
The First Finding our Life

If you're ready I'll pick you up in about 1 hour, I hope the traffic will not be so bad.

Carl, and I was driving towards the North, the farthest we have come after 5 months of dating, after the scare of loosing him, after finishing College, after everything we are now planning to move to the Island where we will start our lives together.

I last saw him at a bus station, holding out his hand to me waving his eyes twinkling. I love You Jill, he shouted. As a student I never really planned on meeting someone, being serious, and admitting to myself that I needed love. I was in and out of having feelings for somebody, but never really loving them as whole as I have loved Carl. He is to me a companion, a friend, someone I trust, someone I am happy with. He wants me to be happy. That's my vision of him, while we were travelling towards the cold, quiet place we will call home.

I'll buy us a boat, and I'll become a fish and seafood broker. I don't have to stay in an office all day, that's what I want, Carl said. My father gave me some money to start a business, he will come visit us each opportunity he will get. He needs it, since my Mom passed away.

A month after graduation, Aunty Yoli was hospitalised, her Cancer came back and she passed while she slept. I didn't know it then, that my last visit at her house will be the last time I will see her ever. She and I became super close. We went to see her Church, we watched as Carl sang in the Choir, she gave me her favorite fascinator to wear on Sundays, and she never let me go home without treats like cookies, a new purse, or as simple as crispy dried pork snacks.

Your Mom really loved your Dad, and He loved her. We held hands as we travel a long sleepy town.

We took a quick break, and ate in a diner, ordered a big platter of chicken and fries, and drank chocolate shakes, to cool down our tired bodies. We managed to do grocery shopping so we could cook later.

We will be staying at my Uncles house for now, until we have our own place. Carl explained our living situation when we get to his relative's house. I visited them when I was small, I always loved their place, they have a big pool outside, their house overlooks the ocean, they also have a golf course nearby. The town really spoke to us, as we entered the border through the longest bridge I ever saw.

We passed museums, a market, a zoo, and a souvenir shop. There's also a historical site from when the town was founded. There was a bustling street with all sorts of pottery, weaving, accessory shops. Shops that sells dried pork belly hanging from the ceiling, shops selling hats, bags, and shoes which are recognisably handmade. I thought I would go back there to try and find peculiar things and also fish sauce and vinegar, I smelled it instantly as I open my window, I just knew this town is going to be my favorite place. With Carl by my side, we would start a new chapter of our lives.

"Uncle Edd", Carl saw a Man in sitting in his front porch. He stood up to meet us. We parked on his cobble stoned drive way, I saw his face light up as he said.

"Carl, My nephew, Nice to see you here again", this must be your girlfriend?, he hugged Carl, and me, I felt instantly welcomed, and at home.

"This is Jill, Jill, meet my Uncle Edd". And sorry Uncle for the late notice, we will be staying here for only a few days, before we could settle in.

Oh, No worries, Your Dad already told me you are coming, so glad you made it, it's quite a long drive you had there.

Yes, we drove for almost 7 hours. Uncle, and my hands are so numb.

Come in, you might be hungry, please make yourselves at home. Uncle Edd instructed.

Your Uncle is so nice. I whispered to Carl as we walked up his Uncle's grand house on a hill.

He is my Father's younger brother, they're very close. That's why he's my favorite Uncle, he's the nicest.

Uncle Edd lead us to his living room, the room was so spacious and open, we could see the big windows from his kitchen, and his pool right there beckoning us to take a dip, and the beautiful sunset peaking from his backyard.

Your house is so pretty, Uncle Edd. So bright and airy. I was admiring the style and feel of this house.

I built and designed this house myself, so I'm very proud of how it turned out. This used to be a small bungalow, and I renovated it it to make it modern and fitting a single Man like me.

My Uncle never married, his fiancé died before they could tie the knot.

Oh, I'm so sorry Uncle I said politely.

It's a long time ago, this guy is just living day to day enjoying what is left, and so will you two.

You're young just graduated, the world is an oyster. You need to consume wholeheartedly.

Here's your bedroom, I was going to use this as an office, but since you're here this is turned into a guest bedroom.

Thank you Uncle, let us cook for you as a Thank you for your hospitality. We bought barbeque ribs, and potatoes to grill.

Oh that'll be great, I'll meet you outside, get a few minutes rest and I'll prepare the fire.

Thank you again Uncle. He left the room, as we put our bags on the floor, we both retired to the bed.

I'll just wash up and help your Uncle with the preparation okay dear?

Off course Sweetness, you do that while I rest my eyes a little bit.

I showered and got dressed, and Carl was asleep, I proceed to the garden, where Uncle Edd was burning coal I could feel the heat from the grill, I handed him the cured meat we bought earlier.

Here the fire's ready I'll help you cook that.

Thank You Uncle.

The night sky and the light from the pool is making me happy and content to be right here. It was a hard journey to get from having a love one pass away recently and to being in a place of solace.

Carl emerged from his nap by the time the last piece of rib was cooked.

That smells so good Uncle, nice job Sweetness. I'm already getting hungry.

Come on let's dig in, Uncle Edd leads us to pray.


thank you for this food

bless it so

it may become nourishment

to heal our tired bodies

also we thank you

for all the blessings

you gave us

each and everyday


We opened our eyes and we smiled so wide we were so delighted to see the meal we prepared, and the company of family.

After dinner the 3 of us gathered in his Uncle's rooftop veranda. We drank white wine and cranberry juice.

So here's my private space, filled with plants, pots, and succulents. I love to garden, I have a rain water catching system here, so the plants are always irrigated. While here is the area for lounging.

