
Chapter-2: The game

It was another day at school except that this time class-B2 and class-B3 were having their games class together. Luckily, any teacher did not take away their games this time, Lara along with Nol were getting ready for their game when class-B3 entered the ground, Lara started jumping with excitement when she saw her friend, Tor on the other side of the ground, it seemed like he and his friends were also planning on playing basketball today. With this thought in her head Lara turned to look at Nol, who was standing right by her side close enough for her to hear him breathe. Just as Lara turned to look at Nol, he simultaneously turned his head to look at her as if he had thought the same thing, Lara said ," Do you think we will have to give up the court? We did not get to play yesterday also." Nol replied is a calm husky voice," How about we play together? Anyways it has been a long time since Tor, you and me have been in a same team." Lara quickly replies in the affirmative by nodding her head. Nol walks up to where class-B3's students were gathered bickering with each other, as Nol got closer he realized that they were talking about the same thing that he and Lara just spoke about.

Nol directly went up to Tor and said," how about we play together? class-B2 and class-B3?" hearing this Tor quickly said,"Sure but on one condition I want us to be in the same team as Lara. Do you agree?" Listening to his words Nol let out a big smile and told him that this was exactly what he and Lara decided. They quickly started the game.

Dust lifting off the ground lightly with every bounce of the rubber ball, moving between the concrete court and rough palms, tiny droplets of sweat splattered on the ground on one side of the court were Lara, Nol, Tor and two of their other team mates watching the opponent teams every move, the ball was in the opponent team member's hands, in one swift move Tor had managed to grab the ball from the opponent but he failed to balance his body in time and ended up crashing face first in the ground.

However, the zeal of the game did not let him just fall and lose a point so he launched the ball in the air hoping for someone from the team to catch it but not everything happens as expectations and the ball flew right into the hands of the opponents, in their over excitement and ecstasy they threw the ball too hard and it went straight into a black SUV car that had been standing there since quite a while. Lara intimated the boys that she would get the ball and walked towards the car.

Nol and Tor waited for Lara looked like she was having a heated conversation with the owners of the car seeing this Nol and Tor called out to her saying," Lara, do you need help?" Lara turned her head slightly to look at the boys and said in the most sweet voice," No that's not necessary everything here is under control." and turned back to continue her conversation with the two men in the car. One of the men was skinny but seemed to think otherwise he wore costly designer clothes and had a scar across his forearm, the other one was a muscular one with a weird look on his face. Not long after Lara came back with the ball in her hands and a wide smile on her face.