
Section 1 Newcomer to campus and live in mixed dormitory

Do you understand the joy of a mixed dormitory ? There are two beautiful girls in our dormitory. Due to the wrong arrangement of dormitories by the school this year , we have mixed dormitories .

We sleep 4 people , two men and two women . Which school you guess , anyway, the school is relatively poor , but the dormitory is better .

Originally, men and women live on the same floor separately , but even though there are mixed dormitories , boys and girls do not live in the same room . However , when you entered school, the counselor at the door said that 205 to 220 on the second floor are all from our class . You can find a room to live in. down .

It may be due to the negligence of the school's arrangement that our class of mixed dorms can actually live in one room .

Let's start from the beginning of school .

The two of us boys belonged to the kind of people who were naughty and thick-skinned in high school . As soon as the two met, they were like brothers who had been separated for many years , and they were extremely cordial .

As soon as I entered the dormitory , I was stunned . Did I enter the women's dormitory ?

What about men and women ?


When I came back from a stroll at night , I was even more stupid .

There are two girls on the opposite side, and boys on our side . It's the kind of bed and table . There is also a long table left over from the previous session in the middle , but it is relatively thin .

When I entered the freshman group earlier, I said that our department is a mixed dormitory , but I didn't expect it to be a mixed dormitory in a dormitory . This really happened before my eyes . For me , who is not excited, it is fake .

The girl who was packing up was pretty nice , and her parents were there ( the fourth child ) .

But it's a pity that her parents seem to be very unhappy , and they don't know it. They may be thinking about why men and women live in a broken school .

Then the second girl has already packed up , maybe she went out to buy things , and when she came back from the outside , as soon as I entered the door, I knew I was done , and I couldn't learn at all here . It looks really good .

But when I first came here, I pretended to be reserved . Although I am a big man , I pretended that there were girls in the dormitory and I was very embarrassed . Then another buddy came by himself at the end . I helped him make the bed and said that we would go to dinner together .

We were still talking and laughing on the way , which was so cool , we lived in a mixed room , and the girls in our dormitory were very pretty . Then the fat and water must not flow into the field of outsiders , take it !

Brothers , do n't say I'm dirty , what do you think if it 's you ?

He laughed hehehe .

Let me talk about our conditions first , we can be regarded as handsome , we have been in love in middle and high school , just the kind of love that is like playing house .

He talked about it in high school . He is a little taller than me . I am 179 naked and 180 in shoes . He is about 183 .

Fast forward here , straight to the first night .

In order to make a good distinction , we distinguish between the eldest, the second, the third, and the fourth . According to age .

Boss is that buddy .

The second child is the woman directly opposite my bed , the one with the max appearance .

I am the third child

The fourth child was the one who just said that her parents were unhappy when she said to pack up .

Let me introduce the conditions of the two girls again .

The second child is very good-looking . He is about 165 meters tall and less than 1.7 meters tall . The shoes are almost 1.7 meters tall . Belongs to that... emm... normal student type , neither fat nor thin , very pure and beautiful . Image... benchmarking... emm... You can refer to the combination of Liu Haocun and Korean star IU. They also look similar , but I think the second child is better-looking . Although there are differences in personality , but the first impression I got was that of a lady .

The fourth child is the shortest , a little more than 1.6 meters , and belongs to that kind of cute type , just... a bit of a two-dimensional feeling .

Then at night when we go back after dinner , we just say hello and introduce ourselves. After that, we all get to know each other .

The two of them were like frightened birds from the beginning , seeing that we wanted to cut them off .

Then we were very gentle , we didn't dare to speak loudly , and we were even more secretive about swearing .

They made rules that night , bathing time , and the poles for drying clothes on the balcony , each of us should not cross the line .

The next day they bought bed curtains , the pure black ones , which could cover them tightly .

I couldn't sleep the first night , so excited . I haven't seen a mixed bed in so many years .

In the morning, everyone gets up together to go to class . I usually get up early ( pretend to be diligent at the beginning ) , go out and ask them if they want breakfast , and bring them a copy . The three elders all said they want it, so I will have one for each . After buying it, they went to the teaching building together after eating .

Then other dormitories are not as lucky as us , and there are still a few beautiful women . In the rest of the bed, there were laughing and crying , some girls complained about the ugly boys , and some boys complained about the tanky girls .

Where can I go to class in the first week , they are all talking about this kind of thing .

After a week, everyone will be familiar with each other , and they can also go for a walk in the playground together . Those who knew thought we were roommates , those who didn't know thought we were two couples .

But in hindsight...it was . wait for me to speak slowly

Pick the key points .


We must still be doing our part, and we really don't have any unreasonable thoughts .

They get along very peacefully , and the two of them also like to play and eat chicken , and it happens that the four of us make up a group . Every night is to eat chicken and chicken happily . Sweet four rows !

study ? What is study ?

Our dormitory is very clean , mainly because the two girls like to clean and clean it frequently . Our two boys are also embarrassed and will take the initiative to clean up the garbage .

I am more important than the boss , all the equipment , all the equipment , and the physical work are all on my own initiative . It gives people the illusion that... this boy is really reliable .

I often buy some snacks and invite them to eat and drink . Later, we also saved money to buy a projector , the kind of a few hundred , as well as carpets and slippers . To put it bluntly, it is a bit like home .

I bought black curtains to hang on the door , installed a projector, etc. , to watch movies . The only downside is that the door area is too small , it feels a bit like watching TV , but it's not bad .

No more games at night , just the whole snacks , potato chips , spicy sticks , chicken feet , instant noodles, etc. , sit on the floor and watch TV together .

I am often complained by two girls , can you two stay away , your feet smell really bad .

There is also the release of p . At the beginning, I was shy to release p and had to go to the toilet . Later, half a year later , I wished that the house would be full of explosions , just for everyone to hear it . The whole is considered harmonious , and everyone is very familiar with it .

In this way , two months passed .

On this day , the fourth child suddenly had a stomachache . Although we are not women , we also know that we are here for something .

The boss kindly got her a cup of hot water and put it on her table . As a result, the fourth child was in severe pain . He said that his relatives did not come , and his face turned pale from the pain . The three of us were terrified .

Then we called 120 . The ambulance came really slowly , it took about half an hour to come .

During this period, I was fine , but the boss kept comforting me and kept busy at a loss . One will pour water for her , and the other will dip a towel in hot water to wipe her face .

The fourth child was still clutching his stomach , his face twisted and painful .

Until the ambulance comes .

The eldest didn't say a word, and the princess hugged her directly , and carried the fourth child into the ambulance .

I went to the hospital , it was appendicitis , acute appendicitis required surgery .

The fourth child is in excruciating pain , maybe friends who have had acute appendicitis know how painful it is .

Then you have to sign before the operation .

The fourth child's mobile phone has a password , so we can't open it , so we can't contact his parents . But it had to be signed , and the counselor was also on the way from home at the time .

Then the boss stepped up and said : " I will sign , she is my lover . "

The doctor mistakenly thought that the eldest was the husband of the fourth , so he agreed to sign . If it is an ordinary couple relationship , the doctor will not agree to sign it .

After the fourth child entered the operating room , I still quietly complained to the second child : " This hospital is not strict , and the patient signed the contract without knowing the real relationship . "

The second child waved his hand and was very impatient with me , and said with hatred , " Are you an idiot ? Is this a bad thing ? It is important to save people . He must know the situation , but acute appendicitis can be cured if it is discovered early . Rules are dead , people are alive . "

I lowered my head and said in a low voice, " I 'm also thinking of the doctor . If not , wouldn't the doctor's trouble be fatal ? I also do it out of kindness , really, really . "

The second child did not speak .

The fourth child was sent to the emergency operating room , where the doctor gave strong painkilling injections , and all CT scans were performed in the operating room .

The surgery lasted over two hours...

We didn't sleep all night , so we waited at the door for the fourth child to come out .

Perhaps , the fourth child heard the eldest brother say " he is my lover " before entering the operating room .

After the operation was over , she was pushed out , and the two of them looked at each other , that was really amazing !

At that time...


The fourth child couldn't open his eyes as soon as he came out , so he barely opened them and looked at us .

The three of us went to the ward together .

Then at the bedside , the doctor came out and said , " She's fine . Thankfully , you sent her in time . Acute appendicitis is very dangerous . Now the patient needs to pay attention . A nurse will come to change the dressing in the morning and eat something light . "

While the doctor was speaking, the boss hurriedly stood in front of the doctor and nodded solemnly .

