
Chapter 93. POX

It takes years of disciplined meditation to truly temper the mind and spirit.

The training will seem endlessly boring, and gaining mastery will be a painfully slow process, but it was necessary in order to strengthen one's self against the temptations of the astral plain; a chaotic nexus of impossibly beauty and unimaginable horror, where any bit of priceless knowledge or secret path to power could be found, often at great peril for the unprepared.

The astral plain was the ultimate goal of saints and sorcerers alike. A paradise where the unholy and the divine converged with the mortal realm, leading to incredible possibilities. It was also a pretty good place to turn to for entertainment and news. Which leads us to…


There is a temple that exists in one of the darkest corners of creation. There, many black-robed servants attended to the needs of a massive, plant-like creature with tendrils of flesh interwoven between its vines, that was seated behind a large stone altar.

This terrifying amalgamation of vegetation and meat was known as Vextus, the many-tongued. And he was the dreaded central truth-speaker for the POX Nexus, the most popular source of information for the demon continent.

Were you to hear his words in person, your very sanity might flee you.

Thankfully, this is only a story.

A voice cut through the darkness. It belonged to a cheerful announcer, contractually obligated to always sound happy no matter how much despair he felt over his unending servitude; he was now alerting the audience to prepare their minds, and let the more fragile among them escape, before their very identities were absorbed into the vastness of the fair and balanced miasma that was to come.

"Thought-casting live from the Astral plain to the demon continent, the GREATEST NATION TO EVER EXIST, you are now channeling POX. And now, It's Endless Night Tonight, with Vextus, the many-tongued!"

An oddly angled symbol cast in shadow and flame suddenly burst into existence. Around it, a circle of black robed men and women began chanting in words that must never be remembered by those who wish to avoid becoming eternally spiritually unclean.

At the apex of the chanting, one of the robed figures shed his clothing and approached the flames. He was elated and terrified. Behind him, a woman approached him silently with a stone dagger, and pulled his hair back. With a swift slice across his throat, she ended his life, and pushed his corpse into the flames. The fire then burst bright and profane, flooding the temple with unlight.

From the altar, the truth-speaker began his foul oration.

"Greetings assembled wanderers of the realms beyond. Once more, you turn your minds in our direction, seeking affirmation for your anger and unspeakable urges, which we, the purveyors of subjective truth, POX, are more than happy to provide! I am Vextus, the many-tongued, and I have many questions to ask."

"For instance: Why does the crisis on the borders of the demon continent continue to go unchallenged? The troubles of the human-centric kingdom of Winstead continue to spill into our lives as mortals, who are traditionally a source of food and amusement, continue to seek passage into the sacred lands of the seven kings! And for what purpose? They seek asylum from the so-called empress! Understandable, but how is that our concern? What's more, many of them are migrating into our proud nation unlawfully! Such blasphemous illegalities must be punished!"

"And yet, despite our open call to purge this vile contagion from our lands, the will of the people has been continually denied by the reformation movement! Arrogant admirers of the presumptuous Everly Skolder, herself a known mortal, who somehow overthrew Winstead's rightful rulers and claimed it for herself! Winstead was ours to conquer! This is the greatest humiliation in the history of our eternal lives! This girl must be subjugated and destroyed!"

"But even though our glorious seven kings are more than amenable to our thirst for vengeance, their desire to appease us has been continually challenged by the many irritatingly accurate claims of incompetence, mismanagement of resources, and venal corruption marring the reputations of our unholy overlords! These destructively fair-handed criticisms have been put forth by the self-righteous bearers of truth, who blindly point out everything going wrong in our illustrious society but offer no praise for the many successes the seven have also enjoyed! These well-intentioned and good-natured extremists must be purged! All causes of dissent in our harmonious cohesion must be destroyed! In the name of fellowship and peace, THEY MUST BE ANNIHILATED!"

"Also making waves across society, many were slain in the halls of shopping when a disgruntled acolyte gained access to a blackened hymnal, and rampaged throughout the markets, singing the words of unmaking, smiting dozens of unexpecting hellspawn, before destroying himself to avoid reprisal. Rather than praising this valiant act of merciless butchery, the clans of the fallen now demand the blackened verses be placed beyond the reach of the willfully malicious!"

"Naturally, those aforementioned elites, who would coddle the weak and deprive all rightful denizens of the demon continent of our ancestral right to bear dangerous tools of destruction for any reason we choose, have joined with these grieving cowards to propagate their foolish message of community safety! Absurd!"

"These who were slaughtered, fell not because they were defenseless against their slayer, but because they weren't given the opportunity to preemptively destroy him! Rather than banning the use of the words of unmaking among the public, would it not make greater sense to lessen their restrictions? The only thing that can stop a madman bearing a death curse is a greater madman with a bigger death curse!"


"M-master!" cried out a cowering robed servant. He entered the room, cringing and kowtowing, clearly unhappy to be there. "Please, forgive this lowly one's impudence."

"There is no forgiveness, worm!" roared Vextus. "Your punishment for interrupting my talking points will be immense. Now, speak your message and begone!"