We sat on chairs that fold, and drank our refreshments. Uncle Edd played Music and Carl and I danced.

Uncle Edd seemed very pleased to see us being silly and cheerful.

It was time to say goodnight, so I head down first to clean up the glasses and plates we used for eating.

You go on ahead Sweetness, Uncle Edd and I will catch up some more.

I went on down on the glass railed staircase, I felt like I was floating as it was lit in white LED lights underneath, to guide me as I walk.

Carl my nephew, so what are you planning to do here in this town?

Uncle, I'm going to start my own business, going to buy a boat that catches fish, and sell them in restaurants around the town and export them outside in other cities.

I also would like to ask if you could officiate my wedding, I'm getting married Uncle. Since you're a minister of our Church, then Jill and I will be happy if you will be the one to solemnize it.

Uncle Edd smiled and hugged Carl, off course I'd be happy and honored to do it.

I went to bed, and heard the two Men come down the glass and wood staircase. They were saying goodnight to each other, and Carl went in our room.

So how was it? did you enjoy having to chat longer with Uncle? I asked.

He didn't answer me, he just slowly went to the bed, gazed into my eyes and kissed me gently.

We made love that night, and we cuddled until we fell asleep.

I had a dream that night, Carl, me, and his Mom is in the garden, his Mother is very happy.

She looks healthier, wearing a white dress, and Carl is hugging her, telling her "I miss you so much Mom"

She tells us not to worry anymore, she is in a good place. "Take care of Your dad for me".

I woke up still in bed, I turned around to face Carl.

Jill Marryl, will you be with me on this little journey of ours and be my wife?

Were you waiting for me to wake up?

Yes, I uhm had a dream about Mom, she wants us to live our lives happily. So is it a Yes?

Yes, Carl, we will live happily.

We hugged and cried and for a moment as we are filled with hope and joy for the future.

We went to see Uncle Edd, and he was already giddy and drinking coffee in his garden.

Ah, my boy, it seems like you did it!, so when and where do you want to have the wedding?

As I held out my ring to Uncle Edd, Carl planned to celebrate with our families and close friends here in his Uncle's estate.

It will be next weekend, so we could have the time to buy a property near the water, and buy a boat.

We plan to live near the beach, so Jill and me can have a better feel of this wonderful place. Everything I see here is giving me strength and fizzled out my fear of standing on our own feet. Carl is intent his eyes burning with confidence. I never saw him more sexier than today.

So it's settled, I will officiate next Saturday, notify your Dad, he would be glad to hear the good news.

Carl called his Dad as we strolled in town to talk to a house agent who will help us find our first home.

Dad, I'm calling because I want to invite you to my wedding next Saturday. Will you come and bring my Sisters along its in the Afternoon, Yes Uncle will be our wedding minister. You only have to wear your comfortable beach, semi-formal attire. Okay Dad, love you too.

You called my Mom and Dad too?, I asked Carl.

"I already asked for your hand in Marriage the morning I woke up from the hospital, I told them.

If I survived, will they give me the permission to Marry you. And they said yes. They will come here on Friday, also your brothers too.

Oh wow, you really did that all for me? I was touched by all his effort. I held his hand tighter.

Anything for my Sweetness, I love you!

I love You too my King.

The Estate Agent is waiting for us in the office, She is a tall Woman in her 50's.

Welcome I'm Olive your real estate agent, Please sit down, I might have a property for you to look at. It's near the beach, like you wanted.

We drove past the town, and overlooking the sea is a cute house, with its own dock, it's got a boat house too, and the house sits on a rocky sandy upper part of the beach.

You need to walk down to these steps made of slate, to reach the water. You also have a private beach here. So shall we come inside to see the house? the Agent leads us towards the front porch.

The living room is open, the kitchen is open but small, you can remodel it as you like. You have these beautiful deck outside with pergolas, and here is the view that you've been waiting for, she opened the glass door to the veranda. Your very own sun deck. It's got lounge chairs to drink your cocktails, you can barbeque, and most of all you have a water feature here and your own hot pool and sauna over here.

While she was touring us the rest of the house looked amazing, the rooms are spacious enough to have a dresser and walk in closets, and a room to serve as an office or a "nursery', she really emphasized on the word.

Carl was silent, all the time we were there. The tour finished and we got on our car, and told the agent we will notify her if we decide to buy the property.

Did you like it Sweetness? Carl asked me.

Well, I did like the Sun Deck, I don't have to have a big gourmet kitchen, just a place for me to breath the air, do some yoga, and at night we can play in the hot pool and steam you up in the sauna. But it seems too expensive for a starter home. What do you think?

Carl said, "My feeling of the house is strong, we will live well there, enjoy parties with the family on the weekends, my sisters picking out their beds in the guest room, my Dad drinking his Liquor under the moonlight. Me lifting you to our house on the wedding night. He looked at me, whispered, do you like me to call the agent now or later after I make love to you tonight?

We went to a broker the next day, to source out a boat to buy.

A Man, goes by the name of Jun, explained the paperwork and documents to sign, he even brought a mechanic to check the engine and let's us warm the boat to try it in the water.

Carl was extatic, he purchased the boat after testing it, he was like a kid in a candy store.

Sweetness! We did it!, we have a house and a boat, are you happy? Carl was shouting in the air, as we walked on the bay to recuperate our thoughts. I hugged him so tight, I could not believe we all did that in 4 days, we moved from the cavity,arrived in this beautiful town, got engaged, found a house, and a boat, I was going to surprise him, but I held on to the good news myself, I was going to tell him he's going to be a father too on our wedding night.

The next day, our families join us in Uncle Edd's house.