The doctor looked at the boss and said , " Then you can accompany the patient . You can eat something thin in the morning , and you can eat some fruit . It's nothing serious , and you will be discharged soon . "

Boss : " Okay , I will . "

The third child and I stood side by side at the back and watched .

The local anesthesia used by the fourth dozen is not general anesthesia , so he is very awake .

After the medical staff leave...

The fourth child was sleeping on the bed , and the eldest child walked over and said softly , " Would you like to lean up , I will lift the pillow up , give you a hug , and sit for a while ? "

The fourth child said in a low voice, " No , it 's too troublesome . "

My second child and I looked at each other , we both knew it well , and we didn't speak in a tacit understanding . Stand on the bed .

The boss still said softly : " Do you not want to , or are you afraid of trouble ? There is no need to be afraid of trouble . "

Then he lifted the pillow up .

The fourth child didn't resist or say anything .

After the fourth child leaned on the bed...his eyes met...

There is no feeling of being full of love and overflowing in the legend .

In an instant, he became embarrassed . It was suddenly embarrassing .

After the boss looked at each other for a second , he quickly looked away and looked around .

The fourth child also had a bewildered expression .

On the way out of the operating room , the two of them were still deeply in love , but now...

My second child and I were almost laughing out loud .

The old man is also very clever . Seeing the situation, I didn't say anything , I left the ward , and then ran to the nurse's station to ask for a towel . The hospital bed came in urgently , so there were no basins or towels .

The second child saw that the eldest had gone out , so he sat by the hospital bed . The two girls looked at each other with wry smiles .

The second child said lightly : " You really suffered this time . I was scared to death . I didn't expect it to be appendicitis . Fortunately, it's okay . Does it still hurt ? "

The fourth child, Jiao Didi, said weakly : " It's okay , I 'm fine . It's estimated that I will be discharged from the hospital in two days . Why don't you three go back to sleep first , and you have classes tomorrow . "

I couldn't help but whispered, " What are you talking about ? You've already been hospitalized . As a friend who has slept with me for so long , how can I leave you alone . "

I glanced at the door and saw that the boss hadn't come back yet . Then he said with a smirk and a bit of insignificance : " Besides , if the boss knows that I have gone back , he must not fight with me . You are like the jewel in his palm now , hehehe . "

The fourth child gave me an angry look : " What are you talking nonsense , don't talk nonsense . "

Well , being a brother and being a qualified wingman can only help so much .

The second child also gave me a blank look : " There is no one who is in shape every day , and the fourth child is like this , you are still joking . "

I, the third child, have no choice but to shut up resentfully .

The boss came back from the outside with a bottle of hot water in one hand and a towel in the other hand , and went to the small bathroom next to the ward to pour a basin of hot water...

The boss came over with a hot towel : " Come on , wash and refresh your face . "

Seeing the boss approaching, the fourth child reached out to get a towel : " Ah , thank you , I will do it myself . I can do it with one hand . "

The fourth child is still receiving an IV in his other hand , which may be some anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent wound inflammation and the like .

How could the boss agree : " See you , you lie down . "

As he spoke, he washed the face of the fourth child in a very domineering manner . That's called carefulness . Those who know it are washing their faces , but those who don't know it think they are rubbing antique treasures .

I also thought to myself , do people like you in their hearts , you just get started like this . It's not appropriate , it's too hasty , and chasing girls is not such a way of chasing girls .

I'm still thinking about it here , and my thoughts haven't stopped yet .

The family member of the patient in the next bed suddenly said : " Ah , your boyfriend takes good care of you. That's great . They are also your friends, right ? " He pointed at me and the second child .

The four of us smiled . Very tacitly did not say that we are roommates . Instead, they said almost in unison : " We were good friends at school . "

I knock , cow . This old man is capable, and this wingman is better than me . And the fourth child has not refuted it, which is equivalent to tacitly acquiescing that this is her boyfriend . I don't know if it's to save face for the boss , or something .

Then everyone chatted happily . Most of the people in this ward have minor ailments , not particularly serious . So the other two patients, including their family members, were all grinning . And the patients in the other two beds are all grandmas . Accompanying family members are also his son and daughter-in-law . One of the grandmothers was accompanied by an extra daughter .

Although we are college students , but...

To the outside world , I must say that I am a college student . I need a face .

So several other people saw us and praised us .

Someone said : " I'm so envious , it's nice to be young . You guys recover very quickly . You will be discharged from the hospital soon . "

Someone said : " It was too difficult for us to go to university in those days . You have to work hard and be a useful person to the country . "

Someone asked : " How is college life ? Are you tired ? "

We just dealt with it casually . Pretend that you have a lot of classes every day and study hard .

As everyone knows , the four of them are discussing what to eat for lunch as soon as the class starts .

After class, I went to the small supermarket to buy snacks and went back to the dormitory .

For me and the boss, we have to go back to sleep with the two girls at night . Not to mention that in order to increase the yang energy in the dormitory , and keep the two girls afraid , it is also to increase everyone's friendship, okay ?

what ? We boys like to play basketball ?

Ahem , when I stepped into this dormitory for the first day , basketball was not so important . Basketball used to be my belief , but now I have buried this belief in my heart .

The time passed quickly , and the sky was already slightly brighter while everyone was chatting .

The strange thing is that everyone is not sleepy .

Could it be... is it a flashback ? Not even sleepy wow . On the contrary, he is very energetic .

The boss ran out to buy us breakfast around 6:30 in the morning .

He is quite rich , and he ate a hearty breakfast .

It also distributed some points to the family members of the two patients next to them .

I bought meat dumplings , salted duck eggs , and meat and vegetable buns , because the doctor said that the fourth child should not eat too much oil . The boss didn't even buy spring rolls or fried dumplings .

I bought two bags of porridge and porridge alone . All kinds of porridge , white rice porridge , corn porridge , eight- treasure porridge , sand soup , spicy soup , soybean milk .

There are also a lot of mustard . We only ate half of it . Everything else was sent to the neighbors .

Then after 7 o'clock , I called the counselor early in the morning , told the situation , and asked for leave .

Originally, the counselor and the leader of the courtyard said it last night . Because the second child said , not so many people . We will take good care of the fourth child . Anyway , after a long time, the counselors really didn't come .

Time flies , and two days have passed in the blink of an eye . The fourth child can already come down and walk around . Originally, the wound was not that big , but the first day when the fourth child got up to go to the bathroom , the wound would hurt from the shock when he walked .

The doctor informed us that we can go through the discharge procedures and go back to rest . The wound is fine , just come back and change the dressing after five days .

Then the boss went to go through the formalities alone . My second child and I accompanied the fourth child .

Soon , after everything was done , we went back to school together . The second child led the fourth child all the way back to the dormitory .


Some people also know about it . Come to the dormitory to visit the fourth child . After all, this girl is usually quite popular in the class . Besides , besides being cute , she also sings well .

Some give Wangzai milk , some give small snacks , and so on .

This little experience brought the four of them closer together . Anyway, it has also experienced the friendship of life and death .

It's really cheap , such a good girl may really be taken down by him , even though he is quite tall, rich and handsome . Who does he look like... emm... Everyone can imagine a certain old Qin who talks about cross talk ( can't just say the full name ) . They really look alike , just a little bit fatter than Old Qin .

Then , even if everyone returned to normal , the fourth child was still in the dormitory every day . His parents came once in the middle . Originally , the fourth child didn't want her parents to worry , didn't want to talk about it . As a result... the counselor must have called to inform him , if it wasn't for his parents' epidemic situation , he would have come here long ago .

The three of us went to class normally , and it was not convenient for the fourth child to move around in the first two days after returning to the dormitory . We bought meals and brought them back to eat together .

The boss and I, two boys , are of course doing coolies . Clean up every day , throw out garbage , fetch water for the two of them , and buy snacks .

But they are also very good , and will treat us to eat something delicious . Chocolate , potato chips and whatnot .

The happiest thing for us every night is to finish our homework and then sit on the blanket below and watch a movie together . Or accompany them to watch Korean dramas together .

One thing to say , Korean dramas are really good . My old man never watched this stuff before , since he watched a few of them with her . Hiss~ It's really pretty .

Of course , it 's more about movies . There are many classic movies , and we started to watch them from the top 100 at the box office . "The Shawshank Redemption " , " Forrest Gump " , " The Godfather " and so on have all been read .

We also tried ghost movies .

This is of course what I came up with . After all, there are two girls here , so I don't want to be passionate .

As a result , the first one I watched was called No xxx in the middle of the night ( I will not post the name of the horror movie , so as not to scare some curious babies who read this article ) .

The two girls hadn't reacted much yet , but the boss yelled .

I vaguely remember that night , the boss sat in front of us . Hugging the pillow and eating potato chips .

