
Chapter 11 I hold a grudge, you boy wait for me

Even if I feel dizzy , then I have to stand up : " I don't know what kind of iron pestle the brother on the other side is talking about , but I think I can grind your iron pestle into a needle . If you don't believe me, we can try it at the end of the game." 」_

Some of the audience in the hall whistled , and some booed...

I was also very on top and totally forgot it was the same in a debate competition .

The second child patted my arm on the side : " For the competition , don't worry about it with the villain . "

And the other two members of our team played soy sauce all the way . The four debates are okay , I had the experience of competing together in the previous academy competition , so I barely got up and faced off one or two . The second debate is exactly the same as Anti-Bone Boy . According to my impression , he should be the one who lost to us in the finals in the courtyard . It looks pretty good , but it's okay if she doesn't stand up , it's completely opposite , I don't know how she came to our team .

I also tried my best to refute in the subsequent games , but the time is up . The referee called the game over .

When I was about to leave, I took a hard look at the opposite side and said , this guy is not as tall as my nose , yet he dares to be so arrogant . I have remembered , this account must be retrieved when I have time in the future .

As soon as I walked to the auditorium , I was so dizzy that I sat on the side .

The boss looked at me : " What's wrong with you, third ? You look so ugly ? "

The fourth child also looked at me anxiously .

I waved my hand : " It's okay , I was angry with that grandson , dare to make fun of my second child, I will kill him if I have a chance . "

The second child said indifferently : " It's okay , why bother about such things , how are you doing ? "

The second child knows what I did when I went to my uncle .

I suddenly smirked at my second child and said, " Tell me what the secret is ? What secret did you just say ? "

The second child suddenly refused to admit it : " What secret? I didn't say anything . "

The eldest brother and the fourth child glanced at me , and moved away wisely , knowing that the second child might have something to say . As expected, friends are hard to find , they understand me very well .

Suddenly the referee announced : "The result of the competition is out . The total score of the Computer Academy is 71.5 . "

Another referee said : " The total score of the TV Academy is 72~ This championship is... the representative team of the TV Academy , congratulations to them . "

Sure enough, did you still lose ? Lost . If I'm good , can they be my opponent ? I beat him to himself .

I just looked at my second child : " Can you tell me some secrets this time ? Tell me quickly . "

Seeing the boss , the second brother turned his head and covered his mouth : " Go back and tell you . "

I laughed and said , " Okay . "

After the game, we went back to the dormitory . I really missed it after not coming back for several days .

I felt uncomfortable on the road and walked very slowly , but fortunately I didn't vomit .

As soon as I arrived in the dormitory, I asked excitedly : " What is the secret... "

twenty three

The eldest and fourth child also looked back at the second child curiously .

Suddenly , the second child was a little overwhelmed and shy .

I said solemnly : " Ahem . " I signaled the boss and the others not to join in the fun .

At this moment, I looked at the coquettish second child and felt restless : "How about... let's go for a walk , take a stroll ? I haven't eaten the volcanic stone sausage at school for a long time , I invite you to eat it . "

The second child blushed slightly : " Well , good . "

Just like that , I just wanted to take a rest when I arrived at the dormitory . Just went out again . It was getting late , and it was almost 9:30 when we came back from the game . When we went out , some people had already returned from a walk .

On the way to the playground , neither of us spoke . The atmosphere was obviously awkward . I wanted to say something , but... Anyway, I was embarrassed to speak suddenly , and I was embarrassed to make fun of it. It was very strange .

It was the second child who spoke first : " How is your health ? You seemed a little uncomfortable when you first played the game . "

It is simply one of the most failed experiences in life to flirt with a girl. I don't have the initiative when she speaks first .

