
Chapter 6 rare alone time

The second brother folded his arms : " Huh , next time you talk nonsense, I will strangle you to death . " Then he walked quickly to the hospital entrance .

I also quickened my pace to catch up : " Oh , do n't be angry , just kidding . How could I bully you? See what you said . "

" Where are you going to take me shopping?I'm not familiar with this place at all . " I said a little excitedly , as if I was on a trip .

The second child said coldly : " I'll book a hotel for you , and I'll come back to accompany my mother after the booking is over . "

I smiled and said , " No need , I'll just order it myself . Let me take you to have a cup of coffee . I made some money online part-time . "

" Huh ? When did you start working part-time . Why didn't I know ? " My second child asked me curiously .

I was like a cocky fart again : " Cut~ We are the kind of people who show off . I can tell you that I have made money . Look, my second child , I am good . I am a part-time job online today to search questions for people ." The software did elementary school problems and earned 200. Praise me, praise me... "

If that's the case, then I won't be humiliated to death by my brothers .

The second child rarely smiled and said : " I can't see it , you are quite motivated . "

" That must be done , let's go , I 'll take you to eat some delicious food . I saved a lot of money from part-time jobs, and it's worth a thousand bucks . " The tone was really awkward .

The second child did not refute , nor did he scold me .

Instead, he said : " Come on, it's not easy for you to earn some money . Could it be that everyone rests in the dormitory and watches movies , so you just do the questions ? No wonder you sometimes run to the bed to turn on the light . "

It was fun along the way , there were people laughing and cursing , it was like completely forgetting that my aunt was still sick and this was not a hospital .

In fact, sometimes I just stay on the bed because the movie they chose is too boring . There are only so many good movies , I have already seen them all .

The weather is cool , I thought about exercising , and went out to sweep two shared bicycles . Ask my second child to take me to the pedestrian street for something to eat .

After all , in China, high-end food is often not found in five-star hotels , but in the rows of small shops in the pedestrian street .

The second child also agrees , but...the distance from the hospital to the pedestrian street is quite short . We rode slowly , and it took more than an hour to arrive .

The sky is dark , and the lights are feasting . There are a lot of people on the street , and most of the couples who come out of this point .

" Let me invite you to eat small octopus balls , paired with pearl milk tea , it's a must to drink while eating , try ? " I said seriously to my second child who was following me .

The second child is smiling , the crescent eyes are so beautiful , and the double eyelids are just right , not too thick .

The second child said , " Okay . "

Then we went to buy two octopus balls together , and I bought two small ones specially . No money ? Just kidding , is my current worth short of these three melons and two dates ? The main reason is to save some stomach for delicious food later .

I handed the first to my second child . The second child took it, put one in his mouth , chewed and said , " Later ...hiss...it's a bit hot . I'll treat you to milk tea later . "

I smiled back : " No problem~ah "

" Boss , please put more bonito , I'll just eat this ... "

" Okay~ "

After getting my own, I went to buy milk tea with my second child . I was very happy along the way. From time to time , I glanced at my second child who was half a head shorter than me . She was eating something , and she was cute and playful in her usual ladylike calmness . The corners of my mouth raised unconsciously .

Going deeper into the pedestrian street , you can eat more and more .

The second child was extremely excited : " This, this , please eat this , it's delicious . "

I followed the fair and tender fingers of the second child to look .

I exploded and said : " I knock , you also like to eat boneless ? This boneless chicken feet with lemon juice is one of my favorite combinations . "

Second child : " Haha , what a coincidence . I like to eat it with Sprite , it's the same . "

I stopped my second child : " Don't , don't, I invite you this time . "

Then we bought fried squid , grilled oysters , grilled gluten , lamb skewers , and finally ordered a mutton vermicelli soup . Some I bought , and some she bought .

The second child said , " Enough is enough , let's find a place to sit . "

I casually glanced at the stall selling vermicelli soup , and found a place that wasn't too full to sit down .

When I opened the package, I had a good meal , but the second child paid attention to his image and ate very small mouthfuls .

A couple sitting at the table next to us , the boy was full of happiness : " Lai Baozi , let me feed you , ah~ "

The girl opened her mouth to eat the Malatang balls brought by the boy : " Yeah , it 's delicious , you can try one too . " After speaking, she also stuffed one into the boy's mouth .

After I saw it , I was very mischievous : " Come on, second child , I will feed you one too . Ah~ " After I finished speaking, I picked up a larger piece of fried squid .