I just lay on the ground and watched .

The second child and the fourth child leaned against each other .

Saw a scary scene .

The second child only said : " It 's scary . "

The fourth child closed one eye , half covered it, and asked the second child if he had passed .

The camera turns . The kind of fried ~ about . I too was intimidated .

The boss took off directly on the spot .

No exaggeration , he took off on the spot , and he was able to bounce while sitting on the ground . I saw that the boss suddenly convulsed , his hands shook suddenly in fright , and the potato chips were scattered on the blanket . Take off in place .

The three of us laughed for a long time . I was paralyzed from laughing

The boss was like a fool , panting while patting his chest and said : " Oh my mother , change ! Change to a movie , I can't watch this thing , grandma , I almost scared to death . "

The fourth child giggled and said , " You are so big , yet you are so timid , hahaha . "

The boss felt as if he was being ridiculed by the person he liked . I lost face again , so I looked at me viciously : " You're going to watch a horror movie , I'm almost scared out of my wits . You have to clean up this . " The boss pointed to the potato chips on the blanket .

I laughed for a long time , and then said haha : " Okay, okay , I'll clean up, I'll clean up , hahaha , I'll clean up, I'll clean up , you guys get up first , I'll shake the blanket , and sweep the floor again . "

Then the two girls climbed into bed and the boss went to exchange the computer for a movie .

I shook the blanket , and my second child came down to sweep up the potato chips with a broom . I also joked : " So caring , if I marry you in the future, I will die happily . "

The fourth child also booed : " Oh ho ho ho , I think about the future , I think it will work . "

The second child pretended to be angry : " If you don't talk, no one will think you are dumb . Shut up, you have no right way . "

After watching a talk show together, we fell asleep .


Walking in the evening, it was not yet dark , and it gets dark slowly in summer . My boss and I played a game in the dormitory after dinner . The playground they went to first . After we finished playing the game , on the way to find them , the boss suddenly said to me : " I'm going to confess my love to the fourth brother . Since her experience in the ward after appendicitis surgery , I like it even more . I really like her . Well now I want to tell her . "

I looked at the boss seriously and said , " Then think about it , if someone doesn't like you , you'll be embarrassed . There's still so much time to come , and we'll all live together . "

The boss scratched his head : " Of course , this is really annoying . You are right , let's stop confessing , let's go and find them first . "

As soon as we entered the playground , we saw a group of people in the middle of the playground . The battle was not small , about a dozen people . Surrounded by two girls, more men than women .

The boss and I have the advantage of height , we can see it, and the playground is a little lower , and there is a small staircase , we can see clearly from the stairs . But both of us are short-sighted , but we don't like to wear glasses when we go out . Of course , it is also because the degree is not high . So you can see movement in the playground , but you can't tell who is so and so .

Seeing such a battle on the playground , someone must have confessed . Because he saw a boy holding flowers , a group of his friends behind him were booing like Ma Zi .

My boss and I are mischievous people who like to join in the fun , so we wanted to go and have a look .

Pushing aside the crowd , you don't know if you don't look at it, but the boss's heart beats when he sees it .

I only saw a guy , not handsome , holding a microphone very loudly , and using a mobile speaker that was probably rented by the club, he confessed loudly : " I really like you , I have liked you for a long time~ " , it made me feel embarrassed It's a crime .

And the heroine stood in front of him blankly .

Seeing the heroine , this is why the boss was surprised .

Isn't this the fourth child ? Pick up the girl on the boss ?



I was so stupid at the time , it was pure poaching .

Fortunately, the fourth child who confesses , if the second child confesses , I will just go berserk, well , the roommate friendship I worked so hard for for half a year is gone , I must be on top .

The boss is the boss . Not only is he handsome, tall and not short of money , but he also has a good brain .

The fourth child is very kind . After being confessed, she wanted to refuse directly , but she was afraid of embarrassing others , so she froze for ten seconds . All around booing : together together together .

The boss stepped forward directly . He is a little over half a head taller than the guy he confessed to . The fourth child is nearly 1.6 meters tall , and the confession male is around 1.7 meters to 1.73 meters . Although the boss's height of 180++ is not particularly outstanding , it is still very eye-catching .

The boss moved silently , not abruptly at all . The fourth child and the second child saw him approaching , and immediately grabbed the confession man's flower , took the microphone calmly and calmly , knelt down on one knee , and said in one go : "The fourth child ( directly call the fourth child's real name ) , although we are only I haven't known each other for long , but I like you very much , and I don't know how to express this love... "

The boss paused : " In the future , please let me take care of you ? "

The people around are no longer booing . In a short period of time , many people went for a walk on the playground , but most of them started to gather around .

All of a sudden it seemed very quiet .

I stood on the side watching this scene and was very touched . Others don't know that we are roommates, but it's clear that what happened in the past few months went to the hospital to accompany the fourth child , watched movies together , ate together, cleaned together , and lived together . In the dormitory, there was a lot of bad farts , and the experience composed of many small things was really beautiful .

The fourth child was also touched , with tears in his eyes . Taking the flowers and the microphone : " I... already agreed half a month ago . "

If my wingman doesn't act at this time , this brother will be too incompetent .

I'm like a rapper who has never seen the world : " Oh~~Ao~ The male and female lead confessed successfully , together~together~together~kiss one~kiss one~ . 」

The people around were also very confused , but they were serious when they booed . Soon , before I could say a few words, the people around me shouted : " Kiss one , kiss one~ "

Then the eldest stood up , squatted down , and gently kissed the forehead of the fourth .

At this time, someone shouted : " Kiss , kiss~ "

The eldest ignored it and hugged the fourth .

Surrounded by sighs : " Hey~ " began to disperse

I know the boss doesn't want to be in such a hurry , so take your time . The eldest also really likes the fourth .

As everyone dispersed , the group who confessed their love at the beginning just stayed where they were .

The confession man walked up : " Hey buddy , the confession must come first and then come first . Are you looking for trouble ? "

The boss is usually kind to us . But he was not a good stubble in high school .

Without even looking at the confession man , he dragged the fourth child away .

I didn't think this was good , so I walked up to the confession man and said to him : " Actually, they have known each other for a long time , and they have always liked each other . Just wait for an opportunity , you confession man, you don't prepare in advance , go straight to it , don't say anything." Scaring other girls , the failure rate must be high . "

I patted him on the shoulder : " Dude, change your target , don't make such a big fight next time , not every girl likes this , let's go . "

I quickly followed their footsteps . Follow behind and walk with the second child .

The boss directly raised his head and proudly pulled the fourth child . Go up the playground steps . A breeze blew by, and the leaves rustled , as if cheering , surrendering , and congratulating this pair of golden boys and girls like kings .

He is very handsome , I admit that he is handsome , he is indeed the man I am optimistic about .

Then I said to my second child, " This situation is so enviable . "

The second child curled his lips : " Who said it wasn't , happiness really came so suddenly . "

I stretched out my hand with a playful smile : " Well , I will lend it to you , free of charge , no money required . "

She gave me a white look : " You may be a little bit serious . You give me money , but I won't give it up . You are really... a narcissist . "

As he spoke, he pretended to be angry and took a quick step forward , not wanting to walk alongside me .

I also caught up and said with a smile, " What ? Are you angry ? Kindly treat him like a donkey's liver and lungs . "

She ignored me .

Then I blurted out : " It's impolite to ignore people, I have a bad temper , be careful not to marry and tell you . "

I didn't realize until after I finished speaking , I said something wrong .

Sure enough , she yelled at me viciously : " Hmph , no one will marry you if you marry anyone . "

I went on hehehe : " Go back to the movie and treat you to a big piece of chocolate , a bag of potato chips , and a bottle of Coke . "

She didn't speak .

" Yeah , two dollars . "

She said : " Who cares about your chocolate , I ... "

This woman , her temper is really hard to coax , I'm really afraid , the trouble comes out of my mouth .

I slumped my shoulders and said to her pitifully : " Three yuan , grandma, I really can't have more . "

" Deal . " The second child was a little proud .

In this way, the two of us fought all the way . The boss and the fourth child walked in front , and they didn't know what to say .

Then when I was about to reach the fork in the dormitory and the supermarket , I said : " Come on , accompany me to the supermarket to stock up . "

Second child : " No, go by yourself . "

Me : " Hey , let's go . If you want to eat, you have to accompany me . "

" Then don't eat . " She blurted out .

I went on to say : " Oh , do n't be angry , it's my fault , where did you offend me , please tell me . "

She said to me very seriously : " I hate people saying that I can't get married . "

I was taken aback .

