
devouring uchiha shisui at the beginning

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). When he woke up, Sato found himself transported to the world of Naruto, a world filled with powerful ninja and bloodline abilities. However, to his dismay, Sato discovered that he had become an ordinary civilian without any bloodline inheritance. It felt like a nightmare. But soon, Sato stumbled upon an extraordinary ability he possessed—the power of devouring. This ability allowed him to consume both the living and the deceased. By devouring the dead, he could absorb their blood and memories, gaining valuable insights and knowledge. And when he devoured a living individual, he could acquire everything they possessed—their skills, powers, and more. This is the incredible tale of Sato's transformative journey, starting with his fateful devouring of Uchiha Shisui's body. Orginal: https://wap.faloo.com/1288210.html

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105 Chs

Chapter 87: The Four Families

In the early morning, Sasuke left, Sakura woke up, and Sato and the others set out a little past nine o'clock.

At this moment, everyone in Konoha was already awake.

Thus, it wasn't an appropriate time for any form of genocide.

However, Sato's forty Wood Clones defied this notion.

They divided directly into five groups, with eight Wood Clones assigned to each of Konoha F4's families. Employing Sharingan Hypnosis on certain respected elders, they acquired information about non-clan members and shared this knowledge with the two Wood Clones outside the clan.

Afterward, the eight Wood Clones began their actions in sequence.

A distinct clattering sound echoed as, within each pair of Wood Clones, four chains abruptly extended from the body of one. These chains steadily absorbed Chakra to elongate, resembling long snakes before descending to the clan's outer four corners.

"Four Violet Flames Formation!"

Taking control of the chains situated at the southeast and northwest of the compound, the Wood Clone executed hand seals.

Suddenly, transparent purple enchantments emerged on all sides, enveloping all Konoha F4 families.

"Fire Style·Extinguish Fire!"

The four Wood Clones that had previously formed the Adamantine Sealing Chains +Four Violet Flames Formation activated their barriers. Meanwhile, the remaining four Wood Clones initiated hand seals, releasing flames from their mouths. These flames swiftly transformed into massive waves of fire, exceeding 20 meters in width. The flames engulfed the flanks, as well as numerous buildings ahead.

Instantly, a sea of fire consumed Konoha F4's clan territory, rapidly expanding in a plainly visible manner.

Like an abrupt explosion, four enormous flames materialized out of thin air. This occurrence triggered panic within the Konoha F4 family and caught the attention of all parties throughout the village, including Tsunade and Shizune at the Hokage Building.

Nonetheless, by the time they dispatched personnel or arrived at the scene, most of Konoha F4's family land had been fully consumed by flames, transforming into a nightmarish hellscape.

I observed two identical black-haired youths, both with their Mangekyō Sharingan activated. One of them was connected to four chains, upholding the barrier, while simultaneously expelling flame-formed fire dragons into the air. These fiery serpents soared upwards before descending, expanding the fiery area.

The other black-haired youth had his arms folded, surrounded by a half-length black warrior in tengu armor formed by Yin Release Chakra. In each hand, he wielded a samurai sword also composed of Chakra, perpetually swinging the black slash forged from Chakra to obliterate his surroundings.

Confronting these formidable fire dragons plummeting from the sky and the indiscriminate slashing assaults, the Konoha F4 clan's ninjas struggled to approach the two Wood Clones, resorting to evasive maneuvers and Water Style techniques to douse the flames.

"Adamantine Sealing Chains—could that be the legendary Susanoo? How could both these abilities manifest in one individual?"

"Is that individual a Uchiha survivor, or perhaps a member of another lineage?"

"A single clone capable of executing the Four Violet Flames Formation? Such remarkable Chakra control!"

Arriving ninja clans widened their eyes upon witnessing the Wood Clone sustaining the barrier and employing Susanoo.

At that instant, Tsunade, clad in her striking God of Gamblers battle attire, also arrived. Her gaze fixed on the two Wood Clones, both bearing Mangekyō Sharingan and utilizing Adamantine Sealing Chains. Her disbelief was evident: "Mangekyō Sharingan and Adamantine Sealing Chains, how is this possible?"

Tsunade, like her fellow ninjas, was profoundly astounded by the revelation that 'Uchiha Naraku' possessed both Mangekyō Sharingan and Adamantine Sealing Chains simultaneously.

"Master Hokage, please, save us!"