The second child twitched : " This is not good , I don't want it , you can eat it yourself . "

I put the chopsticks near her mouth : " Ah~ "

The second child hesitated for a while and ate it . I said , " Is the taste okay ? "

The second child nodded frantically , like a rattle : " Yeah , this place is awesome . " He said and gave a thumbs up .

Hahaha... Then I continued to eat .

I gorged myself , and I was enjoying myself .

The second child suddenly said : " Oh , my mother is still worried about the operation fee in the hospital. I eat here , and suddenly I feel very uncomfortable . It feels so unfilial , and I don't think about my family at all . "

I stopped and picked the fans' chopsticks into my mouth : " Why did you suddenly become emo after eating well ? "

The second child said sadly : " No , I just suddenly thought of it , a little sad , I shouldn't be like this . "

I said sternly : " First of all , your family is not short of this surgery fee , because you are fully capable of earning it back . Secondly , I have already pushed the WeChat account of the relief fund to your dad , and it is still very reliable . Wait for your mother to treat it." Well, when the road over there to your store is repaired and the traffic is normal , you will earn back . What are you eating for tens of dollars now? You are also very capable , and you won the debate competition . "

After hearing what I said , the second son calmed down a bit .

Then the second child was changed by me and said : " You said we can win the school debate championship ? "

I then put on an expression that was about to praise me : " Ahem , if you say that there is no me , you will be the same as the people in the Northeast eating noodles . "

The second child tilted his head : " Huh ? "

I smiled and said , " There is no garlic left . "

Second child : " That's true , I won't scold you . "

It was getting late after eating , and we went shopping together , although I really wanted to give her something . But... I didn't buy anything in order not to reveal my money .

Finally , I took a taxi to take her back to the hospital , and I stayed in a hotel near the hospital .

As soon as I opened the door of the hotel , my second child sent me a WeChat message . I opened it and saw that it was a transfer of 200 yuan .

I replied : "What are you doing ? What do you mean by transferring money ? "

Second child : " Let me pay for the accommodation . You spend too much , and you can't afford it . "

I replied : " What ? Do you feel sorry for me ? If you want to feel sorry for me, come and sleep with me , and I will charge you 200. After all , you are living here , so it is reasonable for me to charge you . ( Laugh expression ) "

The second child : " Go away . Every day , you were very serious just now , but now you... have something wrong , and I will ignore you . "

Me : " Don't , I'll wake up early in the morning to find you . "

When we first separated , the second child had already said that she would stay with her mother in the hospital tonight .

I took a shower and leaned back on the bed . Quickly turned on the phone , changed WeChat to a small account , and added my uncle's WeChat .

As soon as I added it , my uncle sent a message : " Hello , this is my ID card . "

Uncle then sent his ID card .

I hurriedly replied : " I have already understood your situation , I will send you an application contract , you can fill it out , and the account number can be sent . "

Then I searched for a similar contract on the Internet, compiled a document with my mobile phone , and sent it to him .

The document is so simple that I am afraid that my uncle will suspect whether it is serious or not .

But in the end the uncle still filled it out . I transferred 200,000 yuan to my uncle's account with the card my uncle gave me .

Knock , the transfer fee is really expensive , grandma .

If it weren't for my uncle , I really don't know what to do today . Are you looking at the second child selling a house ? His parents live in the store ?

Thinking about it, I shook my head . Under normal circumstances, the probability of getting cancer is too small , so I just pretend it never happened . Even without my uncle, I can earn 10,000 to 20,000 yuan by myself as a part-time job .

After a while, the uncle's message popped up : " I have received it , thank you very much , and I will return it to you as soon as I have it . "

I replied : " If you don't need interest within 5 years , the interest will be 7% per year in the 6th year . "

Uncle : " I know . "

After doing all this , I lay down and went to sleep , although it was only after 8 o'clock in the evening . But last night my second child cried and kept me up all night . I can't see a girl crying the most , let alone the second child .

But there is one thing to say , this trip is not in vain , if I can't win the second child , I will be in vain for so many years . I really like the second one .

I fell asleep after a while , and woke me up with the sound of several WeChat messages playing on my drowsy mobile phone .

When I picked it up , it turned out that the second child said that her mother was going to have surgery tomorrow afternoon . Tell me to go back to school tomorrow Monday . Because we have no class on Monday morning and full class in the afternoon .

