usual ridicule and said seriously : " The 30,000 I paid last time has arrived , I will take you back , and your 10,000 will be given to your father . "

The second child still refused : " No , although you are my boyfriend now , I won't let you pay for everything . I will give my dad 6,000 , and I will keep 4,000 . Just say that I earn money as a part-time tutor outside ." Yes , I can't explain it if I give too much . "

Wow , I knocked , and I was right .

My second child and I booked a ticket to go back tomorrow morning . After returning to school, I had a simple meal in the cafeteria and went back .

After returning to the dormitory , I still hadn't let go of my hands . The boss felt something was wrong first , and looked at the hands we held together : " Hiss~ third brother , you...you ? "

The fourth child jumped out from behind the eldest brother : " Wow , second sister , what's the matter with the ring on your hand . You and the third brother ? "

The second child blushed directly and was speechless . At this time, I must have to go out .

" Ahem , I officially announce that from now on our dormitory...will be two pairs , Ohohoho~ " I raised the hand holding my second child and quivered .

Boss : " Congratulations , it's time to watch a romantic movie tonight , I've already thought about it , and it's " Lover in Time and Space " , hahaha . "

The fourth child also said : " We both went to the park in the afternoon to play and sweat all over , and we have already taken a bath , so hurry up and take a bath . "

After speaking, my second child and I went to take a shower .

I get my toiletries...

Cough cough , what are you thinking , of course they should be washed separately .

After taking a shower, I sat down, ate snacks and watched TV . I used to see the boss and the fourth show , of course I have to show back this time . It feels like a mother who has been soloing for eight hundred years and suddenly has a girlfriend .

I picked up a piece of chocolate and fed it to my second child. At first , my second child was too embarrassed to eat it, so I had to force it .

After watching the movie for a while, the fourth child fed the eldest child , and the second child saw this and then had the nerve to feed me . The boss and the fourth child saw it and secretly laughed , but they did not make any jokes in a tacit understanding .

After watching for a while, I was suddenly hugged by my second child, who trembled all over .

The boss saw it and turned his head : " Oh , you show your affection , if you can't do it , I want it too . " Saying that, the boss hugged the fourth brother in his arms .

The second child is still shy , that 's right , I can't accept it either. Yesterday they were called brothers and sisters together , but today they hug each other . But it doesn't matter , you have to take your time . Haha .

I couldn't be more happy .

Make it clear to the boss and the others to see the second mother tomorrow .

The boss began to tease : " Wow , it's your first day with a partner , and you... are in a hurry to see your parents ? "

As the movie ended , we went to bed , and the next morning's train...

In the car, the second child leaned on my shoulder and slept for a while , but I played with her hair endlessly . I have never looked at her so closely , and my heartbeat speeded up unconsciously . Why is she angry ? Isn't it... embarrassing ?

After all, I couldn't hold back the kiss .

It was almost noon after getting off the car , and I didn't eat , and then rushed all the way to the inpatient department where my aunt was .

Just arrived at the door of the ward .

Came from behind : " Humph, Corporal ? Long time no see . "

The second child was taken aback , then slowly turned around and muttered : " Jie Jie blames the general ? "

I also turned around and saw a man who was about the same height as me with dyed yellow hair. He was quite handsome as a scholar : " Do you know him ? " I asked the second child next to me .

Before the second child came back to me , I saw him waving and running over : " Hey, it's really you , the corporal . I called you so , so you still remember it . I happened to be returning to China , and I learned from my classmates that my aunt was sick . I just rushed over to take a look , and I only asked this all the way from the hospital... "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HerRoyalHighnesscreators' thoughts