Then when I came to this school, I looked into her eyes seriously for the first time and said , " Okay , I was wrong , and I won't make such jokes in the future . "

She was taken aback when she saw me being so serious . As if to say : huh ? Do you also have such serious moments ?

Then I went to the supermarket to buy things with me .

After stocking up the goods , the relationship has obviously eased a lot .

Talking about what movie to watch tonight . I said watch the whole love story ? Five centimeters per second or something ?

She surprisingly agreed and said : " Okay , Boss and the others are too sweet today . If they don't want to watch anime, they can watch " Our Wedding " . It 's just been on the xx video recently , you can watch it . "

Learning the Anhui dialect, I echoed, " Well , that's right , today we both agreed surprisingly , and you will be my daughter-in-law just around the corner . "

She pretended to be angry again : " Believe it or not, I'll beat you up , do n't force me . You don't know how to speak , this is really annoying . "

I said with a playful smile, " Yes , yes , your family status is high , so you can say whatever you want . "

She was very helpless : " I'll go , you really don't know what to do , forget it , get used to it . "

Looking at the two packs of snacks , I happily went back to the dormitory .

We worry about forgetting our keys when we go out , so we usually put one on the door .

I raised the snack in my right hand : " Pick this up , and I'll open the door with the key . "

" Okay . "

I opened the door with the key , and she pushed it open .

I saw the boss sitting on the ground holding a cup and staring at the carpet in a daze .

The fourth child pulled the bed curtain tightly so that no light could pass through . The atmosphere was obviously inexplicably awkward .


I was thinking... this...the boss wants to make trouble , but the fourth brother doesn't agree ? No way , this is in the dormitory , and haven't you two just confirmed your relationship ? Besides , based on what I know about the boss , this is simply impossible . Although this school has mixed dorms for men and women , it really doesn't do anything in the dormitories .

What's wrong with that ? Didn't you feel fine when you came back ? why suddenly...

I asked , " Boss , why are you sitting on the floor? Come on, I bought a lot of food . Let's watch anime movies tonight , haha . "

The boss looked up at me helplessly , but didn't speak .

I looked at him and said , " What's the matter ? What 's going on , what's with this expression ? "

He just said lightly with a very sad look : " Just now... "


The fourth child suddenly poked out a head from the bed curtain and snatched the words : " I saw that he didn't talk much on the way. I don't think he likes me very much . He did it to help me out . "

I was just about to speak .

The boss is in a hurry , he has just chased after him , and the object is gone before he warms it up ?

" How come ? I really like you , can't you feel it ? Even if there is no such thing, I will confess . "

Damn , after the boss said this, I understand that the emotional couple is pulling at the limit . One thinks he doesn't love , and the other thinks she doesn't want to talk about it .

To put it bluntly, the two have feelings for each other , but... can't let go . Then of course I, the boss's dedicated wingman, have to take off .

I laughed and said , " Oh , that 's fine, both of you . You don't have to be so blunt about showing affection, right? There are two dogs here . "

The second child slapped me on the head with his white hand : " Who are you talking about ? Don't take me with you yourself . "

The second child waved his hand and wanted to slap me again . I twisted my neck and waist to avoid it : " Why ? Do it , you are not single . Single dogs are also dogs . "

The second child, Bai, didn't speak at all .

I then pretended to be cursing and yelled at the fourth child and the eldest child aggrievedly : " If you two do this again, I will call the police . Are you not purely harming the first-class protected animals in the country ? Can you give our single dogs some living space ?" ? 」

The fourth child chuckled when he heard this .

The boss said : " Although I don't know why you miss me so much , what I said on the playground are all true and from the heart . "

The fourth child did not speak .

I beckoned : " Come down, come down , I 'll show you something nice tonight , I've bought a lot of snacks , don't you want to have a bite ? Look at this silky chocolate , look at this batch of crispy noodles , I bought four buckets of instant noodles . Come down and wash your hands . "

The second child also intervened to answer me : " Yes , let's come down and eat . "

I said hehehe : " You still understand me , isn't this just a husband's song and a wife's suit ? "

The second child directly lifted her long legs , kicked me hard and sat on the ground viciously : " Get out~ "

Me : " Come on, get out , get out, ca n't I wash the fruit for the three of you ? "

The boss is also on the side , hahaha : " You , you are so real... "

Then I wash the fruit and put paper towels on the blanket and put it on top . There are also chocolates , potato chips , peanut candies , dog teeth , cola , ham sausage , spicy strips, etc. in a circle . The second child is playing a movie on the projector .

The boss and the fourth child sat cross-legged like that .

I put away my things , passed by, and pushed the boss lightly . The boss didn't sit still , and fell on the fourth leg .

Me : " Okay, the relationship is confirmed , so don't do that . If you don't want to talk, just say it , we are still friends . If you want to talk, just hug the two of you . Boss, you have to be honest , don't provoke me, who is single The dog tells you . "

The boss almost jumped up and beat me : " What 's wrong ? Why are you pushing me ? "

Then he looked at the fourth child after he finished speaking , probably he wanted to say sorry . As a result, the fourth child said : " emm...then let's try , I hope you will do what you say . "

The boss is grinning , his mouth is almost going up to his forehead .

Then the boss sat next to the fourth child and peeled a plum for the fourth child . Pure dog food .

I sat down and waited for the second one to adjust .

Then the boss gave me a thumbs up from behind . He just looked like he was going to hit me .

The ground is still relatively small . The eldest and the fourth child sat in the back , and the second child and I sat in the front , and the big pillow we bought leaned against the back , which was not much different from lying on the sofa .

Everyone watched a movie while eating snacks .

I glanced at the profile of the second child from the side .

Damn , it's okay if you don't look at it... just take a look and I'll just...

My heart beats faster , it's really beautiful . The side face is very similar to iu , and I just like this star very much . I haven't noticed it before , but this time the boss has someone he likes . I also have...

It's a pity... I like the second child , but the second child treats me... Sigh~

Sigh old-fashioned .

I looked at the second child for about three seconds .

The fourth child snorted and said , " Don't look at the third child , his eyes will fall off . "

I turned my head and blew on my hair with my eyes up, my eyes pursed and my mouth pouted : " What ? My fair lady , a gentleman is so good , it's not against the law to look twice, right ? "

The fourth child : " If you don't break the law , you won't break the law, just keep watching . "

The boss just pursed his lips and smiled , watching silently .

The second child turned around with a dazed look : " What are you looking at ? "

I didn't speak . The latter two did not speak .

I smiled and said , " Go on and watch the movie , go on to watch the movie , the hero and heroine should meet soon . "


The harmony in the dormitory was restored . Only the sound of movies and snacks .

On the contrary, the two in the back feed each other a bite from time to time , a loving couple...

Then I smiled gei gei gei and said , " Second brother , why don't you come and feed me too . "

The second child looked cold : " Get out , I'm lazy , besides , do you think you deserve it ? "

Me : " Generally, a handsome person like me deserves it well . "

Boss : " yue~ you are enough , what about eating ? "

" Not handsome ? Huh ? Not handsome ? Really ? " I pretended to growl .

Fourth child : " One thing to say , although there is no big boss , but handsome is still a little handsome , just a little narcissistic . "

I didn't feel that, the boss was happy .

Raising his voice there : " Hahaha~ you look good too . "

I got up and went to the bathroom and cursed : " Ah , I can't take it anymore , these two people are really showing off each other , I'm going to bed soon . "

After going to the toilet, I climbed into bed and lay down .

Holding coke and potato chips , after watching the movie , the boss cleaned up the garbage . A good day is over .

Actually , for the second child , I really like it , who is not confused by the beauty ? But if I really want to say I like it... I really like it . I have met such good-looking and hot girls before, and most of them are a bit ruffian . There are too few good-looking girls who study hard . And the second child has a good personality . Although Gao Leng is a little violent , after getting along with her for half a year , I still understand her quite well . Who doesn't like the kind of girl who cares for her husband , teaches her children, and manages the house ?

I guess the second child also knows it well , knowing that I like her more or less , maybe there is a chance , like the boss taking care of the fourth child in the hospital .

After sleeping , dawn .

Then everyone got up and took a shower as usual . The second child and I actually like to sleep late , but... the fourth child is a good girl who goes to bed early and gets up early. The eldest child wakes up early , and he brought breakfast before .

As a result, today , the second child also woke up very early , and said that they would go to the cafeteria together to have a bowl of porridge and a steamed stuffed bun .

No way , everyone is leaving , so I have to go too .

When we arrived at the cafeteria , there were not many people . We were definitely the first to get up , and we went to the cafeteria to cook at 6:30 . There are also stalls that have just been set up not long ago , and they are transporting food from the back kitchen .