I replied : " When are you going back ? "

Second child : " I'll go back after my mother's surgery is done . "

Me : " That's no good , I won't go , I'll go back with you . "

In the end, the second child kept persuading me to go back first , so how could I listen to her ? Are we like that kind of strict wife control ?

In the next two or three days , my aunt's operation was very successful . My second child and I went out to eat together at noon, and we would bring a copy to her dad . In the evening is the happy time for the two of us to cook , mainly because I took her there , and I treated guests .

The second child also objected , but I said that you can come back when you have money, and just stop scolding me in school .

Time passed quickly , and three days passed in the blink of an eye . My aunt recovered very well . Although she was still unable to speak while lying down , she kept beckoning my second child and me to go back to school .

Just finished eating at noon and went back to the ward .

My uncle said to me : " Thank you for sending me WeChat , the application for the relief fund was received very quickly . "

The second child said coquettishly, " Dad ~ you've said it three times . "

The uncle showed a long-lost smile and said to the second child : " Hurry up and go back to school . I just read it . There are tickets in the afternoon. You can leave in two afternoons . Before you go home, go home and get the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by your mother . I know you like it ." , specially made for you . I wanted to wait a few days to see yours . "

The second child nodded : " Okay , Dad , I'm leaving today . Then you take care of Mommy here , and I'll be back in a few days . "

Uncle : " You won't be able to help when you come back. Your mother is recovering now , and she is recovering well . "

Then my uncle sent me out with a smile , without saying anything , just very polite . Looking at my uncle's bad words , I thought of my dad again . Once upon a time , wasn't my dad the same ?

After going downstairs , the second child said that her home is not far from here , only half way to the pedestrian street .

I said to my second child, " Then let's go for a ride . "

Second child : " Well , good . "

I went on to say : " Ride one , you sit behind me . "

The second child was slightly angry : " No ! Impossible . "

I smiled and said , " What are you thinking? I can't find your home . Everyone is out to eat at this time . I can't follow you when people come and go. I don't know your home . What if I lose it ? "

The second child : " If you lost it, send me a message . No way, we will take a taxi . It will take time to ride . "

I smiled and said , " Can you take care of your family and save some money ? It 's not expensive to take a taxi, and it's not expensive for you to ride an extra one . Besides, you and I are classmates , so what's wrong with riding a car ? "

The second child ignored me and swept a car by himself .

I just stood aside and waited for her to ride out the bike .

" Can you go , why don't you sweep... "

The second child didn't finish talking , I stretched my pants and sat directly behind her car : " Let's go , you take me . " The pants are a bit big , and it's still embarrassing to touch !

" That's no good , I can't take you . If the car overturns, it will break down . You should clean one up and we'll go . " The second child said anxiously .

I said seriously : " I'm afraid I'll kill you , let's go . Hurry back to your house and we'll take the high-speed train . "

The second child had no choice but to ride on . I put my arms around the waist of the second child .

As soon as he hugged her , the second child was startled . I doubt she would have been able to bounce off the seat cushion if she had n't been hugged .

The second child was angry : " What are you doing ? Where are you touching ? "

It just happened to be passing a traffic light at this time , a car honked , and the second child didn't brake .

After crossing the zebra crossing , the second child stopped the car and turned around : " Where are you hugging , let me go . " He said and pulled my hands away .

I pretended to be aggrieved : " Why ? Cross the road , it's dangerous not to hug you . "

The second child was a little angry , so he went down : " You can ride by yourself . "

I panicked and said , " There's no car to clean it for you , it's a short distance from the place just now . "

The second child seemed to be really angry , and walked straight forward .

I turned the handlebar and rode over : " Hey , you ca n't do it . Why are you like this , get in the car quickly , don't you want to eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by your mother ? "

The second child still ignored me .

I went on to say , " Didn't you pull the hook and say , don't be angry and indifferent to me ? "

The second child stopped and turned to look at me : " Then you just went too far . "

I hurriedly coaxed : " Don't be angry , I will teach you programming when I go back to school , and I can make up for you the programming lessons these days . I will finish high school . "

The second child was silent for a while and said , " Okay then , I trust you , don't lie to me . "

I said , " Look at what you said , when have I lied to you ? Sit in the back and show me the way , get in the car . "

The second child got into the car obediently and pulled the clothes around my waist .

I haven't ridden for a while : " Hey brother , oh no , big sister... can you stop pulling my clothes like this? Is my meat poisonous or something ? I don't want you to touch me . "

The second child : " I don't want it. I do n't know if a man or a woman will give or take a kiss . "

That 's right , it seems really difficult for the second child, a somewhat traditional girl .