"W-we have a viewer projecting in, who would like to clarify the positions you mocked earlier," whimpered the servant.

"Oh? Who dares challenge what I have asserted? Who contradicts my stated word?" asked the amused Vextus.

"T-the self-proclaimed Empress of the recently conquered Winstead, Everly Skolder," the servant said.

Vextus stared at the mortal in surprise before asking, "Uh, are you serious?"

And that was when Everly's astral form projected into the black temple.


Earlier in the evening, Everly had been having trouble falling asleep; she'd been tossing and turning for hours before giving up and decided to tune into the astral realm to see what was current in the void. That was when she happened to see Vextus' broadcast and was…displeased by some of the things he said.

"Well, hello there!" Everly said with predatory cheer. "I'm so glad to see you once more spreading ignorance and hatred to the many denizens of the demon continent, Vextus. Ever since I learned astral projection, you've been the loudest voice in three layers of reality. You're practically the mouthpiece of Pride's regime now, huh?"

"…I am of essential use to my queen, yes," Vextus said stiffly.

"I miss the bowtie, though. It really suited you," said Everly.

"Change comes to all, Everly Skolder!" Vextus bellowed proudly. "I have evolved beyond the need for eccentric accoutrements."

"Does that mean you're no longer dependent on your parents' money?" Everly asked him.

"I have earned my greath wealth through talent and hard work!" replied Vextus.

"Sure, you did," Everly said condescendingly.

"Bah!" yelled Vectus. "Why does the great Everly, self-proclaimed empress of fallen Winstead, disturb my presentation to the assembled minds of inhumanity? Surely a girl of your many accomplishments has better things to do with her time?"

"Well, Vextus, I couldn't help but feel that your earlier comments about me had gotten a little incendiary," Everly replied. "Almost as though you were blaming the problems of your nation on me, even though I've only ever acted in self-defense against demonic encroachment. What's up with that?"

"The foremost of the seven kings, Pride, has—"

"Ah, fair warning: I've got beef with her, so watch what you say next."

"…my apologies," said Vextus insincerely. "I forget there is tension there."

"Hey, no worries. I don't dwell on easy mistakes," said Everly. "That's why I gave you a warning. See? I'm fair."

"Fair? That is an interesting turn of phrase, Everly Skolder," said Vextus. "There are many who are upset by your current rise to power. They say your dealings with the honorable subjects of the demon continent have been anything but fair!"

"Well, Vextus," said Everly. "To those saying that; I'd like to remind them that I wasn't elected to my current position. I gained it through open warfare, underhanded dealings, and by inflicting pain and misery upon any who dared to defy me, so any criticisms that the common filth have about their various mistreatments are completely irrelevant, because, and I can't stress this enough, their lives do not matter to me in the slightest."

"Oh, so you admit to stifling the voices of those who question you?" asked Vextus.

"Stifling?" Everly asked in amazement. "I didn't stifle the voices of my opposition, you oaf, I had them silenced! The dead question no one! Especially zombies. That's why I like zombies."

"So, you admit that in future dealings with our nation, you will openly favor mortals and mortal-adjacent species like vampires?" asked Vextus.

That question was a step too far.

"Watch your many fucking mouths, you bloated half-wit!" Everly fiercely. "I did not and do not favor vampires in any way, shape, or form. I have been very open about my prejudice towards their kind and deeply resent any implication that I would do anything for a bloodsucker other than crush its heart in my fist!"

"Bloodsucker is an offensive term, Everly Skolder!" exclaimed the outraged Vextus. "There are many who are displeased with your casual usage of such a slur!"

"If it only offends bloodsuckers, then that doesn't bother me in the least," Everly said smugly.

"Is that so?" asked Vextus. "Well, just a moment, Everly, because our clairvoyants are now receiving the thoughts of many angered Vampiric Lords of the circle of Wrath that wish to express outrage at your sentiments. Slave, present us with the words of the great being currently overriding your free will!"

A dazed servant in a black robe came stumbling before the altar. His eyes had rolled to the back of his head, and when he spoke, it was with a darker, cultured voice that did not match his appearance.

"Yeah, hi, I'm Raptus, Master of Clan Gangrenous, and he who feasts on the pure. I just want to say, Vextus, the many-tongued? I'm a big fan of yours, and I love the way you always tell it like it is. Keep going after those elites!"

"Your sentiments are appreciated, vampire," Vextus said.

"Great, great," the possessed slave said. "Now, I just want to say, this: Everly, you're an absolute menace and I can't wait until you've been ousted from your throne! You're too unapologetically mortal, and one day you're going to be exposed for the fraud you are!"

"Fraud?" Everly asked. "How am I a fraud?"

"You're a deceiver and a tool for global interests to inflict their agenda on the lands of the undying scream!" Raptus said angrily. "There's no way some random human became a legitimate necromancer! No way in hell! And the audacity of claiming you killed Primus Godwell and his daughter? You're clearly a plant!"

"Raptus! I think I remember your name now," said Everly. "You sent an envoy to my victory celebration in Winstead, who demanded proof I killed Anne Godwell."

"Which you didn't provide, which I think proves my point!" said Raptus, triumphantly. "You couldn't possibly have defeated her!"