After buying and eating, everyone sat down and was about to spin .

As a result, a discordant voice came over my forehead : " So you are also in this school , tui~ What a scumbag , you hurt my sister like that , her heart is broken, can you still eat breakfast with peace of mind ? "

I'm so...


As soon as I turned my head, I saw a girl in jk holding a bowl of vermicelli soup and yelling next to me , and I saw a brain full of legs .

Let's not change our name or surname , and carry forward the spirit of Leifeng, a good young man of the era . Are you yelling at me and calling me a scumbag ? Am I still in the mix ?

Then I suddenly raised my head to look at who is this ?

As a result, I was shocked and the buns fell to the ground .

It's my high school classmate .

This goes back to my high school .

My grades in high school were very poor , the left protector in the class , the one sitting on the left side of the podium in class .

Although our grades are rubbish , our character is absolutely outstanding . It is recognized in Zheng'er's Eight Classics class .

My grades are not good , but the teachers don't hate me very much , and they can often get along with them , joking and bragging haha .

In the first year of the second year of high school , we were in a science class , and many boys came from the class . Personally , I think it 's a good thing to be honest , why ?

The ones who left were all the doll-dressed girls I hate, and the ones who came were all pretty girls . Even though the overall number of girls is small , the quality is high .

How high is it ?

It might be as high as twenty or thirty floors .

The most outrageous thing is that our class ranks first in Chinese , mathematics , biology and physics in the ordinary class , and I am also the first , but I have to count backwards .

Ahem , we are not coveting girls , we simply have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty .

And , well, I'm the kind of person who... can't rest easy and be energetic .

The physics class teacher said : " Come on , let me show you the force analysis of this question . "

Then he called out to someone to answer the question .

At that time, I was still peeking at C language programming , and my grades were too poor , and the teacher didn't care about me . I'm really not interested in those things in high school , and I can't learn them , especially English words . Those who memorize them are stupid . I just like biology and computers .

I was leaving the classroom and distractedly reading the code on the book, and finally I became more energetic . It's just because the teacher called me a wronged good brother who was in the middle and lower grades .

My good brother is simple-minded , a bit fat , and we all call him Dahaozi .

Da Haozi stood up and wiped his mouth . He probably just woke up while stealing food .

Then he faltered and said : " This question... " I said some physical principles that I didn't understand , but the teacher asked angrily : " Do you mean that you can fly by stepping on your left foot or that you can go to the sky by pulling your own hair ?" Huh ? " Everyone burst into laughter

I was overwhelmed with joy after listening to it , and immediately laughed : " This is heaven , it 's obviously not going to be able to hold down Master Niu's coffin . "

Well , after speaking, the students burst into laughter again , and the teacher was not happy , so he just took his anger out on me and gave me a good lesson .

After class, I said to Da Haozi : " How about it, buddy, you are not righteous . Seeing that you are being manipulated by the teacher , I deliberately attracted the teacher , diverted the firepower , surrounded Wei and rescued Zhao , and protected you . "

Da Haozi looked at me and nodded fiercely : " Well , righteousness ! "

After the big break, treat me to drink ice cream .

As for the teacher, he won't really trouble me . But the first night of self-study was watched by the physics teacher .

I just wrote a note with two big white rabbits and two Wangzi milk candies inside .

The note read : Teacher, please don't be angry . I joked in class during the day not to annoy you . If you are angry, I sincerely apologize . I'm sorry . Come~ eat some candy to sweeten it . love~

The teacher looked at the note I handed over and smiled slightly , picked up the pen and wrote for a while, then threw the note on my desk , and replied : The teacher is not angry , you have to study hard , do n't miss your future , if you don't, you can do it anytime Come and ask me , come on !

I glanced at him after reading it , and gave him an OK gesture .

There is also our old class , who is also super nice . At one anti-puppy love class meeting, he said : " We absolutely forbid puppy love. Let me tell you . Girls , you must keep your eyes open. Look at the boy in the next class. He talked with one inside the school and another outside the school . He is a scumbag . Not to mention puppy love , there are also boys who play with emotions , try to stay away from them , and now you have to study hard to pass the college entrance examination , you know ? "

I was excited when I heard this thief .

I wipe ? One on - campus and one off-campus ? So awesome .

Then blurted out : " Damn it , tell this buddy to publish a book, I will listen to it on my knees . "


The old class frowned and looked down at me : " Tsk , why are you talking so much ? You are already in this position , and if you talk nonsense , come on , come up and talk . "

I said with a playful smile, " No , no , tell me what you said , I'm just curious how he did it. This person is really not good . I agree with you, old class, and you must never fall in love early . "


I am a mischievous person in the eyes of teachers of various subjects . He also led the class to win the runner-up in the basketball game and the champion of the sprint competition in the sports meeting .

So my classmates like to play with me . Of course , there is no lack of two beautiful girls sitting behind me .

One of them is Dai Wenqian , whose grades are not very good , and I can compete with me , because the name sounds very similar to Cai Wenji . So when I first met her , I asked her what her name was , and I got it wrong when she said that .

" Hey , classmate , what's your name , sit behind me , let's get to know each other haha . " I said seriously .

She was very flat : " My name is Dai Wenxi , how about you ? "

I was confused : " What? Cai Wenji ? "

Then she was very helpless : " My name is Dai ! Wen ! Qian ! "

" Hahaha , mine, mine, I misheard. The name sounds nice , I will call you Cai Wenji from now on . " I also like to call her Xiao Caitou . The relationship was good and harmonious .

And this Cai Wenji is the girl who called me a scumbag in the cafeteria and made my legs full of brains in jk .

And her best friend is the girl diagonally behind me . The one who came here with her looks good . Compared with the second child , although she is a little short , her advantage is that she has good grades , and she is definitely in the top three in the class .

As for me , although my grades are poor , I will admire my good grades , so I often chat with her . I got acquainted with it again and again . She also said that I am funny , amusing , humorous and so on .

Grandpa has been dating in junior high school , this kind of girl who can play at first glance , must have... ahem .

Then it was very natural in the second semester of the second year of high school. One day when she and I went to the cafeteria for dinner , everyone thought we were lovers , but we didn't pierce the window paper .

When I have nothing to do , I will ask her out on weekends to eat fried chicken , go to Wanda to catch dolls , watch movies and so on . Sometimes she would date me too . The more times , the more classmates saw it . Then the class will pass it on .

Although we are not talking , the relationship has surpassed the friendship between opposite sexes .

And then I held her hand very logically, and had sex with her . In the end... the short-lived mandarin duck , just took her home on the first night of holding hands , and was bumped into by Lao Ban on the way . I was called to the office the next day .

This time the old class is really angry .

I have said a lot , it is okay to say that I do not study , it is okay to say that I like computers , it is okay to say that I steal other things in class . But it is absolutely not allowed to affect the fate of others , affect the study of others , this is absolutely not allowed . And said I might ruin her life .

I am also a reasonable person . After listening to it, I think what Lao Ban said is right .

So when I went back, I thought about it , and decided that this relationship should not be discussed , and we should break up , otherwise it would ruin her .

And she was called to the office . But her grades are good , Lao Ban will naturally not embarrass her , and I don't know what she said, but Lao Ban still doesn't stop her from dating . Later, I heard from another friend : At that time , in order to be with me , she promised the head teacher to be the top three in the mid-term exam class , and the overall ranking of the grade was at least about 1 . I didn't know this until later .

There are many ordinary classes in our school , but being in the top ten overall means that the class is ranked first or second .

She worked hard and did deliver on her promises . I got the first place in the class and the 9th place in the grade, which is a full rise of 40 places from the 49th place in the third grade of the last class .

But after thinking about it , she and I are not the same person , and being together may really delay her . So I broke up after the summer vacation after the final exams , which was the second week after our relationship was formalized . The reason is simple , I want her to be better , and even though I'm in love, I haven't done much . Didn't even kiss

She was very strong , so she broke up completely .

Moreover, she was admitted to a key non-academic college in her third year of high school .

Originally, she could at least take 211 , but because of my breakup , her grades dropped seriously . But she is very strong , and she doesn't tell anyone , but her best friend, Cai Wenji who scolded me, said it .

So now in the cafeteria, I keep yelling at me : " Do you know that my sister's eyes were swollen from crying because of you some time ago ? How can you still eat ? She still thinks about you after graduation. It 's been more than a year . You are really heartless , she could have gone to a good school . "

She said a lot about me again and scolded me for a long time .