Then I can get used to it ? Immediately a sudden brake .

The second child hugged me from behind in an instant , with his face pressed against my shoulder . And it was autumn , and the second child was wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt .

Feeling two wonderful sensations on my back , I haven't reacted to it yet, and I haven't had time to taste it carefully .


The second child directly slapped me on the back hard , it was so powerful , if I took off my clothes , there would be a five-fingerprint on my back , it hurt so much that I screamed at the time .

I hurriedly said , " I'm not like this anymore , it's wrong , it's wrong . I'm just afraid that you will fall , so I want you to hug me . "

" Stop , I want to go down . " The second child said angrily .

I twisted my mouth in pain : " Oh , it's almost here , hurry back and talk about it . " Not only did I not stop , but I accelerated even more .

" Hiss~ oh , it hurts, it hurts , do n't pinch me . Don't you say it's closehere . " The second child saw me speeding up , pinching me so hard .

The second child was full of anger : " I can't ignore you when I hook up with you , and you can't be serious , it's all agreed . "

I said : " I'm not serious , I just want you to hold on to me , safe . You think too much , and I didn't do anything . "

Second child : " Hmph , ride your car . I promised not to ignore you , but I didn't promise not to hit you . "

After speaking, he slapped me on the back again , but his strength was obviously much weaker .

Just like this, I came to the second child's house .

The second child who got out of the car kept yelling at me , saying that I am not a good person every day .

The compound of Lao Er's house is very tall , with about forty floors . Her house lives on the 31st floor , the decoration is very good , and the family background is not bad . If it's the first time I come , I can't believe that her family is someone who can't afford my aunt's 200,000 yuan for cancer treatment .

The second child's boudoir is very cartoony , pink . It just hit my macho heart . The second child blocked the door for me : " I don't know that girls' bedrooms can't be entered casually ? "

" Okay, okay , if you don't go in, don't go in . " I stood at the door and looked at her .

She picked up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that was on her table . Then I followed my second child to the balcony of her house . A pair of her boots were drying on the balcony .

The second child said to himself, " Take this pair and wear them back to school . "

After speaking, she took out an old schoolbag from her room , probably used for the second child to go to high school .

I looked downstairs and held on to the window on the balcony .

The second child put the shoe cover on a garbage bag and put it in his schoolbag, and looked up at me : " Are you afraid of heights ? "

I nodded , I am indeed afraid of heights , and I am very afraid of heights . As long as I come to a higher place , I will imagine the feeling of falling from this height .

The second child suddenly smiled : " I didn't expect you to be afraid of heights . "

I asked naively, " Are n't you afraid of heights ? "

The second child said to me : " I've lived here for so many years , I'm sure I'm not afraid of heights . "

" Oh . " After looking at the scenery outside , he hurriedly left the balcony .


Then I took a taxi to the high-speed rail station and came back by car . It was unfortunate that I took the car this time, there were many people , and I couldn't sit next to the second child . They each returned to their own positions and did not gather until they got out of the station . On the way, I sent a message in the dormitory group , saying that my second child and I were on our way back .

The boss immediately replied : " Great , you two have been away for a few days , and the fourth brother and I miss you . "

The fourth brother sent an emoji : " I really want to . When you come back , tomorrow is crazy Thursday , let's go to KFC , I have a lot of coupons . "


When we came out, we took a taxi together and went back to school .

As soon as I got to the bedroom , I opened the door .

The second child let out a long sigh of relief and put down the bag . Sitting on the chair, he complained : " It's so tiring to ride in the car . "

The fourth child got off the bed upon hearing this . Bouncing around , very lively and cute : " Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

I asked , " Hey , is there no class this afternoon ? "

The fourth child said to me : " Third brother, you are so busy and confused , it's a public holiday this afternoon . "

Me : " Oh , look at my brain , it doesn't work very well . "

After finishing talking, the boss came out of the toilet , ran in front of me and whispered nervously : " Come on, go out with me , I have something to do . "

I was confused : "What 's the matter ? I just came back , sit down for a while . "

"The girl sent me a message last time , saying it's okay , it's okay , haha . " The boss said veiledly . The second child and the fourth child were still in the joy of reunion , and didn't notice me and the boss .

But when I saw this situation , I got excited . I love gossip .

I looked like I didn't think it was a big deal : " Why are you so happy ? Are you really cheating on my sister ? "

The boss frowned : " It's me... "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HerRoyalHighnesscreators' thoughts