"I'm not sure why you think that, but I do remember how insistent your messenger was," Everly said darkly. "Heh, that was a mistake. Don't vampires share a mental bond with their progeny? Did you feel it when my carrion beetles reached her eyes?"

"She was a precious child of my line, whom I sired directly!" screamed Raptus. "You had no right to do what you did! She will be avenged!"

"Wow, when you speak with that level of indignation, I almost believe you regret her loss," said Everly.

"I did! I do! I love all my children! She was irreplaceable to me!"

"Cool, that means torturing her to death was the right call," Everly said cheerfully. "Nice talking with you, bye."

"I haven't finished having my say—" Raptus sputtered.

"Yes, you have," Everly corrected him.

She snapped her fingers before Raptus could finish his spiel. The servant channeling his voice then exploded in a shower of gore, silencing him immediately.

"Everly!" bellowed Vextus, the many-tongued. "That one was not yours to destroy!"

Everly frowned, displeased at being yelled at. She slowly raised her hand, fingers poised to snap once more. Vextus quickly caught the hint and changed his tone.

"However, his kind are easily replaced, and the loss of only one is a triviality."

"Glad you see it that way, Vexy," Everly sneered.

"I despise being called Vexy," Vextus glowered.

"I'd get used to it if I were you," Everly said indifferently.

"Everly Skolder! Your actions today only reinforce the notion that you are an enemy and a threat to the demon nation's way of life! Have you anything to say that can justify your arrogance? Your cruelty? What gives you the right to silence those who dispute you?"

"Vextus, seriously," Everly said with growing exasperation. "I've been nothing but cordial, but I'm not going to be questioned about my policies by a member of the free press. I mean, who fucking freed you to begin with? Aren't you supposed to be chained in the abyss until the end of days?"

"I don't have to answer that! This is my show!" Vextus bellowed.

"So, what you're really saying is that the next time you piss me off, I should just kill you and be done with it?" asked Everly.

"And there you have it, folks," Vextus said, as he turned to face his audience. "Tyranny, impulsiveness, megalomania, cruelty, all traditional values we all grew up with, now flung into our faces in a distorted and confusing mirror, bound in the guise of a mere mortal. The reign of Everly Skolder has only begun but her controversies are already endless! I am Vextus, the many-tongued, and you have been enthralled by my report. Good night!"

When the unlight in the room dimmed, Vextus pulled out a 24-pack carton of cigarettes from who knew where and began lighting up. "Jesus, this is gonna go over like gangbusters, Everly," he said cheerfully. "Thanks for dropping by. I'm serious, I owe you for this."

"What?" Everly asked with some surprise. "Vextus, I wasn't joking about wanting to kill you. I had no intention of doing you any favors."

"Yeah, you could kill me, but I'm in the favor of the seven," Vextus replied as he took a long drag. "I'd be resurrected in no time; it's not even worth wasting a curse on, kid."

"Vex, do you realize what an utter sellout you are?" asked Everly.

"Eh, sincerity doesn't pay the light bill, girl," Vextus said with a shrug.

"So, what's the deal with blaming me for everything that's going wrong in the demon continent?" asked Everly. "I haven't even set foot there, yet."

"The regime likes to cultivate power by uniting everyone against outsiders," answered Vextus. "Trying to solve problems and establish a working government is too much work. It's easier just to blame foreigners. It doesn't hurt that you're constantly killing us, too."

"Ha!" Everly snorted. "Damn straight, I am. Still sucks that they're picking fights with me before I've even really done anything, though."

"Trust me kid, I speak from experience," said Vextus. "People will always prefer an exciting lie to a boring reality. it's easier for us just to say everything's your fault because you're a despot who wants to see us fail."

"But I am a despot who wants to see you fail," Everly said.

"See?" Vextus said proudly. "It all comes together!"

"I guess I see your point," Everly said with a slight frown. "But if any of your idiot viewers come after me, I'll kill them and then I'll probably kill you too, even if you'll just come back later. It's not beyond me just to place you in an endless mental loop that has you dying within moments of being reborn for all eternity."

"Holy shit, don't do that!" Vextus said in alarm.

"Well find a better way to do your job!" Everly snapped at him. "Or compensate me for disparaging my character!"

"Wait, can I do that? Can I just pay you for the right to blame you for shit?" Vextus said eagerly.

"Seriously?" asked Everly with genuine surprise. "You'd do that?"

"Hell yeah, girl, this ain't the minor leagues!" Vextus said with growing excitement. "Name your price! Oh, but I want you to occasionally stop by and threaten me and my viewers like you did today. That was awesome, my audience will lick that up like ice cream."

"So, I'd be like a pundit, who occasionally kills people?" asked Everly.

"Exactly! Just show up, be hateful, then collect your reward. Infotainment is a complete scam!" extolled Vextus merrily. "You'll love it!"

"Okay, I'm sold! Have your people call my man, Carter, and we'll work something out," Everly said, her eyes lighting up at the possibilities.

"Aces! I appreciate this, Everly," Vextus said happily. "Welcome to the game!"