Before Tsunade could fully comprehend the situation, a member of the Sarutobi clan hurled themselves into the flames enveloping the Four Violet Flames Formation. Subsequently, the flames intensified, consuming the individual and serving as a desperate plea for assistance from Tsunade and others.

"Quickly, alert the Enchantment Team to break the barrier!"

Regaining her composure, Tsunade loudly issued the command.

Similar to the situation during Orochimaru's battle against the Third Hokage, Konoha's ninja and Anbu forces could only observe from the exterior.

There were merely two ways to dismantle the Four Violet Flames Formation.

One approach involved employing ninjutsu more potent than the Chakra sustaining theFour Violet Flames Formation, resulting in physical destruction that would dismantle the enchantment.

The second approach involves entrusting the remarkable Enchantment Team specializing in Yin Release Chakra to gradually dispel the enchantment.

Tsunade, however, adopted a dual strategy.

Upon summoning the Enchantment Team, she immediately issued loud orders to the surrounding ninjas: "The individual who cast this enchantment is likely just a clone, and the Chakra maintaining the enchantment is limited. Let's use long-range attacks together to break it."

"Agreed, let's go!"

In the face of Fifth Hokage's command, the major ninja clans had no choice but to comply.

Yet, beneath their compliance, a sense of exhilaration stirred within them.

Indeed, there was a sort of dark satisfaction.

The Sarutobi clan extended beyond just Sarutobi Hiruzen, Sarutobi Asuma, Sarutobi Konohamaru, and their deceased forebears.

These figures represented only the patriarchal lineage.

Beyond that, the Sarutobi clan encompassed a multitude of members, their clan territory sprawled across a significant portion of Konoha's central area.

Much like how the Hyuga family could guide their eldest daughter toward becoming a loyal Hokage supporter after graduating from the ninja school, they also retained the option to keep their eldest daughter away from such schooling. Instead, she could mature within the family, driven by the family's interests, destined to play a pivotal role in the future.

In the Sarutobi clan, few pursued formal ninja education.

Those who did often joined the Anbu or sought potent mentors post-graduation, thereby securing prominent roles.

This was the path Sarutobi Asuma and Sarutobi Konohamaru had taken.

Sarutobi Konohamaru's parents were similarly involved. Before their passing, they served as Elite Jōnin within the Anbu, being right-hand aides to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Those clan members who didn't partake in ninja education weren't considered active ninjas and weren't obliged to join the ninja wars.

Even if they were forcibly conscripted into the war effort, they typically fulfilled auxiliary roles or served in logistical capacities with minimal risk of fatality.

Frontline duty was typically reserved for those proficient in secret arts or possessing potent bloodline traits.

Following three ninja wars, the Senju, Konoha's foremost clan, had faded into history, while the Uchiha, once the second wealthiest, dwindled to the 83rd spot in Konoha's annals.

Weaker ninjas also faced considerable losses in these conflicts, leaving them with no lasting fears.

Thus, the Sarutobi clan, along with the Shimura clan and other families tied to Konoha's elders, emerged as prominent and influential players in the village.

If not for these four ninja clans, who lacked formidable Kekkei Genkais and Secret Techniques, they might have established themselves as Konoha's four primary forces long ago.

As the clans with the most casualties in each ninja war, the major ninjas, led by the Hyuga clan, had developed a longstanding resentment towards the Konoha F4 family.

Regrettably, Konoha F4's influence was too potent, affording them unparalleled authority within the village.

With a Hokage, a Root Chief, and two Konoha Elders, who would dare challenge them?

Even in the wake of Sarutobi Hiruzen's death in battle, the current Fifth Hokage remained one of his disciples, while Shimura Danzō and the two elders continued to exert influence. The prominent families faced little risk.

However, this situation had drastically changed. The four prominent clans had been simultaneously attacked, their ancestral lands set ablaze, and a legendary Susanoo wreaked havoc and destruction.

For the major ninja clans, this was an astonishing turn of events, almost too good to be true.

Had they not been disciplined professionals, they might have burst into laughter.

Thus, as they employed long-range ninjutsu against the Four Violet Flames Formation, the major clan members didn't engage in discussion or exchange glances. They operated in unison, coordinating their power skillfully, refraining from immediately shattering the barrier.

Instead, they bided their time, allowing 'Uchiha Naraku' inside to weaken substantially before collectively assaulting the Four Violet Flames Formation.