I can't stand it : " Then I'm not because the old class said I'm hurting her , I'm going to ruin her life . I'm also doing it for her own good . "

The little Caitou went on to say , " It's because you improved her score that her grades dropped . She insisted on studying at 1:30 every night for you . You said that . You just don't like her enough . You're making excuses . "

How should I put it, if you like it, you must have liked it . Breaking up is also something I really thought about clearly, and she and I are really not the same way . It 's not suitable , and it's been more than a year since we broke up , I've already walked out of the broken relationship , but I didn't expect...

So I still want to explain something .

" Crack~ "

As a result, the second child directly slapped the chopsticks on the table : " It turns out that he is a scumbag . It really makes people lose their appetite and is full . "

After speaking, I handed the bowl to the cleaning aunt and left , and I took a bite or two of the buns I bought . The fourth child, a loli girl, watched the second child get up and leave , and naturally followed . The boss just talked and had to follow , so he patted me on the shoulder , and the three of them left .

I rub it , this is really inexplicable .

I said : " I am really good for your best friend. I admit that I liked her once. It was difficult for us to get together . At that time, I really felt that continuing to fall in love might harm her, so I broke up with pain . Afterwards, it became dull and we didn't contact each other . "

Xiao Cai just rolled his eyes and left .

I just sat there in a daze .

Not long after, the boss called me...


" What's the situation with you, third child ? You are chasing after our school , so outrageous ? " The boss asked straight to the point .

I am very helpless .

I said : " Where is it ? I'm a good man . Back then... " I told him about my experience in high school .

Of course , it must be extravagant , I said how much determination I made for her , and so on .

The boss still believes in me .

Helplessness is helplessness , and I have to continue eating .

People are like iron , and food is like steel . If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry .

After eating and drinking enough , I went out of the cafeteria alone with headphones on , and didn't go back to bed directly . The morning in autumn was still very cool , neither hot nor cold , and I just took a slow walk by myself listening to " Mermaid " walking on the side of the road .

On the way, I met a senior from the club who was promoted to study , and said hello with a smile . The heart is slightly bitter .

Annoyance : It's not easy to have a little intersection with the second child , and it 's all messed up by this gossip woman . Does she think it's righteous ? Do you think this is good for her best friend ? Think this is cool ? Looking back on the second child's expression, I feel very sad .

As I walked, I became more and more annoyed by thinking about it .

Walk by the small lake on campus and sit on a chair . On the chair about 15 meters away from me, there was a buddy and a sister who were reciting vocabulary together . They seemed to be a couple .

Looking up at the sky where the sun is gradually rising, he sighed deeply .

It seems that everything has returned to the original point , the campus that made me want to stay away from cultural courses , confused and hesitant , wanting to prove myself by working hard to learn programming and finding a good job . He raised his hands , glanced at them , and clenched them quietly . Looking at the ripples on the surface of the lake , round and round , it seems that my calm heart is mixed with some dull troubles . What am I doing ? I didn't get into the undergraduate course . I came here to make myself better. I was eating, drinking and having fun every day with my legs full of thinking about marrying my sister to a wife ?

Sitting down and blowing the breeze, I unconsciously thought about it again .

About half an hour later , he suddenly got up .

Went to the playground and ran 6 laps hard . As the sound of my panting intensifies , it seems that the pressure is being released .

I walked back to the dormitory , but fortunately there was no class this morning .

I pushed the door gently , but it was not locked .

The door opened , thinking that it was still early , and hurriedly strode into the bathroom to take a shower .

Before I got to the bathroom , I saw the eldest and fourth child poking their heads out of the bed and looking at me from the corner of my eye...

The atmosphere gradually became strange .

I don't care so much after taking a shower . He picked up the towel and rushed into the bathroom to take a good shower .

I got dressed , opened the bathroom door , and ran to the laundry room by the corridor to dry my hair with a hairdryer .

After blowing dry and going back to bed , I thought that everyone should be sleeping and going back to sleep .

Squeak~ With the sound of the door being pushed , the boss b directly opened the bed curtain , and there was a lot of movement .

" Third brother , what's the situation ? There was a misunderstanding and I said , I knew you were a love saint in high schoolI didn't expect to be so awesome , so I chased you directly to the school . "

" Damn , what a lover , I'm an innocent little prince . Dedicated and infatuated , how do youtalk ? " I said alittle angrily . yes .

The boss noticed that he might have said something wrong . With a straight face , he said seriously : " What's the situation , tell me , I know you're not that kind of person . "

This makes sense , the phone call just now was not in vain .

The boss knows my situation , and this is a step for me and the second child .

But I didn't go along , let alone yelled and explained in the dormitory .

Climb directly into the second child's bed and lift the curtain for her . The boss was dumbfounded and exclaimed : " Damn , what are you doing ? "

The second child was also frightened by my actions . She was lying down , but she sat up and said angrily : " What are you doing ? Are you polite to just turn over the girl's curtain ? Do you understand what privacy is ? Ah ? Do you know... "

" I'm sorry , I'm not the kind of person you think , just now... " I interrupted the second child .

" What happenedjust now? It 's your business . What does it have to do with me ? Are you crazy ? " It was the first time I saw the second child so angry , pushing me and pulling her bed curtain .

I had to go down and stand on the carpet looking up at her bed .

" It's so unreasonable every dayIf you dare to lift my bed curtain again , I will apply to the counselor for a change of dormitory . " The second child kept yelling at me for a minute or two .

I just stood there quietly . The eldest and fourth child poked their heads out of the bed and just looked at me quietly . From time to time they looked at each other . The boss spread his hands to the fourth brother , saying that he didn't know what to do .

After the second child calmed down , I sat on the chair under my bed and said plainly : "The woman just now is called Dai Wenqian. The reason why she called me a scumbag is because she did have a date in high school. It was her ." A good girlfriend . I broke up within a week after confirming the relationship . "

The boss interjected knowingly : " Why did you break up ? You do n't look good ? "

I said seriously : " It 's true that it's not as good-looking as the second one , but it's not because of the looks , it was at that time... "

" What does it matter to you whether I look good or not ? Don't think that if we live together , you will think so dirty all day long . Not everyone who sleeps together is a couple . " The second child still said angrily .

This time I'm a little angry. It's okay to insult me , but not my character .

I was a little louder : " I said , it's not what you think , it will be discovered by the old class because of the second year of high school , the old class talked to me , and he said , " It's not that I said you are not good , you will definitely not pass the exam , Falling in love will definitely delay her , it is better to part with her and break up , this is the real love for her . 』 So I broke up on my own , and even today I don't like her anymore . "

But the fourth child said : " Isn't that a scumbag ? The girl is so sad , you don't like it and talk to her ? "

For a while , I couldn't argue : " She is very strong , and she has n't talked to me since she broke up . Isn't there a misunderstanding ? Who knew what she was like later , and now that such a long time has passed , the relationship must have faded, okay ? And I It's not that kind of person , I respect her very much , and I really don't want to harm her , if I were a scumbag , I would go and harm other seniors when school started, and there was a person who added me on WeChat the day before yesterday . "

The fourth child was silent for a while after hearing what I said : " Well , then I believe you , we are still good friends . "

The boss echoed : " Let me just say , you are definitely not that kind of person . "

Then I recounted my various experiences in high school .


I climbed into bed without saying anything , just listening to music quietly with headphones on . This is really annoying , who wouldn't be annoyed by this ? The main reason is... the girl didn't realize it and put herself in it , and was misunderstood like this ( I feel wronged in my heart bb )

Unknowingly fell asleep .

I slept until 1:00 noon . Woke up by the boss .

" Are n't you up yet ? Class is going to start at two o'clock in a while . "

I opened my eyes , rubbed them and got out of bed .

There is a braised chicken and rice on the table : " Hey , who gave me this rice ? "

The fourth child said playfully : " Of course it's the boss . He brought it for you just now when we went to eat . Eat it quickly , or it will be cold . "

The old university said to the fourth child : " Hurry up and eat~ or it will be cold~ "

" Why do you want to learn from me ? It 's weird . "

The boss scratched his head and said naively : " I'm jealous , you don't care about me when you care about the third child, and you didn't care about me when I choked on eating just now , oh... "

I said lightly : " Okay , thank you , I'll give you the money later . Also ! You can't be a dog , don't show your love in front of me , I really can't take it anymore . " The second half of the sentence cursed with a smile .

I scanned around and didn't see the second child .

" Where did the second child go ? Why didn't you see her ? "

"The second child participated in the debate competition , and was discussing the debate competition with the seniors in the cafeteria . She seems to be a debater . " The fourth child said .

