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Transmigrated, Elon finds himself, in a medieval fantasy world. Trapped in his new body, belonging to that of a socially depressed youth, through an obscene ritual. Upon receiving the memories of the previous body owner, Elon was fraught with righteous indignation. Swearing to take revenge on his behalf... But there was more to this world than it seemed. After being mystified by the several change in his body Elon discovered he had r18 abilities, thanks to the mysterious system like tablet in his soul. And so... Starting from a small revenge , a conquest began. ... Kindly support this book. I hope to write something different and super thrilling. B Erotic Conquest. By Absolute_Solitude

Absolute_Solitude · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter 7: Old man Ark

Suddenly, the damned smell of waste alongside the sunrays that instantly illuminated the dark corridors, greeted Elon.

The exceptionally bright clear skies of the month September was even more haunting today, as today being sunday made it more worse.

The sun in all it's glory, blazed over the sky , illuminating the earth as it kept on rulling the day.

"Ah!" Elon released a sudden gasps,more like a moan, as the bright sun rays had direct contact with his skin.

Elon felt rejuvenated,as if life was being pumped into him, spreading through his body with unimaginable speed as he felt a weird sensation,profound and incomprehensible, Elon never felt such in all his life, like a woman who had reached her climax or having her g-spot rampaged by a cock... though Elon never felt such before, he could bet his whole life that even sex couldn't compete with this feeling.

Like someone who had been starved his whole life,not seeing the light of day nor night,filled with wanting and desire, this was what Elon could barely comprehend as he was sent above cloud 9, cloud 999.

Barely out of his dazed, the feeling was gone, as fast as it came, and Elon was forced to release another gasps, which was filled ecstasy like that of a satisfied woman after her having her first time.

Elon's pupil rolled white as he almost collapsed from the non sexual pleasure.

Too late to notice,Elon barely caught the dimming golden glow on his skin.

"Ah!" Elon grasped for breath, too overwhelmed to show a stunned or shocked expression on his face...

One minute later.

After having confronted himself,Elon readily stood on both feets, barely just recovered from euphoria he went through.

His eyes were squeezed intently and stern as he glanced at his skin, staring so deeply that it could bore a hole through it.

"What was that?" Elon muttered, concluding his several analysis and guess that went through his head, but with no outco...

Just when Elon was about to give up this thought, there was a sudden "Oh" expression on his face.

'Although it may sound stupid lemme just try it's

Forgetting that he was at the exit of a secret passage way and a dump site before filled with waste,all kind of flits.

...Elon closed the passage way from the inside, stepping back into the gloomy corridor,filled with darkness and dim light from the torch stick.


Feeling a sudden subtle absence in his body, Elon furrowed his brows not understanding the cause and reason for this... but he had a vague guess.

Pressing hard into the hidden brick in the wall, the bright sun rays came back ... and so was the sudden feeling of rejuvenation and life being pumped into him,but this time it felt less, less,less and much less profound.

He barely felt it or rather it was very subtle,the feeling of non sexual pleasure and orgasm was more… as if everything that happened a minute ago was just a fluke.

But Elon wasn't done with his analysis as he kept thinkinging on ignoring the terrible damned smell of waste, which felt more horrible than it should have been, because this was his first time smelling such in both past and present world.

'Direct Contact'

Elon summarized.

Although it was almost a week since Elon transmigrated into this world, he didn't go out, neither was there any direct contact with the sun since then. Apart from spending his time thinking, the only place he.had gone was the castle, which he lived in. So in reality he went no where.

And now... the strange mutation of his body was probably the cause for all this.

'Am I a vampire' Elon wondered,but quickly casted this thought away since he would have already been turned to ashes instead of feeling pleasure when the sun shined on him.

'Wait... could it be that I have a flame ability?... Or? Could my so called system finally awakening?'. Elon fantasized all kinds of thoughts, wondering if he indeed own an ability that belonged to him like every webnovel he had read, not that he believed.

"So contact with the sun, create certain changes in my body... but what changed?"

" Direct contact?"

Elon summed up his thoughts and fantasy, feeling no increase in strength,speed, instinct, thinking capability, only the subtle feeling of a change under the sun.

Without much thought Elon decided to suspend his ideas for the time being, finding the stinking stench unbearable.

"Damn, who could have expected the Kingdom's Grand Duke life saving passage way to lead to the capital's waste site, Dorrty.



"Sir how much is it priced"

"Ten silver coins"

"Damn you old man why don't you just rob me instead"


" Are you blind? Can't you see a noble is coming?"

" And so...?"


" Walk faster will you, I can't wait to leave this damn stinking place"

" Gosh my nose is dying from all this smell"

" The other district would be better, why did you bring us here, Ella?"

The endless charters of commoners trying to bargain,the disgusted voices of young maiden nobles complaining of the horrible smell at the market, noisy carriage and horses walking about with their owner mostly being nobles, and a few quite rich commoners who were able to own one, ...

This was what greeted Elon, upon arriving at the busy market following his way through the secret passage whose exit turned out to be located at Durrty .

Elon looked at the chaotic crowd, wearing mostly medieval and Victorian era clothing style, neat or with patches here and there… Elon didn't know what to do since he had never been to busy public places before, but thanks to the familiarity of this body and his rather inexperienced experience left by the previous Elon through his memories ,Elon was able to quickly navigate through the crowd.

And as for the reason he was here?... Elon was planning his "Sweet Revenge" plan.


After fifteen minutes of left right,right left, following his previous body owner memory, Elon arrived at a rather quiet street within the market, less busy and less noisy which was quite surprising considering this was still within the market, where everybody were ready to go gaga at anytime just to banter prices.

According to the memories of the previous body owner though, this was Mmergau,the wood and carpentry market, selling all kind of wood arts, as far as they were made from wood it could be sold, also know as the workplace of many common carpenter and woodcrafters. Which was why it was much more quiet than any other place in the market. Craft required concentration, and a person who values craft knows it worth, this was the principle here.

The previous him had come here a few times, looking for woods to carve out figurines according to some superstitious art he read. Elon almost laughed himself to death seeing this memory, after all the previous Elon was clearly planing to curse through voodoo puppet according to what Elon had once seen on the internet back on earth, the previous Elon acted like a clumsy clown.

And that was all.

Standing outside the crudely made tent,which was already filled with several patches, pieces of woods littered the whole space, but the old man inside the tent never cared.

bam bam bam

He continued, as he chiseled a side of the unknown shape he was crafting, without noticing Elon's presence at all or maybe he just chose to ignore him.

"Old man Ark" Elon called out ignoring the unfamiliarity of his tongue.

"Hmm,kid you are here agai..." Old man Ark, as the previous Elon had chosen to call him instead of just Old man that would have sounded intimate,turned with an uninterested look on his face, only for his eyes to widen in surprise, stopping the almost completed sentence.


Seeing Elon light skin, that had become eighty percent less pale compared to the last time he was here, his always darkened face that told people of his misfortune was no more, instead it had become bright and glowing , just like a normal human teen would have... What more the gloomy and cowardly temperament about him had changed, filled with confidence,his back straight,there was sharp aura about him.

'Just what happened?' Old man Ark thought.

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