I scratched my head : " Fortunately , I'm just a little dizzy , and my immunity is a little low these days . "

Then I looked down at my second child and joked : " My sister will take care of me in the future , I have to take care of it for half a month . "

The second child smiled sweetly and patted his chest : " No problem , I will bring you food in the future , sister will cover you ! "

I was so happy : " Hahaha , by the way , what was the little secret you wanted to tell me during the debate ? It's so mysterious . "

The second child pursed his lips: " emm...actually...you...the message you sent me that morning...I saw it . "

I haven't realized it yet : " Huh ? "

The second child pouted suddenly : " Did you do it on purpose ? Huh ? "

I scratched my head and suddenly realized that I was a bit like the boss: " Huh ? You mean... "

The second child suddenly changed his tone : " It's all right . "

Woman , she obviously wants to tell me a secret , but I'm left to guess ? Fortunately I remember .

I laughed and said calmly : " Haha , I was just kidding you , you mean the day before yesterday was almost morning, right ? I sent a message saying I miss you , but it was inappropriate to think about it. I remember that my WeChat was withdrawn very quickly. Ah , how did you see that ? "

The second child was a little shy : " I think maybe you will be sad alone , you won't let me talk to the fourth sister , and you probably didn't tell anyone else either . "

" Haha , you understand me quite well . I really only talked to you . " I said with a smile .

The second child stretched while walking : " Are you really missing me ? It's so late . "

On the first night of going to the hospital, I felt nauseous and dizzy and couldn't sleep . I was thinking wildly , and suddenly I missed my second child very much . I sent her a message saying that I miss you . At that time, I thought about it and thought it was inappropriate . I was afraid that my friends would not be able to do it in the future, so I withdrew it .

Unexpectedly, she still saw it .

I watched the second child showdown and thought : Huh ? This is a side view... I can chase you ? agree ? hiss ~ cool ~

I just looked at her side face : " So you know , I thought you didn't see it . At that point, shouldn't you be in a deep sleep ? "

The second child said flatly : " Didn't I see that you smoked bone marrow , and then I thought you might chat with me at night to relax , and the phone rings very loudly , and then put the phone next to the pillow when you go to bed at night, as soon as you send a message I just woke up , and then I saw it . "

On the way to the playground, you will pass a small supermarket .

Me : " Haha , that's it , let's go , treat you to a sausage . "

The second child suddenly looked serious : " Are you really okay ? Does your back still hurt ? "

" What ? Care about me . The boss brought two sausages . "

The second child said angrily : " Yes ! I care about you, okay ? "

I was taken aback , so what ? Just like I was confessed by my second child , I was so happy that it was beyond words . Suddenly I felt like a failure . I had already figured out how to confess my love when I was in the hospital, but now I 'm back and I'm scared again .

I put my ear to my second child's mouth : " What ? Say it again . "

The second child directly twisted my waist super hard , it was really painful : " It hurts , I am still a patient . Why do you treat a patient like this . "

The second brother let go immediately after hearing this , probably took my joke seriously : " Are you okay ? "

I squinted my eyes : "You care about me so much ? Come on , just give me a kiss . "

The second child was very impatient : " Go away , it 's really annoying . "

I took the grilled sausage that the boss handed me : " Well , I don't even eat the sausage , take it . "

After I stuffed it to my second child, I continued , " Actually , I have a gift for you when I come back this time . I will take you to get it some other day . "

The second child's eyes lit up : " Okay , where are you? "

I smiled evilly : " Secret . "

The second child pursed his lips : " Cut~ I can wait another day , I can afford to wait . "

Then we chatted for a while and went back to the dormitory tomorrow .

As soon as the two of us arrived at the dormitory , the boss gave us a wretched smile : " Ahem~ What are you two doing out ? It's the first time you went out alone . "

The fourth child also shook his head : " It's the first time, the first time , haha . "

The second child pretended to be slightly angry : " What are you thinking , I am thanking the third child for leading me to win the debate competition . "

Boss : " I understand , I understand . "

Then he and the fourth child had finished washing , and they were sitting on the carpet watching the latest " Your Wedding " played by the projector .

My second child and I also looked at each other in dismay , smiled and then each washed up , after washing, we joined them in watching movies .

After I sat down, I said, " Boss , brother four , how about we eat food stalls tomorrow ? Have n't eaten yet . "

Boss : " I'm fine . "

The fourth child raised his hand : " Okay , I like roast lamb the most . "


The dormitory was harmonious again , as if it had just started school .