As I opened the rice, I replied , " Oh , that 's it . "

" Wait , who ? Who are you talking to ? Senior ? " He suddenly reacted .

The fourth child said cutely : " Yeah , that senior is amazing . He has been leading debate competitions , and our department has won two consecutive championships . "

I oh oh casually picked up a piece of yellow braised chicken and put it in my mouth .

The boss knew what I was thinking , and patted me on the shoulder : " If you like it, do it , otherwise it will be gone . The second brother is still very popular . "

The fourth child also blinked and looked at me without speaking , but seemed to say : Yes , yes , I support you .

" Damn it ! " I yelled, and I ate my food .

The boss and the fourth brother looked at each other and smiled , and hugged each other . The boss quickly kissed her on the forehead , smiling like a villain . The fourth child raised his hand and punched him .

I heard the sound and looked back .

The boss patted his head : " Haha , it 's okay , I'm going to do the laundry , and I'll take a seat after I finish the laundry . "

I didn't speak and continued cooking .

I was thinking about how to chase after the second child . The boss is right . The second child is very popular . If you like it , you can chase it. If you miss it, it will be a pity .

Grab a few bites of rice quickly .

I yelled to the boss who was carrying the clothes out to wash, " Boss, let me go out , take my book with you when you leave . "

When I came to the cafeteria , it was past 1 o'clock . Everyone went back to rest after eating , and there were not many people .

At a glance from a distance, I saw the second child sitting on a long bench with a slightly fat man with hot hair and talking about something , and there were two men and a woman who were unknown to other classes .

I walked straight over .

The hot-headed man supported the bench with one hand , leaned his body slightly to lean on his second child , and pointed to the materials on the table with the other hand, saying : " In short , a debater should explain his point of view clearly . Try not to read the materials . Talk . When the time comes, you... "

I put my feet between my second child and the chubby senior : " Debating , I'm good at it, can you take me one ? "


The chubby senior was stunned for a moment , and then his face was filled with displeasure , the displeasure was almost overflowing from his face .

It's like I robbed him of his object .

When I think of this, I feel an inexplicable annoyance , which grows upwards .

I'm not even willing to get my hands on the second child , what kind of onion are you?

This senior is slightly fatter and a little shorter than me . My naked height is 179 , and he is a little more than 175 by visual inspection .

The chubby senior said angrily , " Who are you ? The debate competition is already full . "

I said flatly, " There are four people in the debate competition , aren't you only three people ? Seniors shouldn't be able to enter, right ? It seems that only newcomers can enter this competition . "

The second child came back to his senses and frowned : " What are you doing here ? " There was a trace of complaint in his calm tone . Her demeanor resembled a bitter woman who was wronged and wanted to lose her temper .

I turned my head and said , " Of course I accompanied you. I don't worry about you being alone . "

Although the second child is very upset with me in the dormitory, she has a big picture and will save face for me outside .

She went on to say , " I don't need company , I can be alone . " The tone of our quarrel just couldn't be heard at all .

The senior was upset : " Are you right ? I said it's full , it 's all there , do you understand ? It's all there . "

I still retorted flatly : " All ready ? There is a qualifier for registration , and admission is based on merit . Isn't the qualifier over yet ? I'll sign up . "

"The qualifiers are played at night , and the three of them have already passed the circle . You can go through the qualifiers first . " The senior waved his hands impatiently .

Seeing this, the second child said to me : " This is Senior Tan from our department , you guys should get to know each other first , so that there will be no conflicts . "

Hiss~ It must be the second child who loves me and knows to speak for me . You see , I was arguing to death with me in the morning, wishing I could kill me with a knife , but it will be different after lunch . It is estimated that when she returned to the dormitory, she had changed back to her old self , just because outsiders gave her more face . Who doesn't love this kind of girl ? Good-looking and good-natured , who wouldn't be tempted ? Who is not confused ?

I moved a little to the edge of the bench , and my second child followed suit . Then he stretched out his hand : " Hello , Senior Tan , please give me some advice , I'm new here and don't know the rules . "

Senior Tan pointed at the second child with a relaxed expression , "The three of them have already left the circle , and I'm going to arrange for her to do a debate , because it's easier to be a debater . "

The debate competition is a battlefield of verbal confrontation . Both sides form a team of four . They are one debate, two debates, three debates and four debates . The first debate is responsible for describing the general idea of ​​the debate topic , the second debate is responsible for attacking , the third debate is responsible for making up for our offensive loopholes and attacking the opponent at the same time , and the fourth debate is responsible for summarizing .

To put it bluntly, the two sides are fighting each other with reason and evidence , such as which came first, the chicken or the egg ? If you say that the chicken came first , you have to prove it first , and then it is wrong to say that the egg came first .

I said directly : " Senior Tan , I was already a debate contestant in high school , and I have experience , so the preliminaries should be fine . "

Where do I know debating competitions? I was still searching for how to play debate competitions on the way. What is one , two, three and four debates for? I just searched. The reason why I am so confident is that I saw a buddy in a post bar. Said , this game is like a quarrel, if you quarrel with reason , whoever wins the quarrel wins .

Just kidding , we didn't read much in the three years of high school, and we definitely won't lose once in a quarrel . Doesn't this directly hit my strengths ?

The senior said indifferently : " You go to the evening first , and then come to me . "

" Then I want to know , why did they get out of the circle ? Isn't this budget match not started yet ? " I asked rhetorically .

" I'm explaining the main points to them . If I guide them, they will definitely pass . These two are also from my club . Do you have any opinions ? "

" Aha , of coursehave no objection . Okay , see you in the qualifying match tonight . " I thought to myself , you are very arrogant , you wait for me , I will go back and prepare well .

Then turned around and said to the second child : " Let's go , class will start later , go ten minutes earlier today . "

Senior Tan was in a hurry , and said to the second child with a smile : " What time is it ? If you go early , there will be no one. Why don't you listen to me? It will be very useful to you , I promise . " It can be seen that the senior I am interested in the second child , but the look and tone are not right .

The second child glanced at me : " Senior, I have something else to do , or I'll go back first , and I'll come to you at night . "

Tan Xuechang saw that the second child had said so , so he asked tentatively : " Are you a couple? Are you going to occupy a seat together so early ? "

Second child : " How is it possible , we are classmates , and we played pretty well . "

" That's fine , you go back to class first , and if you don't understand , send me a message at any time.I will wait for you three here at night . " Senior Tan didn't even look at me .

My second child and I came out of the cafeteria door , but she didn't say a word .

I lost my seriousness and said mischievously : " Hey , you still have to love me , you were talking for me just now , love love love love . "

The second child didn't answer me , and walked to the dormitory on his own .

" How about ... How about treating you to a delicious meal tonight, how about we go to KFC ? "

The second child still ignores me .

" Hey , grandma , can you stop doing this, you just spoke for me , how did I mess with you , tell me , wait for me , don't go so fast . " I begged my grandpa to tell my grandma .

The second child suddenly stopped and said fiercely : " Can you stop following me ? To save face is to take care of the roommate relationship for so many days . I don't like you , I don't like you , do you understand ? Put away your little thoughts Come on, stop disgusting me . "

I was confused , even if I had a date in high school , even if I was really scum, I wouldn't react like this, right ? Why are you angry , I really don't understand... A woman's heart is a sea needle .

" Look at what you said , did I say I was going to chase you ? No way . Did I say I like you ? No way , why are you reacting so much ? I like to debate , maybe we are teammates . " I giggled .

" Get out ! What does it have to do with me . " The second child is still like this .

Grandma , is it easy to chase someone ? Not to mention that we are outside in Yushu facing the wind , and the crush is lying in my arms in various ways , with such good looks , it is absolutely easy to find a partner . Just for my star-like face... I have confessed to me a lot in the past , and it is even easier to talk about it. How can I be so humble when I come to you? If I do n't like it , I...

It was a good meal along the way .

When I got to the dormitory, I still coaxed like this : " You can be angry , but you can't hurt me ! "

She packed her schoolbag in the dormitory and put the computer in the bag , because she learned Java in the programming experiment class in the afternoon . Then she looked up at me suddenly : " Did I hurt you ? Me ? There 's something wrong with you. How did I hurt you ? "

I continued : " If you are angry , I will be sad , so you are hurting me . "

She ignored me and continued to pack her things .

The boss and the fourth child looked at each other in blank dismay , but did not speak .

Well , if you get angry, you will get angry . This time, I have said all the good and bad things .

It didn't take long to go to the teaching building . Today is a programming class that I really care about. I have loved computer programming since I was a child . Although my school is not very good , this class is very serious . Interest is the best teacher, it is true .

