
Chapter 14


Why did this happen?

Why are we doing this? '

Mars looked around him as he saw the dead bodies of his friends.

He could remember their smiling faces as they hung out while training with their teacher.

But when he looked at them the smiling faces he remembered were replaced with the horrific faces that can be seen on their corpses.

Their faces moulded into the emotions they felt when they died.

But the faces all portrayed the same thing.


They didn't ask for this. They were taken in my the kingdom and trained to be soldiers to protect the kingdom.

The king came and told them himself. But then this happened.

' Why? Why is this happening?' Mars thoight as he stared at the corpses with dull eyes ignoring the rest of the screams around him.

" Mars. " He heard his name being called. He looked to his left and saw a familiar face.

" Fana. " His was barely above the octave of a whisper but it echoed through the room.

He looked at his crush. It was her but she had blood all over her.

" Sorry Mars but unfortunately we.. we.. we don't have a choice. " Fana said with tears coming out of her eyes as her voiced cracked.

Fire suddenely flew from her hands as it flew at Mars. Mars acted without thinking as he blocked it with his crystal sheild.

Then without thinking he immediatly launched an attack at her.

He watched as the crystal spike flew at her as he finally released what's happening.

' No.

Please no.

I lost the others. Not you too.

Please get out the way. ' Mars thought but he saw no movement from Fana to get out of the way.

' No. NO. NO!!

Someone please stop this. '

Suddenly the familiar sound of his crystals shattering made him open his eyes as he saw someone in front of him as his crystals fell to the floor.

" Exams over. "

That was what he hard as he was then grabbed on placed in a room. He looked at the person who stopped his attack.

The person in front of him had black hair with pale skin. He had piercing purple eyes that looked at him.

' Fana ' Mars thoight as he looked round and saw Fana on the floor next to him. He rushed over to her and felt her pulse.

She was alive. Mars was glad but he knew it wasn't the time. He looked around and saw Ladros sitting down using the wall to rest his back on.

" Well I do believe the rules stated that the exam isn't over until their is one person left standing or all of them are dead.

So why is it that you interfered Elden? "

Mars recognised the voice. It was the king he looked behind him and saw the king. He had a calm expression but Mars knew he was just holding back his fury.

He looked at the person the King spoke to and noticed it was the person who blocked dhis attack.

When he looked at him he saw no fear. He was relaxed.

" Simple. You see if I had let that match go on then you would be lost 2 excellent mages for the future. " Elden said. Mars noticed how his voice was smooth. The words he spoke came out in a relaxed confident manner.

The king looked at Elden as he then spoke.

" Elaborate. "

" I'll keep this simple. The boy is obvious. His magic is extremely versatile and quite rare. He has a lot of potential.

The girl has fire magic. Quite common. However she has the ability to heal people with her fire. " Elden said.

The kings eyes widened a bit as he started thinking.

" She can? I don't believe I saw that happen. "

Mars looked to where the voice came from and saw a woman sitting there. She was short but Mars knew She was strong.

She had short black hair with red tips in the end. She wore a red cape with black shirt and pants on. Her cape also had a hood. However she had piercing grey eyes.

" Yes the chaos would have distracted you. I believe I dementration would be better. "

Mars watched as Elden walked towards and Fana. Mars wanted to stop him as he knew Elden was a threat but when he tried to he stopped.

He felt comfortable near Elden as Elden looked at him and gave a reassuring smile.

Elden then brought out flask out of thin air. Mars widened his eyes in shock as Elden poured the water over Fana.

She then woke up as she felt the water hit her.

" Hwere am I? " Fana asked. She looked at her surroundings and saw Mars. She held confusion in her eyes.

" Fana. " Elden spoke. Fana looked at Elden.

" I will explain later but I have a simple job for you. I want you to heal this wound. " Elden said as he cut his palm.

Fana and Mars didn't flinch as they saw the blood flowing out.

The king and woman were surprised by the fact Elden cut his palm as they watched.

Fana looked at the palm and at Elden. She didn't know why but she was comfortable around him.

Fana nodded as she looked at his palm and used her magic. A beautiful orange flame with red highlights appeared on Eldens hand.

Under the gaze of the other people in the room the wound healed. Elden palm was completely fine.

There was no trace that there was a wound.

" Hmm it seems that you were right. She also healed you in a small amount of time. She will be useful.

Alright I believe that you choose her to part of your squad correct? "

" Yes your majesty. "

" Hmm then you may train her. "

" Thank you. "

Elden looked at Mars, Fana and at Ladros who was quiet this entire time.

Without a sound he grabbed all of them and disappeared from the room.