I am the First and the last, The beginning and the end, Winter and Death The Ultimate form of Destruction. I AM DOOM... I am the last things soul see I am the king of souls The guardian of souls The ferryman of Death. I AM THE GRIM REAPER.... I am the God of war The Undefeated general The sword God The Guardian The lonely God. I AM THE GOBLIN.....
In a never-ending expanse of darkness, there, you can perceive nothing but endless silence and in this endless darkness, there exist a soul whose colour is so bright that it can light up the abyss itself, but strangely, it had no effect on the void, not even lighting up a little of the endless darkness.
Omega opened his eyes to see nothing but darkness but strangely he can perceive everything, he was confused wondering where he was because as far as he knows he was supposed to be dead, but here he was awake, even though he couldn't see anything and all he could perceive is endless darkness, he could still tell that he was not dead, at least not the kind of death other peoples' are.
Ask him how he knows how other people's death are and he won't be able to tell you but he just knows that his kind of state of existence now is vastly different from how normal people are when they are dead.
After countless hours?, days?, weeks?, months or even years of perceiving the endless darkness he decided to move forward though he does not know how he would do that as he was just a blob of light that strangely had no effect on the darkness, but he knows he has the ability to do so.
So began his journey? around the void filled with endless boredom and bordering on the line of sane and insanity with the only thought keeping him safe from going insane is the thought of his father and the happy time they had together.
One may ask, does he not have a family beside his father, the answer would be no, because he could be said to be married to his job of film making in hopes of living up to his father's legacy and become a living legend, while the three films he managed to make before his death were very popular worldwide but it was nothing compared to his father's movie empire.
After countless hours?, days?, years?, eons?, he does not know but as he was wandering around the void a portal suddenly swirled into existence in his front?, back?, he does not know but all he knows is that the appearance of the kaleidoscopic portal gave him hope that was nearly lost from wandering around the void for times unknown.
Without giving two fucks about the danger that may exist on the other side, he dashed into the portal and suddenly saw himself in a vast space filled with stars sparkling for as far as his eyes can see.
Though he could not see anything apart from the endless ocean of stars, he was still glad that he was out of the endless darkness and into a place filled with colours.
Just as he was immersing himself in the beauty of the stars, he heard a voice that he was all too familiar with "truly beautiful isn't it" it was a voice that he could never mistake for another's, he turned around and saw to his confirmation his father standing on a pitch black platform that he was sure was not there a second ago looking at him with an amused smile present on his face.
"How about you come aboard son, we have a lot of catching up to do" his father's voice brought him out of his shock, but still too stunned to do anything he just dumbly moved himself onto the platform.