My body has almost recovered. I felt dizzy and nauseous during the debate competition , which was probably caused by running too fast .

After watching the movie , it was already very late , almost 12 o'clock . Everyone fell asleep .

The next morning I was woken up by my boss , he went to have breakfast and brought me food as usual . We eat very fixed , I was 5 pieces of fried dumplings a cup of soy milk . The same as the other two women , an egg, a steamed stuffed bun and a cup of soy milk .

Get up, wash and have a meal , then go back to sleep and sleep in the cage again .

The happiness in the dormitory is beyond my imagination. I have never met such friendly roommates . The key is to meet three . Wow , cool !

I slept until about 9 o'clock and got up to wash again . I had nothing to do in the morning . I ran out the code assigned by the teacher , and then sent a copy to the dormitory group for their reference . Also taught the second part of the code logic implementation . The program I wrote using the framework has not been taught by this teacher , and then I am praised for being very good every day . This is also the happiest thing for me , because I can be very close to my second child with my hands on the table, and I can still smell the fragrance of my second child's hair .

This is what fascinates me the most. The second child naturally has a milky scent .

Although I was going to eat food stalls , there was usually no one at noon , so I changed it to night .

The afternoon is the most comfortable and beautiful time . Everyone plays games together . Sometimes the fourth child will shout : " Brother , third brother, come and save me , I'm dying . "

Oh yes , since the fourth brother talked with the eldest brother for half a month , in order to show that they have a good relationship, they no longer call the eldest brother "big brother" , but " brother " .

Sometimes the fourth child would sprinkle dog food and call out delicately : " My brother . "

Alas , I can't stand it, I feel sweet , no wonder the eldest is afraid of the fourth , who wouldn't be confused with this object .

I have been playing games almost in the afternoon , do you understand the happy four rows , it is really happy .

At about 5 o'clock , the boss said : " Brothers, I'm hungry , why do n't you go out and cook ? "

I answered immediately : " Okay , wash your face and leave . "


My body recovers well after a night's sleep , and I feel that as long as I don't exercise strenuously , I won't feel dizzy .

When I came to the food stall that I had agreed upon before, I sat outside this store .

This is a street of food stalls .

The venue outside is very large , and the gaps between the tables are also large , but the table is not big , with four directions , my second child is on the left , the oldest is on the right , and the fourth is on the opposite side . And my back is facing the non-motorized driveway , the driveway is about ten meters wide , and the other side of the driveway is a green belt , and the other side of the green belt is the motorized driveway . There is also a bus station . Then we sat one step higher than the motorway . Overall is very comfortable .

Although it was not very late , there were already many people .

The boss ordered a lot of lamb kebabs , leeks , corn , and grilled fish . The smell is first-class !

Originally the boss wanted to drink , and said it was to celebrate my return, and also to celebrate that I took the second child to win the... runner-up , but I can't drink now in this state , so I made excuses to get over it .

The second child also called me a wave of wingmen very considerately : "The third child can't drink , he couldn't drink because he had a cold two days ago . "

The boss said bluntly : " There is something wrong with the second child , he suddenly turned towards the third child like this . "

The fourth child was also giggling .

Second child : " I just think he's too tired recently , so it's better not to drink . "

Boss : " Yeah , I understand . "

The second child lowered his head and ate skewers without speaking .

The fourth child was also smiling : " Second sister , you are getting darker and darker . "

I couldn't help laughing on the side , haha .

After the debate, the attitude of the second child towards me was obviously different . Could this be the girl's Mu Qiang ? The second child should not be this kind of person , he may be impressed by my charm of one against four , hahaha .

The second child didn't know how to answer the conversation , but a strange man suddenly stood at the corner of the table between the fourth child and the second child and touched the fourth child's face : " Little loli is so cute ? " After speaking, he put his hand on the fourth child's face. Four shoulders .

twenty four

The boss looked confused : " Baozi , do you know this person ? "

The fourth child was also confused : " Who are you ? Are you insane ? "

The strange man is not tall , has a beer belly , is older , and looks like he is in his thirties or forties . Typical nighttime street runner .