I didn't feel it in the class all afternoon , and I was even unsatisfied . Seeing the codes on the screen full of typing , I felt a sense of accomplishment . I was still typing codes when I returned to the dormitory , and the boss brought me the rice .

Already forgot about the debating contest .

The qualifiers started at 7:30, and at around 7:20, the fourth child and the eldest brother came back from a walk outside. As soon as the fourth child entered the door, he exclaimed : " Ah , the debate competition is about to start , why have n't you gone yet ? The second child The lottery has been drawn and the groups have been divided , so hurry up . "

I woke up from the code world at once : " Oh yes , there is also a debate competition . " I glanced at my watch , " It 's too late , let's go , let's go . "

Put down the things in your hands and run to the competition classroom in the teaching building as fast as possible .

We got there in three and a half minutes . As soon as I walked in, I couldn't stop panting , and everyone looked at me .

Small scene , I've seen it a lot before , and I didn't panic to take the last lottery in the third box . Show me in 2 groups . Although the lottery was mixed , the first, second, third and fourth debaters were drawn separately . Before signing up for the qualifiers, they had already determined which debaters they were . Ten debaters are drawn in the same box , so there will be no duplicate debaters on a team .

There are a total of ten groups in our department, and the winner is the champion group of the school , and then they will compete with the champions of other departments , and finally the school-level champion, runner-up and third place will be selected .

It's really a coincidence , maybe the arrangement of fate , I and the second child are in the same group . One in ten chance .

I silently walked to the position of group 2 , and saw the second child looking at various materials beside me . The qualifiers are more about adaptability , so there is no debate topic in advance .

And the second child has the back door given by senior Tan before . She knew the topic of the debate in advance and has been reading the manuscript to prepare .

As for me , I didn't prepare anything , so I asked how many debaters the other three were , only to find out that I was actually a third debater . The third debate is the most difficult thing , and I have to find loopholes and attack .

Hurry up and take out your phone to see what Sanbian should do .

Broadcast : Please invite the second group and the eighth group to play on stage . Please invite the second group and the eighth group to play chess on stage .

Time is fast , I just read the rules of the three debates, what to do , and a debate case .

We are the affirmative , and the topic of the debate is that practice is more important than experience . The debate on the opposite side is that experience is more important than practice .

Referee : " Okay , both sides are ready , the game starts , start timing ! The judges start taking notes . "

First of all, the opening statement of the first debate, the second child , expounded his views . Then the opposing side argues the same . After the presentation on the other side , it was our turn to attack in the second defense . She was an unknown person , so she stood up and said , " I think practice is more important than experience . Where can experience come from without practice ? Practice is the only criterion for testing truth . . "

The second counterargument : " Since this is the case , do you mean that experience is not important ? "

Then Fang Erbian stood up again, like a mountain cannon , without even thinking about it, with an expression that just fucked him, and said loudly : " I didn't say it, but practice is more important than experience , because without practice, there is no experience 」_

The second counterargument : " I don't think so . I can avoid a lot of detours by following my parents' experience . "

I was about to stand up and refute , when Fang Erwen continued, " That 's also your parents' experience , not your own . "

The other party stood up three times : " His parents gave birth to him and raised him . Preaching and teaching is experience . "

I laughed , really laughed . This level is also called a debate competition ? I was better at fighting with people in high school than this .

During the short time I laughed , the three of them had another spat about parental experience .

Then I directly pressed Erbian next to me to prevent him from standing up . Then he stood up slowly as if disdainful of the crowd , and the surroundings were quiet . Glancing at the other side , looking at the judges, he said : " First of all, the other side has gone off topic , which is fatal . What they are arguing about is not practice and experience , but his mother and experience , and they didn't mention whether practice is important or not . Secondly, the other party has always emphasized It is not advisable to completely ignore experience and practice. In dialectics, it is said that contradictions are unified , that is to say, experience and practice are both important , but in the current environment , practice is more important , because Marx said that practice is The only criterion for testing truth... " I said a lot , because for a while in high school, I fantasized about being a high-level national cadre , so I learned a little politics , and it will all be used .

After speaking, everyone present applauded . I'm still wondering , is that all ? Just applaud ? Very good , then the promotion quota is determined by the Lord !

Afterwards, it was a small fight . After finishing the concluding statements of the second and fourth debates , I stood up and hit the main points directly , leaving the opponent speechless , and even the second debate on the opposite side was impatient .

For example, in the second debate, I said that practice and experience are both important . He said : " Indeed , I admit that practice is very important . But ... "

I just stood up and pretended that he had finished speaking : " Okay , there is no more debate on this , the opposing side has already admitted that practice is important , it 's over . "

He blushed when he heard me say this : " That's not what I mean , I mean that practice is really important , experience is also important , and experience can bring convenience , such as avoiding detours . "

I said condescendingly, " Are you denying Marxism ? Such a great politician has said that practice is the criterion of truth . "

As a result, he said : " Marx is not necessarily right . "

Just made me laugh outright , when I was waiting for the first group of matches, I saw the conclusion that you should never gossip about important politicians .

Sure enough , the judges and teachers laughed when he said that .

After a while the game was over .

The judges scored as expected , we scored much higher than the other side .

I am the best three debaters in this group .

After the game, I left the classroom and sat on the steps by the door of the teaching building, waiting for my second child to come out .

I didn't expect to see senior Tan coming out . He still said contemptuously : " I didn't expect that, you still understand Marxism, how did you go to college if you are good at politics ? I don't think you are the best third debater . "

I didn't speak , and when I heard the voice , I didn't even glance at him . Do you really think that after winning two championships, you can install it here ? I didn't pay attention to a small debate .

Tan Xuechang was very angry when he saw that I ignored him .

The second child also came out after a while .

Tan Xuechang : " Sister, you came out and performed very well . Let 's go to the cafeteria and I will tell you about the next game and how you do it ... "

Then I didn't speak , just followed behind .

When we arrived at the cafeteria , senior Tan saw me coming too . Pointing to me, he said , " Sit across from me , it's convenient for communication . "

Then he smiled and pointed to the second child : " Sister, please sit next to me , so that I can draw key points on your materials , and I will know the next topic . "

I looked at him like a pig brother , and couldn't help but want to laugh in my heart .

I said : " Senior , if a man and a woman don't know each other , how about I sit next to you . "

He said : " You are already very good , and you hardly need my guidance . I will tell the juniors , and you can just listen to it . "

The second child didn't speak the whole time , and just watched us quarreling with each other quietly .

" Oh , how could it be? I 'm very good at it. Come on , my senior will teach me . " As I said that, I pushed my second child away again and asked her to sit across from her .

Seeing that the second child was gone , the senior gave me a look of godly expression , wishing he could cut me alive . But he can't help it , he can't chase the second child to sit next to him .

This continued until almost 9:00 , when the other two debaters came .

The senior glanced at me , and pointed at me with a sneer : " Tomorrow you will form a team of four, and if you have good logical thinking, you will be the summary of the fourth debate . You will have two debates, one second debate and one third debate . This is tomorrow's question . Go back and prepare ." ready . "

It seems that he is helping me , but in fact he just wants to push me aside , and doesn't want to make me stand out . Deliberately suppressing me , then I will definitely not be happy . Three debates and mutual confrontation are my strengths . Let me organize and summarize .

I said directly, " No , I 'm not familiar with the four debates , so I won't go . "

He said directly : " You still don't listen , this is my arrangement , I have experience and I understand ... "

I didn't speak , so please bear with me , we are excellent , it doesn't matter which position we go to .

I just don't believe it . He went on to say : " It 's good for you to be in the fourth debate , you listen to me ... " After he finished speaking, he patted the arm of the second child , " You are very good at the first debate, and you will still be the first debate tomorrow . " . Said it was a pat , but in fact it was a slight hug on the second child , which was completely free . I can't take it anymore .

And God forgets you , not long after autumn , the sleeves of the second child's jacket is a fashionable padded jacket with holes in it . I have touched the flesh of my second arm , I haven't touched it yet , can I bear it ?

" Senior Tan , just say what you say , don't touch your hands . " I said obviously a little upset .

The senior immediately got angry : " Hey... hey , I found out , you are a thorn in the head , and you won't do this or that , if you don't do it, leave , this is my team , you have to listen to me . "

The second child was also taken aback , while the other two were frightened and froze .

I jumped up all at once , grandma , pretending to be aggressive ? Put it on my head ? Just call me out ? curse ? I can bear it ?

I pointed at his nose and cursed angrily : " Just now I respected you as a senior , and I am courteous in every possible way. You two cups , do you really treat yourself like a thing ? "

Atmosphere condensation


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