

" It was a very amazing day at the park Rex took my phone number and introduced me to his sister's, they are very nice people. When we were about to leave he went to greet my mom, well I was not surprised when my mom said she knew him. He promised to bring his sister's for dinner in our house, before we departed to our various houses.

 "Diana dear come over here mom said am coming mom I replied. I was in my phone scrolling through the photos we took when my mom called so I went to meet her in the Dining room, Elley and Madam Sia were already there.

 " Come and join us for breakfast dear Mom said. I took my seat and served myself and we started eating, it's was Fried rice with greased turkey, it's was really tasty. Hmm mom this food is really good I said thanks baby mom said.

 "Immediately we finished eating we all went to our garden it was a really beautiful garden. So

what do you think of Rex? mom asked me out of the blue, I was really surprised by her sudden question. Well mom is a nice guy and I just met him yesterday so I can't really say much about him I said. Hmm true but i know him very well baby mom said mom get to the point I said with a raised brow.

 "look baby you are 15 soon you be entering 16 and not just that you are very beautiful and attractive, I know alot of guys have ask you out already and I also know that you turned all of them down she said. Well my mom is not wrong though one thing I know about myself is that am attractive and beautiful that the main reason I like to stay low at school I don't want to create any unnecessary drama and yes alot of guys have asked me out some from highschool, some from college and some other person's I don't even know where they came out from, but I turned all down , it's not that non of them caught my eyes just that I was not yet ready to be in any romantic relationship.

 "Look baby you will soon be entering college where you meet different types of persons, I know you want to focus on your studies now but once the enter college you will definitely date someone and I want him to me someone trustworthy of your love, someone I know will be able to care and love you the same way mom said. Don't get me wrong baby am not saying Rex must be the guy you should date what am saying is that now that you've meet him get to know him better if later in the future you see in as the right person for you, you can happily go for him because you know he will be worthy of your love because you know his in and out, she added.

 "Well mom that actually a good idea, but don't worry mom I be fine I said give her a reassuring smile. She smiled back at me. Just when the matter ended, Elley opened her mouth, Mom what if she falls in love with a stranger maybe someone she kis before she could complete her word I quickly shove in the meat pie I took from the dinning room before I came here in her mouth, Mom and Madam Sia gave me a confused look.

 "Haha Elley you are too little to be talking about love dear I quickly said that to clear the tension in the air then I playfully smacked the back of her head as a sign to caution her she understood and gave me a playful smile. Diana is right dear you don't understand anything about love Madam Sia said mom nodded her head supporting what Madam Sia said. I gave out a sign of relief that was close.

 "After the time at the garden we went inside the house I head straight to my room five minutes later Elley knocked on my door come in I said, she came in and sat on my bed. Immediately I ask her Elley what was that you were about to do at the Garden?, with a bit of annoyance written on my face, Calm down sis I was just asking a question she said innocently, And you don't even love Rason or do you sis asked with a smirk. Oh how I wanted to punch that little mouth of hers look Elley I don't even like Rason talk more of love I defended myself, but you kissed him sis and you are not done telling me the full story she reminded me. Well if you keep annoying me like this I won't complete the story for you I said annoyed, Alright sis I promise I won't annoy you again she promised giving me her puppy face ok fine but not now Rex just called me a while ago that him and is sister's will be having a dinner at our house, He said he has informed mom already so we need to prepare for it. I said.

 "So what, Mom and madam Sia can take care of it sis you can complete the story before dinner time we are still in the morning sis about to enter afternoon so they is still enough. Diana didn't have any choice than to complete the story.

"Ok so where did I stop Diana asked after you kissed him oh sorry we have not yet gotten to that part you stopped at after he humiliated Beca Elley said. Diana started reminiscing the incident.

"Yes so after the humiliation Rason gave to Becca Rason and his friends left Diana said. Becca was literally weeping her life out, I even started pitying her.

"Then she face Clara my best friend and told her that

Rason Wilson is an a**hole, a spoilt brat and a rude freak. Just look how he humiliated Becca yes I know what she did with Mr Andrew is disgusting but he took it too far I told Clara with disgust on my face.

 "Look Baby girl the way you think of Rason is not the way is really is believe me Clara told Diana with a smile she look satisfied with what Rason just did with the way she defended him.

 "I know him better than you baby girl she added tapping my shoulder. Well she's right in this aspect because her boyfriend Lawrence is a very good friend of Rason, but his nothing like Rason at 

all thought he talks less unless when necessary he was even there when Rason humiliated Becca.

So sometimes they hang out together if their outing require a date. So yha Clara knows him better than me. 

 " Clara has been Diana's best friend for years, they are childhood friends and Clara is The daughter of Mr Alex a very good friend of Mr Rio Diana's father and his childhood friend too, they 

worked hard together when they were little and took their families business too greet success. They are literally best friends. Mr Alex family is among the top ten richest family in Country A.

They are the fifth richest family in Country A. Clara sees Mr Rio like her own dad and Mr Rio loves her the same way he loves Diana his own daughter.

Clara is one year older than Diana, she's 16.

 "Clara and Lawrence started dating six months ago she considered Lawrence proposal since she was about to enter college, she and Diana has been really serious with their studies.

 "So that very day after we entered our various classes, Me , Clara , Debbie, Ray and Dan decided to play Truth or Dare.

 " Debbie, Ray and Dan are very close friends with Diana and Clara. They are group of friends that hang out together they are really good friends.

 "So they started playing the game it was going smooth and fun, well no one dated anyone to do any naughty thing though. Suddenly Ray started talking about the event that happened at the cafeteria about Rason and Becca.

 "Seriously Rason did a good job with dealing with that whore Ray said with disgust on his face,

Very true Dan agreed.