I was the first to react , stood up and said coldly : " Get your dirty hands off . "

The boss also came back to his senses , and directly pushed away the hand that was on the shoulder of the fourth brother .

Standing up suddenly , the chair was shaken far back : " You want to find something, don't you? "

Usually bouncing around , the fourth child with big eyes reacted a little slower , and ran directly behind the boss to hide .

The old man was calm , with a wretched look on his face : " This little girl is not bad , either . " As he said that, he wanted to touch his second child's face .

I grabbed it : " Believe it or not, I abolished you ? "

The wretched man staggered a bit , and said with a smile : " Haha , you ? Abandoned me ? When you were in your mother's womb , I was the leader of this street. How dare you abolish me ? "

At this time , two people came out of nowhere to hold the wretched man , and one of them, wearing glasses, said, " Sorry , sorry , my buddy drank too much . "

But I didn't let go of my hand. Maybe the wretched man was really drunk and confused , so he didn't let go .

The boss was unhappy and yelled at the wretched man, " You fucked with my partner and you want to leave ? "

Hearing this , the wretched man shook his fat beer belly , first broke free from my hand , and then wanted to break free from his friend's restraint . Seeing this , the second child also got up , wanting to stay away from the wretched man .

He was still cursing : " I have to teach this brat a lesson today . "

" Ah~ " the second child screamed loudly .

When the wretched man was breaking free from his friend, he accidentally scratched the neck of the dick who was about to get up . The wretched man's fingernails were very long , and the second child had a small wound on his neck instantly .

I was furious in my heart, I came out to celebrate , such a happy thing was ruined by you bastard .

Without saying a word , he gently hugged the second child behind me , lifted his foot , and kicked the wretched man's beer belly .

Neither of his two friends held him up . The wretched man took two steps back and fell to the side of other people's table , and even overturned the dishes on the next table .

There were a few spectators around . After the fat man was kicked down by me , everyone looked at us quietly , only the sound of cars on the side of the road and the noise of the city .

The wretched man got up : " Damn , you dare to kick me ? "

Then he yelled into the food stall : " Come out , come out, kill these two brats . "

Six or seven fat men with big ears came out of it .

One of the rich men, with the keys to a Mercedes Benz on his waist , asked , " What's going on ? "

The man with glasses : " Brother Liu drank too much , he came out and touched the little girl's face , don't you... "

The wretched man glanced at his friend , then pointed at me : " Shut up and fuck him . "

After speaking, he came up with the wine bottle from the next table with his stomach full .

The boss is not a vegetarian either , he loves to fight , I didn't even realize it, so he snatched the wine bottle from the wretched man , and threw the wretched man on the head with his backhand .

With the sound of the wine bottle breaking , the three friends of the wretched man came out of the room and beat the boss with their fists .

Seeing this , I pulled the fourth child away from the boss : " You two go to the police first , do n't stay here . "

The fourth child was still a little dazed , so I turned my head and said softly to the second child : " Hurry up , take the fourth child and go to the police . "

The second child was not slow to react , and ran away while dragging the fourth child , calling the police with his mobile phone while running .

Seeing that the boss was hard to beat with his fists , I also went up and kicked the wretched man in the stomach again . After kicking down , I ran over and rode on him without saying a word , and smashed the wretched man's face with two fists crazily door .

His nose was dry and bleeding . I exerted a lot of force. I guess the bridge of the nose was broken .

The other friends of the wretched man hurriedly pulled us away . Just now , his three friends also turned around and beat me . My back hurt so badly . The more excited the door is .

The boss has no skills in fighting , just relying on his size , he beats up .

In the end, I was dragged away by their partnership .

The wretched fat man covered his face , and was pulled up by his friend : " You dare to hit me , fuck me , fuck him , I will take care of it if something goes wrong . "

The fat man was very emotional , covering his nose with one hand, pointing at me with the other and growling : " Fuck him , fuck him . "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HerRoyalHighnesscreators' thoughts